half a month later.

The capital of the Dongling kingdom is as lively as ever, with people coming and going, a prosperous scene.

An extremely luxurious carriage slowly stopped at the door of Zuixian building.

When the door opened, a man in dark clothes came out, with a jade face and lips. He looked very handsome. As soon as he lifted his front clothes, he jumped down from the car.

Then he turned around and carefully helped down a thin woman from the carriage. The woman was dressed in plain white and had a veil on her face. Although people could not see her face clearly, they could feel her unique style.

The man was careful and considerate. With a warm smile on his face, he helped the woman to walk to the drunken fairy building.

Today's Zuixian restaurant is particularly lively, because today's restaurant has recently launched a novel wine. It tastes sweet and mellow, has a mellow wine taste, and also has a strong grape flavor. It is sour, sweet and delicious with endless aftertaste. Although the wine has a beautiful taste, it is better named purple glazed glaze.

Purple glazed glass wine can be said to be unheard of by the people in the capital. Before zuixianlou was officially sold, someone had tasted its delicacy, which immediately made some literati crazy. Just because the delicacy was unspeakable, they wrote poems to praise the wine. Of course, the price of the wine itself is not very low. A jar of purple glass wine needs 100 liang of gold. Most people really can't afford it if they want to drink it. Things that are expensive and good to drink have always attracted people's attention. They come and go. The reputation of purple glass wine has opened up in the capital. Many princes, nobles and officials' children do not hesitate to spend a lot of money just to buy this jar of wine. After all, it is a very popular thing. There are many rich and wine loving people in the capital.

Today's zuixianlou is basically overcrowded and full. There are not only young and playful officials, rich and powerful businessmen, but also many good wine princes and ministers who come in person to taste the wine that this person praises. Because there are so many people coming, even the powerful people may not be able to book seats.

Today, the worship of Dongling came a little late, and there was no elegant Pavilion upstairs. Although he was wronged by the seats in the hall, he didn't pay much attention to too much because he attended in casual clothes. Dala sat down in an empty seat in the corner.

He was accompanied by Murong Yu, the eldest son of the Murong family, and Murong Yan, the second son. After the disappearance of donglingqi, donglingsi soon targeted the Murong family who had originally stood on the side of donglingqi and tried its best to win over the Murong family. However, the attitude of the Murong family was very ambiguous. It did not accept his solicitation, but it would not directly refuse it. I didn't refuse because the Murong family knew very well that they had a common enemy with donglingsi, that is, now they entrusted the blessing of the empress, just like the Lian family in the middle of the sun. I don't accept it because although Dongling Qi is missing, no one knows whether he is dormant and planning something. Moreover, although Dongling Si is also a prince, its influence in the court is really not enough for them.

"It's rare that the two young generals are free today and can accompany the king out to chat. I heard early that the two young generals of Murong family are excellent in both literature and martial arts. When I saw them today, they really deserve their reputation." donglingsi looked at them with a smile like an elder, but in fact, his heart was not comfortable. In his capacity, the general of Murong had to come out to meet him in person. In the end, he could only see two young people. However, as a prince, he had to be very polite to them.

"I'm flattered. It's my honor to be appreciated by the Lord..." Murong Yan said with a smile and said with a pure face. He was a little embarrassed.

In contrast, his eldest brother Murong Yu is much more calm. Although they both look heroic and have a very tall and powerful figure, it is obvious that Murong Yu has a deeper mind than Murong Yan. However, Murong Yan is so well taken care of and protected by his eldest brother and his father that he has a narrow mind and doesn't know anything about twists and turns. That's why, But his martial arts is obviously better than Murong Yu. He is a good hand in the army.

However, the person donglingsi wanted to win over was naturally not him. Everyone could see that his purpose of saying this was obviously to give it to Murong Yu and to explore his reaction.

Murong Yu didn't speak. He was silent. He lowered his head and played with the wine cup in his hand. His eyes stared at the dark purple wine on it. His eyes were complex.

It's not the first time for him to drink this wine. He also knows who the wine maker will be

Murong Yu's mind unconsciously appeared a beautiful but slightly pale face. The woman's eyes flashed a stubborn and resolute light, sometimes playful and cute, sometimes sharp, sometimes gentle and quiet, sometimes cold and heartless... She was like a mystery. No one knew what kind of look she would use to treat you next moment, No one knows what shocking things she will do.

And he, after all, can only wait and see from a distance

Su Qiye disappeared with Dongling Qi half a month ago. It is said that they were buried after a boat on Mingyue Lake caught fire... Such nonsense can't even deceive the 13-year-old prince. How could he believe it!

