Although the tone of Yu's attention was not very good, Dongling Qi didn't vent his anger on him. He didn't appear around Su Qiye at the most critical moment. Naturally, he knew that he was not qualified to blame Yu's attention. On the contrary, he was more excited about Yu's attention because of Su Qiye.

While taking out a clean handkerchief from his arms and wiping Su Qiye's palm, Dongling Qi said naturally, "today, thank you for saving her."

Yu noticed playing with the jade box and glanced at him lazily with a smile: "a thank you can offset a nine turn pill in the jade blue country. What you think is too cheap?"

Hearing the words "jiuzhuan Dan", Dongling Qi's eyes finally changed, which seemed to be some accident, but he soon recovered his calm, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and his tone was flat: "give me another one."

"What are you talking about?" Yu thought he had heard wrong and couldn't help taking out his ears.

"Jiuzhuan pill, give me another one." Dongling Qi said without any embarrassment and said with a natural look. While talking, he also took out the golden sore medicine and sprinkled it on Su Qiye to bandage her.

"You... Are you sick? Jiuzhuan pill is the treasure of our jade blue country. Why should I give it to you? You think it's a pill from rotten street? I thought she was my sister and kindly gave her one. You..." she said, and Yu's words suddenly stopped.

Because while he was talking, Dongling Qi suddenly took off the mask on his face, slowly turned his head and looked at him with a cold look in his eyes.

Yu noticed that at the moment he saw his face, his eyes were stiff and his heart was full of unbelievable color.

How could it be him? How could it be him? How could he become so embarrassed?

"Nine turn Dan." I don't know how long later, Yu noticed the words of Dongling Qi word by word.

Without hesitation, he took out his last nine turn pill and threw it.

Dongling Qi took the pill and put it into his mouth without hesitation, because only in this way can he continue to insist, otherwise he can't protect his body from accidents under such circumstances.

"Why are you here?" Yu noticed that he didn't know what kind of attitude he should speak. In short, his tone had changed and became less comfortable than before. His eyes looked at Dongling Qi obviously changed.

Dongling Qi didn't look at him, but said faintly, "there are some things to be solved."

"Then she and you..." Yu noticed that he hesitated and pointed to Su Qiye. It seemed that he couldn't understand his concern for Su Qiye, and his face was unbelievable.

For this problem, Dongling Qi did not hesitate at all, and said very definitely, "it's my woman."

For this news, Yu noticed that in addition to shock, there was only shock.

Although he was not very familiar with Dongling Qi, he still knew him. In those days, he was so cold and arrogant. He despised the approach of women by all means, and he hated the approach of men. Even at that time, he doubted whether the man was heartless, but unexpectedly, he fell directly on Su Qiye.

But what he thinks of Su Qiye, he just thinks she has a good leather bag, which doesn't match him at all. Even if she is a little smart, her temperament can't be said to be noble... If you just look at this temperament, it's not as good as Yu Qingxue.

"You can go." Dongling Qi didn't wait for him to continue asking questions, and lightly ordered him to leave.

Yu noticed that there seemed to be nothing wrong with her here. Unexpectedly, she really got up and prepared to leave.

If Su Qiye saw this scene, he would be surprised. Originally, some domineering Yu noticed how he became so clever after seeing the true face of Dongling Qi?

"Wait." Yu noticed that he was about to go out, and Dongling Qi suddenly stopped him, "leave the Gu insects."

Yu carefully took out the box and took a distressed look at the poisonous insects inside. He was obviously very reluctant to give up, but he didn't complain at all and put the box on the table.

For Yu's obedience at the moment, Dongling Qi's expression has always been light. It seems that the change of Yu's attention at the moment is completely expected and taken for granted.

Although Su Qiye could not move, speak or open her eyes, she could still hear the dialogue and voice. She was not surprised that Dongling Qi would suddenly appear, but she was surprised that Yu noticed the cleverness after seeing him again. The unconscious brain began to mend the relationship between the two people.

After Yu noticed that she left, Dongling Qi kept in front of her bed, held Su Qiye's trampled left hand, and gently helped her apply medicine.

Su Qiye was still angry with him, but after experiencing such danger, she began to understand why donglingqi was so worried about herself, because there were too many people with ulterior motives in the world. No matter how she took precautions, she could let people take advantage of the weak point.

