The ceramics museum is not far from the new music bar.

After more than 20 minutes of travel, the group arrived at their destination and successfully met up with Fan Zhuo and Zhao Ran at the entrance of the bar.

Now that night has fallen, the entrance of the bar is bustling with people.

The decoration of this bar is very stylish and the environment is very romantic.

From the moment you enter the store, everything outside seems to be completely isolated, and a faint aroma of wine lingers at the tip of your nose.

The entire bar dining environment is very large, the decoration is grand and stylish, and there is a stage dedicated to live performances in the center.

The dining area has tables and round tables, as well as comfortable sofas and spacious seats.

A few minutes after they entered the door, a young man in work clothes came up to greet them warmly, smiling, "Welcome, how many seats do you need?"

Ji Chen smiled when he heard the waiter's greeting, "There are six of us, please arrange a slightly quieter seat for us."

After all, his little white rabbit doesn't like a noisy environment. This barbecue bar seems to be very popular, and it will probably be noisy when there are more people.

"Okay, our terrace on the second floor is not only quiet, but also allows you to see the live performances in the hall, which is very suitable for your needs."

The waiter said, and took them to the second floor.

Soon, they came to a relatively quiet seat on the second floor with a wide view, sat down, and started ordering.

Considering that Bai Lianwan can't eat spicy food, when ordering, Ji Chen ordered her mostly some sweet and spicy sauces and cheese.

But I have to say that the menu of this barbecue bar is really complete and varied.

There are more than ten kinds of fish, and the cooking methods are even more bizarre. Just looking at the names makes people salivate.

During the whole ordering process, even Lin Qingya and Yun Chuan, who grew up in a wealthy family, almost swallowed their saliva while ordering.

At the same time.

At the entrance of the barbecue bar.

In the surging crowd, a tall and eye-catching figure was answering the phone with one hand and walking into the store. At the same time, he smiled and said to the person on the phone, "I'm here, I'll come in right away. Your store looks great. I'll have to take a good look later."

And the girls around looked at the back of the man leaving, all of them were overwhelmed.

"Oh my god, this, isn't this the kind of top-notch handsome guy you only see on Douyin?"

"Yes! This guy's looks are comparable to the guy who just brought his girlfriend in!"

"Oh my god, I actually met two top-notch handsome guys today, this trip is worth it!"

"That guy has a girlfriend, I don't know if this guy has a girlfriend~ I like him so much~"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"


After Ji Chen and his friends ordered their meals, they didn't have to wait too long, and a batch of delicious grilled skewers and delicacies were served.

Especially the 1-meter-long whole hairtail, which required two people to hold. When it was served, the hairtail was still sizzling in the tin foil.

The ya sliced ​​fish looked tender and plump, and after adding the barbecue ingredients, it even roasted out the aroma of the soul!

For this grilled fish, Ji Chen also asked someone to specially match mustard and sweet and spicy sauce for Bai Lianwan.

In addition to fish, there are also bamboo steamed oysters, super large prawns, lamb skewers, charcoal grilled tripe, charcoal grilled pigeon meat, garlic cheese lobster, grilled cheese durian and other delicious foods with rich flavors.

And eating crayfish on skewers is also indispensable for beer.

Moreover, the owner of this store has collected beer and beverages from more than 40 countries, so several people specially ordered several popular beers and beverages. It is so cool to drink while eating skewers!

After the waiter served a round of meals, everyone greeted and started eating.

Lin Qingya took a bite of roasted pigeon meat, her eyebrows curved, her face full of satisfaction, and immediately gave a thumbs up, "The meat is firm and chewy, and the pepper salt and chili powder on it are instantly injected with soul!"

Bai Lianwan also peeled a cheese lobster as soon as possible, dipped it in dozens of ingredients to make a special sauce, added cheese and sesame, and put it in his mouth. The taste is really amazing!

Ji Chen looked at Bai Lianwan who had already started to peel the second shrimp, and looked at the lobster in his hand that he had just peeled halfway, and felt a little amused.

It seemed that he didn't need to peel it for this little girl.

In just a blink of an eye, a white little hand had already put the shrimp dipped in sauce in front of Ji Chen's mouth.

"This is very delicious, try it."

Ji Chen looked at the shrimp handed over by the little girl, and was slightly stunned. Then he reacted and didn't hesitate. He opened his mouth and held the shrimp meat handed over by the girl, put it in his mouth, chewed it, and nodded in agreement, "Well, it tastes really good, but you should eat more.I'll peel it myself. "

Although he likes spicy food, it seems that the food fed by this girl is many times more delicious than spicy food.

When the three single dogs who were eating delicious food saw this scene, they immediately felt that the skewers in their hands were not so delicious.

Fan Zhuo, Yun Chuan and Zhao Ran felt that the food in their mouths tasted sour.

I was even more puzzled, how did Lao Ji find such a beautiful, gentle and considerate girlfriend!

She even peeled shrimp for him when eating. This girl must be very considerate at ordinary times.

Yun Chuan seemed to understand why Professor Bai and Lao Ji seemed to have problems in their relationship.

Compared to the cold little Bingchuan, this well-behaved girl is obviously more likable.

After all, Professor Bai would never take the initiative to peel shrimp for others.

Thinking so, Yun Chuan sighed secretly, silently ate dog food, and continued to eat skewers with tears.

The candy expert Lin Qingya also ate candy skewers while eating pain and happiness, and enjoyed it very much.


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