Facts have proved that a certain little white rabbit is just strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

In the end, not only did she become completely soft, she also cried and begged Ji Chen pitifully that she didn't want it anymore.

Ji Chen was also at a loss for words, he just teased her to kiss him for a while, how could she not want it anymore.

Where is the courage?

If he hadn't had to deal with the secret filming, he really couldn't help wanting to eat this little guy.

However, every time he wanted to eat rabbit meat, Ji Chen felt a little guilty.

After all, this girl is only two months away from being nineteen, and if she eats meat now, it would be a bit unfair to the master and mistress who trust him.

Next time, I'd better bring her back to his villa, so that the guilt might not be so strong.

In the living room on the second floor.

Bai Lianwan lay on the sofa, burying her face in the pillow in great annoyance.

It's so embarrassing!

She was going to punish Ji Chen by kissing him a few more times, but in the end, the guy kissed her back...

It's embarrassing!

At this moment, Ji Chen had calmed down a lot. Looking at the autistic girl on the sofa, he couldn't help but lean over and say to her, "Aren't you afraid of hurting yourself, little coward?"

Bai Lianwan became more autistic when she heard the word "little coward", and buried her face deeper into the pillow.

Sure enough, Ji Chen had another reason to mock her.

Damn it!

Ji Chen seemed to be more autistic, and the little girl was even more amused.

He thought for a moment, and then thought about watching the video sent by Wen Xiaohui, so he reached out and gently patted his butt twice, saying, "Why don't Wanwan go get me something to eat, I'm hungry."

After all, Bai Lianwan is obsessed with the kitchen. If she lets her cook, it can relieve her current state and give him time to check the video.

Ji Chen's move was indeed very effective.

Bai Lianwan heard Ji Chen's words and reacted. Although her face was still buried in the pillow, the little man in her heart was so excited that she almost jumped up.

Finally someone took the initiative to eat what she made!

She raised her head, turned to look at Ji Chen, and asked seriously, "Do you really want to eat what I make?"

Ji Chen reached out and pushed the hair that fell on the side of the girl's face behind her fair ears. Looking at her beautiful and serious face, he nodded against his will, "I want to eat it. I haven't tasted what Wanwan made for a long time."

Bai Lianwan's face was lightly pink, and she immediately sat up from the sofa and said proudly, "Since you want to eat it, I will cook it for you."

Ji Chen smiled and nodded, "Okay."

After that, the girl quickly put on her shoes, hurried out of the bedroom, and actively went downstairs to make dark materials, no, to make delicious food.

Bai Lianwan left, and Ji Chen immediately returned to the bedroom on the third floor, came to the computer desk, turned on the computer, logged into WeChat, and checked the video sent by Wen Xiaohui.

After opening the video, he fast-forwarded the video to the section where he and Bai Lianwan were intimate, and carefully observed everything around him in the video, especially the direction of the angle of the camera taken by the cameraman.

According to the angle of the photos, a familiar car suddenly came into view on the roadside not far away.

Ji Chen stared at the car for a few seconds and quickly reacted.

Isn't this the Lexus that had an accident at the intersection today?

As soon as he reacted, Ji Chen watched the video of the Lexus appearing in the video and the video of the car parking until it left, and his eyebrows were slightly raised.

This car actually followed his and Bai Lianwan's car.

Ji Chen also observed the occasional flow of vehicles and people around, as well as the angle of the photo, and was basically 100% sure that the Lexus was the one who secretly photographed and followed him and Bai Lianwan!

He had no impression of this Lexus, and it was definitely not someone he knew.

Since the other party was able to find Zhuo Wei so quickly, and the shooting angle was also professional and vicious, what else could this be if not a private detective or a paparazzi?

But whether it was a private detective or a paparazzi.

This time, he had to fight back!

Although the media reported the traffic accident yesterday, the personal information of the two drivers in the accident was very well protected.

Even if he was found in the hospital, he would most likely deny it if he was questioned.

So he should not act rashly without absolute certainty.

And for Ji Chen, who now has super hacker skills, as long as he has the idea of ​​finding out this personal information, he can quickly come up with more than a hundred ways to use a computer to dig out his ancestors.

But many of these methods are somewhat illegal.

For example, hacking into the traffic control center to investigate personal information through license plates.

For example, hacking into SkynetCheck vehicle tracks, etc.

Although it is easy for Ji Chen to do these things now.

But he doesn't like to dance on the edge of breaking the law. As a good citizen, of course, he should try not to cause trouble to the above.

So Ji Chen chose a completely troublesome and quick way for the Shu people.

Although the Lexus in the video uses anti-peeping glass, it is not 100% able to prevent peeping.

After all, traffic management has clear regulations that all front windows of vehicles cannot use anti-peeping glass with a transmittance of more than 70%, so under normal circumstances, if you are close to the vehicle, it is not difficult to see the situation in the car clearly.

Although the video is shot by machine monitoring, due to irresistible reasons such as viewing angle, lighting, brightness, focus or motion blur, it is almost impossible to see the situation inside from the front window, but for Ji Chen now, if he wants to see clearly, it is something he can do with his hands.

Now he only needs to capture pictures from the video, and then build a perfect and versatile image recognition and extraction system with strong capture capabilities, search space, and accurate fine-grained image analysis.

Then identify and extract some key information in the car, then this person will be equal to zero secrets in front of him.

And building an image recognition and extraction system should be done in ten minutes.

After sitting in front of the computer and thinking for a while, Ji Chen opened the open source website and started to operate.

Install open-vm-tools…

Install input method…

Install vim…

Pwn environment construction…

With various professional knowledge running rapidly in the brain, and fingers almost never stopping on the keyboard.

In less than ten minutes, a dedicated image recognition system was successfully built.

After the system was successfully built, Ji Chen immediately began to digitally extract the captured images.

Input the original image to be processed:


close all;


%Step1 Get the image Load the color image to be processed and display the original image

Scolor = imread('3.……

Image grayscale……


s=strel('disk',13);%strei function

Bgray=imopen(Sgray,s);%Open sgray s image


Five minutes later, Ji Chen's eyes lit up slightly when he was extracting regions and comparing regional feature parameters.

"Is this... a character?"

Muttering, Ji Chen continued to operate, analyzing and calculating the extracted region by horizontal and vertical projection...

Get the character height, the top and bottom lines of the character, and the character width...


fname=strcat('F:\MATLAB\work\sam\image',int2str(k),'.jpg');%Save the sub-image candidate into the sample library, and establish the sample library...


Finally, after the computer ran a series of rapidly jumping symbols and texts, it took less than twenty-five minutes in total.

Ji Chen identified, extracted and calculated a string of 11 digits starting with 1 in the front window glass of the Lexus, which was almost invisible.

And the location of this string of numbers should be a string of car moving phone numbers.

Now that we have the phone number, the next thing is easier.


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