After this injury, she also completely understood her strength. Before, she also looked up to herself. She always thought she had the ability to stay around Dongling Qi and protect herself. However, the reality gave her a hard blow and let her hit her face hard.

It turned out that the reason why she was able to do anything before was that the dangers she needed to bear were predicted and borne in advance. When she was alone, she was of no use at all.

Sure enough, today's quarrel with Dongling Qi made her completely see her strength and her most hateful place, that is, she was too arrogant and willful and deliberately tried to be strong when she was not strong enough. When you hurt yourself, you also become a drag on others.

However, it's too late to regret and blame herself. Her body has been paralyzed and dragged down. She has proved that she is useless. She has no way now.

When Dongling Qi saw her, he couldn't say anything for a moment. He could only look at her with distressed eyes.

Although she can resist some dangers with some of her strength, in the past, all her dangers were under his control, but now his strength has greatly decreased, and the danger has greatly increased. It can be said that Chu songs are everywhere. Now the people around him are also arranged to do other things, He naturally doubted his protection, so he had to give up the last time with Su Qiye, and he had to push her away from him.

Originally, he was lucky to think that as long as he was more careful, Su Qiye would be fine, but today's events made him have more and more faith to let her leave her. Even if he sent her personally into the hands of his rival in love, as long as he could ensure her safety, he was willing.

Su Qiye felt that her hands were gently held. She could feel the owner of those warm hands looking at her.

No blame, no anger, some just slowly gentle and cherish.

Su Qiye felt his nose sour at that time and wanted to cry like this. She wanted to wake up and tell Dongling Qi that she knew she was wrong. She would never be arrogant and willful again and would never say that to hurt him

Dongling Qi saw a drop of tears slowly falling from the corner of Su Qiye's eyes. He felt a pain in his heart and immediately stretched out his hand to help her wipe her tears.

"Don't cry..." seeing that she finally had a reaction, Dongling Qi couldn't help but coax softly. He knew she was awake.

Su Qiye couldn't make any response at all. She could only cry. She cried more vigorously for a long time. Tears flowed outward, because this was the only way for her to prove that she was still awake.

Dongling Qi patiently helped her wipe her tears. She guessed why Su Qiye was so sad. I think she had never experienced such a thing, had never been poisoned, and had never experienced the feeling that all her acupoints were sealed. She thought she could only lie in bed all her life, so she was particularly sad.

Dongling Qi naturally understood this fear, so he immediately said softly, "don't worry, you'll be fine. It's just that the acupoints on your body are sealed. Just untie it. You should understand."

Su Qiye burst into tears, but soon more.

Knowing that she was happy, Dongling Qi patiently wiped her tears and said, "but I will never help you unlock the acupoints now."


Su qiyegang thought he was saved. Dongling Qi didn't help her quickly. He dared to say such treacherous words! In vain, she tried her best to think about how to apologize to him!

Su Qiye's anger, which had just subsided, suddenly flared up again. Unexpectedly, he dared not help himself unlock his acupoints! He's looking for death!

Dongling Qi felt a burst of anger for no reason. It seemed that he could still hear Su Qiye's grinding teeth, but he knew that Su Qiye couldn't move now. No matter how much anger she had, she could only vent in her heart.

Qi Guang of Dongling imagined that Su Qiye was angry but couldn't move. He was inexplicably better. Because of jiuzhuandan, his internal power recovered to a great extent and his physical pain was relieved a lot.

The dagger on his shoulder was still there. He took it off indifferently. Because his physique was unusual, the wound recovered much faster than ordinary people. He also took jiuzhuan pill. As soon as he adjusted his breath with his internal power, the wound healed automatically. Although the clothes were still full of blood, the wound inside had stopped bleeding and began to heal.

Dongling Qi doesn't want Su Qiye to wake up now. Part of the reason is that she is too disobedient at ordinary times. Now she is particularly obedient. He can arrange her to go to a safe place. Another part of the reason is that he doesn't want her to see that she is hurt and so embarrassed.

However, just when he hesitated, the brocade Book suddenly appeared and brought him a suit of clothes at the same time.

Seeing the brocade book finally came back, Dongling Qi was relieved and his heart was not so heavy at last. It seems that the matter has been solved and Su Qiye's safety has finally been guaranteed.

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