Rebirth: My Family Is 100 Million Points Strong!

Chapter 136 The Youngest Fields Medal Winner, Xiao Ting Is Famous All Over The World!

August 1st.

Brazil, Rio.

The 28th International Congress of Mathematicians was grandly held.

Mathematicians from all over the world gathered together.

The International Congress of Mathematicians, known as the Olympic Games in mathematics, is held every four years.

This grand event can provide mathematicians around the world with a space to communicate, discuss academic issues, meet old friends, make new friends, etc. The scale is extremely grand.

Every conference can play a pivotal role in the history of mathematics.

This conference of mathematicians will last for 9 days.

Mathematicians from all over the world will share their achievements in their majors and discuss related mathematics topics. It is expected that 1,200 speeches, discussions and exchange meetings will be held.

Among them, 125 mathematicians were invited to give 45-minute reports, and 20 mathematicians were invited to give 1-hour reports.

people skirt.

Wearing formal attire, Xiao Ting walked into the venue talking and laughing with Yenching University professor Xu Chenyang, academician Zhang Pingwen and others.

This time, six mathematicians from Xia Kingdom were invited to give reports.

Xiao Ting was invited to give a 1-hour report.

Xu Chenyang, Zhang Pingwen, Professor Tang Tao from Southern University of Science and Technology, Professor You Jiangong from Nankai University, and Professor Chen Meng from Fudan University gave 45-minute reports respectively.

After entering the venue and taking a seat.

Academician Zhang Pingwen said, "Academician Xiao, you have proved the Riemann Hypothesis and promoted more than a thousand mathematical propositions based on the Riemann Hypothesis to be upgraded to theorems." Four

The mathematics community has always believed that you can become the greatest mathematician of the 21st century.

And it is true.

Since you proved Riemann's conjecture, you have proved Goldbach's conjecture, Hodge's conjecture, and BSD conjecture successively, and continue to stir up the mathematics world.

personal awards.

You have won the Wolfe Award, the Bell Award, the Cole Algebra Award, the Veblen Award, the Crawford Award, the Clay Award for Mathematics Research, the Davidson Award, the European Mathematical Society Award, the Marcel Rossmann Award, etc. Poor Fields Medal.

This year's Fields Medal winner is 100% you!"

Speaking of which.

Zhang Pingwen admires Xiao Ting very much.

Xiao Ting, who is less than 23 years old this year, is a once-in-a-century genius in mathematics.

The youngest Fields Medal winner in history is Jean-Pierre Serre of France, who was 28 years old at the time.

There is a famous saying in mathematics.

If anyone can win the Fields Medal earlier than the age of 28, he will become a genius comparable to Newton, Gauss, Euler, Riemann, and Einstein in the future!

"Academician Zhang is amazing!"

Xiao Ting said modestly: "Yenching University has an international mathematics research center, which focuses on the research of frontier problems in mathematics, cultivates a new generation of world-class mathematicians, and provides a platform for promoting the exchange of mathematical ideas and achievements.

In such an environment, my mathematical attainments have gradually improved, and I was lucky enough to make some mathematical breakthroughs. "

hear this.

Zhang Pingwen smiled slightly.

Academician Xiao has already achieved world-renowned achievements, but he is still so modest. He is really a treasure in the mathematics world of Xia Kingdom!

9 o'clock sharp.

Scholars in the venue took their seats one after another.

The International Congress of Mathematicians was grandly held.

The president of the conference organizing committee and the president of the International Mathematical Union delivered speeches at the opening ceremony respectively, thanking the local organizers of the conference, thanking the old and new friends who came to the conference, and announcing the opening of the current mathematics conference.

After the opening ceremony, it will be the awards ceremony.

The audience is looking forward to it, waiting for the Fields Award to be released.

One of the first announced Fields Medal winners was the Germanic Peter Schulz of the Max Planck Institute, who commended him for transforming arithmetic algebraic geometry into P-adic domains by introducing perfect spaces.

Peter Schulz is only 31 years old this year. He once completed a bachelor's degree in three semesters, a master's degree in two semesters, and was awarded a doctorate with a thesis. He is the youngest full professor in the history of Germania.

The second Fields Medal winner is Alessio Figari, a professor at the Zu Li World Federal Institute of Technology, in recognition of his contributions to optimal transport theory and its applications in partial differential equations, metric geometry and probability. contribution.

Figari is an expert in variational methods and partial differential equations, known as the "enhanced version of Tao Zhezhi".

He has been involved in Hamilton-Jacobi equation, Schrödinger equation, Vlasov-Poisson equation and so on.

The third Fields Medal winner is Aksayi Venkatesh, a professor at Stanford University and an Indian-Australian, in recognition of his achievements in analytic number theory, topology, and representation theory, and solved the distribution of arithmetic objects. long standing problem.

He is the only Australian who has won medals in the International Physics Olympiad and the International Mathematical Olympiad.

Venkatesh provides a very novel and more direct method to establish the subconvexity estimation of L-functions, which completely solves the conjectures on general algebraic varieties in L-functions.

The winner of the Fields Medal has an age limit of under 40 years old.

The three winners are all younger than 40 years old.

Soon, the audience held their breath and stared at the stage with fiery eyes.

at the same time.

People from all walks of life in Xia Kingdom are paying attention to the ability to

The Fields Medal is the Nobel Prize in mathematics.

In the history of Xia Kingdom, no one has ever won the Fields Medal.

There are two Chinese mathematicians who have won the Fields Medal, but their nationality has nothing to do with Xia Guo.

Although the outside world agrees that Xiao Ting can win the award.

But before the awards were settled.

Everyone is inevitably a little nervous and worried.

On the high platform.

Carlos Kaininger, president of National Mathematics Union, cleared his throat.

