However, after two or three days, the old monk discovered something that he did not expect.

A warrior came to the temple to do some work. He had an expression on his face that was more funny than before. He did not even speak seriously, but just stared at the old monk's nose.

Not only that, the middle boy who had accidentally poked the old monk's nose into the porridge in the past, when he passed by the old monk outside the lecture hall, he lowered his head and tried to hold back his laughter at first, but later, he probably could not hold it back anymore and burst out laughing.

When he assigned work to the errand monks, they listened respectfully in front of him, but as soon as he turned his back, they laughed secretly, and this happened more than once or twice.

Li Qinglin was depressed. Why did these people laugh even more fiercely after the old monk cured his nose?

It was only now that he realized that the author seemed to have deliberately described the laughter of these bystanders.

Why did they laugh even more fiercely? Obviously, the old monk's nose is not as long as before.

Is it because the old monk's appearance has changed?

In the text, the old monk also thought at first that it was because his appearance had changed, but this explanation alone does not seem to be thorough enough.

Of course, the reason why the boy and the monk laughed must be this.

Although they laughed the same, they laughed differently compared to when his nose was still long.

If it is said that the short nose that is not used to is more ridiculous than the long nose that is used to, it is fine. But there seems to be another reason.

When the old monk was chanting, he often stopped, tilted his bald head and muttered: "Why didn't I laugh so openly before?"

Even the old monk suddenly missed the time when he had a long nose.

At least, no one would laugh at him so openly at that time.

[In fact, people have two contradictory feelings in their hearts. Of course, no one does not sympathize with the misfortune of others.

But when that person managed to get rid of the misfortune, he somehow felt as if he had lost something in this aspect.

To exaggerate, he even wanted that person to fall into the same misfortune again.

So, although his attitude was negative, he unconsciously became hostile to that person.

Although the old monk did not know the secret, he still felt unhappy. This was simply because he also noticed the selfishness of the bystanders from the attitudes of monks and laymen. 】

Li Qinglin suddenly realized and saw a hint of irony.

After seeing the old monk get rid of his troubles, those bystanders not only did not feel happy for him, but all of them laughed at him maliciously. Behind this collective behavior is the general decline of social morality and the inevitable ugly side of human nature.

What will the old monk do next?

He continued to read:

The old monk's temper became increasingly perverse. No matter who he was, he would scold him viciously without saying a few words.

Finally, even the disciple who treated his nose said behind his back: "Master Zhichan will be punished for committing a violent crime."

The naughty middle boy made him particularly angry. One day, the old monk heard the dog barking non-stop, so he casually walked out of the door and looked out. The middle boy was swinging a two-foot-long wooden stick and chasing a skinny long-haired lion dog.

It would have been fine if he was just chasing for fun, but he also shouted while chasing: "Don't let me hit your nose! Hey! Don't let me hit your nose!"

The old monk snatched the wooden stick from the middle boy and hit him in the face.

Because this wooden stick was originally used to support the nose.

The short nose made the old monk regret it.

Seeing this, Li Qinglin couldn't help but frown. Others aside, his apprentice was really enthusiastic about helping him, so how come the relationship between the two of them became bad?

Li Qinglin continued to read:

One night, probably after dusk, the wind suddenly blew, and the noise of the wind chimes on the tower reached the pillow.

In addition, the weather suddenly turned cold, and the old monk couldn't sleep. He tossed in the quilt, and suddenly felt his nose unusually itchy. When he touched it with his hand, it was a little swollen, and it even seemed to be hot there.


The next day, the old monk woke up early as usual.

When he opened his eyes, the ginkgo and horse chestnut trees in the temple had lost their leaves overnight, and the courtyard was as bright as if covered with gold.

Perhaps it was because of the frost on the top of the tower, the nine wheels were shining in the morning light.

The screen was already open, and the old monk Chanzhi stood in the corridor and took a deep breath.

At this moment, the old monk regained some sense that he had almost forgotten.

He quickly reached out to touch his nose, and what he touched was not the short nose from last night, but the long nose from before, which was from the upper lip to the back.It hung down to the jaw, and was five or six inches long. The old monk knew that his nose had grown as long as before overnight.

[At the same time, he felt that, just like when his nose was shortened, he was in a good mood. ]

[The old monk swung his long nose in the autumn wind at dawn, and said to himself: "This way, no one will laugh at me anymore."]

The description stopped here.

But there is no need to say the ending.

The old monk might have been in a good mood at the time, but the nose that had grown longer again would be laughed at by people again.

The old monk would still care about the longer nose as always with a complicated mentality, and then fall into distress again and again.

Thinking of this, Li Qinglin was slightly stunned, and the expression on his face froze instantly.

Recalling the story he had just read, he felt as if he had reacted to something, and his eyes widened immediately.

"Wait... this story..."

Li Qinglin secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and read "Nose" from beginning to end again.

Read it for the second time.

Li Qinglin was a little shocked, and murmured, "This novel is not simple!"

The author of this novel is even more not simple!

This novel may seem to be a short story about an old monk who is troubled by his deformed nose. The words seem to reveal humor and funny, but in fact it is full of extremely spicy irony!

The humorous description not only satirizes the hypocrisy of the old monk, but also writes the sadness that the old monk can never get out of the eyes of others and follows the eyes of others as a criterion.

Just like the last sentence at the end of the article, "In this way, no one will laugh at me anymore, right?"

The old monk did not resist or criticize the strange attitude of the monks, but just blindly followed. Such direct obedience makes the egoism of the bystanders more arrogant.

Think about it carefully.

This is not a phenomenon that only happens in this novel. Isn't it the same in the era we live in?

The old monk's psychological process of inferiority and anxiety due to his nose becoming longer and shorter is actually a broad and true portrayal of the human psychology in the world.

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