Chi Xiaowan let it go and changed the clothes she tried on and gave them to the tick to pack and take away. After Tong Zhong Mingyu mentioned this habit from the store, Chi Xiaowan reflected what Zhong Mingyu had just said.

"What's the opening party of the head office?" Chi Xiaowan looked at Zhong Mingyu hesitantly and asked in a low voice.

Zhong Mingyu holds Chi Xiaowan's hand in one hand and holds Chi Xiaowan's booty this afternoon in the other hand. He leads Chi Xiaowan back to his residence.

After returning to the hotel, Chi Xiaowan has more than an hour to clean up, and then needs to attend the first show dinner of ten mile red dress.

Chi Xiaowan saw that Zhong Mingyu didn't pay attention to his meaning, couldn't help but curl his mouth, and then persevered to come up to Zhong Mingyu to continue questioning.

Zhong Mingyu let Chi Xiaowan have no way. He looked at Chi Xiaowan who couldn't reach his goal and insisted: "the company of country m took some time to integrate this time. In order to make management more convenient in the future, country m just caught up with the completion of the head office building over there."

Chi Xiaowan opened her mouth slightly, and then knew it clearly.

Although she doesn't know exactly what Zhong Mingyu is doing, she also knows that Zhong Mingyu's career in country m is actually no worse than that of the domestic Zhong Group.

Zhong Mingyu took the lead in occupying the meat of electronic products, and then acquired and invested many companies with his high vision and accurate prediction. Now it has reached a certain scale, and natural resources are integrated.

Occasionally, when eating a baby, you will look at the screen engraved on a tablet or laptop. Although you can't understand the full text in English, you can still understand a few simple words.

Although there seems to be no news from the outside world about this, Zhong Mingyu actually started preparing for it six months ago.

"How can you suddenly think of integrating the company?" Chi Xiaowan asked in a low voice, looking at Zhong Mingyu curiously with her head slightly sideways.

It's been like this for a long time.

"In order to make better use of resources," Zhong Mingyu explained solemnly, followed by a long explanation of business terms.

Chi Xiaowan apologized before Zhong Mingyu was ready to continue his long speech: "forget it, let's discuss that I'll wear that skirt tonight."

Zhong Mingyu looked at Chi Xiaowan with a smile. Did he continue to talk.

When Chi Xiaowan returned to the hotel, LV Yan was already waiting for Chi Xiaowan in the lobby.

"Why are you waiting here?" Chi Xiaowan asked in a low voice with some curiosity, looking at LV Yan in surprise with the tip of her eyebrows.

LV Yan glanced at Chi Xiaowan angrily, and explained in a quiet voice: "you can save snacks when shopping, so I don't have to wait for you here."

As soon as LV Yan said such words, Chi Xiaowan understood more or less. Most of the dispute with Wang Rong was opened.

However, after Chi Xiaowan saw the domestic reports, Chi Xiaowan really didn't expect that some people were stupid and so unscrupulous, which made people cry and laugh.

"Can you still laugh?" Lv Yan stared at Chi Xiaowan angrily. "If Miao Qing hadn't told me, I wouldn't know about it."

Chi Xiaowan holds a flat plate in her hand and puts it in front of her. Miao Qing is helping Chi Xiaowan make up.

"By the way, when did Miao Qing come back?" Chi Xiaowan staggered his appearance from the tablet and asked Miao Qing standing on his side with a smile, "your airsickness problem has been solved by brother six?"

Chi Xiaowan can clearly see that when Chi Xiaowan mentioned airsickness and brother six, Miao Qing's face was hard to see the extreme.

Chi Xiaowan doesn't know how brother Liu helped Miao Qing solve the problem of airsickness, but mostly, it's nothing good.

"It's done." Miao Qing agreed in a dull voice, and then almost grinned and gnashed his teeth. "Now I finally understand why the sixth brother's baby is so big. He is still a glittering single dog. In his eyes, women are men and men are animals. No wonder I can't find a girlfriend."

Chi Xiaowan chuckled and listened to Miao Qing's gnashing of teeth. It's basically certain that the past few days have been absolutely unpleasant.

LV Yan glanced at Hu's two people. She came back earlier than Chi Xiaowan and talked more with Miao Qing. She basically knew what Miao Qing had done in the past two days and agreed with Miao Qing's final conclusion.

Chi Xiaowan pulled Miao Qing to laugh for a while, but he didn't talk deeply about the topic of airsickness. I'm afraid Miao Qing won't have a good physiological response to brother six for a long time.

