In a daze, the body was surrounded by a group of warmth, and the whole person was light and floating.

Su Qiye was tired all over, as if swept away in an instant. She struggled to wake up.

There was a vast white fog in front of her. She was stunned. She didn't seem to realize what had happened. There was a faint smell of sulfur in the air.

What's this place? She looked at her body and found that she was immersed in the water. She was naked and had no clothes.

"Donglingqi? Donglingqi! Donglingqi!" Su Qiye was startled. He curled up in the water and began to look for donglingqi everywhere.

In a haze, a pair of warm hands suddenly grabbed her arms.

The face of Dongling Qi gradually became clear in the mist.

"Wake up?" Qi Wenhe of Dongling looked at her.

Su Qiye suddenly took back his hands, covered his chest, looked flustered and said, "where is this? Where are my clothes?"

"The clothes are wet, so I'll take them off for you." Dongling Qi said faintly. Looking at his expression, he was very calm. He didn't seem to feel anything wrong.

"Did you help me take it off?" Su Qiye couldn't help exclaiming.

"Do you think there is someone else here?" Dongling Qi looked calm.

"But clothes... Clothes? Our clothes!" Su Qiye felt that she was going crazy. Although she said that her relationship with Dongling Qi was very different, she had determined that she would only love him in her life, but how could she say that she was still an uneducated woman? How could she be so frivolous! How could he take off his clothes so easily!

"The clothes are on the carriage outside. Later, Fengyi will bring them in." Qi said faintly, "soak in the hot spring here for a while. It has the effect of promoting blood circulation and relaxing tendons."

Su Qiye bit his lower lip and protected himself firmly. His face was slightly red fumigated by steam.

In such a case, take a hot spring with donglingqi!

Although it's not the first time to take a hot spring with him, and it was the same last time, she didn't realize that she would love him so much, and she didn't realize that the hot spring pool could not only be used to take a hot spring, but also do other things

Isn't this a bridge to further the relationship between the two people... At the thought of here, I don't know why she is usually active and can't be more active, but today she is a little shy and pinched, and even dare not get close to him.

Dongling Qi seemed to have no clothes on. He leaned against the pool wall and showed a large piece of white skin on his chest.

At this time, Su Qiye had no sense of sleepiness at all. His eyes were full of the attractive appearance of Dongling Qi. His face really gave people an incomparable beauty.

Fortunately, the pool water is muddy and white, and there is a thick fog. It looks hazy. Some can't see the scene in front of us, but this misty feeling is more tempting.

Su Qiye felt his heart beat a little faster. At this time, Dongling Qi was really damn tempting.

He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall of the pool. His long hair was scattered and wet by the fog. He was close by her.

Su Qiye was very nervous. She covered her chest and wanted to comfort herself, but she couldn't help but admit that she was still very nervous. The only thing she could do was to calm herself and stare at him with very crazy eyes!

Now her face is red with tension, and her body is a little red by the hot spring.

"Donglingqi..." she called him carefully and gently. Because she was shy and nervous, her heart beat more and more "bang bang" and jumped quickly and loudly.

"En?" he closed his eyes and answered faintly. His voice was lazy and a little rusty.

But Su Qiye obviously felt that his voice was more unnatural than before, which showed that he was not as calm as he looked!

With a splash of water, Su Qiye could no longer calm down and rushed directly at him like a wolf.

Hearing the sound of Su Qiye's rowing, Dongling Qi opened his eyes, but saw that Su Qiye was already in front of him, and the distance between them was no more than a finger.

But now Su Qiye's cheeks were red, one hand seduced against his chest, the other hand passed through his hair, hooked his head, and looked at him vaguely.

At the moment of seeing her, Dongling Qi felt that there was a heat flow rolling in his body and a fire pouring out of his lower abdomen, which was almost uncontrollable. He bowed his head and kissed his lips.

Su Qiye thought she was going crazy. She closed her eyes tightly and didn't dare to see donglingqi. Her hands and feet tightly wrapped around his neck and waist. Although his body was slippery, it can't be denied that he couldn't escape from her.

Su Qiye looked more active than he did. After being kissed by him, he didn't respond with restraint. He licked and bit his lips.

