Rebirth: My Family Is 100 Million Points Strong!

Chapter 141 The Xiao Family Emerges In Large Numbers, The Future Nobel Prize Family!

October 20.

Su Cheng, a residential area.

Song Lan, as usual, was watching short videos of White Cloud at home.

Just click on the APP, the homepage video comes into view.

The title of the video is "The Birth of Room-Temperature Superconductors! Academician Zhao Lijia is a sensation in the physics world!"

The narration sounded at the right time.

"Superconductors, also known as superconducting materials, are designed to be conductors with zero resistance at a certain temperature.

"Humans first discovered superconductors in 1911 by the Dutch scientist Heike Onnes."

"Using liquid nitrogen to cool mercury, when the temperature drops to minus 269 degrees Celsius, the resistance of mercury completely disappears, realizing low-temperature superconductivity."

"Superconductors have three properties, namely complete electrical conductivity, complete diamagnetism, and flux quantization."

"Complete electrical conductivity refers to the zero resistance of superconducting materials, which can make the energy loss in the field of power transmission overwhelmed."

"Complete diamagnetism refers to using the diamagnetism of superconducting materials, placing superconducting materials above magnets, and repulsive force can be generated between magnets and superconductors."

"Flux quantization means that when the insulating layer between two superconductors is as thin as the atomic size, electrons can pass through the insulating layer to generate superconducting direct current and superconducting alternating current."

"It's a pity...the current technology has not yet developed room temperature superconductors, and it is impossible to maximize the advantages of superconductors."

Hear the narration.

Song Lan nodded slightly.

In the physics world, low-temperature superconductivity and high-temperature superconductivity have now been realized.

But in the field of room temperature superconductivity, there is not much clue.

Previously, there were students from White Cloud University who researched "470" and developed a superconductor at room temperature, but it must use millions of times the atmospheric pressure to make the material a superconductor at 15 degrees Celsius

Room temperature superconductivity is the ultimate dream of scientists.

Until now.

Already 10 scientists have won the Nobel Prize for their research on superconductivity.

The narrator said: "Today, Academician Zhao Lijia claimed in a paper published in the journal White Cloud that real room-temperature superconductivity has been realized.

As we all know, Academician Zhao Lijia is an expert in the field of graphene.

The magic-angle graphene she discovered opened up a new field of condensed matter physics.

Two graphene layers, stacked at a very specific 'magic' angle and then twisted, can exhibit strong superconductivity at low temperatures.

In recent years.

Academician Zhao has been trying to stack more magic-angle graphene, eight-layer magic-angle graphene, nine-layer magic-angle graphene, ten-layer magic-angle graphene...

The study found.

The more graphene layers are stacked, the higher the temperature required to achieve low-temperature superconductivity.

After reaching this conclusion.

Academician Zhao began to frantically superimpose graphene layers, and with the assistance of supercomputers, he calculated the best angle of distortion.

Finally, when the magic-angle graphene is stacked to 1028 layers, it can achieve room temperature superconductivity at 15 degrees Celsius.

This discovery has caused a sensation in the physics world and conquered the field of room temperature superconductivity that countless scientists have dreamed of!"

Watch this short video.

Song Lan couldn't help but gasped.


Academician Zhao actually developed a real room temperature superconductor!

This is too incredible, right?

You know, superconductors have a wide range of applications.

Utilizing the complete electrical conductivity of superconductors, superconducting power transmission cables, superconducting transformers and superconducting generators can be used.

At present, if copper or aluminum wires are used for charging in China, more than 15% of the electric energy will be lost on the transmission line.

In Xiaguo alone, the annual power loss reaches more than 100 billion kWh.

If it is changed to superconducting power transmission.

The saved electric energy is equivalent to building dozens of large power plants.

Utilizing the diamagnetism of superconducting materials, high-speed superconducting maglev trains and fully superconducting tokamak nuclear fusion test devices can be made.

Using the flux quantum of superconducting materials can replace semiconductor materials, develop superconducting quantum chips, and produce room temperature quantum computers.

