"Fuck! 170,000? 170,000 in gifts? Did I hear it right?"

After confirming with Ji Chen again and again, Fan Zhuo was so shocked that he almost vomited blood!

How could he reach this level?

He still needs to work harder!

Just lie down!

Yin Hao secretly swallowed his saliva, "170,000 a day, it's unimaginable."

Zhao Ran's jaw was almost dropped into the rice, "Fuck, it's so fucking horrible!"

Yun Chuan'an's worldview was also refreshed, "This, this is only 170,000 a day, and there is still a lifetime to go. This is not writing a novel, it's just writing for money!"

He will ask his father to invest in a novel company later, and the first thing he will do is to pull Old Ji over! And bring the rice bucket along!

Ji Chen is also quite satisfied with this income.

After all, his main purpose is to complete the system's tasks, and he didn't expect to make some extra money.

Since the number of gifts has increased so fast and has risen to the reading list, the number of fans in the background should also have increased a lot, right?

Thinking of this, Ji Chen switched to the fan collection and took a look, and was stunned.

It's already 110,000!

The speed of this increase in fans is beyond his expectations!

Doesn't that mean that the task can be completed ahead of schedule!

Thinking of this, Ji Chen was much more excited than earning 170,000 in one day.

After all, if he completes the system's tasks, he can activate the system mall and then buy physical enhancement potions, and his grandparents will each have a bottle in the future.

As long as he doesn't worry about sending the two elders away, he can show his cards generously.

I just don't know if the two elders will agree that he and Bai Lianwan will date.

There are too many things recently, and his learning progress is not fast enough. Now he is almost finishing all the textbooks for this semester.

He learns too slowly.

According to the current progress, it is estimated that he will have to finish the first half of the freshman year before he can graduate early.

But Ji Chen didn't want to wait any longer, especially because he had been hiding it from his master and mistress. He felt guilty.

And there are always accidents. He was afraid that one day the two elders would find out and send them directly... to a place where they shouldn't go yet.

So with the potion, he was definitely prepared.

At least it would make the two elders more scare.

Thinking of this, Ji Chen couldn't help but think of his little white rabbit again.

But he would see her later.

Before coming to school in the morning, he had already told Bai Lianwan that he would personally go to feed her the medicine after lunch.

Otherwise, with this girl's temperament, she would definitely not drink the medicine by herself.

Just when Ji Chen was thinking about this, he suddenly received a message on his phone.

"Ji Chen, I have to take the medicine by myself at noon."

When Ji Chen saw this message, he couldn't help but wonder, this girl is so self-conscious?

Something wrong?

Could it be that she didn't want to take the medicine again and was lying to him?

Thinking of this, Ji Chen immediately sent a message to Bai Lianwan, "Little rascal, are you trying to trick me again?"

The other side quickly replied, "No, I'll make a video of you drinking later."

Ji Chen looked at Bai Lianwan's message, and the more he looked, the more he felt something was wrong.

This girl has been very clingy these past two days.

And how afraid she is of taking medicine, Ji Chen has seen it with his own eyes. In the morning, she was acting like a spoiled child and refused to drink, forcing him to use special means. Why is she so proactive now?

Too abnormal?

It feels like this girl doesn't want to see him?

No, is she angry for some reason?

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy Ji Chen felt.

So, he got up from the stool and said to Yun Chuan and the others, "I'm full, I have to go out of school for something." Then he looked at Yun Chuan and said, "Anzi, remember to get my textbooks for the afternoon class."

After that, he left in a hurry before they could react.

Fan Zhuo was jealous: "Since Lao Ji has two girlfriends, he has become so busy."

Zhao Ran looked envious: "I also want to be as busy as Lao Ji."

Yun Chuan thought of his classmate Yiyi who missed the good relationship, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

He also wanted to find a girl he liked to fall in love with!

By the way, why haven't I seen Dr. Lin recently?

Compared to the few people who only wanted to fall in love, Renjian Qingqinghao saw everything clearly: "Sure enough, falling in love will only affect the speed of learning."

So he decided not to accept the confession of the female classmate from the calligraphy and painting club.

Xike Village.

In the room.

Bai Lianwan looked through the window at her grandfather who was still trimming flowers and plants in the yard, frowned slightly, went back to the bed, picked up her phone, and saw that Ji Chen hadn't sent a message, so she fell dejectedly on the bed.

In fact, she didn't want to take the medicine at all.

But if Ji Chen came over later, she might run into her grandfather again.Today she admitted that she liked Ji Chen. If the two elders disagreed, they would definitely interfere with her relationship with Ji Chen, and might even make Ji Chen keep his distance from her.

