Rebirth: My Family Is 100 Million Points Strong!

Chapter 200 Life And Death, Human Flesh And Bones, White Cloud Hospital On The Altar!

August 30.

Taihu New Town, on a certain street.

A serious car accident just happened.

Qi Juan, the girl in the car accident, was lying on the ground bleeding profusely and died on the spot.

The girl's mother knelt down next to her daughter's body, weeping bitterly.

The relatives, friends and passers-by nearby all pulled her hard, for fear that she would do some extreme behavior.

However, no matter how you block it.

The girl's mother couldn't calm down her emotions. She always wanted to hug her daughter and see her for the last time.

The onlookers are in their skirts.

A passer-by asked, "What happened here just now?"

An insider pointed to the cake in the pool of blood and sighed: "Today is the girl's 17th birthday, and her mother was in a car accident on the way back with her daughter to buy cakes on a battery car.

Because the girl was not wearing a motorcycle helmet, a large amount of blood flowed from her head, and she died on the spot.

Alas... If the girl was wearing a helmet at that time, she would only suffer minor or serious injuries, and perhaps her life could be saved.

The daughter died at the age of 17.

Anyone will collapse on the spot!"

hear this.

Passers-by sighed.

"It's a pity, she's only 17 years old!"

"I'm 17 and I'm going to be in my third year of high school, so I'm gone."

"It's a pity, her life has just begun!"

In the discussion room.

The sound of the hospital ambulance beeping, beeping, came from far and near.

Although the car accident happened suddenly.

However, White Cloud Hospital has already sent a medical detection satellite to the sky, which can monitor Su Cheng's traffic information at all times.

From the departure of the ambulance to the arrival at the scene.

Only less than five minutes passed.

After the ambulance arrived at the scene.

The medical staff of White Cloud Hospital rushed out from the army.

Luo Fei, the leading White Cloud doctor, looked very solemn after checking the situation.

The patient suffered a massive brain hemorrhage and died.

He said to the nurse next to him: "Send the patient to White Cloud Hospital immediately, maybe they can be saved!"

The nurses nodded and picked up the stretcher to lift Qi Juan.

Seeing this, Qi Juan's mother seemed to be crazy, and said angrily: "Don't touch my daughter!"

The nurses looked at each other helplessly.

Luo Fei, the doctor in charge of first aid, hurriedly said, "Aunt, your daughter may not be dead yet.


Qi Juan's mother glared and said: "My daughter has died, don't even try to take her away!"

Luo Fei explained: "Aunt, your daughter's heartbeat and breathing have stopped, and she is medically dead.

But after the heartbeat and breathing have stopped, it will take a while before the brain dies.

After brain death comes cell death.

Now, we must take your daughter to White Cloud Hospital immediately, maybe there is still life.

hear this.

Qi Juan's mother was stunned.

The onlookers present were also stunned.

Can a dying person be rescued?

Has modern medicine been sent to such a point?


Has White Cloud Hospital's medical skills reached such a high level?

After Qi Juan's mother learned that her daughter might still be saved, she immediately adjusted her emotions and said cooperatively: "Doctor, please send my daughter to White Cloud Hospital, I was really sorry just now.


Luo Fei waved his hand and looked at the medical staff: "Hurry up, it's the evening rush hour, and it will take a while for us to get there."

The medical staff nodded, and swiftly carried Qi Juan onto the medical stretcher and sent her to the ambulance.

Qi Juan's mother, as a relative, also got into the car.

The passers-by watched and saw the ambulance leaving, hoping that White Cloud Hospital could bring the girl back to life.

five minutes later.

The ambulance drove into Taihu New City Bai Hospital.

This moment.

The emergency doctors of White Cloud have already been waiting in the emergency building of the hospital.

After the quick handover between the two parties.

The doctors pushed the emergency trolley and quickly went to the diagnosis room for detailed examination.

Under the most advanced 100% medical diagnostic equipment.

Diagnosis results are available immediately.

Qi Juan, a 17-year-old girl, has died biologically.

Qi Juan's brain is already dead.

Qi Juan's cerebellum has died.

Qi Juan's medulla has died.

Qi Juan's cells died in large numbers.

The only good thing is.....

There are still some cells in her body that haven't died.

White Cloud's emergency doctors immediately sent Qi Juan to the operating room without delay.

In the cubicle outside the operating room.

Chen Yan, Qi Juan's mother, stared intently at the live broadcast in the operating room through the LCD screen.

8K live video display.

The vital signs instrument connected to the daughter showed no signs of life.

In the cubicle, White Cloud doctor Zhao Xinghe said in a long and short way: "Ms. Chen, if you want to save your daughter's life now, you can only fight for the success rate.