With a solemn and steady voice, he read out the award speech of the last winner.

"She proved the Riemann conjecture, the Hodge conjecture, the BSD conjecture, the Goldbach conjecture..."

"She is so young, surprisingly young, but she has extremely high attainments and talents in the field of mathematics..."

"In less than two years, she turned Riemann's conjecture into Riemann's theorem, Hodge's conjecture into Hodge's theorem, BSD conjecture into BSD theorem, and Goldbach's conjecture into Goldbach's theorem. "

"Her birth has amazed the mathematics community. The jury agreed that she is worthy of the Fields Award for her achievements!"

Keninger paused, and announced in a solemn tone: "The fourth Fields Medal winner is——Academician Xiao Ting from Xia Guo!"

The moment the awards were announced, the atmosphere of the audience was ignited.

Xiao Ting, 22, won the Fields Medal.

This means that Xiao Ting has become the youngest Fields Medal winner in history, making latecomers look up to her.

A tsunami-like applause resounded throughout the conference hall.

In the spotlight.

The young Xiao Ting stepped onto the high platform.

She took the Fields Medal from Kaininger calmly.

Kaininger and Xiao Ting shook hands and sent congratulations on behalf of the International Union of Mathematicians.

"Congratulations, scholar from Xia Kingdom!"

Xiao Ting smiled and nodded: "Thank you!"


Xiao Ting delivered her acceptance speech.

She said slowly: "For me, what mathematics has given me is a passport that allows me to move around the world at will, and it is also a powerful tool for exploring the world.

Some people say that I display amazing tenacity when solving mathematical problems.

I think this part should be inherited from my mother.

I was born in a Common family, and my mother encouraged me to change my destiny only by studying.

Some people say that I am a genius.

But I don't like that statement.

What I believe in is the power of perseverance!

When it comes to mathematics, some people find it exciting, while others find it boring.

In my opinion, natural sciences such as mathematics, physics, biology, and electronics seem to be completely different from humanities such as literature, music, and painting....

But in fact, they all show the pursuit of human beings to the truth of nature.

I am in the field of mathematics and have three states of mind.

The first state of mind is that last night the westerly wind withered the green trees, and I went up to the tall building alone, looking at Tianya Road.

At the beginning, I will find a commanding height and form a transparent understanding of the whole problem.

The second state of mind is that the belt is getting wider and you will not regret it, and you will be haggard because of Yixiao.

I will work tirelessly and without sleep or food.

The third state of mind is to look back suddenly, but the person is still there, in a dimly lit place.

A flash of inspiration on the road to study can allow me to overcome difficulties.

I have always believed that the pursuit of seemingly "useless knowledge" can unexpectedly become the source of "applications beyond dreams".

I am engaged in the field of mathematics, and I have been committed to breaking through the barriers between various disciplines and finding an exciting and fruitful world.

Taking mathematics as a starting point, relying on it to guide and illuminate my journey in search of truth and beauty.


What mathematicians look forward to is not ten thousand taels of gold, nor a thousand years of dominance.

After all, these will be reduced to ashes.

What we should pursue is the eternal truth, and what we love are theories and equations.

It is more beautiful than poetry, for all hymns are small when the truth is bare.

It can enrich the country and strengthen the army, because it is the source of all applied sciences.

It can stabilize the country, because it can plan the meridians of modern society.

I always think that if a country does not have a strong mathematical foundation, it will not have good science and technology.

The 21st century should be the time when people in the Xia Kingdom feel proud.

I want to fight for Xia Guo mathematics all my life, and help Xia Guo become a powerful country in mathematics!

This concludes my speech, thank you all. "

The voice fell.

There were bursts of applause at the scene, which lasted for a long time.

Mathematicians from all over the world admire Xiao Ting in high spirits.

At 22 years old, Common is still in college.

But Xiao Ting has become a Fields Medal winner and is willing to work hard for mathematics all her life.

What a great ambition is this?

If Xia Guo wants to become a real mathematics power, maybe it really depends on this young man!

at the same time.

The news media spread the propaganda report overwhelmingly.

"Xia Guo's First Fields Medal Winner, Academician Xiao Ting Makes History!" 2.3

"22-year-old Xiao Ting becomes the youngest Fields Medal winner in history!"

"Building a Powerful Mathematics Country! The Winner of the New Kofields Award Issues the Strongest Declaration!"

"Born in a Common Family? That's How the Fields Medal Winner Sees the Xiao Family!"

"Hi Da Pu Ben! Xiao Ting won the Fields Medal and is known as the once-in-a-century mathematics wizard!"

on the internet.

Netizens blared gongs and drums, and firecrackers blared.

"Congratulations to Goddess Xiao Ting for winning the Fields Medal and winning glory for the country!"

"Academician Xiao Xia Guo was the first mathematician to win the Fields Medal, because of draft beer!"

"Academician Xiao is now famous all over the country, making the mathematics world excited, and becoming an idol of All People!"

"Xiao Ting's experience is so wonderful. She went from being the number one student in science with full marks in the Jiangsu Provincial College Entrance Examination, to proving the Riemann Hypothesis, to winning the Fields Medal. She is simply the number one person in mathematics in the world!"

"Speaking of which, academician Xiao Ting is too humble! If the Xiao family is considered a Common family, what are our families? A cat or a dog?"

"Haha, mediocre Gu Tianle, Liu Qiangdong who doesn't know his wife and beauty, Yanda is okay Sa Beining, Wang Jianlin who has nothing, Liu Yifei, the ugliest family, and now there are many famous stalkers, called Academician Xiao of the Common family!"

"A weak question, may I ask which Common family [can give birth to a Nobel Prize, a Fields Medal, a richest man in the world, more than a dozen academicians, and a rich man in the chemical industry?

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