Rebirth: My Family Is 100 Million Points Strong!

Chapter 93 The Family Halo Superimposes, Xiao Ting, The Super God Of Learning!

the end of February.

Yenching University.

In the student lecture hall.

Students of the Nine Schools Alliance are holding an academic exchange meeting.

The Nine Schools Alliance, also known as the C9 Alliance, is a university alliance formed by the top universities in Xiaguo.

The alliance includes Yenching University, Huaqing University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Jinling University, Zhejiang University, Xiaguo University of Science and Technology, Xijiao Jiaotong University, and this university.

At the moment, a mathematics academic exchange meeting is being held in the student lecture hall.

The participating students are all top academics from various universities.

At the academic exchange meeting.

Mathematics masters from various schools came to the stage one after another.

In the lecture hall of thousands of people, there was applause again and again.

The topic of the thesis of the academic masters is very high-end.

Composite fractional differential equation initial value problem.

The regularity problem of three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations.

Linear damping problem for incompressible Euler equations in 2D.

Axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations and inviscid damping problems.

The professors present couldn't help nodding secretly when they saw the students' excellent performance in the field of mathematics.

Mathematics is the mother of science.

Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and you will not be afraid to travel all over the world!


Xiao Ting, a student of Yenching University, took the stage.

Seeing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

Xiao Ting was the 2014 Jiangsu Provincial College Entrance Examination science subject full score top scorer, good looking, a combination of beauty and talent.

She is very well-known in the student body.

Many people want to know.

Is Xiao Ting, who stunned the whole country in the college entrance examination, still as dazzling as before?

on the podium.

Xiao Ting looked around the audience and said: "I have prepared a paper, which was originally intended to be submitted to the "Annual Journal of Mathematics". Taking advantage of this academic exchange meeting, I will make a fool of myself."

It was said that the students were interested.

"Annual of Mathematics" is an international top journal.

Since Xiao Ting is sure to submit an article to "Annual Journal of Mathematics", the level of this paper must be extremely high.

Under the gaze of everyone.

Xiao Ting, who is already a junior this year, puts the USB flash drive into the USB port.

Live on the big screen.

The title of the thesis appears———"Prove the Riemann Hypothesis!"

See this title.

There was a sudden commotion in the academic lecture hall.

The Riemann Hypothesis, proposed in 1859, is one of the seven top mathematical puzzles in the world.

In the research process of Riemann's conjecture, thousands of mathematical propositions related to the conjecture have been produced.

If the Riemann Hypothesis is falsified, all these propositions will be invalidated, and the mathematical system will lose its important foundation.

At that time, the Clay Mathematics Association of the United States offered a reward of one million dollars to solve the Riemann conjecture.

But today.

No mathematician has ever been involved in this field.

In the academic lecture hall.

The students and professors of the C9 League stared wide-eyed at the moment.

It's really hard to imagine.

A junior student dared to challenge the Riemann conjecture.

What are you kidding?

On the high platform.

While manipulating the PPT, Xiao Ting slowly said: "The Riemann conjecture, the 'guess' is that all the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann Zeta function are distributed on a special straight line called the 'critical line' on the complex plane.

In layman's terms, the Riemann Zeta function is a complex function.

It can be understood as a function with two variables, one is called the real part and the other is called the imaginary part.

Written as a familiar function, that is y=f (real, imaginary).

This function looks a bit complicated.

But we can start with the simple case.

If we ignore the imaginary part first and force the imaginary part to be 0, then it is a very common function y=f (real).

Next, please look at the big screen..."

Everyone looked up at the horizontal axis x and vertical axis y displayed on the big screen.

Xiao Ting said with a smile: "This picture is a part of this Riemann Zeta, and you will find that it has an obvious feature.

When the real part = -2, -4, -6, -8, -10, etc., this function intersects the X axis.

In other words, its function value is 0 at these times.

This is what we want, the point where the function value of the Riemann Zeta function takes 0.

Of course, these points are too obvious to be interesting.

In the words of mathematicians, these are trivial solutions.

The simple reason is that we have only considered the case where the imaginary part = 0.

If the imaginary part is allowed to be taken at will, how can the function value be taken as 0?

