Jiangbei University and Xia Zhonggeng's statements caused a lot of heated discussions on the Internet, and also had a lot of effects. Many netizens who were misled by malicious intentions stopped attacking Yun Duo in time.

After all, Jiangbei University and Xia Zhonggeng have always been very upright in China, and their influence is also extraordinary.

And the Yun Duo women's clothing incident has also attracted the attention of relevant departments because of the national quintessence Xia Lao and the frequent hot searches.

Not only that.

Even the circle of people who are familiar with Xia Zhonggeng and Xie Jinglan are shocked!

Imperial Capital.

Tomato Reading.

Bai Yicheng sat in the office, looking at his grandfather Xia Zhonggeng's Weibo updates, his face full of disbelief.

"How familiar is grandpa with the boss of this clothing company that he actually took the initiative to stand up and support this company in public opinion?"

Bai Yicheng even doubted whether this Weibo post was sent by his grandfather himself.

He remembered that grandpa never participated in these online debates. Even when his father's company was in crisis, grandpa and grandma did not make such a move...

It is understandable that grandma spoke out this time. From the content of Weibo, it can be seen that Yunduo is the sponsor of this year's Jiangbei School Anniversary.

And he also watched the live broadcast at that time. The clothing design was indeed amazing.

But grandpa is different. How could he, a chess master, intervene in the affairs of a clothing company?

It's so unusual.

He is not curious about whether Yunduo has defrauded donations, but who can make grandpa stand up to defend him?

It seems that he really needs to take time out these days to go back and learn about the people and things around the two elders.

After all, the two are old, although they are very wise, but even the smartest people will make mistakes.

Just in case, he needs to go back as soon as possible.

And he hasn't seen Wanwan, the ruthless little girl, for a long time. He really misses his sister.

It's just that his sister never seems to miss him. If he doesn't call or send a text message to greet her, this girl will probably not contact him for the rest of her life.

She was clingy when she was young, but she became more and more cold and heartless as she grew up.

With her current personality, she probably won't find a boyfriend in her life.


"Ah, cut!"

In the Yunduo factory workshop, Ji Chen rubbed his nose and continued to cut the threads of the clothes in his hand.

After coming to the workshop from school, he and Zheng Chengren plunged into this place and cut threads with the aunts.

But before he came here today, Bai Lianwan said that she would come to help after she was done.

I don't know if she is done now.

Ji Chen was thinking, and his hands were still very fast, but compared with the aunts next to him, it was still far behind.

After all, he was not a professional. Some of these aunts had been cutting threads in the garment factory for more than ten years. Whether it was the feel or the speed, they were not comparable to ordinary novices.

Although their hands were working very fast, it did not affect their smiling chat at all.

Especially today, Ji Chen's joining made the originally boring work much more interesting.

A short-haired aunt next to Ji Chen skillfully arranged and cut the thread ends, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that Xiao Ji, a college student, is actually a designer of our Yunduo, and he is also very good at cutting thread ends. Do you need a girlfriend? My daughter will be 18 years old this year. I will introduce you to each other then!"

Hearing the short-haired aunt's words, the curly-haired aunt on the other side of the workbench was immediately unhappy, "Aunt Wang, don't talk nonsense. I remember that your daughter is not yet 17, and she is still in high school. You can't cheat your son-in-law like this."

"Xiao Ji, I think you are very motivated, good-looking, and have a good personality. You are very suitable for my daughter. Do you mind finding a girlfriend older than you? A girl who is three years older than you will be rich, and my daughter is studying at a normal university and is also working hard." The curly-haired aunt continued with a smile.

A fat auntie next to her disagreed, "Women age quickly, and Xiao Ji is so pretty. If you find an older one, the woman will look older and older in the future. It's not suitable. Xiao Ji, my daughter is about the same age as you and is also near the school. I don't trust her to find a partner on her own. I think you are very reliable, otherwise I will give you her WeChat!"

Ji Chen was so amused when he heard what the aunties said.

Why do all of them want to be his mother-in-law?

He put the dozen or so sets of clothes that had just been cut on the table into the basket behind him and smiled and said, "Aunties, I'm sorry, I have a girlfriend."

"Ah? That's a pity." The short-haired auntie's face instantly fell.

The curly-haired auntie frowned slightly, "Really? You are not lying to us, are you?"

"Yes, did we scare you?If you really have a girlfriend, shouldn't you be out on a date at this time?" Auntie Pang Pang still didn't give up.

At this time, Zheng Chengren, who was also moving his hands quickly, suddenly smiled and said to the few people, "Xiao Ji really has a girlfriend, and she is very, very beautiful. This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful girl."

Auntie with short hair was slightly stunned, but her hands did not slow down, "What, really has one."

Auntie with curly hair was disappointed, but she was also aroused by strong curiosity, "How beautiful is she, Boss Zheng said so."

Auntie Pang Pang frowned slightly, "I am also a little curious, could it be that Boss Zheng has never seen a good-looking girl!"

Zheng Chengren laughed, "I have only seen photos, but she is really beautiful."

At this time, the mobile phone in Ji Chen's pocket suddenly rang.

He stopped his action, took the phone out of his pocket, saw the note of the incoming call "Little White Rabbit", unconsciously raised the corner of his mouth, and pressed the answer button, "Wanwan. "

Bai Lianwan's voice soon came from the other end of the phone, "Ji Chen, I'm at the entrance of Yunduo. Do you need to inform the security uncle before going in?"

"No, just come in directly. The security won't stop you. I'll come down to pick you up." Ji Chen said, got up from his seat, and said to several people, "My girlfriend is coming. I'll go pick her up."

Zheng Chengren quickly got up, "Speaking of the devil, the devil will come. I'll go with you."

After all, this is the future boss lady of Yunduo. Zheng Chengren felt that he had to go over and greet her in person.

Ji Chen smiled and said, "No, I'll bring her over."

Seeing that Ji Chen really had a girlfriend, the aunts were a little disappointed, but they still laughed and cheered.

"Go, go, don't keep her waiting for too long."

"Yes, bring her over to let us see if she is really as beautiful as Lao Zheng said, hahahaha. "

"But this girl is pretty good. She's willing to come to the workshop with Xiao Ji to help."


Ji Chen smiled, nodded to everyone, and walked out of the noisy production workshop and went downstairs.

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