When sister-in-law Cheng came over, she was still wearing an apron. She unconsciously rubbed the hem of the apron and looked at Chi Xiaowan with a stiff face.

He mumbled carefully and shouted, "miss."

Chi Xiaowan got up early this morning. It was only six o'clock in the morning. The kitchen lamented that it was preparing breakfast. It was not even bright.

Chi Xiaowan held a cup of steaming hot tea in her hand and smiled at sister-in-law Cheng standing in front of her.

The appearance of being cramped and careful is a little too realistic. I'm afraid anyone should think that this person is really afraid. He can't go on the stage and hasn't seen the world. He may still be a village woman from the countryside.

But how can anyone who can sell the travel news of Chi Xiaowan and Zhong Mingyu be an ordinary person?

Sister-in-law Cheng was in a panic. Because she was nervous, she had an unconscious fever, and even sweat began to seep from her forehead.

"Has sister-in-law Cheng come to Chi's house for some time?" Chi Xiaowan held the cup in her hands. When sister-in-law Cheng even thought it was over, she opened her mouth coolly.

Sister-in-law Cheng looked at Chi Xiaowan in surprise, and then nodded: "it's almost half a year."

"That's Mrs. Chen. She didn't come long before sister-in-law Cheng came?" Chi Xiaowan looked at each other in surprise with a tip of her eyebrows.

"Should... Should."

"It seems that fate is very coincidence. Just when Chen Ma said that the kitchen was too busy, sister-in-law Cheng came." Chi Xiaowan said with a laugh, but the smile was less than the bottom of her eyes, which made Chen Ma shiver.

It's not like feeling.

Chi Xiaowan glanced at the trembling man and finally put down the cup in her hand.

The glass was placed on the stone table and made a clear sound, as if it cut the quiet air and made the air between each other stagnant.

Sister-in-law Cheng looked up carefully at Chi Xiaowan. She saw Chi Xiaowan looking at herself calmly. She was lucky in her heart. I'm sure nothing happened.

Chi Xiaowan has seen too many people in her last life. What does sister-in-law Cheng's look represent? She is too familiar with it.

"Does sister-in-law Cheng think that the news of selling the owner's house is over?" Chi Xiaowan asked in a sarcastic way after observing each other for more than ten minutes.

Sister-in-law Cheng's eyebrows and eyes were cold. She looked at Chi Xiaowan with an incredible look, but she recovered in a moment.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" sister-in-law Cheng looked at Chi Xiaowan with a confused face. There was a look of Nuo Nuo helplessness between her eyebrows and eyes, as if she was facing Chi Xiaowan's query, but there was no way.

Chi Xiaowan looked at sister-in-law Cheng sarcastically and asked coldly, "who did sister-in-law Cheng show this look to? At this time, my grandparents haven't got up yet. I'm the only one who can speak at home."

"Miss..." sister-in-law Cheng looked at Chi Xiaowan in disbelief.

"I don't know who is behind sister-in-law Cheng, but the Chi family doesn't need to eat inside and outside." Chi Xiaowan took the tea cup he just put on the stone table, and was no longer ready to continue to tangle about this matter. "You resign and leave yourself, or I'll let the housekeeper settle your salary directly. You can do it yourself."

After Chi Xiaowan dropped such a sentence, she turned and left directly. She had no intention to continue talking. She directly summarized sister-in-law Cheng's attempt to persuade Chi Xiaowan with her three inch tongue.

Hearing that Chi Xiaowan got up early in the morning, the housekeeper was surprised to see sister-in-law Cheng, but hurried to the living room to wait for Chi Xiaowan.

The housekeeper took the hot water from Chi Xiaowan's hand, lowered her head slightly and asked softly, "is there a problem with sister-in-law Cheng?"

"It's all right." Chi Xiaowan smiled. "If she comes back and resigns, don't treat her badly."

The housekeeper looked at Chi Xiaowan with some helplessness. Did he continue to ask. The young lady is old and has her own idea. Naturally, he should be happy.

The housekeeper has worked in the Chi family for decades, and spent most of his life in the Chi family. He not only watched Chi Xiaowan grow up, but also watched Chi Xiaowan's father grow up. His feelings for the Chi family can be seen.

Although the housekeeper Yu is more or less helpless about Chi Xiaowan's unwillingness to tell himself the specific reasons, he is really happy. Chi Xiaowan at least knows how to prevent people.

"Do you want to have breakfast now or wait for the old man and the old lady?" the housekeeper asked softly.

Chi Xiaowan glanced at the time of the floor clock in the living room and thought for a moment. She felt that she could still go to sleep. She waved her hand and took the lead in getting up and going upstairs.

When Chi Xiaowan slept comfortably, she seemed to have lost sight of sister-in-law Cheng in Chi's villa.

Chi Xiaowan is quite satisfied with sister-in-law Cheng's self-knowledge, although Chi Xiaowan really doesn't like what this person has done.

