After seven nights, Su saw a dark shadow outside. For a moment, he just felt a "buzz" in his head. Suddenly he realized something. His face turned white and murmured, "it's over... It's over... It's over... It's really over..."

Dongling Qi hasn't found her abnormality yet. He is still looking for her quickly. He doesn't seem to be a normal person. Su Qiye has begun to look like Venus, and his mind is dizzy.

"Dongling Qi..." she looked at his hurried figure from a distance and murmured.

Dongling Qi turned his head and saw Su Qiye fall to the ground. His body flashed. He came to her quickly, picked her up and said in a hurry, "go quickly, it's too late."

Su Qiye took a breath and suddenly grabbed Dongling Qi's skirt: "it's over... We can't get out and will die here..."

"What's the matter with you?" Dongling Qi saw Su Qiye's pale face and purple lips. He clasped her wrist to explore her pulse, which poured into Su Qiye's body.

Donglingqi's internal force effect was very good. Su Qiye suddenly felt that her head was much clearer and her strength recovered. She took a deep breath and her breathing became louder and louder.

"What's the matter with you?"

Su Qiye looked at him for a while and said weakly, "we were cheated. Things should not be here anymore. There is an ambush outside. I saw it..."

Dongling Qi was silent.

"You may still have a chance to go out alone, but I... I have come to kuishui. I can't move. I will only drag you down. The stone gate is locked from the outside. If you take me out, you will only die here with me." Su Qiye sat down on the ground and said weakly.

"No, I'll take you out." Dongling Qi glanced at the stone gate and said calmly.

After a moment of silence, he went aside and blew out the oil lamp. He knew that the combustion of the flame would only accelerate the disappearance of oxygen, which was very unfavorable to Su Qiye.

He went to the stone gate and wanted to use his internal force to open the stone gate, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open it, and the internal force in his body couldn't be used at all.

Dongling Qi's face became more and more ugly. How could this happen?

He glanced at the palm of his hand. At the moment, his whole arm has turned black. Is it because of poison? Such a vicious poison that can suppress the cold breath in his body is definitely not what even Qiansu can do. Is it that person? That man wants him dead?

Su Qiye doesn't know what Dongling Qi is doing. She curls up on the ground and doesn't bother to talk anymore. Anyway, she can't walk in such a place now. Where else can she go in the stone chamber so closed that even the air can't get in?

Realizing that he had extinguished the only lamp, Su Qiye felt tight in the dark, and there was no rest around. She could only hear her breathing and heartbeat. She was weak, her body was cold for no reason, and her abdomen continued to cramp.

If you want to ask her if she has any other ideas... Who can give her a bag of sanitary napkins to save her waves of surging!

Just when she was confused, someone grabbed her wrist. The cold touch brought her back to her consciousness. She heard a heavy and slow heartbeat in her ear, "poop... Poop... Poop..."

The air was still so turbid and the temperature around was still so cool, but now she felt much more comfortable, and even the sharp pain in her abdomen was relieved.

"Can't you open it? There won't be any other exit here... We will certainly die here..." Su Qiye opened his eyes to see him. His eyes were full of tears and helplessness.

She had experienced such difficulties before, but there was at least air and oxygen for her survival, which could make her mind clearer.

"You won't die, you won't die." Dongling Qi rarely gently hugged her in his arms and comforted her in a soft voice.

"I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep..." Su Qiye leaned in his arms and felt that the arms were so cold. On his chest, there was only the steady heartbeat, and she could hardly feel him breathing.

"Don't sleep!" Dongling Qi eagerly injected internal power into her body and said, "I ask you a question, and you answer me truthfully..."

"OK." while talking, Su Qiye's breath became very light.

"Can your body purify any toxins?"

"Well..." Su Qiye said softly.

Dongling Qi took a look at his palm and clenched his teeth. He cut his finger, put his finger into her mouth and said ruthlessly, "suck up the poison."

Su Qiye was thirsty and uncomfortable. What cool liquid entered her mouth. She immediately began to suck hard, sucking all the blood in his hand and toxins into her stomach.

"Don't sleep." Dongling Qi saw that she suddenly stopped moving and patted her in a hurry.

"Hmm..." she snorted and continued taking drugs.

Dongling Qi's blood not only had toxins, but also water, which made her a little sober. She deliberately slowed down her breathing. Although the air here was very thin, she thought she could stick to it again. After all, Dongling Qi was around, and he hardly breathed. She should be able to hold on for a while and a half.

