Rebirth: My Family Is 100 Million Points Strong!

Chapter 133 The Xiao Family Harvested Early Rice, And The Yield Per Mu Of 10,000 Jin Shocked The Who

July 12.

Hangzhou, Tonglu County.

City lord Zhou Jianyong, deputy city lord Xu Wen and a group of people are inspecting the harvest of early rice.

The scene was very lively, and it was a scene of busy farming.

Looking around, the fields are golden.

The breeze blows, the rice waves roll, and the plump ears of wheat are extremely gratifying.

The workers drove a harvester, shuttled through the golden rice fields, and harvested clusters of rice.

Afterwards, the harvester directly transported the grain-filled and yellow rice to the truck on the side of the road, and completed the harvesting task of one mu of field in a short while.

Rice fields just harvested.

The farmers immediately introduced water into the farmland, and sent tractors and rotary tillers to plow and turn the soil.

After the fields are plowed.

The rice transplanter enters the farmland, and the seedlings that have been bred in advance are planted into the farmland.

The whole process is mechanized and highly efficient.

Zhou Jianyong and others who came to inspect nodded in satisfaction.

Xu Wen smiled and said: "Master Zhou, this year is a good year, with plenty of rain and no major natural disasters.

The ears of rice in the farmland are full and firm, showing a gratifying trend of high yield and good quality.

Thinking about it, the return of summer grain granules in Hangzhou this year will be very smooth. "

Zhou Jianyong nodded and asked, "City Master Xu, why do you want to plow the fields and plant seedlings right away when the early rice is harvested here in Tonglu County?"


Harvesting of early rice and sowing of late rice are separate.

After all the early rice is harvested, the farmers are asked to pick up the ears of rice in the field.

Then, the late rice sowing work was gradually carried out.

The harvesting work in Tonglu County is really fast-paced.

Xu Wen explained: "City Master, the 1,200 mu of rice fields in front of us are planted by White Cloud Grain and Oil Group.

For each mu of rice fields under their banner, the early rice is harvested as soon as it is mature, and then the late rice is planted. Under mechanized operation, it only takes three or four days.

In one year, White Cloud Grain and Oil Group will plant rapeseed, early rice and late rice, make full use of the time, and develop the efficiency of the farmland to the extreme. "

hear this.

Zhou Jianyong nodded suddenly.

Common countryside.

The land in the village is transferred to the village committee in a centralized manner, and the village committee establishes a rural grain cooperative.

It is already very good to plant two rice crops every year.

There is absolutely no need to fully develop farmland.

As a commercial enterprise, White Cloud Grain and Oil Group aims to make profits.

It is also reasonable for them to seize the time to harvest early rice and plant late rice.

Zhou Jianyong asked: "White Cloud Grain and Oil Group's Waseda field, what is the yield per mu this year?"

"City Lord, you may not believe it if you tell me."

Xu Wen said in high spirits: "The staff of the Agricultural Machinery Station in Tonglu County have made statistics.

The wased rice field of White Cloud Grain and Oil Group has an astonishing yield per mu, with an average yield of 10,000 catties per mu, setting a new record for rice yield per mu in Xiaguo!"

"10,000 catties per mu?"

When Zhou Jianyong heard the words, a look of shock appeared on his face.

He was born in a peasant family, and he is very clear about the figure of the yield per mu.

In the area of ​​Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the average yield per mu can reach 800 to 1,300 jins, and it is known as the Land of Fish and Rice.

And the rice fields in front of you.

How incredible is it that the yield per mu has reached 10,000 jin?

Xu Wen continued: "Master, in 2017, the rice yield record per mu in Xiaguo was 1,011 kilograms per mu, or 2,022 kilograms, created by Zhejiang Province.

Agricultural experts all said that rice production can continue to increase, with the highest per-mu production capacity reaching about 3,000 jin.