Xiao Hanwen, the director of our hospital, developed the White Cloud gene repair medicine some time ago.

This drug is a miracle drug that can restore patients from the genetic level and the cellular level.

Even if the patient's brain and cerebellum are dead.

As long as some cells remain alive.

The White Cloud gene repair medicine can bring the patient back from the dead. "

hear this.

Chen Yan's eyes lit up.

As if she had grasped a life-saving straw, she hurriedly said: "Doctor, use this medicine to save my daughter. A doctor said just now that my daughter still has cells alive."

"Rest assured, White Cloud Hospital will not let patients die!"

Zhao Xinghe took out two pieces of paper and handed them to Chen Yan.

"Ms. Chen, this is the signed consent form for surgery at White Cloud Hospital. We need the signatures of the family members."

"This is a list of volunteers for the phase II clinical trial of White Cloud's gene repair drug. You, in the name of your family members, sign your name for your daughter."

"Of course, the White Cloud gene repair agent is currently in the clinical trial stage and has not yet been approved for marketing."

"Using this drug for surgery, we can't guarantee the success rate of the surgery, saying that it can save the patient 100%."

"The only thing we can be sure of is that because it's a clinical drug trial. We won't charge you ten cents."

The voice fell.

While signing, Chen Yan said: "Don't worry, doctor, I know it well."

White Cloud Hospital is a temple of medicine in the world.

If even White Cloud Hospital can't save her daughter.

In the whole world, no one can save!

His daughter, Qi Juan, died at the time of disaster.

Now White Cloud Hospital is still rescuing her daughter, give it a try, the only thing left for her is gratitude!

At this moment, Chen Yan is staring at the operation screen, clasping her hands together, hoping that White Cloud Hospital can create a miracle of life.

In the operating room.

The White Cloud doctors immediately injected Qi Juan with the White Cloud gene repair medicine.

Just a few minutes.

On the vital signs instrument, Qi Juan's vital signs reappeared.

The surgeon in charge ordered the nurse: "Infuse the patient with nutrient solution, the birth of new cells requires a lot of nutrition."


The nurse nodded, and injected White Cloud's special nutrient solution directly into Qi Juan's body.

This nutrient solution is the latest scientific research product of White Cloud Hospital in the past two years.

The use of White Cloud gene repair medicine needs to be used in conjunction with the use of special nutrient solution.

five minutes later.

Nurse Hui reported: "Diagnostic instrument data showed that the patient resumed heartbeat and breathing."

The chief surgeon said: "Immediately use cardiotonic drugs to maintain the patient's heartbeat, and then use a ventilator to maintain the patient's breathing.

ten minutes later.

Nurse Network reported: "The patient's medulla has been resuscitated!"

Twenty minutes later.

Nurse Express reported: "The patient's cerebellum has been resuscitated!"

Thirty minutes later.

Nurse Express reports: "Patient's brain has been resuscitated!"

after an hour.

Nurse Hui reported: "The patient's vital signs have gradually recovered!"

The chief surgeon nodded and said, "Now perform the craniotomy to remove the congestion in the patient's brain!"

"Yes, doctor!"

The medical staff present spoke in unison.

Another hour later.

The operation was a complete success.

Qi Juan was sent to the intensive care unit and continued to be observed.

Four hours later.

Qi Juan woke up smoothly.

She slowly opened her eyes, and after looking around, there was a trace of confusion in her eyes.

Soon, the memory returned to the brain.

Qi Juan remembered that she seemed to be in a car accident when she and her mother bought birthday cakes and returned home.

Then, her head hit the ground.

Then, he completely lost consciousness.

Qi Juan thought to herself, she should be in the hospital now, right?

Not long after.

Doctor Zhao Xinghe brought Chen Yan to the intensive care unit.

Seeing that her daughter was fine, Chen Yan was extremely excited and burst into tears.

She broke down in tears and said: "Xiaojuan, it's mom who is sorry for you, mom should put a helmet on for you!"

"Mom, I'm fine!"

Qi Juan comforted her mother weakly.

"Smelly girl, you scared mom to death!"

Chen Yan was very scared, she almost never saw her daughter...


Through the conversation between Zhao Xinghe and his mother.

Qi Juan was surprised to learn that she had been dead for nearly 20 minutes.

In the case of biological death, the whole person was still saved by Doctor White Cloud!

Such unbelievable medical skills are simply unheard of!

………… Ask for flowers…

After calming down.

With a tangled expression, Qi Juan said weakly, "Mom, this medicine should be very expensive, right?"

hear this.

