Seeing the accelerator purchase interface, Ji Chen's mood immediately improved a lot.

This accelerator can actually be purchased directly with the system wealth points that are now exchanged in the system. It's so convenient.

However, when Ji Chen saw the exchange rate, the corners of his mouth that had just risen froze.

This exchange rate is too damn excessive.

10,000 cash can only be exchanged for 10 wealth points!

And an accelerator actually requires 5,000 wealth points! That is 5 million cash? ! !

This is still the promotional discount price. In another 30 hours, 10,000 wealth points will be restored for each one, which is 10 million? This is too black!

System: "... The effect of each accelerator is permanent. 10,000 wealth points is already very favorable. Please don't be too excited, grasp the discount, and buy it as soon as possible!"

Ji Chen was almost crying without tears. Now he has more than 20 million, and can only squeeze out 5 million at most to buy one.

Ten or so would cost tens of millions, how could he have that much money.

After seeing the purchase price of this accelerator, Ji Chen's mood was not very good.

However, he had to admit that this accelerator was not expensive at 5 million, after all, the effect was really amazing, and it was permanent.

However, he could not make tens of millions in 30 hours.

Even if he went to the gambling stone market to pick up bargains, it would depend on luck.

Last time in Hualin Town, he only encountered such a stone after wandering for half a day. Such good things definitely could not happen every day.

Recording songs was not realistic. Bai Lianwan had no musical instruments at home, and no one sold guitars in the middle of the night.

Even if he recorded tomorrow, it would be impossible to sell tens of millions in a day.

Last time, it took more than a week to get more than 10 million yuan, and Director Zhou paid it in advance.

After thinking for a long time, Ji Chen could not come up with any good ideas, so he could only fall asleep depressed.


Today is Sunday.

Ji Chen got up early, had breakfast and went to the company to work.

He had to try to design all the costumes for the Spring Festival Gala today.

As for the efficiency accelerator, there was no shortcut, so he would just deal with the things at hand first.

And he stayed in the company until 10:30 in the evening.

During this time, Bai Lianwan called to check on him and asked him to go to rest quickly, and Ji Chen agreed.

After hanging up the phone, he was busy for more than two hours, and finally finished designing more than 300 sets of dresses for this year's Spring Festival Gala. He immediately organized the design drawings into an email and sent it to Lu Tao.

After sending the design drawings, Ji Chen stretched his back and finally solved a big problem in his heart.

As long as Lu Tao looks at it tomorrow and has no objection, he can officially start preparing for production.

Ji Chen had just sent the email successfully, and a familiar prompt sound rang in his head without any warning.

[Even if you have a cheating life, you must remember that the harder you work, the luckier you will be! The host did not choose to lie down because of his life cheats, and received an extra reward: a clone card of everything! 】

Clone card of everything: "Can copy any inanimate object, an object with a unit of 1 can perfectly clone the same object × 10, the clone card is valid for 15 hours, if it is not used after 15 hours, the clone card will be automatically scrapped."

The system voice fell, and Ji Chen was slightly stunned for a second or two.

Suddenly rewarded a clone card?

It sounds like it's not bad?

And it came at the right time!

These two days, I was worried about buying an accelerator. If I had this clone card, wouldn't I be able to buy an accelerator and clone ten directly?

It seems that he blamed the system wrongly yesterday. This system still understands me very well.

System: Today is another day of being praised by the host (///▽///)

Suddenly, Ji Chen got a clone card, and he was in a good mood. He communicated with the system in his mind, "How can I exchange cash for wealth value? I plan to buy an accelerator."

Now there are still a few hours before the accelerator discount period, he has to buy one quickly.

The system replied almost instantly: "As long as the host issues an instruction in the brain, the system will automatically deduct money from the host's three-dimensional account and recharge it into the system wealth value, and then you can make a purchase."

Ji Chen nodded, "Okay, then I will exchange 5 million cash first!"

System: "Please wait..."

Soon, Ji Chen operated it and spent 5 million to exchange 5,000 wealth points to buy the next efficiency accelerator.

After buying the accelerator, he was in a good mood.

Early tomorrow morning, he will go to the new park first, clone 10 accelerators, and install them directly in the park.

After sitting in the office for a while, Ji Chen washed up in the company and went to bed on the bed in the office compartment.

Before going to bed, he opened the album on his phone, looked at the photos of him and Bai Lianwan in the album, and touched the girl's face.

When he is busy with this year's Spring Festival Gala and the new park is built, Yunduo will be officially on track at the beginning of next year.

When he has time to study, he will definitely accompany this little girl and take her to play around.

If there is a chance, he will bring her back to meet his parents.

Just be patient during this period of time.

First, build Yunduo up, and give his parents a better life. In the future, he will have more confidence to marry Bai Lianwan, so that even if she marries, she will not have to wrong herself.

After lying on the bed for a while, Ji Chen fell asleep.

Early the next morning, he left the company and took a taxi to the new park. He stayed there for almost an hour before leaving.

Not long after Ji Chen left, the decoration workers entered the park and started moving bricks for today.

Soon, the workers found that their efficiency in moving bricks increased rapidly today. They couldn't stop at all, and they didn't feel tired at all!

Just over an hour after work, there were bursts of exclamations in the park.

"Fuck! What's going on? I feel like I'm getting faster!"

"Me too! Fast and not tired!"

"Me too, I can carry a hundred pounds of things to the third floor without taking a breath!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"


With the blessing of the efficiency accelerator, the decoration speed of the park has increased wildly at a terrifying speed, which directly shocked the boss of the decoration company and Zheng Chengren.

The decoration speed that originally took at least half a month was completed in less than a week. Both the details and the quality were strictly controlled!

Zheng Chengren also began to place the ordered equipment and office supplies in the park as soon as possible.

Every batch of people who came to the park to work and deliver goods also magically found that they were so happy when doing things here! So easy! Even fell in love with the feeling of going to work for a short time!

Ji Chen was also busy this week. The client was very satisfied with the design drawings for the Spring Festival Gala, so he was contacting the raw material suppliers for the Spring Festival Gala costumes this week.

Every day after school, he would run between major raw material manufacturers, and he was very busy.

Recently, Bai Lianwan and he rarely got together. One reason was that he was really busy.

Another reason was that she tried not to stick to Ji Chen all the time, and wanted to keep a distance so that Ji Chen would not be busy and spend time with her, so the opportunities for the two to get together during this period were few and far between.

At the same time.


The detailed information about Yun Duo that Bai Tainian sent people to investigate also had results.

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