Time passed quickly. One evening three days later, the sky was dim. The carriage passed through the woods and entered a fairly prosperous town on the border of Yuzhou.

After staying in the carriage for some time, Su Qiye's body still couldn't stand it after all. He stayed in the inn in the town and was ready to rest for a night to replenish the food in the carriage.

It's time to stay at the inn, but Su Qiye is in a bad mood. She always has a bad feeling in her heart.

For the whole four days, nothing happened along the way. It was calm and disturbing. If Qian Su hadn't arranged for someone to assassinate her, Su Qiye wouldn't believe it, but she hadn't acted for four days. She was worried that something would happen tonight.

However, she generally doesn't have too many concerns about what didn't happen, but she is secretly unhappy in her heart for a while and is soon relieved.

The moment she came down from the carriage, Su Qiye only felt that she was liberated. She didn't know how much fresh the outside air was. She took a deep breath and looked at the beautiful sunset. Her face was drunk red by the sun, filling her pale face with anger.

"Waiter, five rooms, a bucket of hot water in my room." Su Qiye threw out a bag of silver and said very boldly.

A bucket of hot water.

The four simple words made the eyes of the four men behind him ripple slightly. I didn't know where they wanted to go.

Su Qiye naturally didn't see their eyes, otherwise he would despise and scold a sex wolf.

"OK! Please come inside, sir!" the guys in the town are very enthusiastic, but it's rare to see such a generous girl.

"I want a bucket of hot water too!" Dongling Ruisheng shouted after him.

"Waiter, we also need hot water here." Xiling zijue smiled.


It was not easy to rest on the ground. When Su Qiye returned to the room, he stretched a big stretch. The whole man lay on the big bed and narrowed his eyes as comfortably as a cat.

"Girl, do you want to take a bath?" Zizhu packed up her baggage.

"Well, in the summer, it's stuffy and hot in the carriage. I haven't taken a bath for the whole four days. It's my limit... It's dark later. You two go and call hot water and take a bath, or you'll all stink." Su Qiye said lazily, raised his hand and smelled his arm, which was immediately disgusted.

They nodded and were a little happy, but it was really a luxury to take a bath under such conditions. Since Su Qiye gave this opportunity, they naturally wouldn't be hypocritical.

After dinner, the waiter moved the hot water bucket by bucket. Su Qiye prepared his clothes and prepared to take a good bath.

The night gradually thickened, the night wind outside the window was blowing, the moon was hidden and the stars were sparse, the town was very quiet, only the sound of cicadas was still, and the rhythm of summer was very clear.

Su Qiye was worried that someone would peek outside, completely closed the doors and windows, surrounded the outer screen of the bath barrel layer by layer, and let Zizhu and ninglan watch the wind carefully. Only then did he dare to take off his clothes and drill naked into the bath barrel.

The warm water wrapped her limbs and body, and she sighed comfortably.

Without taking a bath for four days, she felt she could rub a layer of mud on her body.

If Dongling Jingrui had not been in the carriage these days, she might not be able to stand it for a day. Although she has no particularly serious cleanliness habit, as a modern person, taking a bath every day in summer is necessary. Unlike here, some women take a bath only once a month. In summer, there is a sour smell everywhere.

Untie the high bunched hair, scatter all the green silk at one end, immerse it in the water, and wash it carefully with soap. The air is filled with a seemingly non-existent fragrance. The steaming water vapor makes her face full of tiny water droplets, flashing in the candlelight. Her face and lips become particularly pink and tender because of the heat, which looks very attractive.

However, at this time, the shadow hidden in the dark began to become active again.

This time, dozens of shadows suddenly spread in all directions, and the shadows immediately followed were led away. Unknowingly, the outside of the inn has become very clean.

In the five rooms, the people in the three rooms took a bath at the same time. The only ones who did not relax their vigilance were Dongling Jingrui and Su Bai. Their vigilance in this regard was obviously very high. Xiling zijue trusted the dark guards around him, but they didn't trust them. People like them won everything by themselves. Only themselves can believe.

Dongling Jingrui and Su Bai live next door to Su Qiye. They pay attention to her movements at any time, but they don't want to disturb her bathing. Although they have been in the picture of her bathing all the time, they are very calm and don't want to peek at her bathing for the time being. They are not so shameless.

