"For example, get excited. After all, we haven't met for a long time, haven't we?" Zhong Mingyu joked with a low smile, holding the steering wheel in one hand and holding Chi Xiaowan's hand firmly in the other hand.

Chi Xiaowan picked up the tip of her eyebrows, looked at Zhong Mingyu with a smile, teased fan en and said, "don't we call every day?"

"Can it be the same?" Zhong Mingyu asked reluctantly, and then looked like a expectant AI, a resentful woman whose clothes were abandoned alive. "I worked hard and worked hard. It's not easy to spare a week. Is that how you repay me?"

Chi Xiaowan tilted and even sat in the co pilot's position. His hand was firmly held by Zhong Mingyu, listened to what Zhong Mingyu said, and then smiled.

Zhong Mingyu didn't really want to get Chi Xiaowan's response. He took Chi Xiaowan and chatted aimlessly, occasionally asking about Chi Xiaowan's affairs in country m during this period.

Chi Xiaowan said these things over and over again these two days. He should have said it almost speechless. But when Zhong Mingyu asked, Chi Xiaowan didn't feel bored at all, and even happily refused to approve it.

Zhong Mingyu led Chi Xiaowan directly back to his apartment in the urban area. Even if there are other arrangements later, we have to wait until later. It's already evening.

Chi Xiaowan noticed something wrong the first time she entered the apartment.

"How long haven't you lived here?" Chi Xiaowan looked back at Zhong Mingyu with a strange tip of her eyebrow.

Although there seems to be no problem here, Chi Xiaowan can still clearly feel that there is no popularity here, and it doesn't look like a permanent residence at all.

Zhong Mingyu picked up the tip of his eyebrow. He thought he had covered up enough, but he didn't expect that Chi Xiaowan saw the problem at a glance. Although he had no choice, he explained the reason obediently.

Zhong's group has indeed received part of the granules during this period. During this period, people at the top want to adjust the market. Even Zhong Mingyu is nothing more than changing these things.

But fortunately, the Zhong family has no contacts at all in 49 cities. They know the news earlier than others. Although the preparation time is not enough, it is also enough for Zhong Mingyu to arrange and deal with it.

But even if there are arrangements in advance, it is relatively inevitable to be busy.

"It's all right now?" Chi Xiaowan looked at Zhong Mingyu with some uneasiness. If the Zhong group had any loss because of her, Chi Xiaowan didn't want to see it.

Zhong Mingyu smiled and bent his eyebrows at Chi Xiaowan. He shook his head with a smile and said, "do you think I look like a person who will harm the country?"

Chi Xiaowan looked up and down at Zhong Mingyu seriously, then nodded solemnly, smiled and said, "isn't it?"

"OK." Zhong Mingyu shrugged indifferently. "Since my wife thinks I will be fascinated by beauty, I can't live up to her expectations."

Chi Xiaowan didn't think about it at all. What she said was just to tease Zhong Mingyu. Unexpectedly, Zhong Mingyu was so serious that she wasn't even ready to let herself go.

Chi Xiaowan looked at Zhong Mingyu with a pair of eyes and a far fetched smile. However, Chi Xiaowan woke up a little too late. When Chi Xiaowan tried to defend herself, she had already been tired lying in bed and even moving her fingers felt that it would take half her life.

Zhong Mingyu himself had enough to eat and drink. He served Chi Xiaowan personally. After washing, he sent people back to bed.

Chi Xiaowan tilted her head and looked indignant at Zhong Mingyu. She almost ground her teeth. It's a pity that any words are not suitable to say at the moment. She really doesn't have the strength to speak.

Chi Xiaowan didn't wake up until noon the next day. Zhong Mingyu had already prepared lunch and waited here. Seeing Chi Xiaowan wake up, he hurried over.

"If you don't control yourself any more..." Chi Xiaowan thought about it and couldn't find a suitable one to threaten Dao Zhong Mingyu. Finally, he had to give up angrily.

Zhong Mingyu picked the tip of his eyebrows and looked at Chi Xiaowan's appearance. He smiled in a low voice, and then sorted Chi Xiaowan's hair with his fingers, which seemed a little messy, but he didn't give chi Xiaowan any guarantee.

The two people get together less and leave more. Some things are beyond Zhong Mingyu's control. In the future, the two people may be separated for a longer time. If Chi Xiaowan makes a promise now, wouldn't he slap his face if he can't do it in the future?

What's more?

Zhong Mingyu, while making dishes for Chi Xiaowan, looked at Chi Xiaowan with a tip of his eyebrow and asked, "don't you enjoy it?"

Chi Xiaowan bit her teeth, but she couldn't refute it. After all, she had to endure pain even if she didn't want to admit it. She was also very cool.

Zhong Mingyu looked at Chi Xiaowan and smiled in a low voice. He helped Chi Xiaowan sit up and pinched Chi Xiaowan's cheek.

Even if Chi Xiaowan was killed the night before, when Chi Xiaowan got out of bed safely, it would be three days later. For a long time, Chi Xiaowan felt that she was probably going to die in bed, but fortunately she survived in the end.

Chi Xiaowan dressed neatly. While eating the lunch sent by Zhong Mingyu, he smiled and scolded angrily: "don't you know how to control a little? Have you considered my feelings?"

Such a dialogue has appeared many times in various forms in the past three days. However, Zhong Mingyu never promised.

