"Does your master want you to protect his daughter?" Su Qiye continued with his words. "Then your master's daughter is in Rong Chu's hand. If you don't listen to Rong Chu's words, she will die in the Northern Qi state. That's why you let her go at last?"

Dongling Qi nodded without refutation.

Su Qiye gave a "ha ha" smile in her heart, and then turned her eyes. Such a bloody thing happened to Dongling Qi. This was unexpected for Su Qiye. She thought this kind of thing would only appear in martial arts novels.

"This time you let Rong Chuqing go. What about the next time? If she threatened you with your younger martial sister's life and asked you to kill me, what would you do?" Su Qiye was not such a hypocritical person, but now she really wants to know how Dongling Qi would deal with it.

"It will never happen. She won't live long," said Qi coldly.

Su Qiye nodded and didn't say anything. Dongling Qi didn't answer her question positively. She has got the answer. After all, everyone has the absolutely most important thing in everyone's heart. She can't embarrass each other because of a little caprice.

It is undeniable that Dongling Qi is really smart, but no matter how smart he is, he is essentially a man, and he doesn't know much about women and rarely communicates with women, so he really doesn't understand how women's brain circuits work in some way. If he knows, he will be very surprised by Su Qiye's idea, And very speechless.

"You go, I want to rest." Su Qiye lay in bed and said faintly that he would drive people away.

Dongling Qi thought he was really tired, so he got up, slowly retreated out, and took a sigh of relief.

However, as soon as Dongling Qi closed the door, Su Qiye opened his eyes and snorted angrily.

"Men are really not good things, every day!"

It was said that she was going to rest, but in fact, Su Qi had slept all day. How could she sleep? Bored, she called Fengyi.

Although Fengyi was injured that day, she has been much better after these days of rest. Basically, she can't see the scars. She still looks cool. She has no redundant expression on her face when facing Su Qiye several times.

"Fengyi, do you know men?" Su Qiye suddenly asked.

Feng Yi raised the sword in her hand and said coldly, "men are not good things, basically damn!"

Su Qiye waved his hand and said, "I don't mean that. I mean, if... Wait, hey, I ask you what to do, you're afraid you're no different from men..."

When Fengyi heard Su Qiye's words, she thought she despised herself and thought she didn't understand anything. She stared and said, "don't you just want to know whether a man loves you? I can tell you for sure that he loves you very much."

"For... Why?" Su Qiye was suddenly stunned. She really felt incredible that Fengyi would say such words.

"It can be seen from the way he looks at you and others. You don't know, but others can see clearly how much he cherishes his time with you. It seems that every word he says to you is very precious to him." Fengyi said very seriously.

Su Qiye's expression was slightly stiff. She could not imagine that such words would be said from Fengyi, a normally silent population.

"Everything he did, maybe he was just waiting for an opportunity." Fengyi seemed to see what Su Qiye was really worried about, and she couldn't figure it out, so she opened a few words and sighed, "Everyone will have things they want to do and people they want to protect. If there is a choice between what they want to do and the people they protect, they will do some strange things and say some strange words in order to make the right choice."

"You mean, he lied to me, lied to me, probably just to protect me?" Su Qiye thought a little, but she still didn't understand, "then why didn't he tell me directly and let me cooperate with him and face it together?"

"Men's self-esteem is a problem. How can a proud man ask his woman to suffer with him? All men want their woman to be protected by themselves. Do you really think a man who loves you will be willing to let you suffer with him?" Feng Yi said lazily that she didn't even know this about Su Qiye. She also said she was speechless. Isn't this a very simple truth?

Su Qiye carefully thought about what Fengyi said, and suddenly had a feeling of sudden enlightenment. No wonder Dongling Qi was unwilling to tell herself the truth, because she had always only considered her own ideas and never transposed to consider Dongling Qi's ideas. If he was from his point of view, he would not want to let himself Women bear some bad things with themselves. In his idea, all these things can be shared with his subordinates. That's why he was willing to use her at the beginning, but he didn't want to say anything to her after he fell in love with her.

"Fengyi, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I misunderstood you all the time." Su Qiye felt suddenly enlightened, and his heart was at ease. His anger at Dongling Qi was gradually going out.