"What are you thinking?" at the critical moment, in order to prevent Su Qi from falling asleep at night, Dongling Qi said more.

"I wonder why I fell in love with you... Obviously you are not my type..." Su Qiye's voice was lazy.

"Hmm?" Dongling Qi narrowed his eyes again.

Su Qiye knew that he was dying. Naturally, Dongling Qi would not embarrass himself, so he said honestly: "I like Murong Yu, especially manly, heroic and handsome..."

"Turn back and let him roll to the border." Dongling Qi said coldly, his tone sounded very uncomfortable.

"Poof..." Su Qiye couldn't help laughing, "careful man..."

"It's your bad eyes." Qi Yuqi of Dongling was angry.

"Are you the most handsome in the world?"

"That's nature," said Qi Li of Dongling naturally. There was no trace of joking in his tone, as if he really thought so.

"Ha ha..." Su Qiye heard this and suddenly burst out a wild laugh, "I finally... Finally found a person who is more... Narcissistic than me..."


"Hahaha..." I can't stop at all.

Feeling that he had been fooled, Dongling Qi seemed very angry and got up. Then Su Qiye heard a dull sound of "Dong".

"Ha ha ha ha..." hearing that Dongling Qi's head seemed to hit the ceiling, Su Qiye laughed more and more arrogantly.

Although the stone chamber was large, it was really short, and the height of Dongling Qi was relatively high, so he deliberately bent down when he came in, but just now he stood up straight in anger.

However, at this time, Su Qiye's laughter suddenly stopped.

What did she hear?!

It's a "Dong", it's a sound! It's not dull!

Dongling Qi was obviously aware of this problem before her. Hearing a loud bang, Dongling Qi directly hit the upper wall of the stone chamber with a fist.

Su Qiye couldn't see the situation, but she could feel the gravel falling down, and a fresh air came to her face. She took a deep breath with great greed. She immediately felt energetic. She got up from the ground and grabbed Dongling Qi's clothes for fear that he would leave himself and go straight away.

"What's the passage above?" Su Qiye knew he was saved. He immediately recovered his vitality and asked curiously.

"It should be a secret passage from the imperial palace to the outside of the palace." donglingqi said, pulling Su Qiye aside and lighting the oil lamp again.

Now the oxygen was enough and the lamp could be lit. Su Qiye saw that the back of Dongling Qi's hand seemed to be bleeding. The fist just now... The stone wall was a stone after all. Although he was strong enough to break through, his fist was hurt.

"Your hand..." Su Qiye took his hand and looked at the wound carefully. His eyes looked distressed.

She was the most afraid of pain. Seeing his bloody wound, she laughed at him just now, and immediately felt that she was too ignorant.

"No harm." Dongling Qi retracted his hand and hid it in his sleeve.

He went to one side and brought a big box to let Su Qiye climb up the channel. Although he didn't know what was in the box, it looked so heavy that Dongling Qi, who had been calm since just now, was a little anxious after moving the box.

Su Qiye saw that his steps didn't seem as stable as before. She was a little worried, but now it was not the time to be hypocritical. She stood on the box and began to climb up.

Simply, the stone chamber was not high. She successfully climbed it. The passage above was a little wide. She could stand straight, and there were two people wide.

Hearing a muffled cough under the stone chamber, Su Qiye couldn't help looking down.

Dongling Qi covered his chest and leaned against the wall. He coughed repeatedly, but he tried to cover his mouth with his hands. It seemed that he didn't want her to hear the sound. It seemed that he had consumed too much and the old injury recurred

Su Qiye was deeply moved. The reason why he did this was that he consumed too much internal power on her just now... What did he pay to save her life?

Su Qiye sat on the passage and waited for a long time. Dongling Qi climbed up. He didn't use lightness skills, but climbed up with the same difficulty on the box as Su Qiye.

Su Qiye just didn't see his reaction and asked, "which side shall we go?"

Dongling Qi hesitated and said, "whatever you want."

Anyway, he doesn't know which direction is the right one, and the secret passages in the palace often extend in all directions. Now he can only see where he goes.

Su Qiye nodded, endured the pain in her lower abdomen, and walked in a random direction. While walking, she secretly hated when she came. It happened that this was her first time to come to her aunt in ancient times. She didn't wear outer pants, but only a thin white pants. Now I'm afraid she's red behind her.

Dongling Qi seemed to realize something. He took off his coat and put it on Su Qiye. His robe was very long. It could cover his lower legs just like this.

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