Chi Xiaowan looked back and looked at Zhong Mingyu deeply, as if trying to peep a little different from Zhong Mingyu's eyes.

But Zhong Mingyu's look was so calm that he couldn't see any clue at all.

Chi Xiaowan has an impression of her mother. In her impression, she has never heard her mention anything about her grandparents' house, but Chi Xiaowan can't tell whether she doesn't care or doesn't want to mention it because she cares too much.

"No matter how, the fault of this matter is not on your grandmother." Zhong Mingyu took Chi Xiaowan's hand and gently warned, "she found your mother for half a life, and finally found her separation by mistake. Isn't it a kind of torture for your grandmother?"

Chi Xiaowan naturally understood that these things could not be blamed on the old lady of the Liang family. Her daughter was taken away and disappeared, and then her whereabouts were unknown. For the old lady, it was torture for most of her life

Chi Xiaowan didn't know how to describe her mood. She wanted to forgive, but she couldn't say it.

Even if it's not her fault, she has been absent for so many years after all. Even if she admits it, what can she do? She has never had the grace of parenting and the feeling of companionship. Even if there is a kinship with blood thicker than water, it's so easy to say there is.

Zhong Mingyu looked at Chi Xiaowan struggling alone. After all, he couldn't bear to look at Chi Xiaowan himself. He whispered: "if there's really no way, get along first and treat it as an ordinary elder."

Chi Xiaowan is more able to accept Zhong Mingyu's statement, just as an ordinary elder. No matter how she looks, it's much better than asking her to call her "grandma" as soon as she meets.

Zhong Mingyu relaxed a little when he saw Chi Xiaowan's look. Chi Xiaowan can figure out that nature is the best.

I have to go to her parents' grave in the afternoon. Anyway, it's not good to stand still.

Chi Xiaofeng's heart knot is obviously much larger than Chi Xiaowan. Even at lunch, he never took the initiative to say a word.

Chi Xiaowan was able to speak calmly to Mrs. Liang, but the alienation between them was inevitable.

Mrs. Liang also figured it out. There will be a long time in the future. After all, she can wait until her grandson and granddaughter chenghuan's knee. Therefore, she can accept Chi Xiaowan's alienation and Chi Xiaofeng's indifference.

"This is my mother's previous photo." Chi Xiaowan thought about it. After all, she saved a photo album and handed it to Mrs. Liang. "Most of them are group photos."

Old Mrs. Liang, Zhen Zhishen, took it from Chi Xiaowan.

Mrs. Liang had only one photo of Liang Yue. She found the news of Liang Yue more than 20 years ago. In the only communication, Liang Yue sent it to the old lady. The old lady carefully kept it for more than 20 years.

But I didn't expect to get more photos now more than 20 years later.

"Well, you gave me the picture..." Mrs. Liang looked at Chi Xiaowan uneasily.

"When I was a child, my family loved to take photos. I took a lot of photos, but I could spare some of them." Chi Xiaowan knew what Mrs. Liang wanted to ask. She was worried that the photo was just for her to see, not for her.

Mrs. Liang nodded happily.

Chi Xiaowan found a photo album with the cover made of Liang Yue's photos. Mrs. Liang even couldn't open the album. Her withered hand brushed the album, and even her fingers trembled unconsciously.

"I'll put the album away for you first." Liang Yuxin took the album from Mrs. Liang. "Since Xiao Wan said it was for you, let's take it back and have a good look when we have time."

Mrs. Liang nodded repeatedly, and then stood up trembling on crutches: "let's go to Yueyue's tomb."

Chi Xiaowan tightened her thin lips and looked at Mrs. Liang's legs and feet. She couldn't bear to: "I'll bring grandma's wheelchair."

"No, no, I have to go there myself. I can still walk at this point." Mrs. Liang smiled and waved her hand again and again. It was clear that she was reluctant, but she refused to give in.

The follow-up is to be able to stand steadily in front of his daughter and walk over in person. Maybe it is more an obsession in his heart.

Chi Xiaowan saw Mrs. Liang's persistence, so she didn't insist any more.

Liang Yuxin held the old lady by the side. The two old people of the Chi family didn't go with her. Old lady Chi was very sad for a moment because she remembered her son and daughter-in-law who died early. Although she didn't fall ill, her mood fluctuated too much, which was a burden on her body. Now she has gone to bed.

The cemetery of the Chi family is in the suburbs. It's only a ten minute drive from the Chi family villa. It's a feng shui treasure land specially invited a feng shui master to see it. Generations of the Chi family are buried here, and there are even the ancestral hall of the Chi family.

