Phoenix Villa.

Su Qiye returned to his room and was so tired that he fell on the bed.

I don't know why, she was full of sleepiness. After she really slept in bed, she couldn't sleep again. A pair of bright black eyes kept emerging in her mind. She stared at her for a moment. The deepest part of her eyes seemed to have a cluster of small flames flashing, bright and moving. Every time she saw it, her eyes couldn't move away.

Who is the owner of those eyes? Is it Dongling Jingrui or... Dongling Qi?

All the memories of yesterday's drunkenness disappeared, as if everything had never happened yesterday. She sighed and sighed. After she was in the Huafang, she never saw Dongling Qi again and didn't know when to see her again. He must miss her very much

Just as she was about to go to sleep, she suddenly felt as if there was another person around her. Someone grabbed her ankle.

Someone in the world can come to her silently and touch her body directly. Isn't it easy to kill her? Su Qiye was surprised. Subconsciously, he was about to sit up from the bed. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a familiar white figure.

"Don't move, I'll see if your foot injury is better." Dongling Jingrui obviously knew she wasn't asleep and said faintly.

Su Qiye really stopped moving and lay in bed obediently.

Anyway, it's not the first time. He's already taken medicine for her feet. She's too lazy to be hypocritical. It's just that it's not convenient for her to change her dressing.

So Su Qiye lay comfortably in bed, half opened and half closed his eyes, and asked lazily, "I said, are you in love with me?"

Dongling Jingrui helped her untie the bandage with a slight meal. Without looking back, he said in a flat tone: "why do you ask?"

"There's no reason to think so, isn't it?" Su Qiye looked at him with a smile.

"No," said Jingrui of Dongling.

Su Qiye immediately smiled, which was an expected response and answer. If she did not admit it, she would feel strange. Dongling Jingrui is such a proud and charming person. How can he easily admit his mind.

"By the way, I have two questions to ask you." Su Qiye suddenly said.

"Ask." Dongling Jingrui threw away the dirty bandage and opened it all before he found that the wound on her feet had almost healed. He was surprised that her recovery ability had become so good that there was almost no trace of the wound on her feet. No wonder she has the strength to run around at night.

"First question, how do you know I'm here? How can you easily find the mountain? When you came out of the inn that day, you obviously had a chance to save me, but you didn't, and you took me to such a remote grove. Did you deliberately lure them to catch me up the mountain?" Su Qiye looked flat and couldn't see his mood.

"What's the second question?" Dongling Jingrui asked calmly instead of answering.

Su Qiye smiled slightly, a sharp edge flashed in his eyes, and his voice became cold at this time: "I want to know what the relationship between Feng Qianchen and you is."

Dongling Jingrui was silent for a while. He seemed to be thinking and didn't seem to be ready to answer.

Although Su Qiye's foot injury had almost healed, because he had no good rest before, the wound was still scratched. He took out the ointment he had used to help her apply medicine. His eyes were focused and serious, and his actions were still very gentle.

"Well, if you don't want to say anything, take it as if I didn't ask." Su Qiye pulled the quilt and retracted his feet into the quilt. "I'm going to sleep. Please go out."

Dongling Jingrui stood up and looked at her with complicated eyes.

"My feet should be all right. I don't need your help to take medicine in the future. I didn't thank you before. Anyway, you volunteered, and I didn't ask you to do so." Su Qiye covered his face with the quilt and said in a stuffy voice.

"Feng Qianchen is my old friend, that's all. He wants to take you up the mountain because he wants you to help his sister cure..."

Before Dongling Jingrui finished, Su Qiye suddenly turned over, grabbed his hair impatiently, and shouted, "do you think I'll believe this kind of lying! Get out!"

Dongling Jingrui left Su Qiye's room in a hurry. Somehow, he felt a deep sense of frustration. I don't know when, Su Qiye became more and more impolite to him. He had a feeling of being a little girl with a bad temper and became more and more irritable.

As soon as Jingrui of Dongling came out of Su Qiye's room, a brocade book in black came up.

"Found her place?" he asked immediately.

Brocade Book nodded. The position of the other party was easy to check. It seemed that it was deliberately exposed. As long as you asked casually, you could find out.

"I'll go down the mountain and you stay here to protect her." Dongling Jingrui quickly ordered.

"Master, Phoenix Villa is heavily guarded. Besides, there are so many people around Miss Su, I'd better go down the mountain with you..." Jin Shu knows that his master wants to find Rong Chu and ask for the silver leaf lotus. He knows how dangerous it will be, so he can't let him go alone.

