Chi Xiaowan really didn't want to pay attention to the other party's mood. Facing the other party, Chi Xiaowan was definitely not a friendly chat-up. Chi Xiaowan smiled as one of the newspaper, and then didn't open his head and didn't answer at all.

The other party knew Chi Xiaowan's indifference, and he might even have been prepared, so he was not surprised at all. Instead, he just smiled softly, and then swayed away.

Miao Qing is standing beside Chi Xiaowan. Someone was hard to speak just now. Now that people are gone, Miao Qing doesn't have to hold his own opinion.

"There's nothing wrong with this man's brain?" Miao Qing murmured unhappily. No matter how naive she was, she knew that what this man said was definitely not a good word. When she said such a terrible speech on such an occasion, Miao Qing couldn't think of anything else except that this man was mentally ill.

Chi Xiaowan slightly picked up the corner of his mouth. Isn't the editor in chief of time secretly said by many people that he is mentally ill?

After all, innovation to a certain extent, it is not called personality.

"When shall we go back?" the sixth brother looked at LV Yan's direction and whispered in Chi Xiaowan's ear.

If nothing had happened just now, the sixth brother didn't mind letting Chi Xiaowan stay here again, but the person just now obviously had malice and could come and answer. The sixth brother instinctively felt that this person had no good intentions.

No matter how strong his personal ability is, after all, he is in a foreign country, and he is fighting alone. Most of these things only appear in TV or stories. Killing all the dangerous and uncertain factors in the cradle is what he needs to do.

"There's a problem?" Chi Xiaowan slightly picked the tip of her eyebrows and looked at the sixth brother with a bit of surprise. This was the first time that the sixth brother showed such a clear idea after he came to her.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Chi Xiaowan can't weigh it around.

"The person who came to talk to me just now doesn't look right." the sixth brother said vaguely.

All this is out of his instinct. Naturally, there can be no 100% certainty, but one% possibility is enough for people to be careful.

Chi Xiaowan thought for a moment and asked Miao Qing to call LV Yan back and prepare to leave.

Chi Xiaowan didn't hide his style from anyone. Naturally, some people saw it. Many people were a little caught off guard about Chi Xiaowan's almost sudden behavior.

Chi Xiaowan, a model who has just begun to enter the international stage, has to leave early for such a dinner that is convenient for connecting feelings and expanding contacts?

"Pay attention, there are those people who look abnormal." Chi Xiaowan can clearly see that the editor in chief of time's face was instantly gloomy when he realized that he was ready to leave.

As for others, she felt at most, but she was not 100% sure who they were, who they were.

LV Yan is surprised that Chi Xiaowan suddenly wants to leave, but all the habits based on Chi Xiaowan still let her follow the good advice and say goodbye to the person who talked happily just now.

"Don't Miss Lu stay a little longer? After all, our topic has just begun. Miss Lu has a wide range of knowledge and knowledge. I think we still have a lot of topics to talk about. We haven't even started talking about some business cooperation."

"I'm really sorry. I still need to catch a plane tomorrow morning. It's really late now." Lv Yan smiled, but it was obvious that she wanted to leave.

The other party is still ready to ask for retention, but LV Yan has directly led Miao Qing to turn around and leave.

Before she could even return to Chi Xiaowan, LV Yan asked Miao Qing what had happened,

Miao Qing didn't understand what was going on. She just knew that brother Liu didn't look right. It seemed that something was going to happen.

However, Miao Qing's intrinsic uneasiness is entirely out of the intuition similar to that of small animals.

Although Chi Xiaowan and his party left, many of them were born and retained, which makes it more certain that there must be some arrangements for Chi Xiaowan.

"I'm low-key enough here. It's necessary to take me at such a dinner?" Chi Xiaowan sat on the RV and couldn't help frowning.

Xiao Zhang drove the car carefully, but the sixth brother was the first to find someone following him.

"The car in the back has been following behind for some time since this afternoon," said the sixth brother in a deep voice. "Drive slowly, stop at the traffic light in front, and wait. Let me drive."

Xiao Zhang is safe enough to drive. Usually, there is no problem letting Xiao Zhang drive. However, in the case of someone tracking, I still have to let brother six come.

Of course, the sixth brother drives a little wild. Usually, it's appropriate and comfortable for Xiao Zhang to drive.

