Rebirth: My Family Is 100 Million Points Strong!

Chapter 172 Western Technology Blockade, White Cloud Company Is Sanctioned!

October 28.

White CloudCBD business district.

In a detached super mansion.

Xiao Hanwen and Jiang Yingxue had dinner leisurely.

Since the completion of the construction of White Cloud Island.

The two bought a 1 billion yuan mansion on the island.

Xiao Hanwen is the president of White Cloud Hospital, with a net worth of 650 billion US dollars, ranking second in the world in wealth.

Jiang Yingxue is the chairman of White Cloud Film Group, and her wealth has also ranked among the top 100 Forbes rich list.

Take the wealth of two people.

It's easy to buy a 1 billion yuan mansion.

Xiao Hanwen took a bite of food and said, "Yingxue, Xiao Luo is in love, do you know?"

"Huh? Does he have a girlfriend?"

Jiang Yingxue's eyes lit up.

In recent years.

Everyone in the Xiao family was introducing girlfriends to Xiao Luo.

But Xiao Luo's vision is too high, and Common's beauties can't be seen at all.

If you want to find the right one.

According to the current status of the Xiao family, it will be even more difficult to find.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Luo quietly found a girlfriend.

This is a great thing!

Jiang Yingxue gossips: "Husband, what is the origin of Xiaoluo's girlfriend?"

Xiao Hanwen said truthfully: "The woman is a graduate student of Yenching University, and seems to be the daughter of the Governor."

hear this.

Jiang Yingxue nodded: "Although it's not a good match, but the governor's daughter sounds okay.

What she said is true.

Xiao Luo is the richest man in the world, and the Xiao family is a top family.

In the eyes of others, the provincial governor's daughter is unattainable.

But for the Xiao family.

It's really nothing.

Just as Xiao Hanwen was about to say something, he was suddenly attracted by the news on the TV screen.

on the TV screen.

The host, Kang Hui, reported on the broadcast: "Last night, US business agencies further tightened restrictions on Huawei's access to US technology.

At the same time, they incorporated Huawei's 38 subsidiaries in 21 countries around the world, including Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Company, Yingguo Huawei Technology Research and Development Department, etc., into entities.

28 U.S. business organizations directly prohibit Huawei from purchasing foreign-made chips produced using U.S. software and technology, and at the same time prohibit chip foundries from using U.S. equipment to customize chips for Huawei.

The opponent's move this time can be called the most stringent attack method in recent years.

At present, chip foundries around the world are using semiconductor equipment from the United States.

Therefore, not only is Huawei unable to find a foundry to process chips for itself, but it also needs permission from the United States to purchase third-party chips.

It was previously reported that Huawei ordered 120 million chips from MediaTek, which is enough to meet two-thirds of the annual shipment demand.

But with the introduction of a new round of bans in the United States.

After Huawei's inventory of chips is exhausted, it will face the situation of "no chips available".

The 15th of next month will be the first day that the United States will implement a complete cut-off of supply to Huawei.

From that day on, manufacturers such as Moss Semiconductors, Trinity, and SK Hynix, which manufacture Qilin series of high-end 5G chips for Huawei, will stop supplying Huawei.

According to industry sources.

Huawei's chip inventory of HiSilicon can only be used until the beginning of next year, and the shipment of mobile phones next year has been greatly adjusted to 50 million to 70 million units.

There is no problem with HiSilicon's chip design.

But they can no longer continue to manufacture.

According to the latest news, Huawei Haisi has chartered a cargo plane to transport chips from the Bay Area before the delivery deadline, and increase the stock of stock..."

See this news.

Both Xiao Hanwen and Jiang Yingxue looked solemn.

The Entity List is an export control regulation established by the United States to safeguard its national security interests.

before obtaining a license.

Exporters in the United States are not allowed to assist companies on the list to obtain any items governed by this regulation.

Simply put, the Entity List is a blacklist.

Once it enters this list, it actually deprives the relevant companies of trade opportunities in the United States.

Not only that.

