When Su Qiye woke up, it was already dark.

She opened her eyes and lay in bed for a long time. She couldn't get up, but her body felt good. She gasped like a fish out of water.

It hurts... It really hurts

There is no place in my body that doesn't hurt. My stomach hurts, my head hurts and my throat hurts.

She raised her hand and touched her forehead. She was still feverish, but she was not so uncomfortable. She was just thirsty. She propped herself up from the bed.

Ready to get out of bed to find water to drink, but suddenly tripped over something.

She squatted down and groped for a while, touched the soft meat, and suddenly screamed "wow", startled.

Through the moonlight outside the window, she found that the man was donglingqi who saved her. At the moment, he was lying on the ground motionless.

Su Qiye saw that his face was gray and his lips were purple. Her face suddenly changed. She was so confused that she didn't realize that he was poisoned, leading to the spread of the toxin.

"Dongling Qi, wake up!" Su Qiye pushed him.

He lay quietly on the ground and didn't respond.

Her complexion was like frost. She explored his pulse and found that the pulse was so weak that she could hardly feel it. She had realized the seriousness of the matter, which should be an extremely vicious poison. She immediately took out the silver needle and sealed many acupoints on him.

Looking at his pale face and a pool of dirty blood on his shoulder, he thought that he was worthless. He was half dead just because he came to kuishui. He directly fell asleep and asked him to take care of himself. I don't know how he insisted on being poisoned.

Suddenly, the heart seemed to be blocked by something, and even breathing became more difficult.

At this time, her hand, which had been probing his wrist, suddenly couldn't feel his pulse. Su Qiye's face became pale for a moment.

Sure enough, is her method really too dangerous?

She also had no way to calm down. She directly cut her fingers and dropped blood into his mouth, but it was too late. No matter how she fed him blood, she could no longer feel his heartbeat.

Su Qiye felt at a loss for the first time. Her eyes were full of panic and fear, as if something was going to gradually leave her

There was a blank color in her eyes. She really didn't know what to do. Where should the silver needle be pierced?

She was really flustered. Her eyes flashed unconsciously, and bean sized tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

"Dongling Qi... Get up... Don't die!" she murmured and suddenly woke up.

Although she didn't know whether it was useful, it was her last resort. Her hands were folded on his chest and pressed rhythmically. The way to save people was very simple. It was to use external stimulation to keep her heart beating. Although she didn't know whether it would work, this was her last way

"Get up... Don't die... Don't die..." as she tried, she prayed secretly in her heart that he must live

Tears in his eyes, like broken pearls, fell on his chest and wet his clothes.

She was really afraid that Dongling Qi would die like this

She couldn't feel his breath or his heartbeat. What a fear. She always thought donglingqi wouldn't die, but now she almost collapsed.

"I won't let you die..."

She suddenly whispered, bowed her head, kissed his pale lips, breathed into his mouth and forced him to breathe.

But his lips are so cold, so cold, it doesn't look like a living person's lips at all. Tears surge out of her red and swollen eyes again

This man, can she really only watch him die


Suddenly, he moved, slowly opened his eyes, looked at her, looked at her close face, and felt the hot and wet tears on her face. He closed his eyes again, raised his hand, pressed her head and gently sucked her lips.

"You... Are you awake?!" Su Qiye reacted and suddenly broke away from him, looking at him with joy in his eyes.

"Cough..." he coughed bloody foam and looked at her. "Why... Do you want me to die?"

Su Qiye was stunned for a long time before he reacted and threw himself on him with joy: "it's good... You didn't die... Thank God you didn't die..."

Dongling Qi murmured. In fact, he wanted to say that she had pressed his wound, but when he smelled the smell of her upper body, the feeling of peace of mind made him hold her in his arms regardless of the pain.

Su Qiye got up from the ground, helped Dongling Qi up, and helped him to bed.

By the faint moonlight outside the window, she found the candles in the house and lit them, and then began to look for water to drink. Fortunately, there was really water here. There was a jar of clean water in the house. It seemed that someone often took care of it. She didn't care whether the water was clean or not. She scooped up most of the water with a teapot. When she returned to the bed to drink water for donglingqi, he had fainted.

But this time she breathed. She poured some water into his mouth. Seeing that the water could not be poured in basically, she gave up.

He sat at the bedside and looked at him quietly for a while. Seeing that the wound on his shoulder was still bleeding and had not been treated, he got up again, drew a basin of water and returned to the bedside.

It was rare for him to lie in bed harmless to humans and animals and be slaughtered by others... She suddenly felt a little nervous, rubbed her hands, swallowed her saliva, and carefully helped him untie his clothes.

Her hands trembled nervously. Although it was said that she took off his clothes to deal with the wound, in this world, men seem to attach great importance to chastity... Will he be responsible for her when he wakes up?

Hum, it's better for her to be responsible. She's afraid she can't afford to support him with her financial resources?