Mrs. Chi asked about sister-in-law Cheng's people and let Mrs. Chen cover it up with two or three words. She just said that sister-in-law Cheng had something to ask for leave at home and went back first. As for why she didn't come back in the future, naturally there were other excuses.

The old lady didn't ask much. She turned around and forgot about it. Instead, the old man told the housekeeper to find a new helper for the kitchen.

Chen Ma is a nutritionist. She pays attention to the meals prepared for everyone in the family. Usually, she occasionally has to send meals to Zhong Xiaofeng. If Chi Xiaowan lives in Zhong Mingyu, she has to send them to Chi Xiaowan. Chen Ma is the only one in the kitchen. Obviously, there are not enough hands.

For these Chi Xiaowan is not clear, but this time, the kitchen helper Chi Xiaowan asked Su He to help.

At least you have to be innocent. If you get a sister-in-law Cheng, you don't know if you have such good luck this time.

Chi Xiaowan's schedule is quite full, but it is limited to full, but it is not only busy, but also can't rest well. Chi Xiaowan himself is quite satisfied with such a busy schedule.

In the last life, I was really busy. Sometimes I even took two bites of rice on the bus. In the end, I even got stomach trouble, but stomach trouble was still a small problem. Later, it even became stomach perforation. Finally, I got to the point of slicing, but I was lucky and didn't cause cancer.

Chi Xiaowan remembered the lessons of the previous life, at least to ensure that she ate on time. It's nothing to change occasionally, but she also tried to make her diet healthy.

Chi Xiaowan wants a healthy diet. He reminds Zhong Mingyu three times a day. It's not enough to remind Zhong Mingyu. Occasionally, he has to call Suhe chachachagang.

Zhong Mingyu didn't say anything about these, and even had some fun.

The first person to express something was Miao Qing and LV Yan who followed Chi Xiaowan.

"You said that a little girl in her early twenties lives like an old woman in her seventies and eighties. Do you care?" Miao Qing looked at Chi Xiaowan angrily and was very dissatisfied with Chi Xiaowan's proposal to eat KFC.

LV Yan has a tablet in her hand and a group's takeout page is still open on the page. It is the KFC interface. She has even clamped the shopping cart and selected what she wants. As a result, Chi xiaowanyi stopped her when she was ready to place an order!

Chi Xiaowan glanced at Miao Qing: "what's delicious about such unhealthy food?"

"Do you have any effect if you change your taste once or twice?" Miao Qing argued for herself.

"When you have more than one or two times, it determines that quantitative change will produce qualitative change." Chi Xiaowan stressed expressionless. In short, he is determined not to eat these things.

In the last year of Chi Xiaowan's last life, most of her time was spent abroad. She ate a lot of hamburgers and French fries, at least once every two days.

I used to feel delicious when I went to school. Now I even begin to doubt whether I had a brain problem before.

Finally, LV Yan and Miao Qing couldn't beat Chi Xiaowan. The three finally found a hotel to eat. Although it wasn't a few star hotel, it looked clean at least.

Chi Xiaowan took the time to call Zhong Mingyu while eating. Zhong Mingyu had just returned home two days ago. Zhong's group had accumulated a lot of work and even slept directly in the company last night.

"Have you eaten?" Chi Xiaowan asked with a smile, holding a spoon in her hand.

LV Yan and Miao Qingqi glanced at Chi Xiaowan in unison, and then tacitly agreed not to open their heads and refused the dog food.

"Su he ordered a set meal and hasn't sent it yet." Zhong Mingyu explained a little reluctantly.

Chi Xiaowan slightly raised her eyebrows and understood the meaning of Zhong Mingyu's words, that is, she hasn't eaten lunch yet.

"Don't you see what time it is?" Chi Xiaowan retorted with a low smile.

Zhong Mingyu didn't refute, but admitted it seriously. He said, "I'll hurry Su he back and ask him to remind the waiter over there to deliver it as soon as possible."

"I'll call Su he later." Chi Xiaowan said solemnly, making it clear that he wanted to check Zhong Mingyu's post.

After the two nagged each other about whether they had eaten and what they ate, Chi Xiaowan explained his work in the afternoon. The telephone porridge without nutrition was finally over.

LV Yan glanced at Chi Xiaowan obliquely and watched Chi Xiaowan collect her mobile phone, which was a sigh of relief.

"Others check their husband's post. They check whether his husband is out." Miao Qing puts down his dishes and chopsticks, looks at Chi Xiaowan with a sigh on his face, and youyou says, "you're good. What you check is whether your man has a good meal? People who don't know think you're a good wife and mother!"

"Am I not?" Chi Xiaowan picked the tip of her eyebrows and finally ordered a soup package, which was packed in the insulated bucket that originally contained porridge when she went out in the morning, ready to be afternoon tea.

Miao Qing looked at the thermos barrel with a tangled face: "other people's afternoon tea is coffee milk tea cake. Ours is nutritional soup. Peers have different lives."

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