However, the Waseda field contracted by White Cloud Grain and Oil Group has an average yield of 10,000 jin per mu, five times the original record.

At present, agricultural experts in the country and the province have already learned about it.

They rushed to Waseda under the name of White Cloud Grain and Oil to conduct technical research ~ "."

The voice fell.

Zhou Jianyong was very emotional.

Since the beginning of this year, White Cloud Fruit and Vegetable Group and White Cloud Breeding Group have repeatedly broken production records and breeding records.

But what he didn't expect was.

The early rice production of White Cloud Grain and Oil Group will reach such an unbelievable level.

Zhou Jianyong asked: "White Cloud Grain and Oil Group, how many rice fields have been contracted in our Hangzhou?"

"1 million acres!"

Xu Wen said truthfully: "We have a total of 2.73 million mu of arable land in Hangzhou, of which 1 million mu of arable land is contracted by White Cloud Grain and Oil Group.

These cultivated lands are distributed in various townships in various districts and counties of Hangzhou.

As far as I know, the Waseda fields in the villages and towns of White Cloud Grain and Oil Group can reach 10,000 catties per mu!

In other words.

White Cloud Grain and Oil Group's 1 million mu of land alone will produce 5 million tons of early rice this year.

It is worth mentioning that.

Last year, a total of 1.51 million mu of early rice was planted in Zhejiang Province, with a total output of 628,000 tons.

Last year, a total of 81.95 million mu of early rice was planted across the country, with a total output of 31.74 million tons. "


Zhou Jianyong was completely stunned.

Such exaggerated data.

Unheard of!

White Cloud Grain and Oil Group planted 5 million tons of early rice in Hangzhou, equivalent to 15.75% of the national early rice output last year.

Even more exaggerated.

White Cloud Grain and Oil Group has contracted 50 million mu of land across the country. How much output does it have?

Zhou Jianyong asked: "Master Xu, Xiao Yunqi, the CEO of White Cloud Grain and Oil Group, is he in Hangzhou now?"

Xu Wen said bluntly: "President Xiao is not in Hangzhou, but the top management of White Cloud Grain and Oil Group is there, and I have invited him over today.

After speaking, he beckoned.

Jin Lei, head of White Cloud Grain and Oil Group Hangzhou, walked forward quickly.

He greeted the leaders.

Zhou Jianyong asked: "Mr. Jin, how many acres of early rice has your group planted in Zhejiang Province, and how much has it been planted nationwide? What is the average yield?"

Hear these three questions.

Jin Lei said truthfully: "Master Zhou, we have contracted 8 million mu of arable land in Zhejiang Province and 12 million mu of arable land in Suzhou Province.

The remaining 30 million mu of cultivated land are distributed in various provinces and cities across the country.

We use 20 million mu of arable land in Zhejiang and Suzhou to grow rice.

The remaining 30 million mu of land is used to grow wheat, barley, corn, soybeans, peanuts, sesame, cottonseed, sunflower and other crops.

The early rice planted by the group in Jiangsu and Zhejiang has an amazing yield per mu, with an average yield of 10,000 jin per mu.

After all the 20 million mu of early rice has been harvested.

White Cloud Grain and Oil Group is expected to have a total output of 100 million tons, which is 3.15 times the total output of early rice in the country last year!"


Zhou Jianyong was inexplicably horrified.

The yield per mu of White Cloud Grain and Oil Group is also amazing!

since ancient times.

Agriculture is the top priority of the Xia Kingdom.

The land marshes all things, and agriculture is the sky.

100 million tons of early rice can bring Xia's grain reserves to a new level.

He hurriedly asked: "Mr. Jin, have you encountered any difficulties in the early rice harvest of White Cloud Grain and Oil Group?

If there are not enough manpower, funds or harvesters, our Hangzhou officials will fully cooperate with you to ensure that the grain grains are returned to the warehouse!"

"City Lord Zhou, don't worry!"

