Naturally, these wolves can't get together for no reason. There are great reasons why they can get together.

Soon, the other wolf king who made Su Qiye curious also appeared.

It was an unusually huge silver snow wolf. Compared with its own wolf, the wolf seemed to be a little older, and it seemed to be older. One eye was blind and there were many wounds on its face. But it was because of this, it was extremely ferocious, and it was easier for other wolves to submit to themselves, because the wounds were a record and experience for wolves.

After the wolf appeared, Su Qiye obviously saw contempt from his eyes. For the contempt of the wolf king, it seemed to laugh at it. The once wolf king has now become a human mount.

Its ridicule obviously stimulated the wolf king. The wolf king bent low and jumped up to jump up, but he was still tied with a rope. When he jumped up, he also pulled up the sledge. Under the collision of the two forces, the wolf king fell down.

The wolf king who fell from mid air was obviously angered. He suddenly turned his head, tore the rope on his body, and rushed towards the nearest wolf in front of him. After a fight, the wolf king bit the wolf to death under his body, and then sent out a wolf howl again.

This is he declaring victory and telling all wolves their strength and rights.

However, at the moment, there is no wolf around him, and all the wolves are not around him. How can it pose a little threat to these dozens of wolves?

The one eyed wolf roared, and the other wolves seemed to hear the order and rushed frantically towards the wolf king.

At this time, Yu Changling suddenly jumped out of the bear skin with Su Qiye. This jump was more than two meters high and fell directly on the tree trunk. All the eyes of the wolves were attracted at once, and there was a subconscious pause in the actions of the wolves.

At this time, all the wolves around the wolf king appeared. Su Qiye obviously felt that these wolves were the ones around him at the cave entrance. It seemed that they were called by the wolf howl before the wolf king.

But who could have thought that these wolves did not come to help the wolf king?

These wolves left the wolf king for a while, but an hour has not passed. At the moment, there is a new wolf king, and the new wolf king does not want to help his former partners, but stands behind the one eyed wolf and looks at the lone wolf king with cold eyes.

The wolf king's wisdom obviously saw such a situation. It stepped back and roared again.

However, the roar this time seemed so sad and helpless.

Su Qiye can almost feel the pain in her heart at the moment. No one knows the pain after being betrayed by her former partners better than her. At this moment, Su Qiye has terrible compassion in her heart. She even has the idea of trying to save the wolf.

But it's no longer a problem of more than a dozen wolves, but dozens. She can't save the wolf at all, but if she really leaves like this, Su Qiye is still sorry after all.

The wolf is like this because of himself. If he discards it now, he will have no place to live in this snow mountain!

"Yuchangling." Su Qiye called the man's name for the first time and looked at him firmly.

"You..." Yu Changling was shocked by her eyes, and some didn't dare to buy the channel. "Don't you want to tell me that you want to help the wolf?"

Su Qiye looked at the wolf and then at him. His eyes struggled and hesitated and said, "I really think so, but I know I can't save it at all, but can you help me?"

Yuchangling would not agree with her absurd request, but when he saw a trace of pain in her eyes, he was soft hearted and didn't know what he thought, so he nodded.

The encirclement of dozens of wolves is getting smaller and smaller. The wolf king is surrounded in the middle, but he still doesn't retreat. He still stares at his scarlet eyes and roars, defending his last dignity!

Yes, Su Qiye saw the dignity it wanted to defend from it!

At this moment, Su Qiye's heart didn't know what was going on. His originally calm mood suddenly rose. Regardless of his physical discomfort, he directly threw the only dagger in his hand to the ground.

"Ow --" one of the wolves was hit by Su Qiye's dagger. Under the pain of eating, he made a sad cry.

Su Qiye didn't expect that this blow really hit.

However, in this way, all the wolves' attention suddenly focused on Su Qiye, but I don't know where the human beings came from were so bold and dared to take action at this time!

Even the wolf king was very surprised, but even at this time, while the other wolves were not paying attention, he rushed up and began to bite wildly with a wolf.

