Chi Xiaowan can't say anything about Yang Rou, but she agrees with Zhong Mingyu. Yang Rou's niece is really not very good.

Zhong Mingyu looked at Chi Xiaowan and looked disdainful. He smiled in a low voice, but calmed down in his heart.

"Why did you come so early? Didn't you say to go to Xingyu first?" Zhong Mingyu got up and packed up his things and was ready to leave.

If he knew that Chi Xiaowan came so early, he wouldn't let Chi Xiaowan, Zhong Shuting and Yang Rou face each other at all. What Zhong Shuting just said about Chi Xiaowan was ugly in Zhong Mingyu's ears, not to mention on Chi Xiaowan's side.

"What can happen to Xingyu, but it's just to arrange the next trip." Chi Xiaowan said with a low smile, and then took Zhong Mingyu's hand and they went out of the door together.

Su he watched the two men leave together and was indifferent to Zhong Mingyu's early departure.

After all, Zhong Mingyu spent more than a month in the company. Su he felt that he could be forgiven for leaving early occasionally. Moreover, now Zhong's group has nothing to decide.

Chi Xiaowan came back today, but she was not in a hurry to go back to Chi's house. Several old people also understood that the two had not seen each other for such a long time. The younger generation Sheng's newlyweds were always hard to go home to accompany the old man and the old lady, so they didn't urge the two to go back.

When Chi Xiaowan and Zhong Mingyu finally came out of their nest, it was two days later.

Zhong Mingyu is naturally refreshed. Chi Xiaowan is inevitably a little uncomfortable. However, if he doesn't go home to eat together today, the three old people may really have to call.

Old lady Chi took Chi Xiaowan for a while and taught her a lesson. It's just that she's still young and can't be greedy.

Chi Xiaowan made old lady Chi blush, but she was unable to refute. It was not that she said she was not happy. Zhong Mingyu could let go of her own. In the final analysis, Zhong Mingyu had to stop here.

However, Chi Xiaowan really didn't want to talk to Zhong Mingyu.

Two people are clearly in city a, but they came after such a long time. Don't think they all know what it is because of.

The family is full of people from the past. Although they don't say it on the face, they are clear in the heart. Among them, Chen Ma stewed a pot of kidney tonifying soup, which is the most obvious.

Chi Xiaowan couldn't help holding Zhong Mingyu's shoulder at night. All the people were grinding their teeth for a while. They just felt that there was no face left. Fortunately, Chi Xiaofeng wasn't at home today, otherwise they didn't know how embarrassing it was.

"Xiaofeng is just during the truce these two days. Go over to him and see him tomorrow?" Zhong Mingyu hugged Chi Xiaowan's shoulder. He didn't feel how painful Chi Xiaowan bit. It was almost like scratching.

Chi Xiaowan slightly picked the tip of her eyebrows, then smiled and nodded, even if she agreed to Zhong Mingyu's statement.

Chi Xiaofeng's second half is the National Round Robin. Until the end of the integral competition in December, the top eight teams in the country will be the knockout competition, and finally win the championship, the second runner up and the third runner up.

This period of time is just a break in the middle, but in order not to affect his play, Chi Xiaofeng stayed in the team for training and didn't come back.

Now that Chi Xiaowan has come back, she can't ignore her brother.

Knowing that Chi Xiaowan and Zhong Mingyu are going to Chi Xiaofeng today, mother Chen specially prepared a pile of things for Chi Xiaowan to send to Chi Xiaofeng.

Chi Xiaowan looked at the full trunk. Although she felt that Chi Xiaowan should not treat herself badly in eating, it was just that this pair of things were Chen Ma's intention. Chi Xiaowan didn't really say anything. She could only bring them all.

Zhong Mingyu accompanied Chi Xiaowan and looked at the things in the trunk prepared by Chen Ma, which also expressed his surprise, but it was just a moment.

Chi Xiaowan and Zhong Mingyu came to visit. The youngest of the team was the happiest.

Chi Xiaowan didn't have many opportunities to come here, but Zhong Mingyu came here every once in a while, not only bringing all kinds of advanced electronic products, but also a pile of delicious food.

"Brother in law, you're here. What delicious food have you prepared for us today?" the youngest took it at the door when Zhong Mingyu's car came in and stared at the trunk.

"Find someone to move it." Zhong Mingyu rubbed his youngest's head and said with a low smile.

Lao Yao smiled happily and opened the trunk. Looking at the pile of food in the trunk, he was also satisfied.

Here in the team is a chef specially invited to cook. Naturally, there is nothing to say about his craftsmanship, but he always eats something made by one person. Anyone will be bored with it. What Zhong Mingyu brings over is to improve his taste.

What's more, Chen's mother is also thinking about the children nearby. I'm afraid it's heavy in taste, so there are many heavy flavor meals in it, just in line with my youngest's preferences.

