At noon.

Bai Lianwan had just finished her meal and felt a little dizzy. She said hello to Xia Zhonggeng and went upstairs to sleep for a while.

Fortunately, she didn't have classes today. She stayed at home to rest for a day and should be fine tomorrow.

After returning to the second floor and walking into the bedroom, Bai Lianwan slowly climbed onto the bed and lay directly on the Bunny Rabbit, drowsy.

At this time, Xia Zhonggeng was about to wash the dishes, and suddenly remembered that his little granddaughter hadn't taken the medicine yet. He immediately put down the things in his hands and went to boil water to make the medicine.

Not long after, he went upstairs with a glass.

Arriving in front of Bai Lianwan's room, Xia Zhonggeng raised his hand and knocked on her door.

"Wanwan, take the medicine before going to sleep."

Bai Lianwan heard Xia Zhonggeng's words outside the door, raised her head with difficulty, and replied lightly, "I'm sleepy, Grandpa."

She was more miserable than having a cold after drinking a cup in the morning, and she didn't want to drink anymore.

Anyway, this is just a cold, and it will pass after a while.

Outside the door, Xia Zhonggeng was not surprised to hear Bai Lianwan's answer.

Except for Xiaoji, no one can really do anything to this girl.

But Xiaoji also has to go to class, so he can't supervise this girl to take medicine every day, right?

And she has a girlfriend, so it's not practical to ask him to come every day to supervise Wanwan to take medicine.

But he was afraid that his granddaughter's cold would get worse, which was really difficult.

Bai Lianwan came out without taking medicine, and Xia Zhonggeng had no choice but to say to the door, "If you still feel uncomfortable later and don't want to go to the hospital, I will call your family doctor."


Bai Lianwan's faint response came from the room.

Xia Zhonggeng sighed, put the glass on the coffee table in the living room on the second floor, and walked downstairs.

As soon as he arrived on the first floor, he heard a mobile phone ring.

It was his mobile phone on the TV cabinet ringing.

Quickly walking to the TV cabinet in the living room, Xia Zhonggeng picked up the phone and was slightly stunned.

It was Xiaocheng, his second grandson.

Xia Zhonggeng murmured and picked up the phone, "Xiaocheng."

Soon, a young voice came from the other end of the phone, "Grandpa, have you eaten?"

Xia Zhonggeng laughed, "You have eaten, why did you suddenly call me."

The young man smiled, "Of course I miss you."

"Why, is the company not busy?" Xia Zhonggeng asked with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

Since his hateful son-in-law founded a novel reading company for his second grandson two years ago and threw it to him to manage, the child has almost no time to come here.

Otherwise, among the three brothers, the second one came most often.

"Not busy anymore, now it's stable, so I plan to go back to Jiangcheng to see you and grandma when I have time during this period, of course, and Wanwan."

Xia Zhonggeng's mood became not so good when he heard his grandson's words.

After all, his little granddaughter has not recovered from the cold yet.

But it's not appropriate to tell Xiaocheng now. If I tell him, he might drop his company's business and fly back without saying anything. Who knows what he will be scolded by his hateful son-in-law.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhonggeng continued to ask, "When are you free to come?"

The other party hesitated for a moment, "It should be in another week. I'm signing cooperation contracts with several other reading companies recently. I can come to see you when it's done."

"Okay, I'll prepare a table of delicious food for you then." Xia Zhonggeng said with a smile.

Finally, he can meet his busy grandson.

"Okay, I'm craving it when I think about it. I haven't eaten for a while." The other party said, and then changed the subject, "Then I'll call Wanwan again. This girl is really, if I don't contact her, I feel that she can forget about me, her second brother."

Xia Zhonggeng hurriedly said, "No, she's taking a nap now. When she wakes up, I'll tell her not to disturb Wanwan's sleep."

The young man paused, "...Okay, grandpa."

As for the fact that Xia Zhonggeng is particularly partial to their sister, they have been used to it since they were young.

The grandfather and grandson continued to chat for a while before ending the call.

Putting the phone back on the TV cabinet, Xia Zhonggeng's refined eyes were meaningful.

Although his hateful son-in-law and in-laws are not very likable, these three children are indeed educated very well.

But no matter how excellent they are, these children are so busy on weekdays that they rarely see each other throughout the year.

It’s better to be his little apprentice, who lives close to him and can come to accompany him from time to time.

At the same time.

School dormitory.

Ji Chen has already learned from Fan Zhuo about the process of publishing novels on the website.

And it just so happens that Tomato Reading, where Fan Zhuo is currently serializing novels, has a short story category, and can upload short stories of 3,000 to 200,000 words.

And Ji Chen wants to writeThis one is just over 3,000 words, which is just the entry level.

It is a relatively unpopular short story category, especially unpopular. Although this company has only been established for more than two years, it has already exceeded 150 million readers. The reader base is quite large, so as long as the story is attractive enough, it should be possible to complete the task within five days.

"Old Ji, get ready, I'm going to start, I will code slowly later and wait for you, it may be slow at the beginning, don't be impatient." Fan Zhuo sat in front of the computer and spoke to Ji Chen.

"Okay." Ji Chen responded to Fan Zhuo, and then moved the mouse to the room where he and Fan Zhuo were typing, and clicked "Ready." "Okay, you don't have to wait for me later. Aren't you going to type 10,000 a day to thank your readers and fans today?"