Dongling Qi Qichu was surprised by her initiative, but soon adapted. He spoiled her and allowed her to plunder like this. He was worried that she couldn't hold his body and that she was laborious. He considerately stretched out his hand and dragged her round buttocks.

Su Qiye felt that the body of Dongling Qi was so hot for the first time. His hands on her back were provocative.

She felt that her head began to muddle up, completely unaware of what she was doing, immersed in his boundless tenderness.

Dongling Qi hugged her tightly in his arms, and their bodies stuck closely together.

At this moment, two people's eyes are full of each other, and they can't think of anything else.

Su Qiye almost lost his mind. The air was full of his smell, and his whole body seemed to be tightly wrapped by him.

Little by little, Su Qiye felt that he had completely fallen into the abyss.

However, just when Su Qiye thought he would really ask for himself here, his body was suddenly pushed away by Dongling Qi Yi.

Hearing a "crash" in his ear, Dongling Qi suddenly got up, gasped and turned over to the shore.

Su Qiye looked a little confused.

Su Qiye hasn't calmed down from just now. He can't see the figure of Dongling Qi.

She was a little stunned. What happened to him just now? Why did you suddenly react so much?

But soon, she woke up and remembered what Dongling Qi had said to her before. He would never touch her before he married her. At that time, she agreed and was very serious.

Now in retrospect, I was afraid I was out of my mind!

However, it was useless to say more at this time. After a while, Dongling Qi walked to the pool and changed into clean clothes.

"It's almost dawn and you can come out." he had recovered his composure, put her clothes on a clean stone, turned and walked away.

Su Qiye felt extremely lost, but there was no response on the surface. He thought that he should endure it very hard to come to Dongling Qi. As a woman, how could she not be so reserved in this respect?

She slowly climbed out of the hot spring pool and put on the clean clothes he had prepared for her.

Outside, Dongling Qi stood by a carriage waiting for her.

It was not dawn yet, but it was about to dawn. At the moment, he still looked a little uncomfortable and flushed.

"Let's go and soak in a hot spring. I feel much more comfortable. I thought I would feel sore when I woke up. Now I don't feel uncomfortable except hungry." Su Qiye walked to him and pretended to be relaxed.

Dongling Qi took her hand, suddenly made a silent movement, and then stretched out his hand to point to the distance.

Su Qiye looked in the direction of his finger.

At this time, the sky, which had been slightly bright by the moonlight, suddenly darkened.

The darkness was only a moment away. Suddenly, the horizon burst into light.

Suddenly, the whole sky suddenly gave off a golden red light, which was dazzling. In a moment, it lit up the whole heaven and earth, and thousands of rays of light were scattered everywhere.

Su Qiye dared not blink for fear of missing the beautiful moment, but the light was too bright. She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the beautiful scene not far away.

The golden rosy clouds hit them, and their white clothes seemed to be stained with gold.

Su Qiye secretly glanced at Dongling Qi. He stood upright, and the whole person was filled with a cold breath of dust. On his perfect face without any defect, he was plated with golden brilliance by the morning glow, outlining his beautiful side face. His eyes looked at the distance and reflected the bright light in the sky.

They stood quietly, watching the sunrise. A wisp of autumn wind in the early morning blew a wisp of broken hair beside her ear, playfully danced in the air, and accidentally wound with his hair

It's really beautiful here. It can let people see all the rivers and mountains, and breathe the most exciting breath of this land.

It was in such a beautiful scene that Su Qiye couldn't help himself. He stretched out his hand and hooked his fingers, then fastened his fingers, tightly clasped his hands, and leaned his head against his shoulder.

"Dongling Qi, I love you..." she said very seriously to the sky, to the sun and to the earth.

Dongling Qi picked up the corners of her mouth, dropped a kiss on her slightly wet head, and then said in a very light voice, "me too."

"Say you will never leave me..." Su Qiye leaned on him with a sweet smile on his face.

Dongling Qi was very cooperative unexpectedly. He looked at her deeply and said in the promised language: "I will never leave you."

The two quietly watched the sunrise until it was completely dawn. They were reluctant to leave, but they still snuggled together and didn't want to separate.

On the contrary, Fengyi could only lean on the carriage alone with a sword. She looked at them coldly. There was only a horse around her. She looked very lonely.

If Su Qiye hadn't been her master, I'm afraid she would have been violent and killed.

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