This is Riemann's conjecture: In order to make the function value 0, except for these ordinary solutions, all remaining solutions, no matter how large the imaginary part is, the real part must be 1/2.

In other words, if we draw all the solutions on the coordinate axis, the real part is horizontal and the imaginary part is vertical.

Then they should look like the picture below.

Except for the string of -2, -4, and -6 on the left, the rest on the right are all on the 1/2 red line..."

Xiao Ting's narration is well organized.

Lead everyone to understand Riemann's conjecture first, and then follow her rhythm to prove it.


Following her narration.

The formulas displayed on the large screen are as many as hundreds of pages, contain thousands of formulas, and involve nearly a hundred references to previous literature.

The mathematics professors present were listening carefully and frantically verifying in their notebooks.

However, it takes a lot of time to demonstrate this thesis.

They can only temporarily give up the argument and choose to match Xiao Ting's explanation speed.

They didn't understand many places in the paper.

But overall.

There are no logical errors in this thesis.

Time passed slowly.

On the big screen, formulas and lemmas emerged one by one.

Xiao Ting said loudly: "The above formula can be proved, and the Riemann conjecture is established!"

The scene was silent at first.

Immediately afterwards, cheers erupted like a tsunami.

All the teachers and students in the lecture hall stood up, and the applause continued for a long time.

After the Riemann Hypothesis is proved.

Xiao Ting will shock the whole mathematics world!

In the academic lecture hall.

Scenes of all living beings are staged.

A professor at Yenching University smiled happily.

A student of Yenching University, with fanaticism in his eyes.

The teachers of the C9 League have mixed feelings, and hate why they didn't recruit students like Xiao Ting into their school.

The students of the C9 League have both the disappointment of being defeated and the envy and admiration for Xiao Ting's proof of Riemann's conjecture.

Of course, whether the proof of Riemann's conjecture is true or not needs to be verified by mathematicians around the world.

If the Riemann conjecture is true.

That Xiao Ting, as a third-year student, will join the ranks of the world's top mathematicians.

On the high platform.

Xiao Ting was also very emotional.

Originally, she was outstanding, otherwise she would not have become the top scorer in the Suzhou college entrance examination.

But recently.

Xiao Ting felt that her ability had reached a new level.

Actually, what Xiao Ting didn't know was.

Since the beginning of this year, the Xiao family has a family education halo.

The halo of learning talent is doubled, plus the blessing of her own family talent halo.

Under the superimposition of the two halos.

Xiao Ting's ability increased exponentially.

That's why she can prove the Riemann Hypothesis!

After the academic exchange meeting of the C9 League.

Xiao Ting's paper was uploaded to the mathematics journal of Yenching University.

Fields Medal winners, Wolfe Prize winners, Bell Prize winners, Cole Algebra Prize winners, Veblen Prize winners, and big names in the field of mathematics from all over the world have all verified this paper.

In the end, they jointly announced that the Riemann Hypothesis was established!

The news of Xiao Ting's proof of Riemann's conjecture quickly swept through the entire mathematical thinking like a whirlwind.

Mathematicians all over the world were shocked.

A third-year female student from Xia Guo actually proved the Riemann Hypothesis?

This is too unbelievable!

The famous mathematician Montgomery once praised the Riemann Hypothesis, which has been standing in the mathematics world for 150 years: "If the devil promises to let mathematicians exchange their souls for the proof of a mathematical proposition, most mathematicians would like to The exchange will be the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis!"

The famous mathematician Hilbert said: "If he can return to the world after 500 years, he would like to know whether the Riemann conjecture has been proved" or has been perjured."

Since the Riemann Hypothesis was born.

Later generations of mathematicians studied it fascinated and restless.

In a hundred years of reincarnation, generations of mathematicians have gone on and on and devoted themselves to it.

Riemann's conjecture is still like a lofty peak, standing on the peak of human intelligence, and it is superior to others.

In modern mathematics, more than a thousand mathematical propositions are based on the establishment of the Riemann conjecture and its extended form.

Now the Riemann Hypothesis has been successfully proved.

These thousands of mathematical propositions and theories will be promoted to "mathematical theorems".

Moreover, the Riemann Hypothesis itself has a significant relationship with some physical phenomena.