She knew that Ji Chen liked her.

So she didn't want Ji Chen to be sad and entangled with her like this.

She didn't want Ji Chen to be unhappy, nor did she want grandpa to be unhappy.

Then she could only... drink the medicine herself.

Bai Lianwan put down her phone, got up from the bed, left the bedroom, went to the living room, and boiled water to prepare to make medicine.

This was the first time in 18 years that she took the initiative to make medicine.

After all, for her who was very resistant to taking medicine, making this kind of thing by herself was simply... torture.

But if she didn't drink it for Ji Chen to see, he would definitely not believe her, and something unpleasant would definitely happen when he came over later.

In five or six minutes, Bai Lianwan pinched her nose and endured the discomfort in her heart to make the medicine.

Returning to the bedroom with the medicine, Bai Lianwan picked up her phone, turned on the video, placed the phone on the desk, sat on the chair, found an angle that could only capture her mouth drinking the medicine, and clicked start.

She put the medicine to her lips and wanted to raise her hand to drink it, but her hands and mouth instinctively resisted, which ran counter to the idea and determination of drinking the medicine in her head.

Without Ji Chen's deterrence, even her hands and feet were disobedient!

So angry!

But, but I still have to drink it.

Bai Lianwan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, resisting the smell of medicine that had filled the whole room and made her dizzy, holding her breath, and raised the cup again, put it in front of her mouth, tilted her head slightly, opened her mouth, and drank it...

In the video, as the girl drank the medicine in the cup mouthful by mouthful, a patch of tiny goose bumps appeared on her fair and delicate arms. After drinking half a cup of medicine, her whole face was squeezed into a ball.

It's really...

It's too hard to drink!

After taking a cup of medicine.

Bai Lianwan felt extremely uncomfortable.

Her head was also dizzy and her stomach was churning.

At this moment, she had no mood or energy to send a video to Ji Chen.

She had to take a break.

Take a break and edit it and send it to him.

At least she had to edit out the hesitation before taking the medicine and the discomfort after taking the medicine.

Otherwise he would worry.

Take a break.

Just take a break.

Her mouth felt uncomfortable.

Her stomach felt uncomfortable.

Her heart felt uncomfortable too.

Bai Lianwan opened the drawer, took out a White Rabbit candy, peeled it, and put it in her mouth.

However, it seemed that neither the physical nor the mental discomfort was relieved at all.

It was really strange. Didn’t the candy that Ji Chen peeled for her last time relieve the discomfort in her stomach?

Last time when Ji Chen was around, she didn’t feel so uncomfortable taking the medicine.


I miss him so much.

I miss Ji Chen so much.

If Ji Chen could be by my side right now, I wouldn't feel so bad.

But right now, he can't be by my side...

Bai Lianwan lay on the desk, buried her head in her arms, her eyes began to dry again, and her nose began to sore again.

"Ji Chen, I really... miss you so much." At the end of the words, she was choking.

At this time, the bedroom door was suddenly opened from the outside. Bai Lianwan's little body lying on the desk suddenly stiffened. She quickly raised her little head from her arms and reached out to wipe the tears from her face.

It must be grandpa coming in.

She couldn't let grandpa see her crying.

So embarrassing.

After wiping her tears, Bai Lianwan turned around and looked towards the bedroom door.

When she saw the familiar tall figure with her blurred vision, she was stunned...

It turned out to be... Ji Chen?

Ji Chen opened the bedroom door and took two steps into the bedroom. He saw the little girl who was looking back at him.

Her eyes and nose were red, and there were a few wet hairs on her fair face, just like a small animal wet by the rain.

What happened to this girl?

Ji Chen's heart trembled slightly, and he strode to Bai Lianwan. Seeing the little girl's aggrieved look, he felt so distressed. He reached out his hand, gently brushed the hair off her face, held her face, and asked softly, "Wanwan, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Lianwan was still a little dazed at this moment, until she felt the familiar touch and temperature on her face, Ji Chen's gentle voice, and the emotions that were on the verge of collapse instantly collapsed at this moment. The white little hand wrapped around Ji Chen's waist, and she nestled into Ji Chen's arms regardless of anything.

After a full minute, she whispered, "...Ji Chen."

"I'm here." Ji Chen said softly, and his hand gently stroked the girl's slightly heaving back.

Bai Lianwan buried her face in Ji Chen's arms and rubbed it. Her voice sounded a little aggrieved, and she sounded like she was acting coquettish."I miss you so much..."



PS: Three more chapters are here!

Thank you for all the gifts and love!

Thank you for those who like Fanzhuo Wenwen!

We will continue tomorrow! Good night everyone!

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