Since the wolf king took the initiative, the rest of the wolves would not be polite. With a low roar of the one eyed wolf, all the wolves rushed into the crowd, directly rushed the wolf king, and then drowned the whole wolf in the wolves.

Seeing that his wolf king was about to be bitten to death by the wolves, Su Qiye was worried and dragged Yu Changling directly from the tree.

The one eyed wolf realized that Su Qiye seemed to want to rescue the wolf king, so he took them with another new wolf Dynasty.

In his ears, the wolves roared and bit. Su Qiye looked at him, and his momentum became fierce. At the moment, the only weapon in his hand was just a rope twisted from a cloth strip torn from his clothes.

She and Yu Changling looked at each other, and they immediately understood each other's meaning. She dealt with the new wolf king, while Yu Changling dealt with the very experienced one eyed wolf.

The two wolves were obviously more belligerent than the two, and made the same decision as the two in an instant and rushed directly at them.

At that moment, Su Qiye obviously felt a very strong pressure, but this pressure was a little less than the pressure given to her by the wolf king before.

Now she has no weapons such as knives, so she can almost fight with a giant wolf with her bare hands. Fortunately, the wolf level here is very obvious. When the wolf king fights, the other wolves will not come forward to help, because once a wolf comes forward to help, it will be considered to despise the strength of the wolf king, If the wolf king loses when fighting alone, he doesn't deserve to be called the wolf king.

Su Qiye should be thankful for this, because in this way she can make full use of her previous fighting skills and strive to win.

The wolf king is very tall. Once he jumps up, he directly crosses Su Qiye's head. Su Qiye can't start at all. He can only roll forward to avoid. Then when the wolf lands, he grabs her tail. Like a dog, the wolf often subconsciously turns back after being grabbed by someone. That's when Su Qiye directly puts his hands forward, The rope loop made in his hand was directly put into the wolf's neck, and then grabbed the wolf's hair and jumped on its back.

When the wolf realized the danger, he began to struggle frantically and wanted to throw off the people on his body, but Su Qiye's hand dragged the fur on the wolf and his feet tightly clamped the wolf's body.

The wolf began to struggle wildly, struggling faster and harder. However, at the moment when Su Qiye was thrown out by him, the rope on the wolf's neck was suddenly tightened, and a click was heard. The wolf's neck was so broken, which could be said to be broken by himself!

Su Qiye's hand clung to the rope. While she fell to the ground, the skin of her hand was scratched with a deep hole by the rope, which was hot and painful. However, she still didn't relax and clung to the rope until the wolf fell to the ground and suffocated.

At the same time, Yu Changling has also very quickly pressed the one eyed wolf on the ground and beat it up. It spits blood and can't move any more.

"Ouch --"

Suddenly, there was a loud wolf howl on the snow mountain.

The one who made this sound was not a real wolf, but Su Qiye.

The sound was so loud and clear in the night sky, with a strong smell. All the wolves turned their heads when they heard the sound.

At this time, the wolf king has been bitten and is dying, but his eyes are still strong and crazy, and his scarlet eyes are still very soul-stirring.

Its eyes tightly fell on Su Qiye, and its eyes were puzzled and surprised like human beings.

Su Qiye stepped on the so-called new wolf king and the seemingly strong one eyed wolf under his feet and looked at the wolves in front of him with a winner's attitude.

Wolves are difficult to tame because of their unity and wisdom, but if they are strong enough, all this will not be a problem.

Her feet are the two strongest wolves in the snow mountain that these wolves think, but now Su Qiye has defeated them, and they are still two. Now, these wolves have no leader. In this case, how can they dare to attack Su Qiye? Although they are very wise, they really can't think of uniting to deal with Su Qiye without the words of the wolf king.

Therefore, under such circumstances, these wolves actually chose to surrender to Su Qiye!

"Ouch --"

Su Qiye raised his chin and learned a wolf cry again. This time, she didn't howl for no reason, but to let the wolves know and remember their voice and keep their voice in their hearts forever.

"Ouch --"

"Ouch --"


The wolves began to howl one after another, but none of them dared to be louder than Su Qiye, which shows that Su Qiye has become the strongest among them in their hearts.

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