If a third-party company purchases U.S. products and resells them to companies on the Entity List, it will also be included in the U.S. list or be severely punished.

Moreover, the export control of the Gull League and Neon is consistent with that of the United States.

It can be said.

Companies included in the Entity List will find it difficult to move forward internationally.

As of now.

There are more than 200 companies or institutions that Xia Guo has been included in the US Entity List.

Among them, including Xiaguo Institute of Physics and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Yanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, National Supercomputing Yangcheng Center, Xiaguo Aerospace Science and Industry Group, Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd., Xiaguo General Nuclear Power Group, etc. wait.

Huawei Company, this time being included in the list of entities, means that they will lose external foundries, lack 5G baseband chips, and no longer be able to manufacture 5G mobile phones.

It is clearly the world's number one company for 5G technology patents.

But because of the lack of 5G chips, only 4G mobile phones can be sold.

The sadness and helplessness in it can be imagined.

on the dining table.

Xiao Long, who was also watching TV, asked curiously: "Mom and Dad, the country of America is so powerful, why do you have to fight against a country?"

Xiao Long is the son of Xiao Hanwen, currently 12 years old and in the sixth grade of primary school.

"This is not a Common business!"

Xiao Hanwen said to his son about science: "There are many top companies in Xiaguo, such as Ari and Fuji Xun.

However, the United States will not target Ali Tengxun for the time being, because these two companies are upper-level applications on the infrastructure of the United States.

In their view, you are on top of my infrastructure, and you can play however you want, as long as the foundation is withdrawn, you will be finished.

As for Huawei, the company is now engaged in infrastructure.

This made the United States very angry.

When we talk about 5G, we usually talk about fast network speed, fast download speed, unmanned driving, and the Internet of Everything.

The United States believes that the real potential of 5G is its impact on future war networks.

If 5G commands thousands of drones, thousands of unmanned ships, and thousands of robots, the threat will increase exponentially.

Moreover, 5G can transform Xiaguo from a capital and labor-intensive manufacturing economy into an innovation-oriented economy.

In addition, computers are the infrastructure of the new era and belong to the steel guns that guard information security.

The most important thing about digital infrastructure is communication and computing power, that is, 5G and chips.

Who can occupy these two fields.

It will become an indispensable force in the digital landscape in the next few decades.

And Huawei Company is leading the world in the field of 5G communication, has the world's largest number of 5G patents, and has already stepped into the future with one foot.

The United States can't wait to sanction Huawei!"

"I see!"

Xiao Long suddenly realized and nodded.

Seeing that my son understood.

Xiao Hanwen smiled in satisfaction.

His son is very smart, so he is willing to tell Xiao Long about these things.

Jiang Yingxue said: "Hua is HiSilicon, and has already ranked among the top in the world in terms of chip design concepts.

However, because domestic lithography machines are too backward, high-end chips cannot be produced, so they can only be limited everywhere.

Their current situation is that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. "

Xiao Long nodded.

He saw it on the news.

All electronic products and equipment are inseparable from chips.

90% of domestic chips are dependent on imports.

The total amount of chips imported every year is as high as more than 350 billion U.S. dollars, and the money is earned by others.

Xiao Long asked again: "Then Hua is a company, how can we get 5G chips and produce 5G mobile phones?"

Xiao Hanwen explained patiently: "After the US ban came out, Xia Guo had to build a chip production line with non-US equipment in order to get rid of the technological blockade.

Chip production line, involving lithography, Track, ion implantation, CVD, PVD cleaning, CMP, ETCH, Diffusion, Defect measurement and other processes.

Other processes are fine.

Only in the field of lithography machines, Xia Guo has never made a big breakthrough.

As long as we develop high-end lithography machines.

It can produce 5G chips and let Hua produce mobile phones for the company. "

The voice fell.

Xiao Long blinked his eyes, and said expectantly with a small face: "I really hope that the high-end lithography machine will be developed soon!"

hear this.

Xiao Hanwen and Jiang Yingxue looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

The difficulty of manufacturing high-end lithography machines can be called hell level.

So far, there are only two countries in the world that have mastered the mainstream technology of manufacturing lithography machines.

