Rebirth: My Family Is 100 Million Points Strong!

Chapter 151 The Birth Of White Cloud's Special Cancer Medicine, Xiao Hanwen's Peerless Nat

February 20.

East Guangdong Province, Yangcheng.

The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of White Cloud University.

Medical Oncology Building, a clinic room.

Luo Tao is asking the doctor about his condition.

Two and a half years ago.

He was not feeling well, so he came to the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University for treatment and was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer.

In the early stage of liver cancer, there are often no clinical manifestations.

By the time pain occurs in the liver area, it is too late.

At that time, Luo Tao's condition was inoperable, and he could only be treated with targeted drugs.

Common's anti-cancer drugs can only prolong the patient's life by 3 to 6 months, and they also face complications.


The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University owns White Cloud Atezolizumab, an anti-cancer drug developed by White Cloud Pharmaceutical Company.

The drug has a significant effect on malignant melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer, renal cell lung cancer, Hodgkin's lymphoma, head and neck cancer, bladder cancer, liver cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer and other cancers.

After taking White Cloud atezolizumab.

Luo Tao has lived for two and a half years.

But recently.

Luo Tao found that his body had developed resistance to White Cloud atezolizumab.

Follow this trend.

He can only live another six months at most.

For this reason, Luo Tao went to the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University again, but the hospital could do nothing for his condition.

Fortunately, today's Yangcheng.

The best hospital is no longer the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, but the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of White Cloud University.

White Cloud Hospital is a temple of medicine in the world, ranking first in the world.

As an affiliated hospital of White Cloud Hospital.

The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of White Cloud University has a very high level of medical skills.

Consulting room.

Qin Yuanwu, the attending physician, had a good idea after reading Luo Tao's examination reports and cases in detail at "Three Forty Zero".

He asked: "Mr. Luo, you have been taking White Cloud atezolizumab for two and a half years, right?"

"That's right!"

Luo Tao nodded and said, "I've been taking this targeted drug. If I didn't have this anti-cancer drug, I'd have gone to see Hades long ago..."

Speaking of which.

He asked anxiously: "Doctor Qin, in my current physical condition, can I still be saved?"

Qin Yuanwu said bluntly: "Mr. Luo, we, the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of White Cloud University, have three suitable methods for your condition.

"Oh? Which three are there?"

Luo Tao was very excited, his eyes lit up with the desire for life.

Liver cancer in the advanced stage has long been a person waiting to die.

If only I could live a little longer.

He is willing to pay any price!

Qin Yuanwu said slowly: "The first one, Mr. Luo, you can take the new anti-cancer targeted drug developed by White Cloud pharmaceutical company.

Your body has developed significant antibodies to White Cloud atezolizumab.

But the new targeted anti-cancer drugs, after taking the drugs, can make you live for at least two or three years.

Hearing this, Luo Tao's eyes lit up.

Doctor Qin is right!

He developed antibodies to White Cloud atezolizumab, but not to other anticancer drugs.

Can live two or three years longer.

This is undoubtedly profitable!

Qin Yuanwu continued: "The second treatment method is to use the domestic medical heavy ion accelerator developed by White Cloud Medical Device Group.

The cost of this ultra-large medical equipment is 1 billion yuan.

It is extremely large, with a circumference of 56.2 meters, equipped with a central controller, a physical planning room, a central control hall, a power distribution room and a power supply room, and 4 treatment rooms.

Heavy ion radiotherapy is currently the most advanced radiotherapy method in the world.

The carbon ions produced by it can directly reach the lesion, concentrate the release ability, and eliminate cancer cells, and the treatment is painless and has few side effects.

White Cloud Medical Heavy Ion Accelerator costs as much as 100 million yuan for equipment operation and maintenance every year.

Patients undergoing heavy ion therapy only need one course of treatment.

The cost of each course of treatment is 300,000 yuan.

During the course of treatment, patients need 10 to 16 radiotherapy sessions, 0 minutes each time, and it is completed within 4 weeks.

In the field of heavy ion therapy, 32 kinds of tumors have been successfully cured.

Similar to nasopharyngeal cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, etc., can be completely cured.

For early malignant tumors, the cure rate is over 95%.

Currently, our Sixth Affiliated Hospital of White Cloud University already owns this equipment.

If you are willing to try, you can give it a try.

Although you are already at an advanced stage of liver cancer.

But using the White Cloud medical heavy ion accelerator, there is still a certain chance that it can be completely cured. "

hear this.