Murong Yu's hand pinched the glass tightly, and his strength was almost to crush the glass glass glass in his hand.

"Big brother! Big brother! The Lord is asking you. What are you thinking?"

Murong Yan's voice suddenly sounded in his ear. Turning his head, he saw his big face coming together. Murong Yu immediately returned to God, immediately looked at the Dongling sacrifice, and replied respectfully: "return to the Lord, Yu has really not married yet."

"How old is your virtuous nephew now?" donglingsi asked with a smile. He could not see any change in his look, but completely changed his address.

"Twenty has four." Murong Yu replied in a deep voice.

Donglingsi's eyes showed doubt, touched his chin and said, "I'm afraid there are already many children at the age of a normal man. Why are you unmarried? But what's the special reason?"

"Wei Chen has been fighting outside for many years. He doesn't want to delay the girl of a good family." Murong Yu bowed his head and said politely.

"I can't imagine that my virtuous nephew is such a reasonable person, but he is a dignified seven foot man. He always wants to get married when he gets old. I don't know if he wants to be a lover?" donglingsi narrowed his eyes and smiled, with some unclear meaning in his smile.

"This is the family affair of Murong family and the private affair of Yu, so I don't bother Wang Ye." no matter how good the patience of anyone will be, Murong Yu's tone is still calm, but it can make people feel his impatience.

As expected, donglingsi shut his mouth, the smile on his face gradually solidified, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. Originally, I wanted to marry my little daughter to Murong Yu and have a marriage with Murong family to consolidate the relationship between the two families. The eldest son Murong Yu was the best candidate, but I didn't expect that he wouldn't give himself any face.

The dishes were served and the wine was served. The three sat together quietly tasting the wine, but no one spoke for a long time.

Zuixian building is very lively today. However, after the man in black and the woman in white came in, it became more and more hot and noisy.

"My guest, it's full. Please come back tomorrow." the waiter saw that they were dressed low-key and gorgeous. He knew they could not afford to offend. His tone and attitude were impeccable.

The man in Xuanyi smiled and said, "we have a reservation in room Tianzi No. 1."

The waiter was stunned and asked respectfully, "I don't know your surname..."

The man in Xuanyi said, "Xiling."

As soon as the waiter listened, the expression on his face changed slightly and hurriedly said, "please come inside, childe."

Some guests who didn't book a seat nearby were immediately dissatisfied. A rude official son shouted, "waiter, didn't you say there is no accord? Why do you have it now?"

"My guest, the young master just said that he has a reservation." xiaoerqiang said with a smile.

"This man is from Xiling country, isn't he? People from Xiling country dare to be so arrogant in the capital! Don't look whose territory this is!" the official's son shouted discontentedly.

Xiling state and Dongling state have never had friendly relations. Basically, the people of the two countries look down on each other and feel that their own country is the most powerful. Therefore, the words of the rude official son happened to win the approval of most people.

"My guest, please calm down... Small ones only follow the rules." the waiter didn't want to offend anyone. He looked like he was about to cry.

"I also wanted to make a reservation in your Zuixian building yesterday, but I heard that your Pavilion didn't accept the reservation. I don't know who made the rule?" another official's son stepped in and said.

This remark once again won the approval of most people. They began to talk about it one after another, and the voice became louder and louder.

"Yes, yes, I don't accept reservations! Why are there reservations again?"

"Does it mean that the Zuixian building is specially opened for the Xiling state? So we don't have to stay here."

Where there are people, there will be sensationalism. At the moment, those official children, relying on their large number of people, began to swear.

"Oh... Everyone, this is a misunderstanding... Where does the shop mean this..." the waiter repeatedly advised and hurriedly turned around.

Just then, the man in black coughed and said in a loud voice, "you are really mistaken. Although I am from Xiling state, I am also a friend of the girl. In fact, this Tianzi No. 1 room was booked by the girl."

"Oh, just a little girl, how can she afford this Tianzi No. 1 room! Even if she has money, she doesn't deserve to live. Besides, who knows if she is also from Xiling country!"

"The people of Xiling country should drive away. If you stay in Zuixian building, you will be the enemy of Dongling!"

"Yes! Drive away! Otherwise, you will smash the drunken fairy building!"

Seeing that the people were unreasonable, the man in black just frowned slightly, but he was not angry. Instead, he didn't panic and hurried: "I'm sorry. I mean, this girl is from Dongling kingdom. The reason why she can book room Tianzi No. 1 is because the purple glass in your hands is made by this girl. I don't know if you are qualified to live in room Tianzi No. 1 as a girl?"

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