They are the Dutch country and the Neon country, and even the US can only import lithography machines.

Take the latest fifth-generation lithography machine as an example.

An EUV lithography machine, with a total weight of 180 tons, needs dozens of containers to transport.

Even if it is shipped to the site, it will take one year to prepare and wait for installation and commissioning.

The internal structure of the lithography machine is sophisticated and complex, with more than 100,000 parts.

Among them, the raw materials come from all corners of the country.

A high-performance lithography machine requires Zeiss lens technology from Germany, control software and light sources from the United States, special composite materials from the Neon Country, and so on.

Although Holland and Neon are leaders in the field of lithography machines, they cannot achieve localized production of complete machines, and still need the supply and support of the global upstream and downstream industrial chains.

These areas are all Xia Guo's shortcomings.

The research and development of domestic lithography machines has a long way to go.

Of course, these words do not need to be explained to his son Xiao Long.

on the TV screen.

The host, Kang Hui, continued to broadcast the report: "This morning, the US business organization issued a statement.

On the grounds of "technical network security", they included a series of institutions and companies in the Xia Kingdom into the entity list, which will restrict the export, import, or re-export of these companies.

The following is a specific list.

White Cloud University (University).

White Cloud Mobile Group (Communications).

White Cloud Automotive Group (New Energy).

White Cloud Locomotive Group (Traffic Safety).

White Cloud Power Investment Group (Nuclear Security).

White Cloud short video overseas version (network security).

White Cloud Offshore Oil Group (marine security).

White Cloud e-commerce overseas version (network security).

White Cloud Medical Devices Group 413 (High Precision Instruments).

In the latest entity list, 36 White Cloud companies are involved.

Emerging technologies such as biotechnology, artificial intelligence technology, microprocessor technology, advanced computing technology, quantum information and sensing technology, advanced materials, and brain-computer interface are all banned.

After the White Cloud company was included in the entity list.

All major American companies, as well as companies that have business dealings with allied countries, have received specific bans.

1. Immediately prohibit the import or re-export of products from White Cloud companies.

2. All existing or new White Cloud corporate orders must be suspended or terminated.

3. Stop accessing the White Cloud corporate e-procurement website and prohibit access.

4. Completely prohibit White Cloud companies from purchasing chips globally.

5. It is completely forbidden to use all products of White Cloud companies

In front of the TV.

See this news.

Xiao Hanwen and Jiang Yingxue frowned.

Now, even White Cloud companies have been included in the entity list.

What the United States wants to sanction is not just Huawei Company, but the entire high-end technology industry of Xia Country!

Both of them knew it in their hearts.

It doesn't matter whether it is a Huawei or a White Cloud company.

If you want not to be sanctioned by others, you must first make yourself stronger!

Xiao Hanwen took a deep breath.

He took out his cell phone and made a call.

Facing U.S. sanctions.

White Cloud is an enterprise, not a lamb to be slaughtered, but a real ability to fight back.

at the same time.

on the internet.

Netizens are swearing.

"Damn, the West has imposed a technical blockade on us again!"

"Their methods have given me a lot of vomit. They first sanctioned Huawei, and then sanctioned the White Cloud company."

"They are already scared! That's why they desperately want to sanction us. We are strong, and they start to panic."

"By the way, White Cloud Pharmaceutical Group also belongs to the field of biomedicine. Why aren't they sanctioned?"

"If you don't take the medicine, you will die! If they want to sanction the White Cloud pharmaceutical company, then all patients in the United States will not agree!"

"That's right! White Cloud Pharmaceutical Group is the only one in the world, and they dare not sanction it easily."

"If I were a White Cloud pharmaceutical company, I would definitely not sell the drug to the United States and let them fend for themselves!"

"Isn't that good? Medicine knows no borders, and doctors share a common heart. White Cloud pharmaceutical companies shouldn't do this, right?"

"Then who knows! White Cloud's companies are united with each other. If you block us, then White Cloud's pharmaceutical companies will stop selling medicines. Let's all die together!".

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