Luo Tao was very excited.

There are two ways Dr. Qin said.

The first one is treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

The second type has a chance of completely curing advanced liver cancer.

Let him choose the words.

Luo Tao is definitely willing to choose the second option.

He asked: "Doctor Qin, what is the third treatment?"

"The third kind..."

Qin Yuanwu picked up the tablet and handed it to Luo Tao: "Mr. Luo, can you see what is playing on it?"

Luo Tao took a look.

I saw a press conference being played on the screen.

The title is "Cancer Specific Drugs Available! Live Press Conference of the First Affiliated Hospital of White Cloud University!"

Cancer cure?

Luo Tao was very excited at the moment.

He quickly clicked on the live link to watch the press conference.

The First Affiliated Hospital of White Cloud University.

Inside the press conference hall.

A grand press conference is being held.

The release hall, which accommodates thousands of people, is full of seats.

Media reporters, medical experts, and academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences gathered together.

The start of the press conference.

The assistant to the dean informed everyone of a series of shocking cancer data.

"Nowadays, cancer has become the number one enemy of mankind!"

"There are more than 100 types of cancer in the world, usually named according to the organ or tissue that forms the cancer."

"According to statistics, the number of new cancers in the world is 23 million, and the global cancer deaths exceed 10 million."

"Xia Guo has 4.4 million new cases of cancer every year, and 3 million deaths."

"Xia Guo's medical level has improved rapidly in recent years, but it still can't conquer cancer!"


Everyone nodded.

Cancer has become the number one "killer" in the world and the biggest "obstacle" to human life expectancy,

On the high platform.

The assistant to the dean announced: "Since last year, academician Xiao Hanwen, the dean of our institute, has devoted himself to the research of specific cancer drugs.

More than a year later, Dean Xiao successfully overcome the medical bottleneck.

At present, he has developed a real cancer specific drug and applied it in clinical trials, successfully curing thousands of terminal cancer patients.

The voice fell.

There was a commotion at the scene.

"Damn it?! The special medicine for cancer is finally born!"

"The birth of a cancer-specific drug will definitely save thousands of families!"

"Academician Xiao Hanwen developed it? No wonder he rarely appeared in public last year except for the Nobel Prize award!"

"Such brilliant scientific research results are simply unbelievable!"

"Today is the birth of a special drug for cancer, and this day is destined to be recorded in the annals of medical history!"

Discussion room.

Xiao Hanwen, who was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, walked up to the high stage in good spirits.

Facing the excited eyes of the audience, he said loudly: "Everyone, the times are developing, and medicine is also advancing.

In recent years, the medical world has undergone tremendous changes.

Rabies was completely cured, depression was completely cured, hepatitis B was completely cured......

There are gradually treatments for diseases that we were helpless in the past.

In the field of medicine, progress is very fast.

But we have not made much progress in the field of cancer treatment.

The anti-cancer drugs of White Cloud pharmaceutical company can prolong the life of patients for several years, so what?

Last year, I devoted myself to the field of cancer treatment.

More than a year has passed.

The special medicine for cancer is completely sold now!"

The voice fell.

There was thunderous applause at the scene.

Everyone knows that the specific medicine for cancer is of great significance, and it is an epoch-making magic medicine in the history of medicine!

After the applause subsided a little.

Xiao Hanwen continued to speak: "As we all know, cancer is a disease caused by a genetic mutation.

The malignant transformation of a cell is often related to the mutation of several tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes.

Mutations in different positions of each gene may have different effects on the effect of drug treatment.

Because of this, the medical profession has been working hard for so many years, but it has not been able to conquer cancer.

And my R & D ideas.

It is to extract T cells from the patient's blood, and transcribe a gene in them, so that T cells have the ability to recognize tumors and become specific cells.

This cell is like a sharp eye. Once it recognizes a tumor, it will firmly grasp the defense and spare no effort to attack the cancer cells, so as to achieve killing.

When the specific T cells have more than enough energy, they will transmit the signal of cell proliferation.

It keeps dividing into hundreds of cells, besieging tumors, and completely destroying all cancer cells!"

hear this.

There was applause again.

Then, Xiao Hanwen presented a case of advanced cancer in front of everyone in the form of PPT.

He introduced: "This is an electronic medical record of a patient with advanced liver cancer half a year ago.

Multiple organs in the patient's body failed, and cancer cells spread throughout the body.

We can only adopt conservative treatment as much as possible to alleviate the pain of the patient......


Xiao Hanwen clicked on the PPT.

