Rebirth: Noble Woman, Poisonous Concubine

Chapter 302: , Prince Edward is impatient

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Yun Fangyun looked at Zhao Zun shyly and timidly, her eyes moved, and she was full of diligence. She stepped towards Zhao Zun step by step, and stretched her hands toward Zhao Zun.

Zhao Zunpa snapped the souvenir in his hand on the table.

Yun Fangyun was shocked. After both hands were in the air, it was not embarrassing to enter or retreat.

"Cousin ..."

Zhao Zun raised an eyebrow. "This is a place to do things alone, who will allow you to come in!"

Yun Fangyun bit her lip tightly, and Xingyan looked at Zhao Zun in a misty mood. If the rabbit was frightened, she was innocent and pathetic, which made people unbearable.

"Cousin, Yunle was not intentional. Yunle was really worried about his cousin's body, so he couldn't help coming over and seeing ..."

Yunbian Fei watched Zhao Zun's beautiful face obsessively, a heartbeat was extremely fast, and her cheeks were stained with pink.

In front of the minions in a room, Yun Fangfei couldn't pull her face to ask Zhao Zun, or did something extraordinary. I just hope that Zhao Zun can understand her painstaking efforts.

Zhao Zun retracted his gaze and fixed his gaze on the memorial in his hand. "The study is heavy, Yun Fangyun, Xiu Guugu didn't warn you, and went back to ban for one month."

Zhao Zun was originally banned for half a year, but after thinking about it, according to Song Zhan's temperament, and considering the intricate relationship behind Yun Fangfei, he would not be severely punished.

So Zhao Zun thought about it, and changed it to a ban for one month.

Concubine Yun flanked for a moment, biting her lips aggrieved, if this is passed on, I don't know how others will talk about her.

But if he opened his mouth to ask for pity, Yun Fangyun couldn't say it. In case Zhao Zun was annoyed, it wouldn't be worth it.

Thinking about this, Yun Fangyun nodded her head smartly, "Yes, my cousin was right, Yun Le was reckless. Yun Le went back to reflect, but his cousin must take care of himself, Yun Le ..."

Yun Fangyun stopped talking and looked at Zhao Zun shyly. She couldn't help but look at the stunning face twice, bowed down towards Zhao Zun, and turned away with the girl-in-law.

As soon as people walked away, Zhao Zun's eyebrows stretched a little, and then he moved to the chorus on the chopping board, his narrow brows raised slightly.

"His Royal Highness, this is a new memorial sent by the Ministers."

Zhao Qi stiffly entered the house with the memorial, and it is estimated that only Zun Zun could feel the mood in the world. He could not wait to grow wings to fly out, but he was caught in the memorial.

After experiencing Fang Caiyun's concubine, Zhao Zun's bad mood reached the extreme.


Zhao Zunxi stood up and said, "What does the imperial court support the six books? One by one is the wine sack and the rice bag. The trivial things are daunting to the imperial court!"

Following this toss, Zhao Zun couldn't get away and couldn't handle the official duties, one after another, no wonder Song Zhan tossed that miserable.

Zhao Zun squinted at Zhao Qi, "inviting the ministers one by one according to the list on the memorial."


Taking advantage of the lack of effort, Zhao Zun went to the Xiyue Emperor.

"The imperial examinations?" Xi Yue emperor was surprised. "Isn't it just held before, I don't think it's time now."

Zhao Zun sighed, "These ministers rely on some qualifications to sell the old, support these rice buckets, and are restricted by people everywhere. There is too little fresh blood in the official state of West Vietnam. I plan to set up another court to include the top 30 students in the imperial examination system. Let them learn six books in case they are needed. "

To put it plainly, it is to see who is not pleasing to the eye and replace at any time.