It is because Zhong Mingyu never promised to do it again that Chi Xiaowan felt depressed. If Zhong Mingyu promised, Chi Xiaowan would let Zhong Mingyu go. Unfortunately, this man is too cunning to give chi Xiaowan a chance to seize the handle at all.

Chi Xiaowan almost grinds her teeth and looks at Zhong Mingyu. Unfortunately, Zhong Mingyu looks like Mount Tai collapsed in front of her. Chi Xiaowan is also very helpless.

"I even suspect that brother Cheng gave me a small and long holiday to cooperate with you." Chi Xiaowan sat in the co pilot's seat, solemnly pressed Zhong Mingyu, grinding his teeth and said faintly.

Zhong Mingyu hesitated for a moment, then couldn't help laughing. Looking at Chi Xiaowan's eyes with ridicule and connivance, he said enough to make Chi Xiaowan spit blood: "I suddenly think what you said is very reasonable. I can say hello to Cheng's banquet next time."

Chi Xiaowan just felt that she was not good, and even could clearly feel the heaviness of her whole waist.

Zhong Mingyu looked at Chi Xiaowan with satisfaction, and then nodded with satisfaction. He didn't continue to tease Chi Xiaowan.

When master Zhong knew that Zhong Mingyu was coming with Chi Xiaowan today, he was certainly happy. He asked the housekeeper to wait at the door early in the morning, and the kitchen had already asked people to prepare what they liked to eat.

Chi Xiaowan was more or less embarrassed. After all, he should have come to see Master Zhong long ago. However, he didn't come until now for some unspeakable reasons. Part time is unfilial!

Chi Xiaowan glared at Zhong Mingyu unhappily, looking at Zhong Mingyu for a while.

"Wan Wan has worked hard abroad these days." master Zhong said with emotion while arranging food for Chi Xiaowan. "The old man also knows some things on the Internet. He asked Mingyu to teach people a lesson. He really doesn't know shame more and more."

Chi Xiaowan really didn't expect that master Zhong would pay attention to things on the Internet. Chi Xiaowan didn't want to say those things outside. At this moment, master Zhong took the initiative to mention them, and Chi Xiaowan only felt embarrassed for a while.

Master Zhong looked at the appearance between Chi Xiaowan and Zhong Mingyu with a smile, and looked at Zhong Mingyu's careful service around Chi Xiaowan. He didn't feel that his good grandson was robbed by Chi Xiaowan, but he took it for granted.

Chi Xiaowan was embarrassed by Zhong Mingyu.

Zhong Mingyu doesn't feel anything wrong with what he has done.

Chi Xiaowan makes Zhong Mingyu cry and laugh, but it's not good to say what Zhong Mingyu says in front of master Zhong. After all, looking at master Zhong's appearance is a look of joy.

Mr. Zhong was accompanied by two people. After dinner, someone talked with him again, and then went back to rest by himself.

Chi Xiaowan also asked Zhong Mingyu to take him back to his room. Chi Xiaowan looked at Zhong Mingyu with a speechless face: "I thought you had time to accompany me. You probably went out for a walk with me. As a result, you dragged you to bed to spend three days."

"Isn't there a few days left?" Zhong Mingyu asked back.

Chi Xiaowan glanced at Zhong Mingyu angrily and looked at Zhong Mingyu with a smile: "I'm going to enter the group the day after tomorrow. Do you think there's still time to go out?"

Zhong Mingyu picked the tip of his eyebrows and forgot this stubble. Even if he had free time, Chi Xiaowan didn't have time.

Zhong Ming, you smiled awkwardly about it, looked at Chi Xiaowan's eyes with some helplessness, and then smiled low: "I really don't think about it."

"Just lack of consideration?" Chi Xiaowan glanced at Zhong Mingyu with the tip of her eyebrows, and asked angrily.

Zhong Mingyu let Chi Xiaowan see a burst of helplessness, and then said, "this is really my fault. I hope madam doesn't remember the villain and forget the villain?"

Chi Xiaowan wanted to look fierce but weak. Unfortunately, the appearance of Zhong Ming really made Chi Xiaowan unable to put it out. In the end, it was too young to consolidate.

Although it is said that the day after tomorrow, Chi Xiaowan has to go to the film and television city the next day, which must not catch up with the day after tomorrow.

Chi Xiaowan won't attend the opening ceremony, although many people have passed without Chi Xiaowan.

The original meaning of Cheng's banquet was to let Chi Xiaowan and LV Yan go all the way. It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the change. Who could have expected that Zhong Shao would have free time.

Even if Cheng feels that Zhong Mingyu's sending Chi Xiaowan is not appropriate in the past, Zhong Shaoxin is happy. Even if Cheng has any opinions, he has to stand back.

Chi Xiaowan looked at Zhong Mingyu's natural appearance with the tip of her eyebrows, and then jokingly said, "who can imagine that the president of Tangtang Zhong Group should be a driver for my little model."

Zhong Mingyu drove the car and looked at Chi Xiaowan solemnly: "I'm not the president of Zhong's group now. I'm just miss Chi Xiaowan's lover now. There's nothing wrong with being a driver for my lover?"

Chi Xiaowan originally wanted to make fun of Zhong Mingyu, but she didn't expect to be provoked by Zhong Mingyu. Although she was angry, she could only bear it obediently. Who made Zhong Shao's Dewey too high for ordinary people.

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