There are steps in the cave. Although it is very dark, the air is surprisingly fresh.

For the sake of safety, they held hands with each other and snuggled closely together. The light of the fire fold was very dark and they could only see a little distance, so they walked slowly and carefully for fear of touching any mechanism.

In the darkness, Yu Changling didn't know what was going on. She was a little confused, because Su Qiye's hand tightly grasped his sleeve. It sounded a little heavy breathing in his ear. It seemed that a needle could be felt quietly. He could even hear her rapid heartbeat.

Su Qiye's eyes were extremely bright in the dark, and her eyes were also very divine, as if they had their own light.

The stone steps were not very long, and soon went to the end. At the end of the moment, it seemed that because of the weight of the feet, the stone chamber made a "click" sound that the mechanism was buckled. Then in the dark, it seemed that the stone chamber made some changes, and the originally dark stone chamber suddenly became brighter.

Of course, the light here is not natural light, but several night lights hidden by the mechanism appear at this time.

At the same time, Su Qiye obviously felt the cool air pouring around. The cold here was even colder than that in the snow outside. Then Su Qiye found that the stone room was special. She didn't expect to find the ice stone bed that would appear on TV and some simple tables and stools here, just like the ancient tomb where little dragon girl lived in the novel, If it weren't for the fact that she had never heard of the story of little dragon girl here, she would really think that this is the legendary ancient tomb.

Of course, the owner here is obviously a long time ago, and this stone chamber seems to be a very perfunctory decoration. No one wants to live here.

Yu Changling seemed to know a lot about mechanisms. He groped in the empty stone chamber and met another mechanism. The stone chamber moved again and two channels appeared.

"Which to go?" Yu Changling asked Su Qiye back, which meant to let her make the decision.

Su Qiye's eyes fell on the hole and said, "right, just choose."

Nodding, Yu Changling took the lead and walked into the channel on the right. Naturally, there was a night light in the channel, emitting a weak and cold light. He walked in a few steps. Su Qiye didn't know what he stepped on, and gave a "click". The stone at his feet suddenly moved for a while, and the hole where they came in was sealed.

Su Qiye suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart, but there were no traps waiting for her, but she was not too nervous.

However, when she continued to walk a few steps recklessly, she suddenly found that there were other channels in front of her and on the left and right sides. Suddenly she didn't know how to go.

"Just choose one. Now that you have come in," Yu Changling said faintly, looking very calm.

Su Qiye nodded and chose the intersection on the left, because only one person could pass, so she had to pass first. But at the moment she stepped into the left channel, the stone brick under her feet suddenly turned around with her body, and a stone suddenly appeared behind her, which separated her from Yu Changling.

At this moment, Su Qiye suddenly began to regret that she had broken into this place for no reason, because she didn't know what was going on here, so she was confused all of a sudden.

"Yuchangling! Yuchangling!"

Su Qiye shouted as loudly as possible and even knocked on the wall with her hands. However, she still couldn't hear the voice of Yu Changling, as if they were far away at once.

Although she didn't understand the situation, since Yu Changling had separated from herself, she wouldn't bother to call him in vain. Soon she calmed down a little and began to walk towards the front.

As before, she had not taken a few steps before she met the same fork in the road. However, this time, she chose to go straight ahead. This time, she planned to go straight ahead regardless of how many forks she met. I think she will meet the fork in the road.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps

Su Qiye counted her steps as she walked forward. At the same time, she also began to count the forks she met, and then began to calculate the possibility that she could escape.

Although there was no one here and she didn't feel any sense of mechanism, there was a lot of danger, even more terrible than those with mechanisms, because mechanisms at least showed that there were secrets, but here... If there was a dead end, maybe she could only starve to death.

After the "click", I don't know who stepped on the mechanism or herself. Su Qiye felt his body moving with the stones on the ground again. After a while, she appeared at the door of a stone chamber.

It is still illuminated by the night pearl. It can be seen that the people who make it here are really extravagant and can create such a magical place.

Su Qiye walked carefully to the stone room. Unexpectedly, there was no mechanism to hurt people here. Su Qiye found a bookshelf here.

