Chapter 408

“Wait later, we must fight hard, and we must not embarrass our school.

“I want to know now, who is the elder Yan Dahuan rushing to, will she give me water later?”

“Brother, are you whimsical again? What kind of person is Colonel Yan, who usually takes care of you, and has spoken to you? How can I give you water?”

“Brothers, my blood is boiling right now, we must show our pride to Major Yan.

Hear these sounds.

Chen Fan was really speechless.

These people obviously represent the Fourth Middle School in the competition.

How come when Major Yan came, it would immediately become impossible to shame the school flower, and want to fight for the school flower?

The stand of this group of people is really adaptable.

At this moment, Chen Fan glanced at Yan Geran from a distance.

Far away, Yan Geran’s face is still outstanding, she can be recognized at first glance in the crowd.

And she seemed to know that Chen Fan would look at her.

When Chen Fan looked over, he found that Yan 04 Major Flower seemed to be looking at him.

I have to say that at this moment Chen Fan really felt his heart beat a few beats faster.

After all, Colonel Yan Huan is very much eye-catching.

As a result, the highly anticipated colonel can see herself among so many people.

This feeling is good.

The other Chen Fan didn’t care about it.

He played on the court today and he was scoring a goal.

One-pointer, two-pointer, and three-pointer. Chen Fan’s team immediately took the lead at the start.

Among them, Chen Fan entered the most.

One and a half down.

He is going to be the scoring king.

“Old Chen, you were too fierce today.”

“Is it the school flower, do you want to show performance?”

“Brother, I know, I don’t have any wishful thinking about Yan Dahua now.

Wait a minute, “I’ll pass the ball to you, so you can get a good show.”

Zhang Jun said from the side.

“No, just pass your skills.

“Those who would have won steadily will be dragged down by you and lost.”

Chen Fan said this, but he didn’t give Zhang Jun any face.

But what he said was also the truth, and Zhang Jun could not refute it.

“I said Lao Chen, you are still not a brother, how can you harm me so much?”

“Am I not telling the truth?”

Chen Fan doesn’t like to play with those imaginary ones.

In the second half, the three-high basketball team began to target Chen Fan.

Chen Fan can be considered to have experienced these two weeks.

For the malice and targeting of others, it really did not pay attention to it at all.

He still scored his own goal, no one can say anything.

After half an hour, the ball game ended successfully.

There is no doubt that he won in the fourth.

But not many people have their eyes on the basketball team.

Those people couldn’t help but look at Yan Geran.

Who made her come over with water and towels?

Unexpectedly, after the game ended, Yan Geran really came down from the stands.

Then everyone held their breath.

Those eyes are moving with Yan Xinran’s footsteps.

Chen Fan lowered his head and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Suddenly, the eyes around him were chilly.

And it’s like a needle stick, it’s a glare.

He just looked up, and then saw that Yan Ran was standing in front of him.

Her slender snow-white arms stretched out in the air.

A bottle of pure water in the left hand and a clean towel in the right.

Alive and good wife and mother, the preparations are so complete.

And there was a faint scent on the towel, which Chen Fan could smell.

“For me?

Chen Fan pointed to himself.

“Yes, who can I give if you don’t?”

“I prepared both for you.

Because Yan Ran gave Chen Fan water and towels.

Everyone in the stands and basketball court was stunned.

“Isn’t that the school flower of the lieutenant? She really gave the boys water and towels.”

“Don’t stop me, who is that boy!”

“Isn’t that Chen Fan? The one from Class 8 is still at the same table with Master Yan.

“Oh my God, are these two people together in rhythm? They are at the same table and they send towels and water.”

“If I become the same table with the flowers of Major Yan, will she also give it to me? Anyway, this person named Chen Fan would be too happy.”

It doesn’t matter what basketball games are now.

If Yan Daxiaohua announced a new relationship on the spot.

That’s the big news.

Hear those discussions.

Chen Fan was dumbfounded.

Isn’t this helping each other at the same table?

How come these people say they are together.

Yan Ran also heard what the people around him said.

Although the little blushes are like ripe peaches.

But her big beautiful eyes still looked at Chen Fan shiningly.

I thought silently in my heart: My husband shouldn’t be shy anymore, you know, he gave himself milk tea in front of everyone back then.

Isn’t it a small scene now?

“Thank you Xinran, I’m thirsty now after playing two games.”

“And my sweat, I just need water and a towel.

Chen Fan put the water and the towel down.

Then he bowed his head.

He saw Yan Geran wearing a JK uniform skirt, and then wearing the pair of knee socks he sent.

The slender legs are thick and slender, and Bai Zhe is smooth and 640. They look particularly good after wearing black knee socks.

Chen Fan wanted to watch it all at once.

“Of course, you wear this.”

Chen Fan couldn’t ask too much outside.

Seeing Yan Ran nodded with a flushed face.

Chen Fan laughed.

Yan Dahuahua is so cute and obedient.

After the basketball game.

Chen Fan didn’t go to class either, and went back to the dormitory to change clothes.

He took a hurried shower.

When I came out, I saw Zhang Jun and the others, waiting for him outside.

That expression, that look, the roommate still holds the water bottle he drank in his hands.

Zhang Jun was holding the towel and reluctant to let go.

Chen Fan couldn’t use it to wipe his hair.

He felt very puzzled now.

“What are you doing?”

Old Chen, “Hurry up and call it in. Where did you go with Colonel Yan?”

“Have you held hands? Hug? How does it feel to hold the colonel? Did you kiss?”

“Lao Chen, I usually treat you well, you say you are the school flower when you shoot. It is always okay to teach me to chase a class flower, right?”

Chen Fan heard what was in the clouds and mist, and didn’t know what Zhang Jun and the others were talking about.

“No, what do you mean by this?”

“Pretend, pretend, the school flowers are in front of everyone, and I will send you towels and water.”

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