Jin Lei smiled and said: "Our White Cloud Grain and Oil Group has ample agricultural machinery and equipment such as harvesters, rice transplanters, and tillage machines.

This time, the group also recruited a large number of farmers, volunteers and other manpower to ensure the return of grain grains to the warehouse.

It is estimated that within seven days, the 1 million mu of early rice fields in Hangzhou will be fully harvested.

"That's good!"

Zhou Jianyong breathed a sigh of relief.

Since he took office, Sui has attached great importance to agricultural development.

White Cloud Grain and Oil Group is not a municipal state-owned enterprise in Hangzhou, but a private enterprise.

But the other party's summer harvest work is still a top priority for the agricultural community in Hangzhou!

two days later.

Xia Guo news program.

The host Kang Huibo reported: ""Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas have been the land of fish and rice in the Xia Kingdom since ancient times, and the granary of the world.

This year, early rice harvesting in Suzhou and Zhejiang provinces is in full swing.


White Cloud Grain and Oil Group has planted 20 million mu of rice fields in Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province, with an average yield of 10,000 jin, setting a new record for rice yield per mu in Xiaguo.

After the early rice pellets are returned to the warehouse, it is estimated that 100 million tons of early rice can be harvested.

Next, please watch the detailed report..."

The screen camera turns.

On the TV, there were scenes of early rice harvesting in Suzhou, Zhejiang and other places.

The narration ended: "The harvest of summer grain in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces kicked off in a mighty way.

Farmers in the two provinces are busy, taking advantage of the fine weather, rushing to harvest rice and ensure that the grains are returned to the warehouse.

All of a sudden, the rice fields were rolling with waves and the machine was rumbling.

One harvester gallops on the Gold rice field, and the processes of ear cutting, threshing, weeding, screening, loading and so on are completed in one go.

From the traditional operation mode of facing the loess in the past to the mechanization of rice production and processing, the agricultural roads of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces have become more stable and wider.

With the continuous harvest of early rice.

The planting of late rice in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces will also follow closely.

On the cultivated land inch by inch, there is a new hope for a good harvest..."

After the news.

Audiences across the country were dumbfounded.

Can 20 million mu of paddy fields harvest 100 million tons of electric rice?

real or fake?

The yield of early rice in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces is so high?

Of course, they doubted anyone, and they would not doubt Xia Guo's news program.

This is the most authoritative (good Li's) news media in China!

After a moment of surprise.

Audiences across the country were filled with emotion.

"Fuck?! White Cloud Grain and Oil Group produces tens of thousands of catties per mu?!"

"It is incredible that 100 million tons of rice can be planted out of 20 million mu of rice!"

"My God! The grain grown by White Cloud Grain and Oil Group is 3.15 times the national early rice output last year!"

"How did White Cloud Grain and Oil Group do it? Such a high output, no wonder they contracted so much land!"

"With this 100 million tons of grain, our Xia Kingdom can be self-sufficient, and we don't need to import so much rice every year!"

"Li Liyuan is on the spectrum! If I had known that the yield per mu in Jiangsu and Zhejiang would be so high this year, I would go bankrupt and contract grain fields!"

"Haha, our country of Xia has the title of a flower grower, and everyone has the gene for farming, but I didn't expect that White Cloud's grain and oil really 'planted' a miracle!"

"Did you find out that except for the 20 million mu of rice fields of the White Cloud Grain and Oil Group in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the output of other rice fields is the same as last year, which shows that this is not because the land is good, but because the White Cloud Grain and Oil Group has the secret of farming land!"

"I did the math, and now a catty of rice sells for about 2.5 to 3 yuan. White Cloud Grain and Oil Group's 100 million tons of rice can create at least 500 billion to 600 billion yuan in operating income!"

"White Cloud Grain and Oil Group is too strong! Another Fortune 500 company is rising!"

"I have a hunch that the Xiao family will dominate Xia's agriculture starting this year!".

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