"Wang Rong caused this thing by himself?" Chi Xiaowan couldn't figure out any specific clue after watching it for a long time. It seems that she has to admit the only possibility, because it doesn't look like what media broke the news.

At that time, they were all in the exclusive store. Even if there were reporters, they could not have such a detailed record of the dialogue, not to mention that the reporters didn't mix in if they wanted to.

"There is no one except her. The little girl feels that she is a rich second generation. She has been jumping around recently. It is estimated that she wants to be red." Lv Yan shrugged.

Although LV Yan hated this matter just now, it's really not a big deal.

Mainly, Wang Rong wants to pour some dirty water on Chi Xiaowan. However, Wang Rong's speaking level is really not very good. She doesn't pour much dirty water, but she looks like a clown.

Although, it is estimated that in Wang Rong's own opinion, he released such a long microblog, which is justified.

They have even raised the height to women's due position in society and women's self realization standard.

In fact, this thing between Chi Xiaowan and Wang Rong, if anyone with a little brain really wants to splash dirty water, the direction should also be Chi Xiaowan falling out with his rival in public. This is definitely more interesting than now, and it is enough for sunspots to stand.

Unfortunately, Wang Rong is a little too confident.

Addicted to making money: about social status and self realization, excuse me, Miss Wang Rong, who said this, do you have a fiance? Do you have a boyfriend? Do you have a suitor? If not, I can only say that you can't eat grapes and say that grapes are sour.

Don't bow your head. The crown will fall off: don't expect it. Miss Wang Rong mostly pursues her third brother-in-law. She can't find a sense of existence here.

Happily raise some fish: Oh, it's the daughter of the Wang family. In short, the upstart level, let alone less than Zhong, is true. There is no comparability between him and Wan Wan. At least the Chi family has a family background and has its own company. In addition to holding shares in several companies, the Wang family has to hop around like a clown during the new year's festival. What else does the Wang family have?

Centripetal acceleration: upstairs seems to know a lot of smiles.

Raise some fish happily: I don't know much. I happened to meet Miss Wang Rong several times. Well, it's really eye-catching with a cosmetic face that doesn't pay for life.

Do not bow your head mask will fall: This is a typical realization of self worth. Don't deny it. Is Miss Wang so famous? By the way, it's definitely self-upgrading, and then contact advertising and so on. You can have a red rhythm every minute.

Keep some fish happily: it's said that Miss Wang has recommended herself as a pillow for many times, but it's a pity that she was ruthlessly rejected by Zhong Shao. It's a typical dissatisfaction with desire. Let's see the excitement and break up. There's really nothing to see.

Chi Xiaowan looked at the excitement under Wang Rong's Weibo. Compared with the outside world, Wang Rong's Weibo is actually a one-sided form.

Compared with forwarding comments on external topics.

The content of forwarding and topic comments generally supports Wang Rong's view that Chi Xiaowan's direct spending of Zhong Mingyu's money is actually dependent on men, which is a retrogression of feminist society.

This kind of speech is still in the majority. Chi Xiaowan doesn't know that she brushed two Zhong Mingyu cards, which has become a retrogression of the feminist society?

It's enough to sublimate and elevate the topic.

"You either don't respond to this topic, or don't talk about women's rights. Don't be biased. Although the topic of women's rights has lasted for a long time, there are not a few advanced women's rights cancer during this period, and some are even close to the point of disease." LV Yan watched Chi Xiaowan turn to the interface of her microblog, The first reaction was that Chi Xiaowan was ready to respond positively to Wang Rong's provocation and attack.

Chi Xiaowan took an oblique look at LV Yan with the tip of her eyebrows, and then put down her tablet: "Miao Qing, take two photos for me. It hasn't been updated for so long. We have to have something on our necks."

Chi Xiaowan was really ready to respond before LV Yan spoke.

But when I thought about it, I thought it was really unnecessary, just a clown. The more I took her seriously, the more I let the other party jump. It's better to ignore her and let her play by herself.

Miao Qing didn't think too much. She took a digital camera to Chi Xiaowan and took some photos in the dressing room here.

Chi Xiaowan is wearing a sapphire blue evening dress, a long dress with a bra, a long silk scarf of the same color between her neck, a small square bag of the same color in her hand and a red rope on her wrist. The lining Chi Xiaowan's skin is white and beautiful. Just two simple photos are enough to make people pleasing to the eye.

Miao Qing was still very satisfied with his photos. He exported them to the computer and simply cut them. Without adjusting the light, he sent them to Chi Xiaowan's mobile phone: "absolutely bright and blind."

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