A new case appeared.

"Everyone, please see that the case after specific T cell therapy shows that all the cancer cells in this patient have been eliminated!"

"This is the case of the patient three months later, and there are still no cancer cells in his body!"

"This is the case of the patient six months later, and he still doesn't have any cancer cells!"

"The latest case shows that the patient's previous complications have all been recuperated and recovered!"

Xiao Hanwen showed the treatment cases of dozens of patients successively.

There are no cancer cells in every terminal cancer patient!


A terminal cancer patient who had been cured before came to the scene.

I saw that everyone was ruddy and full of energy.

They stepped onto the high platform and slowly told about their illness experience and mental journey.

After the session ends.

Xiao Hanwen announced: "I named this specific cancer drug White Cloud anti-cancer drug.

It cures any cancer known to medicine.

At present, we have initiated an application for approval of new drugs to the drug regulatory agency in Xiaguo.

New drug under expedited approval.

It is estimated that within two to three months, White Cloud drug resistance will be available on the market!"

There was applause again.

at last.

The media interview session begins.

Xia Guo News reporter, interviewed and said: "Dean Xiao, I would like to ask, the White Cloud anti-cancer medicine has been awarded

How much will the price be after the batch is launched?"

Xiao Hanwen replied: "The price of White Cloud anticancer drug is 1 million yuan.

Patients can be completely cured of cancer with just one injection, but they still need to go to the hospital for complications.

After the new drug is on the market, if conditions permit, it can be diagnosed and treated in White Cloud Hospital.

Those without conditions can be treated in other tertiary general hospitals.

Of course, families with cancer patients have long been dragged down by the high cost of treatment.

To this end, all the affiliated hospitals of the White Cloud Department will carry out medical services for the benefit of the people.

Cancer patients can pay after treatment, or choose to pay in installments, up to 30 years in installments. "

in front of the phone screen.

Luo Tao's eyes became brighter and brighter.

White Cloud anti-cancer medicine can cure any cancer known in the medical field.

He was suffering from advanced liver cancer, so it was not a problem.

As for the treatment cost of 1 million yuan.

White Cloud is an affiliated hospital, and you can pay after treatment, or you can pay in installments.

This reduces the financial pressure on all cancer patients.

White Cloud Hospital is indeed a world-class medical hall!

Consulting room.

Dr. Qin Yuanwu asked with a smile: "Mr. Luo, you now know the three cancer treatment methods, which one do you choose?"

"Of course it's the third type!"

Luo Tao said brightly: "The national drug regulatory agency will speed up the approval process for this epoch-making new drug. My 3.0 is willing to wait a few months before using White Cloud

Anti-cancer specific drug to treat advanced liver disease!"

"no problem!"

Qin Yuanwu nodded and said: "Then I will prescribe you some anti-cancer targeted drugs first, you take it first, and wait for the White Cloud cancer specific drug to be approved for marketing."

"Thank you doctor!"

Luo Tao quickly thanked him.

Before cancer, everyone is equal.

Whether it is billionaires or common people.

Once you have cancer, the end result is the same.

It is nothing more than the difference between living a few more years and living a few years less.

Now, Academician Xiao Hanwen of White Cloud Hospital has developed a special drug for cancer. While saving himself, he will also save thousands of patients!


at the same time.

All walks of life have been boiling.

Netizens sang and danced, delighted.

"Academician Xiao Hanwen, you will always be God!"

"Academician Xiao has developed a special drug for cancer, the country is unparalleled!"

"Long live Xiaguo Medical! The special medicine for cancer is destined to go down in history!"

"Contemporary merits and future benefits, Academician Xiao Hanwen will definitely win the Nobel Prize again this year!"

"In my dreams, I want to see the day when cancer is conquered, and now the dream has finally turned into reality, thanks to Dean Xiao!"

"White Cloud Hospital deserves to be the best hospital in the world! No! White Cloud Hospital is the greatest hospital in human history!"

“White Cloud’s special cancer drug is 1 million injections, and there are 23 million cancer patients in the world! If everyone gets an injection, wouldn’t White Cloud Hospital be able to earn 23 trillion yuan?!

"White Cloud Hospital cares for the health of thousands of families! Thanks to White Cloud Hospital! Thanks to Academician Xiao Hanwen! Thanks to the Xiao family who established White Cloud Hospital!"

"Academician Xiao Hanwen is simply a living god of medicine! Salute to Academician Xiao, the special cancer medicine he developed can benefit all mankind!"

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