In addition, superconducting materials can be used to develop higher-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance equipment, memory alloys, superconductor transistors, biochemical magnets, superconducting electromagnetic boats, etc., which are extremely widely used.

It is not an exaggeration to say.

With the realization of room temperature superconductivity.

Academician Zhao Lijia won the Nobel Prize in Physics 100%!


Song Lan continued to watch short videos.

The title of the second video is "The Birth of a New Polymer Battery, Academician Xiao Congyi Makes a Sensation in the Chemistry World!"

The narration sounded at the right time.

"Lithium-ion batteries are the current mainstream and are widely used in many fields."

"However, lithium-ion batteries have problems such as low temperature resistance, poor stability, and environmental pollution from waste batteries.

"With the development of new energy vehicles and other industries, higher requirements are put forward for the charging speed of batteries and the ability to store electricity."

"All scientific research institutions hope to develop a new battery to replace the traditional lithium-ion battery."

"In recent years, graphene batteries, nuclear waste batteries, new nano-batteries, solid-state lithium metal batteries and other impressive achievements have come out one after another.

hear this.

Song Lan nodded slightly.

Now the streets and alleys are full of new energy trams.

Even she herself bought a White Cloud new energy tram.

Compared with other new energy vehicle brands.

The White Cloud new energy tram can go to the White Cloud swap station for battery swap.

However, Common brand trams need slow charging or fast charging, which is a waste of time.

The narrator continued: "Today, Academician Xiao Congyi claimed to have developed a new type of polymer battery in a paper published in the journal White Cloud.

The new polymer battery can be charged 10 times faster than traditional lithium-ion batteries, and it only takes a few seconds to complete the charge.

The breakthrough of this new battery is based on the use of redox-containing nitro-group-containing polymers as electrochemical energy storage materials.

Common's nitro-group-containing polymer has the advantage of fast charge and discharge speed, but its conductivity is insufficient, making it difficult to realize commercial application.

Academician Xiao Congyi, in the field of metal polymers, used the complex of nickel selenium polymer and Salen ligand as a new compound of the main chain.

on stability and efficiency.

This kind of battery is more secure, and there is no risk of burning or explosion.

At the same time, it can effectively reduce pollution to the environment.

Not only that.

Academician Xiao Congyi solved the problem of insufficient battery capacity.

With the advent of new polymer batteries.

It is bound to subvert the existing lithium-ion battery pattern and accelerate the development of new energy vehicles!"

See this short video.

Song Lan was amazed again and again.

The emergence of new polymer batteries is a milestone achievement in the field of chemistry.

Academician Xiao Congyi will definitely win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry!


Song Lan continued to watch short videos.

The title of the video is "Su Cheng White Cloud Hospital, completed the world's first allogeneic head-body reconstruction!"

The narrator introduced: "Today, a piece of good news came from the White Cloud Hospital located in Su Cheng Taihu New City.

Last month, Academician Xiao Congli completed a head-body reconstruction surgery with a different body, which is commonly known as head replacement surgery.

The protagonist of the head replacement surgery is a patient with muscular dystrophy.

The head transplant procedure is divided into six steps.

The first step is to find a body that is intact and voluntarily donated, and is successfully matched with the patient without obvious rejection.

In the second step, the doctor will cool the body and head to 12 to 15 degrees Celsius to ensure that the cells can survive without oxygen for a period of time.

In the third step, the doctor cuts the tissues, muscles, blood vessels, etc. of the patient's neck, and then cuts off the spinal cord cleanly with a sharp blade.

In the fourth step, the doctor will connect the severed head to someone else, and use a chemical substance called polyethylene glycol to fuse the spinal wound and promote the meshing of cells.

In the fifth step, after the successful connection of the patient's muscles and blood supply, the patient is placed in a coma for one month to prevent large movements of the newly fused neck.

In the sixth step, after the patient wakes up, he can move immediately, and with physical therapy, he can start walking within a year.

The steps sound simple enough.

But head replacement surgery is the most difficult surgery in the world, and it has never been done before.

A slight mistake in each step will lead to the complete death of the patient.

