Rebirth: My Family Is 100 Million Points Strong!

Chapter 144 Nuo Bell Xia Guo Xiao Family Special Session, Seven Nuo Awards For One School!

December 10.

Raypoint, Stockholm Concert Hall.

The 2018 Noble Bell Awards Ceremony was grandly held.

More than 1,500 representatives from the Ruidian royal family, political circles, business circles, cultural circles and all walks of life attended the Noble Bell Awards Ceremony.

The Nobel Prize is divided into 6 awards.

They are Chemistry Prize, Physics Prize, Literature Prize, Economics Prize, He Ping Prize, Physiology or Medicine Prize.

The ceremony begins.

The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, playing Noble Bell's exclusive music.

After the music ends.

Michael Soleman, Executive Director of the North Bell Foundation, delivered a speech on stage.

Immediately afterwards.

Representatives of the Northeast Bell Association introduced the achievements and background of the winners.

physical field.

Three scientists, Zhao Lijia, Arthur Ashkin and Gérard Mourou, won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Zhao Lijia made a milestone achievement by conquering room temperature superconductors.

Arthur Ashkin and Gérard Mourou, for their ground-breaking inventions in the field of laser physics, have successfully won awards.

chemical field.

Xiao Congyi, Frances Arlert and George Smith, three scientists won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Xiao Congyi subverted the traditional lithium-ion battery with a new type of polymer battery and achieved the milestone 817 achievement.

Frances Arlert, for the directed evolution of enzymes, won the award.

George Smith, with the phage display technology of peptides and antibodies, successfully won the award.

Medical field.

Xiao Congli, Xiao Hanwen, Xiao Hanjie, three medical scientists won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Xiao Congli completed the world's first allogeneic head and body reconstruction as the chief surgeon, and achieved a milestone in the field of surgery.

Xiao Hanwen developed stem cells to grow organs in vitro and artificial blood, saving countless patients in need of organ transplants.

Xiao Hanjie developed a stem cell injection, which can promote the regeneration of dental tissue as in newborns, and it has helped countless patients.

Economic sphere.

Paul Romer and Wilhelm Nordhaus, two economists, won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics.

The two have made outstanding contributions to research in the fields of innovation, climate, and economic growth.

field of literature.

Olga Tocarlchuk, winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize for Literature.

The form of her novels is very pleasing, with fragmented jigsaw puzzles, depicting dreams and whimsy, and at the same time can find the reflection of reality and the exploration of the history of the Bolan nation and mythology (ciag) religion.

He Ping field.

Li Peilan of Xia Guo White Cloud Xiao Family Foundation, won the 2018 Nobel Bell Ho Ping Award.

The Xiao Family Foundation, led by Li Peilan, donated a total of 50 billion yuan last year in dozens of fields such as natural environment protection, wildlife protection, medical donations, infant and child protection, poor education, agricultural environmental protection, disease rehabilitation, and road repairs. charitable funds and materials.

The Xiao Family Foundation has made unparalleled contributions to social charity, social health, social welfare and social progress.

After the awards are announced.

There was an uproar in the audience.

This year, a total of 13 people have won the Nobel Prize in various fields.

Among them, Arita is from the real country!

The most exaggerated is.

These seven Xia people all came from the same family.

Everyone whispered in an instant.

"Oh, my-God! They're from Xiao's family in Xia Kingdom?!"

"Amazing! This family is incredible!"

"Inconceivable! There is such a powerful family in the East?!"

"Unbelievable! The Xiao family in Xia Kingdom is amazing! Seven Nobel Prize winners were born in one fell swoop!"

"Have you noticed? In the past, the Nobel Prize was not awarded to scientists who made achievements in the past, but this year is an exception!"

"That's understandable! Room-temperature superconductivity in the physics world, new polymer batteries in the chemistry world, and stem cell cultured organs in vitro in the medical world are all Epic-level achievements!"

Discussion room.

Nobel Prize winners in various fields, went to the high stage to accept the award.

Chatting stopped at the scene and there was warm applause.

Accompanied by the award melody.

The Nobel laureates received a Nobel Prize certificate, a Nobel Gold Medal, and a document with a prize value of 9 million Swedish kronor from King Ruidian.

All under the watchful eye.

Everyone delivered their acceptance speeches one after another.

in the process of speaking.

There was applause again and again at the scene, which lasted for a long time.

After the awards ceremony.

All the guests at the scene went to the Stockholm City Hall to attend the Nor Bell dinner.

at the same time.

Various news media in the Xia Kingdom reported this grand event one after another.

"Nobel Bell Award Blowout, Xiao Jiacheng the Cradle of Nobel Prize!"

"Academician Xiao Hanjie won the Nobel Prize for two consecutive years!"

"Xia Guo's First Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry——Xiao Congyi!"

"Xia Guo's First Nobel Prize Winner in Physics——Zhao Lijia!"

"A family of seven Nobel Prizes, the Xiao family is a unique legendary family in Xia Kingdom!"

"Xiao Congyi and Zhao Lijia became the first husband and wife Nobel Prize winners in China!"

"Father Xiao Congli, sons Xiao Hanwen and Xiao Hanjie, a family of three won the Nobel Prize at the same time!"

As soon as the news reports come out.

Netizens blared gongs and drums, and firecrackers blared.

compared to previous years.

There are too many explosive points in this year's Noble Bell Awards.

In the past, Chinese scientists won the Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry.

But none of the local scientists.

Academician Zhao Lijia and Academician Xiao Congyi who won the awards this time are both Xia Guo nationalities.

In addition, the two are still wives.

In addition, Academician Xiao Hanjie won the Nobel Prize for the second time.

The scientists who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine this year are all members of the Xiao family.

The three scientists have a father-son relationship.

Ms. Li Peilan, who won the Nobel Prize, is also the mother of Xiao Luo, the richest man in the world.

All sorts of things come together.

Netizens were amazed.

In this regard, they have a lot of discussion.

"Damn it?! There are seven Nobel Prize winners in the Xiao family?"

"Oh my god! Our country Xia has finally achieved the zero breakthrough of the Nobel Prize in Physics!"

"No, I remember Academician Yang Zhenning, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1957?"

"Upstairs netizen, Academician Yang was a foreigner at the time, and it was not until 2017 that he transferred back to Xia Guo nationality!"

"That's not right! When he won the award in 1957, Academician Yang hadn't acquired foreign nationality, right?"

"Let me tell you this, Academician Yang was a citizen of the Republic of China at that time, but strictly speaking he did not belong to the Xia Kingdom.

"Speaking of which, the Xiao family has become one of the most powerful families in Xia Kingdom's academic circles, and even one of them can be removed!"

"One of the seven Nobel Prizes, the Xiao family really made a fortune this time, creating a miracle in the Xia Kingdom's academic circles, and becoming a world-class scholar!"

"Double Nobel Prizes for individuals, double Nobel Prizes for husband and wife, three Nobel Prizes for father and son, seven Nobel Prizes for one family, the Xiao family is the best family I have ever seen in my life!".

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