Su Qiye directly lifted up the corners of his mouth, smiled and said, "naturally I know who you are. You are the favorite little prince of the emperor of the jade blue country... However, from tomorrow on, you will no longer be the most beloved, because I'm back."

"You!" jade Liuli's small face was red with anger. Who could have thought that she didn't pay attention to him at all. For a time, she was wronged and some tears were shining!

When Su Qiye saw that the little guy was going to cry angrily, he didn't dare to joke any more. He immediately said, "come on, if you cry, I'll go..."

Jade glaze stifled her tears back and stared at Su Qiye with hatred. Her small body moved forward and squeezed beside Su Qiye.

Yu Changling looked at them with a smile. She sighed helplessly and watched the three get on the sledge and slide forward slowly.

It's really yulimeng and yuliuli sledding. I just think it's very magical to watch the scenery while skiing. I never thought that a simple board could be so useful. It's really very interesting.

Jade glaze's little flesh body was beside Su Qiye. He looked at the wolf cubs in her arms intentionally or unintentionally. His eyes clearly said curiosity and love, but he just pretended to be reserved and disliked. It seemed that he couldn't save face, but more reasons were to pretend to show Su Qiye.

Where would Su Qiye really quarrel with a child? Moreover, the child is likely to be his own brother, and maybe there is a little blood relationship.

Behind them, dozens of people in white followed closely, and Yu Changling was also a flying skill.

At this time, Su Qiye didn't know why Yu limeng didn't speak from the beginning. She just thought she didn't want to speak, but she didn't know that she had been thinking about how to let Su Qiye die here and how to get rid of those difficult people in white, because some of them were people Yu paid attention to, and she must not let people know her mind. Yulimeng clearly knows that her advantage lies only in her appearance and image. It looks too harmless.

Of course, she didn't know at this time. Su Qiye didn't relax her vigilance from the beginning. The reason why she took her on a sled was just for testing.

Yu limeng didn't look very good. It seemed that something was hidden in his heart, but Su Qiye didn't care and didn't bother to ask.

After a while, Yu limeng pulled her sleeve and said with a very ugly face: "sister, my stomach hurts... Can you help me..."

Su Qiye looked at her little face and wondered if there was something wrong with her. She said, "what's the matter? Let me see for you?" and she wanted to feel her pulse.

Yu limeng bit his teeth and said hard, "I... Have a stomachache. I want to find a hidden place to solve it. These people have been following me. I don't know what to do..."

Su Qiye immediately understood, and with a hook in the corner of his lips, he directly ordered the snow wolf to speed up. He took a sharp turn and ran directly down the mountain. He threw the man in white away for a distance before long, but they would catch up soon. Su Qiye happened to set aside a convenient time for her.

Looking for a relatively hidden place, Su Qiye stopped the snow wolf, looked at Yu limeng and said faintly, "go, hurry up."

Yu limeng looked around and found that it was a relatively hidden place. The surrounding mountains formed a hidden depression, which was really suitable for her convenience... However, she didn't come here for the purpose of relieving her hand

But seeing Su Qiye's indifferent face and unwilling to pay attention to her, she is not good to start now, and Su Qiye's vigilance is still too high after all.

Thinking of this, she can only pretend to be convenient. In fact, she really wants to be convenient.

But just as Yu limeng took off her pants to be convenient, Su Qiye suddenly shouted her name.

Yu limeng was surprised and immediately put on her pants again, but just when she was going to get up, Su Qiye's voice came again. She only heard her anxious anger shout, "don't move!"

Yu Li's dream was still confused, but Su Qiye's voice became tighter and tighter.

Finally, Yuli's dream reacted, and a snow-white Eagle hovered over his head!

Her eyes stared at the sky, and the whole person was in a dull state. The instructions of her father and Emperor sounded in her mind. In the snow mountain, the first terrible thing is the avalanche, and the second terrible thing is the Falcon, because only the Falcon can lock your position in the air and take you away from here. Any weapon is almost useless to it

An abnormal feeling that can be photographed surged into my heart, not only because there is an eagle on my head, but also because this Snow Mountain Eagle is several times larger than an ordinary Snow Mountain Eagle. I'm afraid it's five or six meters to spread its wings, and the height is higher than a normal adult man!

Such a huge Snow Mountain Eagle can easily grasp people in half with its claws, and its fur can also block most sword attacks. Unless you have incomparable strength, even bows and arrows can't hurt it!

It turned out that Su Qiye still didn't know much about this magical beast, but after reading in the darkroom these days, she realized the horror of the Snow Mountain Eagle. But what she couldn't understand was why the snow mountain eagle would stare at them at this time? Not another animal?

