However, with theout paying attention to him, Jingrui of the Dongling ignored emperor as if he hadn't heard anything.

"My father must be tired and should have a good rest. Let's leave first. I'm going to catch up with my brother. Please take care of my father." Ruisheng of Dongling straightened his clothes and said faintly.

The ministers retreated according to their words. Then, Ruisheng of Dongling and Jingrui of Dongling walked out of the emperor's bedroom. Only Qian Su remained in the palace and looked at her poisoned hands angrily and reluctantly. She didn't return to her mind for a long time. At the moment, she was worried only about her own life. She had no time to care about the Dongling country and began to change.

After a while, a female official came in with a basin of water in her hand.

"Madam, someone just told me that you need to clean your hands with water..." the female official is the person around Lian Qiansu. She dares to come forward at the moment. Although she doesn't understand what happened, she can guess what happened by looking at her now.

Lian Qiansu put his hand into the water according to his words. As soon as he put his hand into the water, the ink will faint in the clear water. She was stunned and began to wash her hands. In an instant, the ink faded and she was a pair of intact slender jade hands.

Lian Qiansu's face suddenly showed surprise, followed by her anger after being cheated. Her face sank, almost biting her teeth and said, "go to order the forbidden guards to find the eunuch anyway! The palace will never let him go!"

"Yes... Madam, I just want to find this person now... I'm afraid it's not easy..." the female officer said carefully.

"Ah... This palace wants to see what big waves can be turned out by the little emperor alone! Zisha, I asked you to check the news of Qi and Su Qiye in Dongling. Did you find it?" Lian Qiansu said coldly. She wouldn't believe Su Qiye would be burned to death by a big fire so easily.

The female official named Zisha immediately said, "I found some news about Su Qiye. Although Su Qiye was seriously injured that day, she was saved. Now she should be at general Murong's house... As for Dongling Qi, I didn't find any news."

"Really? Do you think Dongling Qi will die so easily?" Lian Qiansu snorted, obviously incredulous.

The emperor on one side didn't know what was going on. He suddenly said, "Su Su... Come and talk to me..."

But Lian Qiansu just didn't hear it and continued to say to Zisha, "what happened that day is sure to be done by Dongling sacrifice?"

"Yes... But another unidentified woman helped him, and she also seriously injured Su Qiye." Zisha said without taboo in front of the former Emperor.

"Who is that woman? Go and find out! There are few people in the world who can seriously hurt Su Qiye." Lian Qiansu's mouth aroused an interesting radian. She was really curious about the woman's identity and could make Dongling Qi suffer losses together.

Said, even Qian Su didn't look at the first emperor, but directly left with his own people. Since then, in this cold and gorgeous but somewhat empty bedroom, only the hungry emperor lived and died alone.

First, the emperor listened to all this quietly in bed, and then closed his eyes in great pain.

Just the moment the eunuch spoke, he had guessed his identity. Unfortunately, no one was willing to listen to him any more. The story behind this, he can only slowly rot in his stomach by himself

After all, his life was ruined by his own retribution.


The next morning.

Su Qiye woke up in Murong mansion. Because she slept better, she felt that her body was not as uncomfortable as before, and she had gradually begun to recover.

Before long, the little servant girl cui'er sent breakfast. Although she always thought Su Qiye was just an ordinary servant girl and didn't need a good attitude, she was very polite because she was the wounded and had a special relationship with Murong Yu.

"Cui'er, do the servant girls in your house eat these things every day?" Su Qiye looked at the green vegetable Wowo head in the bowl, and his expression was a little stiff.

"These are all made now. Some of them are good to eat. Don't be picky! Think you're the eldest lady!" cui'er said angrily and began to tidy up her room. They came and went yesterday. They were familiar with each other. She didn't talk as politely as before.

"Cui'er, do you have porridge? I don't like to eat too dry in the morning." Su Qiye said in some embarrassment, reluctantly looking at the two Wowo heads in the bowl.

"No... there are rules in the house..." cui'er was talking. Suddenly, Yu Guang saw a silver glittering thing in Su Qiye's hand. She immediately brightened her eyes and couldn't say anything behind. She ran to the bed. He grabbed a ingot of silver in her hand and went to prepare porridge without saying a word.

Cui'er soon came back with a bowl full of white rice porridge in her hand. Su Qiye was more satisfied. It's time for her to grow up. It's good to eat light.