Su Qiye quietly soaked in the water, stretched his limbs completely, smelled the faint fragrance in the air, and suddenly felt sleepy.

What's the smell again?

Suddenly, Su Qiye was startled, and the whole person clapped the water, "Purple Bamboo! Condensed orchid?!"

No response!

Su Qiye immediately reacted that the smell was the smell of drunken dreams!

However, when she recovered, the whole person had lost most of her strength and slid slowly towards the bottom of the water.

The warm water gradually disappeared over her mouth, nose and top of her head.

Her breath was blocked and her mind suddenly became very clear.

She soberly felt that the oxygen in her body was passing bit by bit, and clearly felt that the strength in her body was draining bit by bit.

But at this moment, there was no panic or fear of dying. It seemed that something had to break out of the cocoon from the body.

The oxygen in her body was exhausted bit by bit, and her physical strength was squeezed out bit by bit, just at the last moment when her consciousness was facing loss.

Her closed eyes in the water suddenly opened, and her eyes were blurred

Just then, she felt that her hair was grabbed by someone, and then her body was light, and the whole person broke through the water.

With a loud bang, there was darkness in front of her. She couldn't see anything at all. Before she could breathe, her naked body was picked up.

The lips were blocked by a cold.

The cool air poured into the mouth one after another, and the dull chest was liberated all at once.

"Hoo..." there was a clear day in Lingtai. She had never longed for oxygen like this moment.

There was a faint fragrance in the air. It was a very familiar fragrance. It was a long lost smell. The familiar fragrance made her unable to tell whether she was dreaming or reality at the moment. She seemed to see him. She finally waited for him... The person she thought about day and night... Finally appeared

The person holding her is cold, but her heart is hot,

She didn't slow down at the moment. Her mind was blank, her consciousness was vague, and her eyes were still tightly closed, but her body naturally reacted at this time. When the cold lips were about to leave, she raised her head, hooked the man's neck, opened her red lips slightly, and gently held the cold.

She sucked slowly, as if she was still longing for air, or... Looking forward to what else he could give her.

She could obviously feel the rigidity of the man holding him, and she didn't know how to respond.

Su Qiye narrowed her eyes slightly and saw a pair of unpopular eyes like obsidian. After confirming the person's identity, she closed her eyes with peace of mind, gently lifted the corners of her lips, and began to taste his cool lips with satisfaction.

But it was obvious that his dull reaction made her dissatisfied. She put her hands around her neck, bare and wet chest against his chest, and the tip of her tongue slipped slowly into his mouth.

The thoughts accumulated for a long time pour out completely at this moment.

She held him tightly and refused to let go.

And he, despite all kinds of difficulties, was reluctant to push him away after all, so she could only ask for it from herself.

However, at this time.

The outside of the inn has been completely surrounded by people in black.

On the roof, poor little loyal dog Su Bai is fighting with a group of people in black. He is exhausted. He can't imagine who Su Qiye is doing something with

"Cold..." when a gust of wind blew, Su Qiye relaxed and whispered.

He finally found a chance to breathe, reached for the quilt on the bed, unfolded the quilt and wrapped her wet and bare body.

Su Qiye was immediately wrapped like a silkworm baby. Her hands and feet couldn't move. She pouted with dissatisfaction and whispered.

He gently pecked her on the lip, then whispered in her ear, "don't move." then he carried her on his shoulder, pointed his toes, and jumped down from the window.

"Wheezing -" people in black downstairs rushed towards him.

The air was filled with terrible cold. Before the man in black could get close, he felt a dark in front of him, and his body froze in a moment and could not move any more.

Confused, she felt the cold wind blowing on her face. Su Qiye wanted to open her eyes, but because the effect of drunkenness was too strong, she could only close her eyes and go to sleep. Even the last trace of consciousness began to blur

"Dongling Qi... Don't go..."

"Don't leave... Don't..."

"Well... I miss you so much..."

Her voice became lighter and lighter and gradually dissipated in the wind.

His running figure gave a slight pause, looked down at her, looked at her quiet and beautiful sleeping face, the slight pain between his eyebrows, and a slight pain in his heart. He wanted to smooth her eyebrows, and he wanted to tell her everything

He only thought that everything he did was for her consideration, but he didn't expect that under her calm appearance, there was a heart that missed him so much.

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