When you enter the cemetery, the first thing you see is the ancestral hall of the Chi family. There are lovers guarding here.

The family guarding the tomb has been guarding the tomb here for generations. They are responsible for looking after the cemetery and managing the flowers and plants here.

Chi Xiaowan comes here every year. When she arrives, she tolerates Lai Bo, who is in charge of the yard here.

Chi Xiaowan has been afraid to come since her rebirth. She is not afraid to face the ancestors of the Chi family. Although she pays attention to science now, since Chi Xiaowan's rebirth, she has to believe that there are indeed some things in the world beyond the explanation of science.

"What's the matter?" Zhong Mingyu looked at Chi Xiaowan's uneasy look and asked with some uneasy questions.

Chi Xiaowan shook her head slightly and smiled: "it's just that she hasn't come for a long time. Now she comes back with the people of the Liang family. She doesn't know how to describe it."

Zhong Mingyu nodded slightly, then clenched Chi Xiaowan's hand and took the lead in getting out of the car.

When they got off the bus, the Liang family had got off one after another. Mrs. Liang was supported by Liang Yuxin, which was not inconvenient.

Lai Bo came out when he saw a car coming. He hurried to the car after he saw that the person on the car was Chi Xiaowan.

From the road to the cemetery, you need to cross a river three meters wide. A bridge is built on the river. Laibo is waiting at the head of the bridge.

"Laibo." Chi Xiaowan nodded slightly.

Lai Boyi looked at Chi Xiaowan with his back and narrowed his eyes. He smiled. He looked a little surprised: "why did miss come today? Today is not the day when Miss came in previous years."

In previous years, Chi Xiaowan mostly came after the Qingming Festival. Most of them stayed for a little half a day to talk about what happened this year.

"Mom's mother came and took them to see mom." Chi Xiaowan explained in a low voice.

Lai Bo glanced at the Liang family behind Chi Xiaowan. He was not young. His eyes were not very good at the moment. He had to narrow his eyes to see the appearance of the visitor.

"I'll prepare the candles." Laibo nodded, said hello, and then slowly went to his small house.

Mrs. Liang originally wanted to say incense and candles. She had already prepared them, but seeing that Chi Xiaowan didn't mean to stop, she swallowed what she had said.

"Lai Bo prepared incense, candles and paper money. He invited the eminent monk to read the Sutra and light it. The family is more particular about these things." Chi Xiaowan softly explained.

"Since it was brought by the old lady in law, it doesn't matter if you want to give it to her less. Although there is an argument, you don't have to stick to it." Lai Bo said with a smile, completely gentle.

Chi Xiaowan doesn't know much about these. Seeing Laibo open his mouth, it's naturally the best.

In any case, it was brought by Mrs. Liang. After all, it was the old lady's intention. If she was shut out, it would also be a kind of injury to the old lady.

The Chi family and his wife were buried in the middle of the third row. The photos posted on the stele of the tomb where they were buried together were specially treated. Even after many years, there was still no fading here.

Chi Xiaowan bowed her head slightly and stood in front of her parents' tomb. Looking at Mrs. Liang's sad appearance, she was suddenly relieved.

As Zhong Mingyu said, her mother is the most tolerant person and won't care about these.

What's more, since her mother was willing to contact the Liang family, it already explained forgiveness. Later things were helpless. No wonder others.

Zhong Mingyu stood beside Chi Xiaowan and looked at the photos of the two people pasted on the tombstone. He still remembered what he thought when he faced Chi Xiaowan's parents in front of the tomb, but only he knew.

Mrs. Liang left the cemetery, but she couldn't go back by herself. Finally, she let Liang Yuxin go down the hillside on her back.

Chi Xiaowan looked at Liang Yuxin with a little surprise. She couldn't imagine that Liang Yuxin would betray others, but when she thought about it, she took it for granted that Liang Yuxin is also a person. It's understandable to recite her grandmother. There's really no need to be surprised.

Zhong Mingyu took Chi Xiaowan's hand and walked at the end of the crowd.

"What were you thinking in front of my parents' tomb just now?" Chi Xiaowan turned her head slightly, looked at Zhong Mingyu with a pair of eyes, and asked softly.

Zhong Mingyu picked his eyebrows and smiled at Chi Xiaowan, but he looked like an unfathomable secret.

"I took you to meet my parents this time. If you dare to do anything sorry for me, be careful that my parents come to you at night." Chi Xiaowan leaned in Zhong Mingyu's ear and vowed.

It's completely like bullying others, but some people like drinking water and enjoying it.

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