Looking at the angry face of Dongling Qi, she swallowed her saliva again. Although she had drunk a lot of water just now, she still seems to be thirsty

She glanced at him and made sure he really passed out. She was a little relieved that if he was awake, she wouldn't let her off.

She clenched her teeth, changed her previous caution, grabbed his clothes with both hands and pulled it aside.

"Tear pull -" with a sound, she tore his excellent clothes with extreme violence, and instantly revealed his chest in the color of white jade, light ivory white and soft fluorescence.

"Hiss..." she couldn't help but utter a little exclamation.

She didn't look carefully before, but now she can finally see enough in the moonlight. The muscle lines are perfect and the touch is cold. It is like a piece of nephrite with the best quality. It feels smooth and elastic. It's really excellent skin.

His chest fluctuated slightly with his breath, and Su Qiye's eyes involuntarily fell on it, a little pink

Su Qiye blushed in an instant. Her whole body seemed to pour all her blood into her head at once. Her nose seemed to be itchy. She subconsciously raised her hand and wiped it with her hand, and there was a bright red blood on the back of her hand.

God! She saw a man with a bloody nose! What a shame!

How can su Qiye tolerate such a thing? She wiped the blood off her nose. She never felt so ashamed. She is not a person who has never seen the world. She has never seen a beautiful man in modern times, but none of them has given her a strong sensory impact this time

He shouldn't have woken up yet. She looked at him carefully and made sure he hadn't woken up. She was relieved.

The wound on his shoulder was deep and bloody. Her attention was soon attracted. She found that the arrow seemed to be poisoned, but his blood did not turn black.

The arrow has to be pulled out... But it will hurt.

Now there are no professional doctors, no sewing needles, and nothing to disinfect.

She could only open the wound with a dagger, then pull out the arrow and clean his wound quickly, so that there would be no other danger.

She took out a very sharp dagger and washed it with clean water. Then she cut her hand and covered the blade with blood. It should have a certain detoxification effect.

She had to cut some of her wound with a dagger to draw the sword, otherwise the hook on the arrow would hook out all the meat, which would be even worse for the healing of the wound.

She tightened her brow and cut it with a knife without anesthetic. It will really hurt. Should he wake up from the pain?

But she couldn't manage so much at this time. She pressed her hand around his wound and stabbed him with a dagger.

However, even so, Dongling Qi did not respond at all, but his face was pale and terrible.

"Bear it, I pulled it out..." Su Qiye didn't care whether he could hear it or not.

After opening the wound around the arrow, she took out the poison arrow, then quickly cleaned up some necrotic wounds, quickly took out the golden sore medicine from her arms and sprinkled it on the wound.

Her hands trembled. After all, such treatment was too sloppy, but the conditions here were so poor that she couldn't do more. She had to press her hands on the wound for the time being to stop the blood flowing out. When conditions were available tomorrow, she went to the hospital to find catgut and sew up his wound.

Even at this time, Dongling Qi still lay quietly, motionless, his eyes closed, not only didn't wake up, but also didn't frown.

It seems that I didn't experience severe pain just now.

Su Qiye couldn't help admiring his endurance. She couldn't imagine that someone could hold back under such severe pain. If it weren't for seeing the ups and downs in his chest, she would really think he was a dead man.

Su Qiye pressed his shoulder for a while, and there was no blood gushing out of the wound. His blood seemed different from ordinary people. It was not only light in color, but also a little light gold in scarlet, which stopped bleeding very quickly.

She tore a clean skirt from her body, wet it with water and began to clean his wound. Now she has no medicine on her. She can only help him clean it with water, and then wrap it casually to do the simplest treatment.

Although she knew that he was in a coma and might not feel pain, her movements were still very gentle. She is a person who is afraid of pain, so her movements are particularly gentle.

After dealing with all this, she walked around the bamboo house. She didn't find anything to eat. She touched her empty stomach, went back to the bed, pushed Dongling Qi into the bed, and lay on the outside to sleep.

She is also very tired and has come to kuishui. She must have a good rest. No matter what happens, wait until dawn.

However, as soon as she closed her eyes, he opened them.

He turned his head and looked at her. His eyes were complex and gentle.

He stretched out his hand and covered her with a quilt.

Just then, a dark shadow flashed out of the window. The dark shadow quickly opened the window and jumped in quickly.

"Master... You are..." Ling Mo can't believe everything in front of him.

He held out his hand, pointed to Su Qiye, motioned that she was still sleeping, told him not to make a noise, and made a silent movement.

Ling Mo was stunned. Naturally, he was understanding. He immediately kept silent and stopped talking.

Dongling Qi lay quietly on the bed, motionless, waved his hand and motioned him out.

Ling Mo is stunned again. The master should hurry back to the palace to deal with the wound at this time. Why don't you go? But seeing his eyes, he didn't dare to speak any more and stepped back carefully.

Dongling Qi slightly turned his face and looked at the people around him. A gentle smile appeared on his face, and his eyes were as gentle as water.

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