2:30 pm.

On Weibo and major social platforms, just as Yunduo clothing was being praised as a god, many voices of doubt began to emerge.

Even under the latest news updates of Yunduo's official website, many negative comments with a high number of likes suddenly emerged.

"Do you think it's too coincidental that Yunduo's donation was suddenly exposed? Yesterday, it donated 18 million, and today it was exposed. The order directly exceeded 20 million. Isn't this a premeditated patriotic marketing hype?"

"I think so too, and is the 18 million donated by Yunduo really 18 million? Didn't some companies expose before that they donated 60 million in the name of donation, but in fact the material cost was only 5 million! Besides, Yunduo is a newly opened company, how can it have so much money?"

"That is, it is said to be 120,000 sets of children's clothing. What if it is just made of leftover clothing? Can it really be worth 18 million? So everyone, stop praising Yunduo, okay? This is just a patriotic marketing hype by the merchant!"

"If it is really hype, then this Isn't the ambition of this store too big? Want to be the leader? Many peer companies are now being scolded for not donating in time. The customer service lady was scolded to tears! "

"Damn, why do some orphans suddenly appear with so many likes? This rhythm is too obvious, isn't it?"

"It must be some water army hired by some red-eye disease. Instead of making products well, they use this kind of malicious means to discredit Yunduo. It's really an orphan behavior!"

"Haha, you become an orphan just by questioning it. The people above are the water army that Yunduo has planted in the comment area to promote patriotism!"


For a while, driven by the rhythm of the huge water army, from the beginning, the authenticity of "questioning Yunduo's donation" became more and more outrageous. In less than an hour, a topic #Yunduo fraudulent donation# began to be on the hot search on Weibo with terrifying popularity.

In the classroom.

Computer operating system class.

Ji Chen is in the ultimate learning state, madly absorbing the knowledge in the textbook.

The old professor was standing on the podium, concentrating on imparting knowledge to the students, and many of the students who were listening attentively were drowsy.

At this time, a small discussion suddenly came from behind Ji Chen and Yun Chuan.

"Oh my God! That Yun Duo seems to be fraudulent donations and is doing patriotic marketing. I, I just grabbed their clothes this morning!"

"Ah? Patriotic marketing, this method is too disgusting, right? Is it confirmed? I think their clothes are not bad."

"I also think this company is good, but the topic of their fraudulent donations has already become a hot search on Weibo!"

"This is too sudden. I just told my comrades next door that the clothes for our school sports meeting this year were sponsored by Yun Duo. How come it suddenly became fraudulent donations?"


At this time, Yun Chuan and Fan Zhuo heard the discussion behind them and secretly took out their mobile phones and opened Weibo.

After Yun Chuan opened Weibo, he was slightly stunned when he saw the hot topic about Yun Duo's fraudulent donation, which had already reached the 28th place on the hot search list. He clicked it and his eyes widened when he saw the comments of netizens.

It was full of condemnation and doubt!

"Fuck, no way, Yun Duo really committed fraud?"

Not only Yun Chuan, but also Fan Zhuo and others were confused. Before coming to class, Yun Duo was still the light of domestic products that the whole network strongly supported. How could it become a fraudulent donation in a short time?

As Yun Duo's boss, Ji Chen was even more confused after hearing the discussions of his classmates and the words of Yun Chuan and others.

However, he was stunned for only a few seconds before he reacted.

It seems that Yun Duo was praised too highly by netizens, which touched the cheese of some people.

In this Internet age, it is really too easy to stir up public opinion to slander a brand or person.

And since it was on the hot search so quickly, the other party should have spent a lot of money to rush to the list.

Thinking of this, Ji Chen turned off the ultimate learning mode, took out his mobile phone, and looked at the comment section of Yun Duo's official Weibo.

Sure enough, the comment section was already full of curses.

Although many water armies appeared and many netizens were led astray, there were still many loyal fans of Yun Duo, speaking standard Zuan dialect, and confronting the water armies in the comment section.

"This store is so disgusting. It even defrauded donations and hyped it up. It also hired a bunch of water armies to lead the rhythm. Return the goods. I will return the goods immediately."

"Add me. I originally wanted to come and support, but I didn't expect to be disgusted directly."

"I will return it too!"

"I will return it too!"

"Those who said they would return the goods should return it quickly. If they don't return it, they will die. They are all some people who registered in the afternoon.New account, did you really buy Yun Duo women's clothing? Orphans!"

"That's right, it's obvious that they are the water army hired by the red-eye disease, don't worry, just start to criticize!"

The crowd: "This, this... Which side is the truth? Damn! I can't even stand on the side! "


Ji Chen looked through the comments for a while, frowning slightly.

His original intention for Yun Duo was just to make money by building a good brand.

Who would have thought that it would suddenly become popular because of a donation, and the factory was almost trampled by netizens, and now it is maliciously slandered, which is really a headache.

And 120,000 sets of children's clothing cannot be produced so quickly. Now those water armies will definitely keep making a fuss about the fraudulent donation.

Just then, a WeChat message popped up on Ji Chen's mobile phone screen.

He clicked on the message, which was sent by Zheng Chengren:

"Xiao Ji, you should be in class. I didn't want to disturb you, but now there are many customers who maliciously slander and abuse our store. Several customer service girls were directly scolded and cried, and the return rate of the online store also suddenly increased. I am afraid that if it continues, it will have a great impact on the company and its employees. Do you have any solution? "

Ji Chen saw Zheng Chengren's message, frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and replied: "Internet public opinion is indeed terrible, but what we have to do now is to keep a stable mentality and concentrate on production. As for the customer service, anyone who speaks ill of others without knowing the truth will be blocked directly. Don't pay attention. We are not afraid of evil shadows. Time will prove everything. "

Internet public opinion is suddenly terrible and it is easy to affect the mentality, but now is the time not to rush, and there is no need to rush to prove yourself. Anyway, no matter what Yun Duo does now, there will definitely be a group of water army to follow the rhythm and question the fraud.

Ji Chen sent this message, and soon, Zheng Chengren replied.

"Okay, if I encounter such customers again, I will ask the customer service to block them all. I will also keep an eye on the production of the workers. I will communicate with you in time if there is any situation. "


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