Yu limeng was frightened. At this time, she couldn't care to let go. She ran frantically towards Su Qiye.

Su Qiye hugged Yu Liuli tightly and protected him in her arms. At the same time, she was not idle. She was holding all kinds of weapons and planned to fight to death.

Just when the snow mountain eagle king was about to leave, yulimeng suddenly jumped out and stood straight, which became a very good target, so the snow mountain eagle king rushed over impolitely.

"Gather together!" Su Qiye was as awkward as stepping on dog shit at the moment she saw her. She couldn't even speak completely. She directly took her and fell to the ground, "hold your breath and pretend to be dead!"

Just when Yu limeng and Yu Liuli were looking at Su Qiye, Su Qiye looked up and fell on the snow.

"Three sisters!"


Yulimeng and yuliuli were directly frightened and hurried to see Su Qiye.

"Pretend to be dead," Su Qiye said in a deep voice.

They were stunned, and then they saw the snow mountain eagle king circling in the sky. They immediately obediently fell to the ground.

Not long after the three fell to the ground, the snow mountain eagle king swooped down. However, its goal was not to aim at Su Qiye, but at the smallest jade glaze. The huge eagle claws could almost hold the jade glaze firmly.

At the moment when the snow mountain eagle king rushed down to grasp the jade glass, Su Qiye's body suddenly bounced up, jumped on the snow mountain eagle king's back with an extremely strong explosive force, squatted on the snow mountain eagle king's body with the rope already prepared in his hand, bypassed the Snow Mountain Eagle King's neck, and then the rope turned twice in his hand, At the same time, he firmly fixed himself on the snow mountain eagle king.

The snow mountain eagle king grabbed the jade glass and flew up. Although he noticed that Su Qiye squatted on his back, he couldn't manage so much. He just avoided the trouble of coming back for a while and galloped down with Su Qiye.

Su Qiye knew that he didn't eat them immediately. I'm afraid he wanted to bring them back to the nest. I'm afraid there will be a snow mountain eagle king in the nest.

This is the best plan Su Qiye can think of. At least the nest of the snow mountain eagle king will be warmer than this place, and there is a greater chance of escape.

Otherwise, after a rapid tumbling flight, the snow mountain eagle king threw the prey jade glass under his claws into a cave on the mountain wall. After circling at the mouth of the cave with Su Qiye, he flew towards the snow mountain just now.

Another prey is still on the top of the mountain. It is ready to be transported back.

Su Qiye didn't dare to relax. He firmly grasped the rope tied to the snow mountain eagle king's neck and firmly hugged the snow mountain eagle king's neck.

The snow mountain eagle king naturally knows that Su Qiye has been on it. I don't know why. It may also be that he suddenly has a big heart to play. He flew up and down with Su Qiye at a very fast speed. The biting cold wind with snowflakes made Su Qiye completely unable to open his eyes.

The snow mountain eagle king had a good time. When he dived down, he gave a sharp hiss.

Su Qiye was completely afraid to open his eyes in the feeling of free fall.

The snow mountain eagle king is worthy of being the fastest and fastest flying beast in the legend. He takes Su Qiye to fly recklessly in this heaven and earth. Such a speed is beyond people's reach.

Soon, the snow mountain eagle king returned to the top of the mountain where the three of them were before. However, to the great anger of Su Qiye and the snow mountain eagle king, yulimeng had disappeared!

Just as Su Qiye was shocked and angry.

The snow mountain eagle king fell on the platform, and a pair of sharp eagle eyes looked around at the sky, as if thinking about something.

When Su Qiye began to worry about yulimeng's life and death, the snow mountain eagle king swooped down from the top of the mountain again.

But this time, the direction is not the direction to the cave.

The snow mountain eagle king is the overlord in this world. How can it be tolerated that other animals dare to rob its food!

So the snow mountain eagle king gave full play to his keen sense of smell and roughly smelled the direction with strong taste when yulimeng left.

It was ready to recover its prey. As Su Qiye thought, it found yulimeng and caught her back.

Now the situation is that no matter what, the three people can't lose it. If necessary, Su Qiye will help the snow mountain eagle king and be sure to leave yulimeng with him.

The speed and feeling of the snow mountain eagle king were really not covered, but for a moment. Su Qiye saw a black vulture in front of him, holding the jade and running away from his dream.

However, this kind of vulture is not the opponent of the snow mountain eagle king. In terms of body shape alone, the snow mountain eagle king is more dominant.

"Whew -" the snow mountain eagle king screamed, spread his wings and quickly surpassed the vulture from above.

The black vulture noticed that the snow mountain eagle king was ready to attack, and immediately slowed down and dived down.

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