Zhao Xinghe smiled.

He repeated what he said to Chen Yan earlier.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Xinghe added: "According to the statistics of authoritative organizations, motorcycles and electric vehicles are the vehicles that cause the most deaths in traffic accidents.

In fatal accidents, 80% of people die from traumatic brain injury.

For this reason, this year, the state launched a special protection operation with one helmet and one belt, and imposed fines on those who ride electric vehicles without wearing safety helmets.

You must not be so reckless in the future!"

"I will, thank you Doctor Zhao!"

Qi Juan was very weak, but she thanked her quickly.

She was also a little scared.

In Su Cheng at the end of August, the temperature is very hot even in the evening.

Before the car accident.

Mom clearly told her to wear a helmet.

But Qi Juan was afraid of the heat, so she didn't wear it.

Unexpectedly, just because she wasn't wearing a helmet, there was a car accident that she would remember forever!

next few days.

Chen Yan takes good care of her daughter.

Take advantage of this time.

She had heard a lot about White Cloud Hospital.

First of all, the gene repair medicine developed by Xiao Hanwen, director of White Cloud Hospital, can bring patients back to life.

The patient "died" within half an hour.

If the White Cloud gene repair medicine can be treated in time, the patient can be brought back to life and restored to health.


These days in the ward to accompany.


Chen Yan has seen many patients who died in car accidents, sudden accidental deaths, drowning in swimming, or natural and man-made disasters, and their lives can be saved within half an hour.

Doctor White Cloud used gene repair medicine to bring these patients who should have died back to life.

Of course, if it takes more than half an hour to die.

That would be truly magical!

In addition, Chen Yan also learned that the White Cloud gene repair medicine has other magical effects.

The drug can restore health to amputee patients, paralyzed patients, muscular atrophy patients, neurological diseases, bone injuries, severed limbs and other patients.

It can heal cells, repair cells, restore nerve veins and human organs through deep gene repair.

Among them, the most exaggerated is undoubtedly the rebirth of a broken hand and the rebirth of a broken foot.

White Cloud gene repair medicine, combined with White Cloud's special nutrient solution, can allow patients with previous amputations to regrow new hands and feet.

This is astonishing!

Chen Yan saw with her own eyes that a patient with prosthetic limbs re-grows both legs after using the White Cloud gene repair medicine.

Although the newly grown legs are as delicate as a baby, their muscles are not very strong.

But only after a period of recovery.

The patient with a broken leg will soon be able to run and jump like a normal person.

at the same time.

on the internet.

It's all about White Cloud Hospital.

"The Birth of the Miracle Medicine! The Human Medical Revolution is Coming!"

"Life and Death, Human Flesh and White Bones, White Cloud Gene Repair Potion is Born!"

"White Cloud Hospital on the altar, the world medical hall has developed a magic medicine!"

"Academician Xiao Hanwen, the winner of the Double Nobel Prize, Qu Shuangqu developed a miracle medicine!"

"President Xiao Hanwen conquered the realm of gods, God bless Xia Guo, congratulations to Xia Guo's medical cause!"

"National Warrior! Xiao Hanwen, President of White Cloud Hospital, has made a milestone achievement in the medical field!"

"Blood Rebirth! Broken Limb Rebirth! Fracture Recovery! Paralysis Suppressor! White Cloud Gene Repair Drug Enters Phase II Clinical Trial!"

"The king of Hades will let you die on the third watch! White Cloud Hospital will keep you until the fifth watch! Within half an hour of dying, the White Cloud gene repair medicine can bring you back to life!"

In the hot search comment area.

Netizens are talking about it.

"What the hell?! Isn't White Cloud Hospital amazing?"

"In the medical field, White Cloud Hospital is completely invincible!"

"Oh my god! Reborn from severed limbs! Bringing the dead back to life! The White Cloud hospital is blown!"

"After the gene repair medicine is born, as long as there are still cells that are not completely dead, they will be saved!"

"White Cloud Hospital was number one in the world for the past two years, and now it seems that the medical skills of White Cloud Hospital are even stronger!"

"Compared to the previous magical medicine, the White Cloud gene repair medicine is the real life and death human flesh and bones!"

"Academician Xiao Hanwen is too powerful, he is the contemporary Hua Tuo Bian Que. In ancient times, ordinary people would build temples for him!"

"The number of people with disabilities in the Xia Kingdom has reached 85 million. After using the White Cloud gene repair potion, they will be able to recover as before!"

"I hope that the White Cloud gene repair drug will complete the phase II clinical trial as soon as possible, and then be approved by the Xia State drug regulatory agency, so as to be approved for marketing!".

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