After Ji Chen sent this message, the entire group chat was silent for more than ten seconds.

Yun Chuan: "Only more than two million a day... only... Is this what people say?"

Zhao Ran: "We all have nine years of compulsory education, why are you so good, Old Ji? Are you evolving secretly without us?"

Fan Zhuo: "In less than three months of starting a business, you have earned more than two million a day and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala. I dare not write this in my novel!"

Yin Hao: "Although I also think it's outrageous, I have to admit that Old Ji's Yunduo can be built so quickly, relying on his marketing methods and strong strength. Now think about it, from the time he sponsored Jiangbei, Old Ji has already He is already doing marketing for Yunduo."

Yun Chuan: "At that time, I thought that Lao Ji was just a part-time fashion designer, but I didn't expect that he was already the boss of Yunduo!"

Zhao Ran: "Where did Lao Ji get his first pot of gold when he opened Yunduo?"

Fan Zhuo: "I am also curious. I remember Lao Ji said that his family went bankrupt? He is also a second-generation loser?"

Ji Chen: "This has to start with a song and a movie."


Of course, his first pot of gold was earned from the theme song of the movie he collaborated with Director Zhou.

At that time, he also invited these guys to watch the movie with him.

He remembered that he met Bai Lianwan by chance that day. At that time, the little girl was so cold. He never expected that in just half a semester, this cold little professor would stick to him every day and become his girlfriend.

Yun Chuan and the others in the group were also very curious about Ji Chen's entrepreneurial deeds. Ji Chen didn't mind sharing his experience with them. Under their inquiries, he told them about the first pot of gold he earned from singing and the process of founding Yunduo.

Yun Chuan and the others also listened with great interest. In their eyes, Ji Chen was now a textbook of life, and they had to listen carefully to every word!

More than half an hour passed in this chat.

Bai Lianwan had finished taking a shower and came to the bed. Seeing Ji Chen still chatting with his mobile phone, he didn't disturb him and got on the bed quietly.

Ji Chen was half lying on the bed chatting with Yun Chuan and the others. When he felt the little girl getting on the bed, he was ready to hug her after editing the message in his hand.

However, just when he was halfway through editing the message, the girl's soft little body pressed on him and buried her face in his arms, as if she was using him as a pillow.

She stayed up too late today and took a hot bath. Now she just felt drowsy, especially when she was holding Ji Chen. It was so comfortable~

Ji Chen felt the beautiful curves of the little girl and was slightly stunned when he clicked the screen.

He lowered his eyelids and looked at the furry head of the little girl in his arms, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

At this moment, a few people in the group chat saw that Ji Chen had not replied for a long time in the middle of his words, and they swiped the screen frantically.

Yun Chuan: "It's been a long time. Old Ji won't fall asleep, right? I'm listening very attentively."

Zhao Ran: "I'm also taking notes seriously. I can also learn some tricks. I don't say much. I'm satisfied with 2,000 yuan a month."

Fan Zhuo: "I've started to make an outline and character design for the next book. I'll write about Old Ji! But where is Old Ji? What is he doing?"

Yin Hao: "Generally, Old Ji will greet us first when he has something to do. If he suddenly stops, it may be that he was interrupted by someone."

Yun Chuan: "Fuck, who would interrupt him in the middle of the night? Old Ji won't be with his girlfriend, right?"

Fan Zhuo: "Fuck! No way! No way! Did he take his girlfriend home?"

Ji Chen saw that several people in the group kept refreshing the screen, sent the edited message, and then clicked on the camera to take a picture of the girl lying in his arms with her face just not showing, and clicked to send.

Ji Chen: (Picture)

Ji Chen: I was talking halfway when the little girl lay on me.

Ji Chen sent this message and picture. The entire group chat was silent for a few seconds, and then it exploded in an instant.

Yun Chuan: "Damn it! I'm so jealous! Shit, Shit, Shit!"

Zhao Ran: "Old Ji, you... you're too much!!!"

Fan Zhuo: "I didn't expect that on the first day of the new year, I would eat a lot of dog food!!!!"

Yin Hao: "Old Ji, your girlfriend would be... so clingy?"

Yun Chuan: "She should be the clingy one, right?"

Zhao Ran: "? Ah? Are there clingy and non-clingy people? Anzi, how do you know there is a non-clingy person? Could it be that there are two clingy people?"

Yun Chuan: "The other one is definitely not clingy!"

Yin Hao: "I think so... but the facts seem to be beyond my imagination."

Fan Zhuo: "Something is wrong. Why do I feel that Haozi and Anzi are not right?Jin, will Old Ji's other girlfriend be aloof? How do you know?"

Yun Chuan'an withdrew a message.

Yin Hao withdrew a message.

Fan Zhuo: "..."

Zhao Ran: "..."

Ji Chen: "Okay, no more, I'm going to sleep with her."

Yun Chuan'an: "...Can you stop showing off, I'm really hurt by you."

Zhao Ran: "You shouldn't have tagged him to chat with us (bitter)"

Fan Zhuo: "After the Spring Festival, I'm going to find a girlfriend, and she will lie in my arms at night, and I'll write!"

Yin Hao: "Table, if your girlfriend lies in your arms, can you really concentrate on writing and not do other things?"

Fan Zhuo: "Ah this..."

Yun Chuan'an: "Needless to say, you must do what you love first!"

Zhao Ran: "So Old Ji is also going to do what he loves..."

Fan Zhuo: "Where is Old Ji?"

Yun Chuan'an: "You're not really going, are you? ? ? ”

Yin Hao: “…”

Zhao Ran: “…”

Fan Zhuo: “…”

Yun Chu’an: “…”

At this moment, Ji Chen had already thrown his phone aside, put the sleepy girl on the bed, turned sideways and hugged her in his arms, kissed her forehead, and said with undisguised affection, “Go to sleep, dear Wanwan.”

Bai Lianwan rubbed her face against Ji Chen’s arms like a spoiled child, nestled in his warm and generous embrace, and gently responded, “Yeah. ”

It was so comfortable to sleep in Ji Chen’s arms.

If I could put my hand into his would definitely be more comfortable.

But...she still didn’t dare, so she could only stay in Ji Chen’s arms and fall asleep.

Ji Chen couldn’t fall asleep so quickly holding such a delicious piece of meat, but he couldn’t bear to disturb the little guy’s sleep, so he practiced a wave of extreme gun suppression, and calmed down, and then he felt a little sleepy.

However, just when he was about to fall asleep, he felt something reaching into his clothes, and the delicate little hand climbed up his thin waist unscrupulously, and the little body unconsciously drilled into his arms.

Ji Chen: “…”

This little hooligan, how can he be so dishonest when he falls asleep.

With a sigh, Ji Chen pulled Bai Lianwan’s little hand out of his clothes and prepared to continue sleeping.

But after a moment, the restless little hand automatically navigated into his clothes again.

Ji Chen: “…”

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