It connects classical chaotic systems such as quantum systems, disordered media and neural networks, leaving many regular traces in the most basic principles of physics.

Not to mention, the Riemann conjecture itself shows the skirt of prime numbers, dancing gracefully in the sequence of natural numbers.

All mathematicians have hunches.

Xiao Ting unveiled the mystery of Riemann's conjecture, and she will definitely win the Fields Medal in 2018!

As for why 2018?

the reason is simple!

The Fields Medal, the highest honor in the world of mathematics, is awarded every four years.

The next award will be in 2018.

at the same time.

The Clay Mathematics Association of the United States offered a reward of one million dollars to solve the Riemann Hypothesis.

Now they fulfilled their promise and sent someone to hand over a million dollar check to Xiao Ting.

When the mathematics world was in turmoil.

Domestic media rushed to report.

"The Riemann conjecture is proved, and the mathematics world ushers in a new era!"

"Future Fields Medal winner, Xiao Ting is a heroine!"

"Xia Guo's genius Xiao Ting proves Riemann's conjecture, making a sensation in the school district!"

"Riemann's conjecture is proved, human beings have found the ultimate formula form of prime numbers!"

"The Xiao family is talented again! 20-year-old Xiao Ting ranks among the top mathematicians in the world!"

"Academia serves the country! Xiao Ting, the top scorer in Suzhou college entrance examination, now proves Riemann's conjecture!"

that night.

The Xia Guo news program devoted three minutes to introducing Xiao Ting's proof of Riemann's conjecture.

The host, Kang Hui, reported on the broadcast: "Since the 19th century, more and more achievements in mathematical theory have spread.

Many branches that were considered useless in the early days have already become the most powerful tools of modern technology today, fueling the development of modern technology.

Newton's calculus, became the torch of the first industrial revolution.

Linear algebra, matrix analysis, statistics, group theory, etc. have brought us information civilization.

Non-Euclidean geometry and tensor analysis made land and sea navigation possible.

Binary allows human beings to enter the computer age.

The prime number has become the key to the Internet, guarding all the privacy on the Internet for human beings, encrypting and signing with the private key.

Mathematicians apply prime numbers to cryptography.

Now the banking industry generally uses the RSA public key plus (good) encryption algorithm as a secure cryptographic system.

Along with Xiao Ting, a talented student from Yenching University, she proves Riemann's conjecture and cracks the secret of prime numbers.

The fields of mathematics, banking, and the Internet will all undergo earth-shaking changes....."

at the same time.

The whole Internet is talking about Xiao Ting.

"My God! Xiao Ting is a god in the world of mathematics!"

"What is a super student? (Tactical retreat)"

"Xiao Ting is so awesome now, I didn't expect such a genius to appear in our Xia country!"

"This time, Xiao Xueshen became famous all over the world, what do you think she can gain?"

"After Xiao Ting proves the Riemann Hypothesis, she will definitely win the next Fields Medal, such as Wolfe Award, A Bell Award, Mathematician Chern Shiingshen, Mathematician Hua Luogeng, as long as she is willing to receive

All were awarded to Xiao Ting. The country will definitely give Xiao Ting an academician at the vice-ministerial level. "f

"Not only that, as the secret of prime numbers is cracked, the encryption methods of banks and the Internet will also be cracked. It is estimated that banks and Internet companies all over the world will ask Xiao Ting for help."

Redesign the encryption method. "f

"Tsk tsk tsk, Xiao Ting is really amazing! So many banks and Internet companies ask Xiao Ting for help, she will definitely become a billionaire easily.

"Yes, proving that Riemann's conjecture is a historic achievement, Xiao Ting will never be short of money in this life. Of course, her own brother is Xiao Luo, how can the richest man in Xia Kingdom be short of her money?"

"The Xiao family has too many talents, right? Xiao Luo, the richest man in Xia Kingdom, Xiao Zijing, winner of five Grammy awards, Xiao Ting who proved Riemann's conjecture, Xiao Congxin from White Cloud Construction, the largest private enterprise in Xia Dynasty, Xia Guo Sports Xiao Yuzhe, the first person, and Xiao Hanjie, who developed the miracle drug for hair loss..."

"I don't know the famous families in Xia Kingdom before. But the current Xiao family is the most awesome family I have ever seen in my life!".

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