Chi Xiaowan waited for his youngest son to come in and call someone. Then he got out of the car and looked at Zhong Mingyu's harmonious relationship with the people in the team. He slightly picked up the tip of his eyebrow, but didn't say much.

The youngest went in and called people, and then he called all the people over.

Chi Xiaofeng naturally came out together. Looking at Chi Xiaowan standing next to Zhong Mingyu, Chi Xiaofeng was just a little stunned. Then he went straight to Chi Xiaowan and asked, "why don't you have a good rest at home."

"Knowing that you are in the two-day truce, Chen Ma has prepared some consolation products for you. The beef jerky made by Chen Ma tastes good." Chi Xiaowan explained with a smile.

"Beef jerky, I like the beef jerky made by Mrs. Chen best." with a happy face, the youngest son dug out the beef jerky from a pile of things, and without any care, directly opened the sealed bag and took out what he wanted.

The youngest is the youngest of the team. Everyone is used to the youngest's behavior and naturally won't say anything.

Chi Xiaowan found a man he had never seen before in the team.

Chi Xiaowan looked at each other strangely. The other party also noticed Chi Xiaowan's eyes, smiled and looked calm,

"That's Xiao He." Zhong Mingyu whispered, "Xiao Feng's technical consultant."

Chi Xiaowan blinked her eyes and couldn't help looking more. Only then did she recognize that the person in front of her was Xiao He, the founder of domestic mobile tourism.

Chi Xiaowan can't tell what it feels like. It's different from what she imagined.

Chi Xiaowan's memory of Xiao He in the last life is also reported in some TV and magazines. People in formal suits now stand here in casual clothes, which seems a little different. A lot younger.

"Zhong Shao." Xiao he calmly stepped forward and said hello to Zhong Mingyu.

Zhong Mingyu nodded slightly: "you stay here all day. What can your company do? I can't lose my investment."

"Not yet, but it's art time recently. It's not a big problem whether I'm here or not. What's more, it's a critical time for the team. Xiaofeng's ability is good, but they lack some experience. I'll take this time to make up for them." Xiao he shrugged and explained with a low smile.

Chi Xiaowan didn't expect Zhong Mingyu to be involved in Xiao He's business.

"Don't stand outside, let's go first." Xiao he glanced at the distance. Now the team here can get out of the door. It's natural for a reporter to squat outside. Chi Xiaowan came with Zhong Mingyu. I'm afraid he'll have to be on the news in a moment.

Xiao He picked up the tip of his eyebrows and indicated the position in the distance. Zhong Mingyu didn't care.

It's not the first time Zhong Mingyu has come. I have been photographed and reported to the office many times. Now I am used to it. It doesn't matter whether I want to stop it or not.

Xiao he saw that it didn't matter to the parties. Naturally, he didn't say anything. He smiled and went in with Zhong Mingyu.

I'm eating a satisfied book now. I'm sharing the stolen goods for my teammates with a bag of beef jerky in my hand. I don't even train now.

The environment here is much better than the last time Chi Xiaowan came here. It is estimated that she invited a new nanny aunt.

Chi Xiaowan looked at the environment and was very satisfied with it, so she didn't say much.

Zhong Mingyu looked at Chi Xiaowan, smiled and said softly, "let's go upstairs and have a look."

Chi Xiaowan looked at Zhong Mingyu inexplicably. She really couldn't figure out what to see upstairs. There were several people's bedrooms upstairs. They had to break into other people's private fields.

"Xiao he got them a gym." Zhong Mingyu held Chi Xiaowan's hand. Regardless of whether Chi Xiaowan agreed or not, he directly took the person upstairs.

After hearing Zhong Mingyu's explanation, Chi Xiaowan slightly picked up the tip of her eyebrows and followed Zhong Mingyu upstairs.

The building is arranged in the sunny room. There are not many equipment in the French window on the front side, but it is also. Although the sparrow is small, it has all five internal organs.

"Xiao He is the person Xiao Feng was looking for?" Chi Xiaowan asked in a low voice, holding the tip of her eyebrows, sitting on the table tennis table.

Zhong Mingyu nodded and turned out the stored table tennis racket and table tennis: "two games?"

Chi Xiaowan took the table tennis racket from Zhong Mingyu, and then explained with a helpless smile: "I really don't know how to play this. Are you sure you want to play?"

Zhong Mingyu picked the tip of his eyebrow.

Originally, it was not serious to play. At most, it was just fun.

Chi Xiaowan saw Zhong Mingyu insist. Although she felt that her Kung Fu was not very good, Zhong Mingyu insisted that she couldn't say anything.

Chi Xiaowan's Kung Fu is really not very good. Eight of the ten serves can't pass, and the other two are thrown directly.

When Chi Xiaofeng came up to find someone, what he saw was Chi Xiaowan's wrong serve.

"You let Chi Xiaowan play table tennis with you?" Chi Xiaofeng looked at Zhong Mingyu with a damn expression, and his face was full of disapproval.

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