"If the ministers disagree ..." Emperor Xiyue looked at Zhao Zun with a little worry, and Zhao Zunxi smiled. "Look, it is no wonder that the emperor and the prince have unfinished official duties. It turned out that the ministers held the emperor. After eating Junluo Lu, naturally, he has to work for him. In the long run, everyone will take Joe, who will look at the court! "

After being so politely accused by Zhao Zun, Emperor Xiyue glared at him a few times. "The students have been studying hard for many years, and some of them have managed to climb up to become ministers. How can they not arouse public indignation?" The rules come down, the imperial examinations take place once every five years, you are a prank! "

"Up to the 80-year-old man and down to the 7- or 8-year-old child, as long as they have the ability, they can participate in the imperial examinations. In the past, the conditions were too restrictive, and many talents were buried, resulting in fearlessness among the ministers."

The father and son debated in the two halls. Seeing that the emperor of Xiyue was hesitant to make a decision, Zhao Zun waved his hands. Zhao Qi immediately asked the guard to enter the door with a table full of memorials.

"If the father emperor feels inappropriate, we might as well take a look at these memorials." Zhao Zun reached out and picked up a reading saying, "The son of Li Zhifu and the son of the official department Shang Shu hit the street, damaged many vendors, and asked the emperor to punish him severely."

Zhao Zun put down the memorial, and picked up two more. "One is the excuse of Li Zhifu, and the other is the testimony of the official ministry. On this trivial matter, there are five memorials. What is the purpose of the court to establish an official? , Do not work for the people, for the sake of small profits. "

Zhao Zunton paused and said, "Three years of drought in Yuanzhou, the court allocated 1 million yuan for relief supplies. No such thing was done. Where did these two million yuan go? Is it useful? The people knew nothing about the court. At this time, the court opened its eyes and closed its eyes. What are the people's hearts about? "

Zhao Zun admired the rightist and never made fun of the common people. Although many people criticized the rightist, at least none of the ministers brazenly swallowed the huge sums of the court.

Once involved, the exile of the whole family is light. Who would dare to reach out under severe circumstances? If you work diligently for the court, for those minor mistakes, the right side always opens your eyes and closes your eyes, as long as you do n’t touch them. The bottom line is fine.

Emperor Xiyue blushed and slammed the table, "Is there any reason for this, come, summon all the ministers!"

After that, a little father-in-law whispered, "The emperor, the ministers are already on their way."

After hearing the words, the emperor of Xiyue drew his lips and looked at Zhao Zun deeply. After a while, the hall was full of ministers.

Emperor Xiyue stared sternly, "From now on, the announcement will be released. The imperial examinations will be held three months later, and a knowledge hall will be set up to reintegrate the students from the imperial examinations into the knowledge hall. You can participate regardless of your age, and you will not be allowed to take the test again if you lose the list three times. "

After the emperor Xiyue said, the ministers took a stun, how could he properly raise the imperial examination?

"In addition, if these memorials cannot be resolved by themselves within three days, those with more times will be demoted to third grade."

Zhao Zun said, glanced at the guard, "Come on, drag Jing Zhaoyin down, blame the fifty boards, degrade to Shipinzhifu, and the servant of the Ministry of Penalty, Zhou Zhou, will take over the post of Jing Zhaoyin today. Laziness will be severely punished! "

The ministers were shocked by the words of the father and the son before they had met God.

"His Royal Highness, I don't know what the old minister made wrong?" Jing Zhaoyin knelt on the ground, not convinced.

Zhao Zun raised his eyebrows. "The son of Li Zhifu and the son of Li Bushang Shu fought in public. You, Jing Zhaoyin, did not stop it beforehand, and you left them to report to the court afterwards. Such a matter cannot be resolved. What use do you have! "

Jing Zhaoyin murmured, looked at Zhao Zun pale, and the two ministers named were silent with their heads down.

"Without that ability, how can you occupy Jing Zhaoyin's position? Naturally, you have to give it to those who have the ability. Master Zhou, if you encounter this in the future, you must be punished severely. The ministers are of course Among the pillars of the imperial court, there are still some inactions. The imperial court does not support idle people. It can't even handle this little thing. What qualifications do you have to wear this clothes to become an official? "

Zhao Zun's remarks were not ruthless. The ministers said that they were red-eared and indignant.

"The lightness of His Highness is so light that there are so many things happening every day. There are so many people in West Vietnam. We have limited ability to take care of them. Negligence is inevitable."

