In the face of LV Yan's righteous words, Chi Xiaowan really didn't know how to describe her depressed mood for a moment.

LV Yan looked at Chi Xiaowan with a cunning smile and a vivid look at Chi Xiaowan: "the script is estimated to slightly reduce the plot. After all, although this character is pleasant in the book, it can't hide the brilliance of the protagonist."


LV Yan took Chi Xiaowan's script and at least looked at the outline of the script first.

After all, she is a professional in this field. She has more or less good skills in reading the script than Chi Xiaowan: "it is true that some parts have been deleted. The part of the play is not too heavy, but the pleasing places of the characters have not been changed."

These days, the adaptation sometimes has a pit father. A good and pleasant heroine can be changed to be hated by others. It's almost impossible to be scolded and die on the wall.

"The book should be good this time. In addition, at the beginning, the number of fans of the original book is placed there. Although it can't guarantee that the film will be hot, it won't be too bad."

Chi Xiaowan doesn't expect how the film will be. The main reason why Chi Xiaowan keeps the book again is that Chi Xiaowan wants to polish his acting skills before shooting QW's Micro film.

Although it is said that with Chi Xiaowan's identity, there is no problem to go to other people's science classes and invite professional teachers to teach, it is obvious that now it is a little untimely and it is too late.

Moreover, Chi Xiaowan has always felt that no matter how well she studies, she has to understand it by herself. If she has time in the future, she can spend more time studying, but now what she needs is not solid basic skills. What she needs now is temporary quick success.

Chi Xiaowan took a look at LV Yan with the tip of her eyebrows. A pair of eyes slipped and looked at LV Yan for a moment. LV Yan only felt that her back was hairy.

When Miao Qing looked over, he saw Chi Xiaowan looking at LV Yan with a gloomy face. LV Yan was alive and well as a bullied good family woman.

"What are you doing behind my back?" Miao Qing clearly remembered that just a moment ago, the two people were still discussing the script and human design. How did they change in a moment?

Chi Xiaowan hooked her mouth and looked at LV Yan with a smile: "didn't you learn to perform? Let's contact“

LV Yan looked at Chi Xiaowan with worry. Facing Chi Xiaowan's rhetorical question, she really didn't know how to describe her mood. She looked at Chi Xiaowan with emotion: "before you were killed by me, I think it's better to be kind and tell you not to fantasize."

Laughing at my lake's request is nothing more than a promise to play in this TV play. In fact, I'm more or less reluctant in my heart.

To put it bluntly, Chi Xiaowan is still very counselled in her heart. The last time the crew experience was a great blow to Chi Xiaowan.

LV Yan looked at Chi Xiaowan with ridicule and continued with a smile: "sooner or later, it's going to be experienced. Instead of being frightened now, it's better to make the storm more violent."

"You didn't comfort me at all." Chi Xiaowan glanced at LV Yan sadly, and finally gave up the idea of continuing to seek comfort on LV Yan's side.

Miao Qing looked at the two people as if they were careless, blinked slightly with a smile, and then resolutely chose not to be too involved in this matter.

Although Chi Xiaowan had a brief understanding of the plot, she still wanted to see the content. As a result, when she got up the next day, Chi Xiaowan's state was a little incredible.

"You went to a thief last night?" Miao Green took the foundation liquid on his hand, looked at the dark face of Chi Xiao Wan, and almost fell to the dark circles on the ground. He really didn't know how to describe his mood.

Chi Xiaowan was completely awake. She blinked her eyes, looked at Chi Xiaowan's direction, and then grinned helplessly.

When Lv Yan came to dinner with Cheng, the foundation of Chi Xiao Wan's face was not finished.

Cheng Yanxi saw Chi Xiaowan's terrible face at a glance. He couldn't help but pull the corners of his mouth. He glanced at Chi Xiaowan strangely. Finally, he asked, "why is his face so bad?"

"Isn't it just for you to take a film? You won't be scared like this?" Lv Yan looked at Chi Xiaowan rather disapprovingly and asked youyou.

Miao Qing, who pressed the powder puff on her hand, looked at LV Yan, and then said with a helpless look: "I'm desperate for her face. I can't make up for it."

"Fortunately, I only met the person in charge of the other party in the past today, and tomorrow is the press conference on QW side." Cheng's banquet was really relieved. If Chi Xiaowan was going to see the reporter with such a look, I didn't know what would be written in those reports at that time.

"What person in charge? What press conference?" Chi Xiaowan looked at Cheng banquet strangely and asked with a faint look.

Cheng picked the tip of his eyebrows at the banquet, glanced at Chi Xiaowan expressionless, and smiled in a low voice: "what do you think?"

Chi Xiaowan instinctively wanted to ask, after all, what could she feel, but when she thought about it, she responded: "the spokesman is settled?"