Yes, it's a bookshelf. The things on the bookshelf are naturally books. The bookshelf here is very large. There are at least thousands of books in it. It's amazing that Su Qiye didn't find any dust here, which shows that it's really clean.

She went to the front of the bookshelf, took a book and looked at it casually. She was stunned for a moment, because the book was actually a book about swordsmanship, which vividly described some very exquisite swordsmanship. These moves even exceeded the best swordsmanship she had seen in ancient times. Turn to the first page, which reads "top grade shadowless sword technique".

Close this book and Su Qiye brings another one. It's another sword technique!

Su Qiye was surprised. At the same time, she found many books. Naturally, she found that the books here are magical and precious, because there are not only sword skills, but also many skills and the production methods of some pills. However, what interests Su Qiye most here is a record of all animals, which records many magical animals she has never heard or seen, It seems to appear in a very remote part of the continent.

With so many books, Su Qiye really relaxed, holding several books he felt very interested in, without image... Of course, there is no one around, and there is no need to maintain the image here. He sat down on the ground, holding these wonderful books and read them with relish.

Of course she's not in a hurry. She still has two pieces of bear meat and can't die of hunger. Moreover, there's a book about Pigu. With her current physical state, Pigu can't do it for half a year, but Pigu can still do it easily for half a month.

At the moment, she didn't know that when she was reading with interest, Yu Changling was crazy and passed through the channel. When she still appeared in the first stone chamber, Yu Changling had entered dozens of stone chambers, marked each stone chamber, and marked small marks with charcoal at each intersection.

While reading the book, Su Qiye felt that her body was moving with the stone chamber, but she was not worried because she believed that Yu Changling was better than herself and would find her own way and find an exit. So she was very calm and very quiet.

But what she doesn't know is that every time Yu Changling enters a stone chamber, he will touch the mechanism and then be sent to another place. Even if the stone chamber here is not so large, it is better than the large number and exquisite array. I'm afraid it will take him two days to find her.

It's almost dark in the stone room. Su Qiye doesn't know what time it is. She's really glad that she has the ability to read words and never forget them. She has read more and more books around, piled up a big stack, and there are fewer and fewer books on the bookshelf. Su Qiye can say that she doesn't care whether she can read or not, Just keep everything in your mind and get ready to use it when you want to use it.

Looking at the book day and night, Su Qiye didn't feel a bit tired. On the contrary, he was more energetic, his eyes were brighter and brighter, and his browsing speed was faster and faster. It took a few minutes to finish reading a book from the beginning, but now a book is only a few minutes.

Just sitting still, Su Qiye didn't know how long it had passed, and the silence in the stone chamber was finally broken.

"Su Qiye!" Yu Changling's voice was full of surprises at this moment.

Su Qiye suddenly looked up and saw a face that seemed to be extremely tired. Although the face looked very tired, the eyes became particularly happy at the moment of seeing her.

"You're here at last." Su Qiye looked very calm and waved to him, "come here quickly. There are many books here. Come and have a look."

Yu Changling was relieved to see that Su Qiye was safe and sound. At the same time, she was very surprised, "haven't you been here all the time?"

Su Qiye nodded and said, "this is the first stone room I've come to. There are only books here. I'm afraid there are many stone rooms here, and the array is also very exquisite. If I walk aimlessly, I'm afraid the time we meet will be much longer, so I'll just wait for you here, and there are a lot of books to read..."

Yu Changling looked at Su Qiye's dark eyes and knew how long she had read the book. She really couldn't laugh or cry. After she came in and looked at the book here, her face began to become dignified. "The books here are really rare treasures. You can read them," he said in a deep voice

Su Qiye looked tired and sweaty on his face and immediately asked, "you should have run a lot of places? Have you found the exit?"

Yu Changling shook her head. After sitting down, she yawned often, looked tired and said, "I'll sleep first, and then I'll take you out of here when I wake up."

Then he really fell asleep with his book on his pillow, and soon snored.

Su Qiye didn't care about him. There were so many books she didn't read. She picked them up and continued to read them until she finished reading all the books. She was sleepy and crazy. She also fell down with them and fell asleep with books all over the ground

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