Two hundred and eleven thousand taels of gold, if converted into silver, is more than twenty million silver. So much silver is enough for the people of a city to eat for two years!

Su Qiye was not polite. Anyway, she didn't use her own money.

The other party was silent. It was obviously hesitating. After all, it was not a small sum of money. No matter how much it was, it should not be taken out. Who would be lucky to get a gold mine like Lord Liu?

"The guest in room 7 offered 211, 000 taels of gold, but there were others who offered higher?" the man in black was obviously very excited. This price can top the price of the jade vein map. Jade is ten times more expensive than gold, so the map of jade vein is obviously more expensive. Under normal circumstances, the price of a gold map will not exceed 100000 liang of gold. After all, not many people can get so much gold, and few are willing to gamble. Who knows if it will be false and if it will ruin your family.

There was silence on the court. Obviously, no one was willing to bid, and the guests in room 9 opposite were silent.

Finally, the map of Jinmai was taken by Lord Liu, that is to say, it finally fell into the hands of Su Qiye.

When the last auction item was successfully sold, the auction was coming to an end, and the people in the hall on the first floor gradually dispersed.

The people in the elegant Pavilion on the second floor are still in your room, waiting for the people of Jubao hall to come and settle, and secretly send the things photographed by customers to each other's hands.

At this time, Su Qiye, sitting in the elegant Pavilion, was very proud. He saw that the map was about to be obtained. Once the map was obtained, it was impossible for anyone to take it from her. Once she really got the golden pulse, she could become one of the richest people in the Dongling Kingdom. Wouldn't it be easy to fight against abuse and even thousands of elements at that time?

As a wronged big head, adult Liu is about to cry, 211, 000 taels of gold! That's pure gold! You can't get any benefits by smashing it directly!

However, he has no way out, because he still has a knife around his neck. If he wants money and doesn't want his life at this time, he will really die

Although Lord Liu didn't bring so much gold with him when he came to Jubao hall this time, as the prefect of Liuzhou and a regular guest of Jubao hall, it's impossible for him to default. After all, the monk can't run away from the temple. He has to eat it anyway.

Soon, the people of Jubao hall respectfully sent up the map and got the keepsake from Lord Liu. The subsequent handling fee is naturally handled by Jubao hall.

The map is placed in a very firm purse of a package. Looking at its fine and coherent stitches, it can be seen that the map was sealed at the first time after it was drawn, and even the people of Jubao hall haven't opened it. They should still be able to keep it secret.

After the people of Jubao hall left, Su Qiye opened the brocade bag, took out the map inside and took a look at it. It clearly depicts a line. The gold vein is located in a mountain range at the junction of Lingzhou and Quzhou. It is very remote because it is located on a high mountain. It can be said that it is deserted all around. I really don't know how Jubao hall knew there were gold mines here. However, she still believes that Jubao hall will not deceive her. After all, Jubao hall is not alone and should not be able to bear the responsibility of fake auction.

After reading it, Su Qiye crumpled the map, which had cost 200000 taels of gold, and burned it under the candle. He watched it burn to ashes.

"Hiss -" Lord Liu closed his eyes painfully.

What she burned was a piece of paper, which was clearly gold! Gold!

Su Qiye is naturally not distressed at all. Since he already knows where the golden vein is, this map naturally has no value for its existence. If it is burned, it is not easy to be used by interested people, but it is safer. Unless he dies, no one will know where the golden vein is.

After all this, Su Qiye got up from her seat and the auction was over. Naturally, she had no need to stay.

"Lord Liu, you have a rest here first. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first and don't go back to your house." after all, Su Qiye was polite when he gave himself such a big gift.

The party got up leisurely and prepared to leave. Xiling zijue smiled and lit a hole for Lord Liu to prevent him from making any drastic moves.

"If you offend Lord Liu, you will be able to move after 12 hours. If you are lucky, maybe the people of Jubao hall will solve the acupoint for you. If there is nothing wrong, we'll leave first." Su Qiye said that readily and left with a group of people.

Walking out of the pavilion, Ruisheng of Dongling gathered around daosu seven nights and said angrily, "what a corrupt official! He dared to hide gold! Why don't you rob all his gold?"

Su Qiye rubbed his head with a smile and said, "the rabbit will bite when it's urgent, not to mention people. Although the magistrate Liu is not a good official, he is not a man of great evil. After all, he still has to leave some way back for him. Besides, if he really lost all his property, I'm afraid this adult Liu can't be the magistrate."