Cheng raised his eyebrows and nodded at the banquet.

Chi Xiaowan murmured and opened his mouth. He wanted to question. Wasn't it still a bad look before? Why is it settled now?

"Clean up. I went to see the person in charge of the other party and signed the contract. This matter is a certainty. I can return home after the press conference tomorrow." Cheng looked at the time at the banquet and saw that there was still 100% time. Although he was urged, he was not in a hurry.

Miao Qing has quick hands and feet. Although Chi Xiaowan's face is really not very good, there is no big problem if her makeup is a little thicker.

The reason why Miao Qing felt helpless in front of Chi Xiaowan's face was mainly because if there was no notice, Chi Xiaowan really didn't like to wear heavy makeup, and light makeup was just a little modification at most.

Now that I'm going to see the person in charge of others, it's natural to have a little more makeup.

"What's the situation on the Internet now?" Chi Xiaowan forced her eyes to let Miao Qing put on eye makeup for herself, and asked occasionally.

Cheng banquet is discussing with LV Yan about Chi Xiaowan's future trip. He is stunned to hear Chi Xiaowan's inquiry.

The news on the Internet is mainly concerned by LV Yan. Although Chi Xiaowan is the main person to take with Cheng banquet, whether it is Xiang Tong or Shu Jingchen, even if it is just to deal with the things in the direction of the two people's congresses, Cheng banquet is busy enough.

So the information about what the situation is on the Internet is basically sorted out and sent by your assistant.

I haven't received any news from Cheng's banquet yet.

Not receiving the message means that it is still within the controllable range and there is no problem in the general direction set at the beginning.

But it's obviously a little untimely to go back to Chi Xiaowan.

"Do is now estimated to be in a mess. They probably didn't expect to hold such a solemn press conference, but they won't be bought." Lv Yan pays more attention to it. Compared with Miao Qing's enthusiasm for reading gossip, LV Yan really pays more attention to the content than Miao Qing.

Chi Xiaowan opened her eyes and took a look at LV Yan's direction. She saw LV Yan turning over her mobile phone and whispered "well", so she didn't continue to ask.

Since this matter has not been mentioned at the banquet, it is not enough to worry about it.

She would ask, but also want to know what the situation is like. Otherwise, if someone asks a question later, it would be a little embarrassing to ask three unknowns.

Naturally, the person in charge of QW could not be juke, but the person who came was also beyond Chi Xiaowan's expectation. He was the person who discussed the plot with juke that day.

Even if Chi Xiaowan wanted to be calm no matter how much, she showed a look of surprise after seeing each other.

Daniel smiled with a kind face. Looking at Chi Xiaowan's eyes was like seeing his favorite cake. When Chi Xiaowan came in, he took the lead in standing up and looked at Chi Xiaowan with a smile: "I'm Daniel, the general person in charge of this micro film."

"Hello." Chi Xiaowan couldn't respond to each other's enthusiasm for a moment.

Daniel knew that he was a little too enthusiastic. He smiled and looked at Chi Xiaowan: "I'm so excited. I didn't expect someone to have the same creativity as me, so I hope you don't take it amiss."

Facing such a frank Daniel, Chi Xiaowan really didn't know how to describe her mood for a moment. She looked at Daniel and smiled.

Daniel gathered up his overly excited look, looked at Chi Xiaowan with a smile and said happily: "OK, OK, let me talk to your agent about the next thing, you can now..." Daniel looked around and found that there seemed to be no suitable place to spend time for Chi Xiaowan.

Chi Xiaowan smiled and didn't care much about these. She looked at Daniel kindly with a pair of eyes: "I'll go and read some books."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't expect it to be so boring here." Daniel said with disgust on his face.

Chi Xiaowan didn't know what Daniel's eyes looked like, but when she came to the bookshelf and saw the books on the bookshelf, she suddenly understood.

This is the distribution of QW in M state. As a branch of QW, there are a pile of world famous works on the bookshelves in their public area?

Chi Xiaowan's English childishness can only be regarded as average, but she also knows well-known works such as Camellia girl, resurrection, how steel is made... Because how to write them.

Chi Xiaowan originally thought that there were mostly some fashion magazines here. Even if she couldn't understand the English inside, there would be no language barrier in the pictures above, right?

However, I think it's too simple.

Chi Xiaowan reluctantly raised money for a moment. Finally, she chose a book that she didn't even understand the name of the book, and then randomly found a place to prepare the book to pretend to be in a daze.

Chi Xiaowan really found a corner to squat. However, if someone wants to find you, even if he hides in the ends of the earth, he will always be found.

"You still like to hide in the corner. I wonder if you are going to plant mushrooms in the corner." juke looked at Chi Xiaowan with a smile and joked with a smile.

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