"I want you to stay here." Dongling Jingrui glanced at him coldly and directly interrupted him with an order without saying anything.

"Yes." although he was unwilling, Jin Shu didn't dare to disobey the order, so he had to stay. He drilled into the corner and watched his master's figure go away. He couldn't hide his worry in his eyes.


Sleep till dusk.

After su Qiye woke up, she found that there seemed to be a small box on the table. At first glance, she thought it was something to eat. She was very hungry. She ran to open it, but found that there was a delicate grass lying inside, the size of her thumb, three silver leaves, emitting a strong smell of medicine. It was actually silver leaf lotus!

Su Qiye was very surprised. Although it came strange, she was still very happy. Because she was still thinking hard about how to buy or find silver leaf lotus. Unexpectedly, someone put it aside when she woke up. When she was really sleepy, she came to the pillow. In this way, everything would be solved. As long as she cured Feng ziyue, she could leave Phoenix Villa.

With this thing, he was ready to discuss with Feng Qianchen. As soon as he went out, he just met Zizhu and ninglan. One day was enough for them to find here.

"The girl finally woke up. Is she all right?" they asked with great concern and took her up and down.

Su Qiye said with a cheerful smile: "it's all right. I didn't suffer much. The injury on my body is almost the same."

"I wish you were all right. Just now, childe Xiling was worried and wanted to see you, but he was stopped by Lord Jing. They should have hit the door..." Zizhu said helplessly.

Su Qiye could probably imagine what had happened just now, but he didn't bother to pay attention to them. He pulled Ning Lan and said, "go and call Feng Qianchen."

After Ning Lan left, Su Qiye shouted to the air again: "Su Bai! Silly Bai, come out!"

Su Bai jumped down from the roof, jumped to Su Qiye and looked at her expectantly.

Su Qiye knew what he wanted to do as soon as he saw his expression. Naturally, he was greedy. He reluctantly took maltose from Zizhu and stuffed it into her mouth. He said, "ready, remember the prescription."

"En en!" Su Bai was very happy and narrowed his eyes like a fishy cat.

Su Qiye reluctantly and spoiled touched his head, which was the way to prepare the medicine.

It's not a simple thing to treat fengziyue. There are more than 100 kinds of medicine alone, not to mention some cumbersome production methods. However, it's not difficult for Su Qiye. She still needs conditioning after she wakes up. If she doesn't do it well, it's in vain. Fengziyue can get out of bed in less than half a month as long as she takes care of herself slowly according to her method.

"Su Bai, remember? Repeat it." all the herbs need to be bought at the foot of the mountain, not even a penny. This is a matter of human life. Su Qiye has to pay attention to it.

After su Bai seriously repeated all the prescriptions word by word, Su Qiye let him go and walked in the direction of Feng Qianchen with the extremely precious silver leaf lotus.

However, on the way, Su Qiye met an uninvited guest.

Feng zishang took two young shepherds with him and swaggered along the road. He didn't go anywhere, but he blocked Su Qiye's way.

"Hello, Miss Feng." Su Qiye was kind of polite.

"It's really a coincidence that you met me again. I don't know whether I should call you seven childe or little seven girl?" Feng zishang said with a sour face. When it came to the last sentence, he suddenly giggled.

"Miss Feng ER laughed. This is your territory. Naturally, you can call it whatever you want. Su won't mind." Su Qiye didn't see a trace of anger on his face, but only a gentle smile.

"Really, since this is my territory, I can call you whatever I want. Shall I call you shit girl?" Feng zishang said sarcastically with her arms in her arms and a smile. Don't mention how inconvenient it is.

Su Qiye's smile remained unchanged and suddenly said, "who does the shit girl say?"

"Shit girl said you!" Feng zishang subconsciously replied, and didn't forget to add a cold hum.

"Poof..." Zizhu and ninglan couldn't help laughing.

"Oh... It's the shit girl talking about me... I'm really sorry. I didn't hear what you just said. Can you repeat it, the shit girl?" Su Qiye had a sly smile on his mouth.

"You!" Feng zishang finally reacted. He was so angry that his face was blue, and his internal power began to surge.

Su Qiye looked at her with a smile and no words, without any fear.

She really didn't expect that this Phoenix purple dress looks very rough. Even her character is so reckless and brainless. She doesn't want to think about it. Compared with being angry, who in the world can compare with her?

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