"Well, can you remember where the golden pulse is?" Dongling Ruisheng has been very curious since the beginning, but just now he wanted to get close to see it, but Dongling Jingrui stopped him from seeing it. He was so anxious that he scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks. How can he not worry? It's a gold mine, countless gold! As the emperor of Dongling state, although he was young, he also knew the importance of money to himself.

Su Qiye stretched out his hand and pulled his white and tender face, pretending to be angry and said: "xiaoruisheng, there are some things, the less you know, the better, otherwise... It will be very troublesome!"

However, as soon as her voice fell, the light in front was suddenly blocked by a group of people, and suddenly it was dark.

Su Qiye raised his head and saw several people in black and several terrible Black faces. He immediately put away the smile on his face.

See, trouble, this kind of thing, come on.

"Please stay here, my master." one of the men in black lowered his voice and threatened.

Su Qiye doesn't need to guess at all. Just think about it. She knows who arranged it. She and the other party don't know each other at all. The fool will agree to stay. He said coldly: "no, I'm not free. There's something urgent. Please don't get in the way."

"In that case, don't blame us for being rude." when the man in black saw that she didn't give face, his face sank, and he stretched out his hand to stop her. It was obvious that he wanted to use strong.

A big dark shadow flashed in front of me, followed by the sound of "poop poop".

Su Qiye didn't lift his eyelids and stood still. Naturally, he didn't mean to start. But it's just a few guards with a little martial arts, and it's not enough for her to do it herself.

A moment later, the road in front of him was cleared. Su Qiye went downstairs.

The guests on the first floor are almost gone. The guys of Jubao hall gathered one after another when they heard the news on the second floor.

"This is a girl. I don't know what happened? This..." one of the leading guys pointed to the man in black hanging on the stairs and Su Bai, who happened to be nearby, showing embarrassment.

"Coming again?" Su Qiye pretended to be surprised. "I didn't expect to spend a lot of money in the auction hall to shoot a baby to play, but I was so hospitable. It's really an eye opener for me. If my men didn't have some martial arts, I wouldn't be able to get out of the gate of the treasure gathering hall today!"

"Miss, I misunderstood. I really don't know what happened... If there are many offending places, please forgive me..." the man heard the hostility in Su Qiye's tone and saw that she was not easy to provoke, so he was polite at once.

"Well, please deal with these people in your Pavilion. I don't want to be robbed for no reason before I took the treasure I bought with a lot of money out of the treasure gathering hall." Su Qiye glanced at him, said coldly, and threw a piece of silver in his hand.

"Yes, the treasure gathering hall still has this processing ability. Please rest assured," the man said respectfully, but his tone showed some pride. They naturally don't have any opinions about running wild outside the Jubao hall, but if they don't deal with it inside the Jubao hall, they will smash their own signboard.

While talking, the guys of Jubao hall surrounded the people in black who wanted to catch up.

"Ling zijue, is the carriage still in Liufu?" Su Qiye asked in a low voice as he took Ruisheng of Dongling out quickly.

"No." Xiling zijue walked still easily, "at the door."

"OK, then go faster." Su Qiye suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, he was so clever and could not predict. He was really worthy of being the prince of Xiling. In her heart, Chengfu was an old fox comparable to Dongling Qi.

Dongling Jingrui walked in the back, his expression was wandering, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Although there was no expression on his face, it was obvious that he was not in a particularly good mood.

Su Qiye pushed Dongling Ruisheng to the front, slowed down his pace and retreated to Dongling Jingrui. At this time, his pace was obviously a little faster than usual, and your posture was different from usual. It was obvious that he was absent-minded. Just now, something must have made him very concerned or unpredictable.

"Do you know that man?" Su Qiye suddenly looked at him and asked.

Dongling Jingrui was stunned. It seemed that she was around. Then her eyes obviously hid and shook her head in silence.

Su Qiye saw her like this. Of course, he understood in an instant, but he didn't want to expose his meaning. He took his arm intentionally or unintentionally, and then leaned up very intimately.

Dongling Jingrui's body was inexplicably stiff, and her arm suddenly froze.

"You don't have to pretend anymore. Your eyes behind you are burning with jealousy. Your confidant is going to burn me alive..." whispered in his ear. Su Qiye's tone was a little teasing.

Dongling Jingrui was stunned for a moment before he returned. He suddenly turned his head and met a pair of hostile eyes at the entrance of the stairs. His eyes immediately became extremely fierce.

After a battle, he turned around and said, "I don't know her."

His stiff arm finally relaxed. He walked steadily forward, raised his hand slightly and hugged her shoulder.

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