"Ye'er, I heard from the elder sisters outside that you were brought back to the mansion by the major general because you look good. Is it true that you want to be the master in the future?" cui'er looked at Su Qiye with more envy and jealousy in her eyes. She seemed to realize that Su Qiye was not ordinary.

"It's nothing like this. General Murong is kind-hearted. He can't see me starving outside, so he takes me into the house for a meal." Su Qiye starts to eat breakfast as he says. Although these breakfast were not very delicious, she was used to the delicacies of mountains and seas. It was rare for her to eat such porridge dishes. Besides, she is only a servant girl now. It's very good to have such treatment in Murong mansion.

"But you don't look like an ordinary servant girl, and the young general is obviously different from you. If he suddenly shows kindness, how can he let you live in such a good house and let me serve you... Besides, if you are an ordinary person, how can you get so much gold and silver?" cui'er is young, but she can't be fooled casually, She is also a person with a brain.

Seeing that Su Qiye could not deceive the little girl casually, he thought carefully in his heart, then raised his head and said with a meaningful face: "in fact... Major general Murong invited me into the house. However, this matter is absolutely not allowed to be publicized. I only tell you..."

"What?" cui'er came over obviously with a gossip face. Obviously, she has the common problem of women's good gossip.

"Tell you can, but you can't tell others." Su Qiye said solemnly.

"En en!" the little girl nodded like mashing garlic.

When cui'er got close, Su Qiye directly pushed the empty dishes and chopsticks in front of her, gave her a heavy chestnut, and said with a ferocious look: "because I owe him a favor! I became a servant girl because of my improper identity! Now I know I'm different, so I don't hurry to work! I dare to inquire about gossip. Do you want to stay in the general's house?"

Cui'er was so frightened that she ran away with dishes and chopsticks.

Su Qiye gently breathed out, half leaning and half leaning in bed to move her hands and feet. Because she was injured, she rarely walked down, but lying still all the time was not good for the recovery of internal injury. After she made some preparations, she got out of bed and was ready to go around in the room.

However, she just put on her clothes and got out of bed. Before she could have too much activities, a figure rushed in recklessly. Murong Yu couldn't help but pull her out.

"Murong Yu! What are you doing when you broke into my room? Don't you even understand this etiquette?" Su Qiye was very angry, but his internal injury hurt faintly and he didn't dare to speak loudly. His voice sounded more like jiaochen.

"You are a servant girl. You would have been the master. You have room to refuse if you have something to do with you?" Murong Yu finally stopped and looked back at her, but said coldly.

"Hoo... I'm not your servant girl! Even if... Even if you come to me for something, shouldn't you first tell me what it is and then ask me if I'd like to help?!" Su Qiye's face showed a blush because of his body and hurry. But her sickly appearance made her less heroic and added a touch of tenderness between her eyebrows and eyes.

Murong Yu was stunned, his eyes flickered slightly, and then quickly turned away from looking at her. His tone was very stiff and awkward. "You eat and live for nothing in my house. You always have to do something. If you don't want to, I'll send you to see Xiling zijue."

"Also threatened me... Do you think this is useful to me?" Su Qiye glanced at his hand holding his wrist and showed a lazy smile.

Murong Yu was so tired by her eyes that he released his hand subconsciously, and his face became more and more cold. He didn't know how to tell her that he was never good at expression.

Su Qiye thought his appearance was very interesting. He couldn't help but show a joking smile on his face. He bent his eyebrows and asked with great interest, "what's the matter that makes our major general Murong so difficult?"

"Today's Dongling memorial meeting took the princess Jingyang to visit. It's probably to make a marriage. If there's no reason, my father may not be able to refuse. If you help me destroy the marriage, it's also good for you." Murong Yu is also a smart man. He explained it directly without hesitation.

"Tut... Now the little emperor's foundation is not stable, the court situation is turbulent, and there are wolves and tigers on all sides. It's a good way for him to use the marriage to stabilize the Dongling sacrifice... But in this way, the benefits will be picked up by the Dongling sacrifice. You're right. If I destroy the marriage, it will really be good for me." Su Qiye's face gradually dignified, Without the original joke, she must not let Murong Yu marry another woman, neither in love nor in reason!

Thinking of this, she naturally had no idea of rejection. She nodded and showed a meaningful and playful smile on her face: "as long as you cooperate with me, I have a hundred ways to scare the princess back to Jingyang."

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