After all, there was a big light bulb, so Ji Chen's kiss was just a taste, and he quickly let go of the girl in his arms after dealing with her.

After letting go so quickly, Bai Lianwan looked at him with dissatisfaction, and said coquettishly, "I want more..."

Ji Chen was so embarrassed that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If he hadn't been drunk, he really wouldn't have noticed that this girl was even more shameless than him in this regard.

But he really couldn't let go of the kiss when someone was around, so he could only threaten the girl in his arms, "Kiss her again when we get back, if you don't obey, I really don't want you anymore."

When Ji Chen said this, the girl in his arms was stunned for several seconds before she reacted, pouted her little mouth, and could only nestle in his arms sullenly, no longer forcing him.

Ji Chen reached out and touched the girl's face, "That's good."

Although the girl was like a child when she was drunk, she was much more obedient than when she was not drunk.

Lin Qingya was driving the car while watching everything happening in the back seat, and had already stuffed a few mouthfuls of dog food into her mouth.

She saw the whole process of the two kissing clearly in the rearview mirror!

Although they kissed for a short time, the visual impact of the two kissing was so exciting!

I have to say that my brother-in-law is so good at kissing people, no wonder Wanwan kept asking him to kiss her.

And after bringing the two together for so long, she can be said to have a feast for her eyes today!

It’s a pity that Ji Chen is still too distant.

She hasn’t seen enough...

If one day, both of them are drunk...will there be more she wants to see?

Seeing Bai Lianwan quietly nestling in Ji Chen’s arms, Lin Qingya couldn’t help but whispered, "Brother-in-law, let’s go out for a barbecue and get together more often in the future. I feel that the atmosphere in that place is good." It’s very suitable for drinking.

Ji Chen gently rubbed the hair of the little girl in his arms, "Let's talk about it later, but next time if you really go there, don't let this girl drink Rio again."

Lin Qingya grinned, "Okay, okay."

Along the way, the two chatted occasionally, and soon they arrived at their destination.

It was already half past eleven when they returned to Xike Village.

Bai Lianwan had already fallen asleep in Ji Chen's arms.

Ji Chen carried the little girl directly to the door of the Xia family, and followed Lin Qingya into the house.

At this point, the two elders Xia Zhonggeng had already rested.

So Ji Chen and Lin Qingya did not make too much noise, and went upstairs together after entering the door.

After coming to the bedroom on the second floor, Ji Chen put Bai Lianwan on the bed, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

After covering Bai Lianwan with a blanket, he said to Lin Qingya, "Sister Qingya, Wanwan is in your care."

He still had to go back to take a shower, write songs, and perform the system's tasks. Anyway, Bai Lianwan had already fallen asleep, so he asked Lin Qingya to help keep an eye on her. Anyway, the two sisters often slept together.

Lin Qingya was a little surprised when she heard Ji Chen's words. She was stunned for half a second before nodding and saying, "Okay, leave it to me."

Lin Qingya admired her brother-in-law's self-control and character very much!

Wanwan was drunk like this, and she wanted to kiss him or something, but her brother-in-law didn't take advantage of her being drunk and not so shy to do something.

If this isn't a perfect man, then what is!

After Ji Chen explained a few words to Lin Qingya, he left Bai Lianwan's bedroom and went straight to the third floor.

Since his parents went back, he moved back to Xia Zhonggeng's house.

After all, it's quite lonely to live alone in the villa, and there's no legitimate reason to take Bai Lianwan back to spend the night.

Back to the third floor.

Ji Chen went to the bathroom to take a shower, then walked to the desk, took out a pen and paper, and began to compose a song for Yu Xiaowu.

After all, the other party's eyesight is not very good, so he has to write the music score more clearly for the other party to read.

As for the characteristics of Yu Xiaowu's voice, Ji Chen had already thought of a song suitable for her when he listened to her singing.

This song was originally written by a singer with depression, and it is very suitable for NetEase Cloud Music, but now there is no NetEase Cloud Music platform in this world.

And although Ji Chen can see the inconvenience brought to Yu Xiaowu by her nearly blind eyes, he can also feel the vigorous vitality from her positive and optimistic attitude.

So he will make some small changes to the lyrics and melody of this song based on Yu Xiaowu's situation, so that this song is completely tailor-made for Yu Xiaowu.

Sitting at the desk, Ji Chen thought for a moment and prepared to start writing.

However, just as he picked up the pen, there was a knock on the door.

Outside the door, Lin Qingya's somewhat anxious voice came.

"Brother-in-law, are you asleep?"

Ji Chen turned around and replied, "No, wait a moment." As he said that, he got up from his seat and walked towards the bedroom door. When he opened the door, he saw Lin Qingya in front of him and asked in confusion, "What's wrong, Sister Qingya?"

Lin Qingya was in pain.He laughed and said, "Your wife is awake and is looking for you right now. Go down and comfort her."

Ji Chen was a little surprised, "Why is she awake?"

After that, he closed the bedroom door, said hello to Lin Qingya, and went downstairs quickly.

Lin Qingya looked at Ji Chen who was walking away, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

But Wanwan is too attached to Ji Chen!

Soon, Ji Chen came to the second floor.

Walking into Bai Lianwan's bedroom, he saw a little figure kneeling on the bed and crying.

At this moment, Bai Lianwan's chaotic mind had only one terrible thought, Ji Chen didn't want her anymore!

Even though she was obedient, she couldn't help but squint for a while. When she opened her eyes, she found that Ji Chen still didn't want her!

Bai Lianwan stretched out her jade hand to wipe her tears without any image. She didn't know that someone had entered the bedroom. She cursed vaguely, "Ji Chen is a bad guy!"

Ji Chen heard the little girl's grievance and cursed, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

What's wrong with this little girl today?

She didn't act like this when she was drunk before?

Could it be because he stayed with Yu Xiaowu for a while today and kept eating lemons when he was drunk?

He hurried to the bed and looked at the little girl on the bed, wondering if he should take out his phone and record this girl's utterly shameless scene?

At this moment, Bai Lianwan was still wiping tears frantically, muttering, "You've been obedient, but you still don't want me..."

As soon as he finished muttering, Bai Lianwan felt a familiar slight touch on his face, and a gentle voice came into his ears, "Little lemon, do you think you're obedient like this?"

Bai Lianwan was stunned, opened his eyes, and a familiar figure suddenly appeared in his blurred vision.

She was stunned for a moment, trying to control her emotions, sniffed, and couldn't help asking in a tearful tone, "Ji Chen?"

Ji Chen reached out and gently wiped away the tears on the girl's face, "Why, just leaving for a while, you are not only disobedient but you can't even recognize your future husband?"


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