"But you are too immersed in your own world and only believe in your own eyes. I think you shouldn't believe your eyes many times." Feng Yi's expression suddenly became a little sad.

Su Qiye smiled and said, "you mean I'm too self? Regardless of other people's ideas?"

"I didn't mean that. You said it yourself." Fengyi spread her hands and looked innocent.

Su Qiye naturally didn't blame her, but said, "it's all right. Thank you today."

Seeing that Su Qiye had nothing to do, Fengyi withdrew. Su Qiye was the only one in the room.

The hands and feet have been bandaged. Now the fingers have lost consciousness. Only the ankles and muscles of the body are hurting all the time. The injury on her face is not particularly painful. As for her face, Su Qiye is not very afraid of leaving scars. Since she came to ancient times, there have been almost no major and minor injuries. It's really accidental several times, and she won't care. After all, it's enough to be beautiful for two lives. Being ugly may save a lot of trouble.

Su Qiye was lying in bed alone, bored with his eyes open. He didn't know what he was going to do. Unconsciously, he thought of a man, Xiling zijue. He didn't know whether he had arrived at Xiling state at the moment.

Su Qiye didn't know. At this time, the state of Xiling zijue was much worse than she thought.

These days, although Ziling Jue has arrived in Xiling state, he doesn't dare to go to the capital at all. He can only hide East and West on the border of Xiling state alone. He really underestimated the ability of Xiling Zichen before. The first wave of assassins he arranged had hundreds of people, and all of them were of the level of the Imperial Palace forbidden guards. All the dark guards around him were almost destroyed in order to protect him. He immediately asked Ling Mo to go back to Beijing alone to find help. Because his goal was too big, he stayed first.

Now, there is no one around him to protect him. He can only temporarily disguise himself and wander around the city day by day until the reinforcements come. If he can't even come, he can only think of another way.

However, Ling Mo comes and goes for several days. How can he wait?

When he was at a loss, pretending to be a beggar and squatting in the street to check the enemy's situation, a savior suddenly appeared.

A huge convoy came slowly. The carriage was marked with the symbol of the jade blue country. It was the symbol of the jade blue country's caravan. It was an extremely strong team. They came to the Xiling palace from the jade blue country every six months. They were the most valued guests of the Xiling emperor, because the jade blue country's caravan sold nothing but weapons. Such an important help is that no matter which Prince is unwilling to offend.

Xiling zijue naturally knows the benefits of meeting such a caravan. This is a great opportunity. He must not miss it. However, with his current appearance, if he rushes directly, no one will pay attention to himself and beat him away.

Fortunately, the carriage was not in a hurry, but stopped at an inn, as if to have a rest.

Seeing this, Ziling zijue couldn't help shouting in his heart that heaven would help me.

The first carriage opened first. A woman came down from the luxurious carriage, with a jade face and lips, a picturesque eyebrow, a gorgeous jade crown on her head, and her clothes were low-key, luxurious and exquisite.

Xiling zijue was very excited. He really thought he had been saved. He thought he could follow the caravan into the capital with a little use of the beautiful man's trick. However, when he saw the man coming down from the second carriage, he remained where he was, like being struck by lightning.

The man is afraid that he has seen the best-looking man. I'm afraid there are no words in the world to describe him! If there is, I'm afraid there is only one, that is, rare treasures, rare in a hundred years!

And for such a man, the woman still showed disdain. How did he make it?

In desperation, Xiling zijue had to disguise himself, secretly knocked out a following groom and mixed in. The groom is generally the most easily ignored object, not to mention so many people in the whole team, which is naturally impossible to attract attention.

But I don't know whether this road can go smoothly.

Poor Xiling zijue boasted that he was extremely smart, but he didn't know that when he was in a hurry to dress himself, a pair of beautiful eyes were looking at him in the elegant room of the inn on the second floor, with a bright light of interest in his eyes. The red lips moved, and the woman's voice was as beautiful as a silver bell.

"Oh, I heard that the crown prince of Xiling was in trouble at Yangguan. I met him today. What a coincidence..."

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