Fan Zhuo thought for a moment, "Okay, then I'll type faster later. After all, I promised that I would be a dog if I didn't type 10,000 a day, alas."

After Fan Zhuo said that, he looked at Ji Chen again and said, "Then I'll click to start."


After the words fell, Fan Zhuo clicked the mouse, and the two sat at their respective desks and officially started typing.

Originally, Fan Zhuo usually typed on this software with his author friends, similar to playing King of Glory.

However, typing on this software means that a group of people type faster, so that they can urge and encourage each other.

Today, Fan Zhuo plans to be with Ji Chen. He is afraid that those tentacle authors will scare Ji Chen, a novice, so he decides to accompany him to type.

Ji Chen started writing right away:

[Speaking of the old monk Chanzhi's nose, everyone knows it. It is five or six inches long, hanging from the upper lip to the jaw. The shape is the same thickness, like a long and thin sausage hanging down from the middle of the face...]

Ji Chen has already finished writing a paragraph, and Fan Zhuo, who is still thinking hard about the content of today's dog food, casts a surprised look at him.

"Fuck! Old Ji, how come your hand speed is faster than me, a single dog?"

Ji Chen's hand did not stop typing, his eyes were still fixed on the computer screen, and he smiled and said, "It's okay, I think the speed of typing should not have much to do with hand speed, but brain speed."

Fan Zhuo's typing is slow, probably because he has to think about the plot and details in his brain, so he and many other authors write slowly.

After all, he has a super memory, and all the contents of this novel have appeared in his mind. Now he just needs to type it out, and the speed will be much faster.

Fan Zhuo was so envious of Ji Chen who could answer his questions while typing that he almost cried. He quickly went back to typing.

Otherwise, he would be overtaken by Ji Chen, a novice, and that would be too embarrassing.

After a brief conversation with Fan Zhuo, Ji Chen continued to type, his fingertips constantly jumping on the keyboard, quickly typing the next row of words.

[… The common people thought for the old monk Chanzhi and said that it was fortunate that he did not stay in the world, because in their opinion, no woman would marry him with his nose. Some people even said that he became a monk because of his nose. The old monk did not think that the troubles brought by his nose as a monk were reduced a little. His self-esteem was so easily hurt that he would not be swayed by the specific fact of whether he could marry a wife or not. So the old monk tried to restore his self-esteem from both positive and negative aspects…]

Less than an hour.

Ji Chen finally surpassed Fan Zhuo and typed out this novel "Nose" with more than 3,000 words.

He created an account [Nanfeng] as soon as possible, then clicked upload, published, and waited for review.

At this time, Fan Zhuo had only typed out 1,500 words.

Seeing that Ji Chen's more than 3,000 words in the spelling room far exceeded his, he was almost crying.

This is the tentacle monster, okay!

After complaining in his heart, Fan Zhuo stopped typing, turned to look at Ji Chen, and asked, "Aren't you going to write anymore?"

Ji Chen picked up the thermos cup beside him and drank water. After two sips of water, he looked at Fan Zhuo and said, "I've finished writing."

"What? Only 3,000 words? Isn't your short story too short?"

Ji Chen did not comment, "Yes, it has been uploaded. I checked. The short stories on Tomato Reading are at least 3,000 words. Otherwise, I can simplify this short story to 2,000 words."

And Ji Chen likes short stories, the shorter the better.

After all, in addition to completing the task, he still has a lot of things to do.

Fan Zhuo was too tired to complain after hearing Ji Chen's words.

Sure enough, this guy really just writes for fun.

But after all, Ji Chen is also his good buddy. As a writer who has written 2 million words and is tired of writing,A writer who has accumulated many loyal readers and fans.

He felt that it was necessary to give Ji Chen a PY, and give him a chapter to promote, so as to increase his popularity and let Ji Chen experience the feeling of being an author with readers. After all, the short story category is particularly unpopular, and Ji Chen only has more than 3,000 words, so it is even more impossible to have any popularity.

Thinking of this, Fan Zhuo looked at Ji Chen and said, "Old Ji, after you pass the review, I will update a chapter and promote you in my novel, right?"

Ji Chen was slightly stunned when he heard Fan Zhuo's words, and covered the water cup.

Ji Chen screwed on the lid of the thermos cup and smiled, "Okay, promote it for me, and I will take you out for a good meal when I have time."

"Why are you polite, Old Ji, this is just a piece of cake. If you meet a good girl in the future, remember to introduce her to me as soon as possible!"

Ji Chen smiled and said, "No problem."

He had just looked at Fan Zhuo's writer background, and tens of thousands of people read it every day.

After all, this mission is a bit difficult, and it would be great if we can attract traffic and increase popularity. Anyway, the system didn't say that we can't take shortcuts.

System: "Host, you are really a coward."

Soon, Ji Chen's novel was reviewed and published on the platform.

Fan Zhuo also updated a chapter as soon as possible, and gave a push to Ji Chen's hard-working chapter in the article to support his first work as a new roommate.


PS: There are more than 8,000 words today, so Fan Zhuo will not divide it into four chapters!

Thank you macross for the explosive update! !

Thank you for the many blades and inspiration capsules sent by Qiノ➹♡Chao! !

Thank you for all the gifts and love! ! !

Transition, continue to eat sugar tomorrow~

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