In order to complete this operation.

The No. 1 White Cloud Hospital in the Xia Kingdom was operated by academician Xiao Congli with superb medical skills, and 180 doctors and nurses participated in the operation. It took 40 hours to successfully complete the operation..

At present, the patient has recovered and is receiving rehabilitation treatment.

With allograft head and body reconstruction successfully.

White Cloud Hospital broke through the restricted area of ​​life and created a milestone in human medicine!"

in the video screen.

There is a mosaic and edited live video of the operation.

The chief surgeon, Xiao Congli, used a scalpel to incise the skin, muscles, blood vessels, bones and other tissues around the patient's neck.

Using a particularly sharp knife, the patient's head is separated from the spinal cord.

The incision is very neat to facilitate the fusion of the spinal cord later.

The operating table on the other side.

The donor's head and spinal cord were also separated by Dr. White Cloud.

The movements of both sides are smooth and flowing, and they are done in one go.

The neurosurgery doctor at White Cloud Hospital quickly sent the patient's head to the next operating table.

Next, Xiao Congli used artificial blood vessels to connect the donor's body to the patient's head.

After successful head anastomosis,

The spinal cord fusion session begins.

When the patient's spinal cord was previously severed, millions of spinal nerves were also severed.

Now I need to pick them up one by one!

If not all back.

Even if the patient survives the operation, he is still paralyzed.

on the operating table.

Xiao Congli is connecting the spinal nerves.

With clipped video perspective.

It can be clearly seen that the anterior spinal vein, posterior spinal artery, posterior spinal vein, posterior external spinal vein, dorsal root ganglion, dorsal nerve and other spinal nerves are connected by ten.

The medical assistants, through the 3D printing model, kept telling Xiao Congli the specific spinal nerves to be connected in the future.

At the same time, the first assistant is injecting induced pluripotent neural stem cells into the patient's spinal cord.

This kind of stem cells can make the isolated spinal cord nerve endings build a "bridge" to make nerve connections more conveniently.

The second assistant is using a glue-like substance called polyethylene glycol to fuse the spinal wounds, promote the engagement of stem cells, and make many spinal nerves stick together.

The third assistant is using a large number of compound tissue immunosuppressive drugs to effectively protect the central nervous system and solve the problem of anti-rejection.

While the operating table is busy.

The medical staff, wholeheartedly cooperated with this operation.

over time.

The chief surgeon, Xiao Congli, was replaced.

Other energetic neurosurgeons, took to the stage to connect the spinal nerves.

First assistants, second assistants, third assistants, nurses, medical assistants, etc. are also constantly rotating.

Because the operation scene is relatively scary.

White Cloud Hospital dispatched

The psychiatrist, during the operation, 2.8 constantly relaxes the doctors to avoid negative emotions.

Watch this video.

Song Lan was stunned.

She had heard about the head-changing technique in Legendary.

Books such as "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio", "Sou Shen Ji" and "You Ming Lu" all have stories of "changing heads".

But these are all fairy tales, folk Legendary!

in the real world.

Head transplant surgery has never been performed.

With the concerted efforts of White Cloud Hospital, this medical miracle has been completed!

As the most difficult operation in human history, it represents the pinnacle of surgical technology.

Academician Xiao Congli, by virtue of his identity as the chief surgeon.

100% to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine!

Watch the three videos.

Song Lan has a deeper understanding of the Xiao family.

Previously, Academician Xiao Hanjie became the second Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine in the history of Xia Kingdom.

At the end of March this year, academician Xiao Hanwen, president of White Cloud Hospital, developed stem cells to grow organs in vitro and became a lifesaver for patients.

Now, Academician Zhao Lijia is working on superconductivity at room temperature.

Academician Xiao Congyi conquered a new type of polymer battery.

Academician Xiao Congli performed the head transplant surgery.

These five Xiao family members already have the qualifications to hit the Nobel Prize, it is nothing more than a matter of time.

In the future, the Xiao family may be able to achieve the Epic-level achievement of "One School with Five Nobel Prizes".

Such a legendary family.

Really admirable!.

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