One of the ministers dismissed the sophistry, and Jing Zhaoyin immediately echoed, "Master Xu is right, there are countless things piled up in the case, and manpower is limited. Since His Royal Highness is the State Reserve, shouldn't it be for the people to share their concerns?"

Zhao Zun sneered, smirking his eyes, and said, "I'm going to condemn the National Reserve in public."

"Return to your Highness, according to the law, you should be sentenced to three years in prison." Master Zhou said verbatim.

Jing Zhaoyin's face changed greatly, and she only listened to Zhao Zun and said, "Don't dare to quibble, be a minister, drag on, and blame the eighty boards, and confiscate all the property in Jing Zhaoyin's name. , Be punished with sin! "

Everyone was so speechless that they couldn't help thinking of the situation that Zhao Zun led the army to the house of the eight kings and killed the eight king Song Yan, and the blood flowed into the river, and the corpse was everywhere. Song Yan's head was even higher Hang on the city wall for a whole month.

After those days, none of the ministers dared to provoke Song Zhan, and after a long time, they found that Song Zhan seemed to be back to the gentle Prince once before. Every day, everyone had forgotten it.

I don't know why, everyone seems to have seen the decisive prince again today, and his body is full of coldness, which makes people feel irresistible. He is afraid to refute it.

Before Jing Zhaoyin had time to speak, she was blocked by the guards and dragged down, and she was responsible outside the hall.

Each time the board fell, the faces of the ministers became more gloomy.

Zhao Zun waved his hand, letting people bring the memorial out and put it in front of the crowd. "Ministers, I don't think you need to say anything more."

Afterwards, the guards immediately moved to dozens of tables, and placed the memorials on the tables one by one, to see this situation, it is necessary to deal with it immediately.

After a good move, Ma Wei quickly found his own memorial, picked it out, and then went to the corner to deal with it obediently.

There were only a few important ministers, only feeling that his face could not be put down, standing angrily in the hall, unable to advance or retreat.

Old Jinjun Wang Xin smiled comfortably, no slight irritation was seen on his face, and he took the lead and walked to a table. "His Highness is right. He who is a courtier should be like a courtier, and he will not be rebellious!"

After that, the dignitaries tightened their backs and looked at King Lao Jinjun, who was a veteran of the Three Dynasties. He had followed two generations of emperors and had a very high status in West Vietnam. The only eldest son in the battle also died. Now, Emperor Xiyue attaches great importance to King Jin.

Even the old King of Jin County sat down, and the rest of the people had no right to be dissatisfied. They had to sit down bit by bit.

The emperor Xiyue was very pleased to see this scene, but Zhao Zun was too lazy to give a look to Xiyue emperor.

After a while, the Guardian reported that the eighty big boards were finished. Jing Zhaoyin was still in a breath, but it was about to die.

"Sent out of the palace!" Zhao Zun finished speaking without changing his face, and immediately lifted his feet and left the hall.

Everyone was left in astonishment to see Zhao Zun's back. No wonder Zhong Taiyi said before that his temperament changed greatly after the poisoning of the prince. It really was true!

Emperor Xiyue's mouth twitched so badly that he couldn't control this wild horse.

As soon as Zhao Zun came out of the palace, a little palace girl came forward, "His Royal Highness, the queen mother invites you to Fengqi Palace."

Zhao Zundan said quietly, turned in a direction, pondering time on the road, and guessed that he could leave tonight.

I was thinking that when the man had reached Fengqi Palace, his original calmness was tense, because he saw a face that made him frown.

The Empress Dowager Song was seated, and Queen Zhao was sitting beside her, her face did not look very good. As soon as she saw the Empress Dowager, Zhao Zun understood what was going on. The eight achievements were due to the confinement of Yun Fangfei.

As soon as I turned my eyes, I saw four women standing aside, dignified and generous, decent manners, and good looks.

"Madam, come down."

Empress Song's eyes slowly opened and she said, "People are old and useless, and only fell asleep after speaking a few words. I worry about these juniors every day, and I don't have that blessing to sit back and relax."

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