The policeman took the woman to the front of several people and introduced her, "This is the family of three who sent your husband to the hospital."

After the policeman finished speaking, he introduced to Ji Chen's family, "This is the family of the injured Zhang Qiang."

He did not introduce the identity of the driver, after all, the woman's emotions were already very unstable.

At this time, Ji Chen's family also reacted, especially Li Suying. Before the woman could say hello, she looked at her with a confinement hat on her head and asked in surprise, "Girl, you are not still in confinement, are you?"

The woman was holding a baby in her arms, who was still in a cradle and looked like he was not even a month old.

The latter's eyes were red from crying. After hearing what Li Suying said, she nodded weakly, "I still have two days before I can leave the confinement room." As she said that, she looked towards the direction of the emergency room, tears in her eyes could not stop falling, and she asked in a trembling voice, "Where is Zhang Qiang, how is he?"

Li Suying quickly took out a small bag of tissues from her pocket, took out a piece of paper and handed it to the woman, "Your husband has been rescued and transferred to the intensive care unit. You are in confinement now, don't cry, otherwise your eyes will be bad in the future."

"What, intensive care..."

Ji Chen quickly stepped forward and comforted, "Sister, don't worry too much, the doctor said he is still in good condition It's very good. "

Even though Ji Chen tried to say it in a positive way, the woman couldn't accept that her husband was in the intensive care unit for a while, and she was very emotional, "How could it be so serious..."

Li Suying hurried to support the woman and the child in her arms, "Girl, don't be excited, take care of the child and wait for your husband to come out." As she said that, she frowned slightly and continued to ask the woman, "Where are your mother-in-law and father-in-law?"

The woman shook her head in despair and powerlessly, "No, there are only the two of us at home. If something really happened to Zhang Qiang, I wouldn't live alone."

Hearing the woman's words, Ji Chen's family and the driver who had not dared to speak were stunned.

Zhang Qiang's family members were only his wife and children who had not yet finished their confinement...


The woman stayed in the hospital for a while, and the police temporarily arranged her and the child in a hotel near the hospital, and the driver who caused the accident was also taken away for investigation.

The female police officers at the police station couldn't spare anyone for a while, and Li Suying couldn't bear to see that this woman who hadn't finished her confinement had no one to take care of her, so she simply asked Ji Chen and his son to run errands and help buy some daily necessities, while she stayed to help settle down.

Since they chose to help the driver today, they would help him to the end.

Especially this child who was not even a month old, not to mention Li Suying, even Ji Chen and his father couldn't bear to let her suffer with her mother.

The family was busy until after ten o'clock.

When they were almost settled, Ji Chen and his father were assigned another task, and they missed some daily necessities.

So, the father and son went into the daily necessities store in the middle of the night, wearing blood-stained clothes, and came out with large and small bags. The scene looked a little bit inconsistent.

Walking out of the door of the daily necessities store, the father and son fell into deep thought as they looked at the "anti-overflow milk stickers" and "nipple absorber" sent by Ji Chen's mother on his mobile phone.

Ji Chen turned his head to look at his father, "Dad, is this only available in maternal and child supplies stores?"

Ji Junshan frowned, "I haven't bought it either. When your mother gave birth to you, these things were prepared by the confinement nanny."

Ji Chen looked around and saw a maternal and child store not far ahead, but the problem was that he was a grown man and was embarrassed to buy this, and he didn't understand it...

Ji Junshan coughed unnaturally, "Ah, this, we don't understand it either, otherwise let your mother come down to buy it, otherwise if the clerk recommends something to us later..." Ji Junshan said, his old face unconsciously blushed a little.

Ji Chen nodded slightly embarrassedly, "Then, then tell Mom."

Whenever Ji Chen thought of the details of the clerk recommending these two things to him and his father, he could feel the awkward atmosphere at that time just by thinking about it.

After the father and son finished talking, they called Li Suying.

The latter only reacted after hearing what they said.

Yes, the father and son didn't understand this either.

"Then you come to the hospital first, I'll go to the hospital store directly to buy it, it's closer."

Ji Junshan heard his wife's words and nodded quickly, "Okay, we'll go back now."

After ending the call, Ji Chen followed his father to walk towards the hospital.

The hotel is next to the hospital. After buying things later, he can go back with Li Suying.


Ten minutes after the father and son walked into the hospital gate, a taxi slowly stopped at the roadside at the gate of Gucheng Central Hospital.

In the car, Bai LianwanShe handed the driver three red Mao Zedong notes, and before he could give her the change, she said, "No need for change, thank you," and opened the car door and left.

The driver was completely stunned holding the money in his hand!

It only costs 50 yuan to hire a car from Jiangdu!

This little girl gave too much!

He wanted to get off the car to chase her, only to find that the girl had already rushed into the hospital at a terrifying speed.

Bai Tainian had just called Bai Lianwan, saying that there were three car accidents in Gucheng today. Although the specific situation is still under investigation, the injured in the three accidents have been sent to Gucheng Central Hospital.

She just needs to go to the hospital and ask the nurses later and check them one by one.

However, the closer she got to the hospital, the more she couldn't help shaking, and her eyes couldn't stop reddening.

God knows how many times she called Ji Chen on the way here.

But without exception, no one answered these calls.

Now she only wanted this bad guy to be fine...

Bai Lianwan even prayed in her heart that if Ji Chen was fine, she would never bully him again and would always go along with him.

Until she came to the emergency department not far from the gate and saw the tall and familiar figure among the people coming towards her, her breath stagnated.

Is that... Ji Chen?

At this moment, Li Suying had bought the things she needed and just met up with Ji Chen and Ji Junshan.

After sending these things to the driver's family, the family can go home with peace of mind.

Li Suying sighed, "I hope the driver wakes up soon, otherwise the girl's eyes will really be broken by crying."

Ji Chen was a little puzzled when he heard his mother's words, and was about to ask why she couldn't cry during the confinement period.

But as soon as he turned his head, his eyes inadvertently fell on a familiar figure walking towards him, and he was stunned!

Is that... Wanwan? !

No way?

Isn't that girl in Jiangcheng?

Ji Chen stared blankly at the girl not far away who was also staring at him in disbelief. Before he could speak, the girl opposite him had already strode towards him.

Ji Chen looked at the girl running towards him, his expression still a little dazed.

No way?

Did the girl really come?

At this time, Li Suying and Ji Junshan also noticed Ji Chen's abnormality and followed his line of sight.

Seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar figure in front of him, he was slightly stunned.

Before the two could react, the graceful figure had already bumped into Ji Chen's arms, and the tip of his nose was the faint fragrance of the girl.

Ji Chen didn't really react until he was hit by the girl's arms. Almost instinctively, he reached out and hugged the soft little body in his arms, "Wanwan..."

His little white rabbit really came to find him!

The girl's hand around his waist was tighter than ever before, and a crying voice came out from his arms, "Big bad guy..."

She was almost scared to death by him.


PS: Little White Rabbit is here~

Thanks to [Lin Sheng of Feihu City] for the explosive update and flowers!!! It's been a long time since I saw you, thank you!

Thank you [Outlaw Zhang San] for the show!!! Thank you!

Thank you for all the gifts and love!!! I will definitely write a good article about the table!!!

Thank you for your tolerance of the table reading this!!!

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