Chi Xiaowan turned and looked at the car closely behind him. The other party obviously meant to be reckless. It seemed that she was not worried that she was being detected and was tracking.

"Those who come are not good." Lv Yan murmured, "I don't know who caused things."

Chi Xiaowan walks in such a vanity fair today. It is inevitable to offend people. It is also possible for some people to do something out of revenge.

Chi Xiaowan is still Zhong Mingyu's fiancee. Zhong Mingyu is also easy to offend people in the mall. When the two phases are combined, it's really hard to tell what's going on.

On the contrary, Chi Xiaowan has become the calmest person. If the other party really wants to do something hurtful, he can choose to drive straight up instead of following behind.

Now this behavior can only be explained. These people want to plan something.

Out of this consideration, Chi Xiaowan needs to consider what these people want to do, and why don't these people need to consider what Chi Xiaowan wants to do next?

The sixth brother drives much faster. It is common to brake suddenly and turn suddenly. The performance of the car is obviously improved in the later stage. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to withstand the reckless toss of the sixth brother.

At the beginning, the car that followed was able to keep up with it. After ten minutes or so, I guess I knew it was a hard stubble. The more I got to the back, the more I couldn't regain my strength.

For the sake of safety, the sixth brother took Chi Xiaowan and a group of people around the road for less than half an hour. After LV Yan called and arranged another residence, he slowly drove to the newly arranged hotel.

The newly arranged hotel is right here where he Miao settled. He Miao received a phone call from Chi Xiaowan in the evening that he wanted to change the hotel. He Miao also felt confused. At this moment, Chen Sheng, who was a little confused, asked when he saw Chi Xiaowan and others coming.

"What's going on? It's good to change the hotel in the middle of the night?"

"Just now someone followed on the road. It's estimated that the trip was exposed. It's estimated that someone was crouching over there. Just change a place to live." Chi Xiaowan said in a wide voice, without telling he Miao the truth.

He Miao was still too naive to believe Chi Xiaowan's words, and did not continue to ask.

Chi Xiaowan has been followed since the afternoon. At night, someone chased him in the street for more than ten minutes. Such a thing can't hide from Zhong Mingyu at all.

"I'll deal with this matter, but there aren't many contacts over there. Let sixth brother pay attention to it in the past few hours and wait until tomorrow when he gets on a direct flight to M state." Zhong Mingyu whispered comfortingly.

At least Zhong Mingyu has his own industry in country m, and his contacts and energy are much deeper than here.

Here, even if Zhong Mingyu knows several people and has commercial cooperation with some companies, it is still a little weak.

"It's best to find out who's behind the scenes. It's impossible to prevent thieves for thousands of days." Chi Xiaowan said in a deep voice after a moment of meditation.

Zhong Mingyu had a rare dignified meaning between his eyebrows and eyes.

"Fortunately, I don't have any other itinerary here. I'll go to M state tomorrow. I don't have much to worry about," Chi Xiaowan said in a wide voice. I don't know whether I'm comforting myself or Zhong Mingyu.

To find out what went wrong, whether it was Chi Xiaowan's current fame and fortune, or Chi Xiaowan's fiancee of Zhong Mingyu, it was really hard to say for a moment, so even the direction of the investigation became a thousand clues.

The sixth brother provided good information.

The car this evening appeared for a few minutes when Chi Xiaowan went out in the afternoon, but there was too much time at that time, and the sixth brother didn't care at all.

However, combined with what happened tonight, the sixth brother felt that those who could first focus on time had contacted those people recently.

Things have to be done one by one. Now that there is a direction, it is certainly a little more directional than looking for someone like looking for a needle in a haystack.

It's really hard to find out who's behind the instructions, but who's moving his hand? Chi Xiaowan sent it to her mailbox when she woke up.

The person who does it is the person from time. He just wants some exclusive news. A hot model is racing late at night. No matter what, it is a news.

As for the consequences of racing, it is not something they need to consider.

And who did time reach cooperation with? After all, no matter how powerful time is, it's just an entertainment company. It's always hard to do things that offend people.

It was obviously because someone was backing him up last night.

Who is the supporter and who planned such a thing? Obviously, it needs a good check.

What can be found and where to start, these things are not what Chi Xiaowan went back to intervene. After a brief understanding of the situation, she hurried out of the door to the airport and had to catch a plane to M state.

I don't even have time to say hello to he Miao.

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