Su Qiye was dizzy and walked hard. Every time she took one step, her body seemed to be torn apart. Bursts of sharp pain came, and she couldn't help blackening in front of her eyes. If it weren't for the support of her internal strength, she might have fainted immediately.

Su Qiye now wants to go back to bed quickly. He can't even see the road, but it's at this time that another circle of people accidentally bumped up. Su Qiye was knocked back and staggered two times, almost sitting on the ground.

Raised his head, there were probably dozens of soldiers in front of him. The leader was staring at himself coldly.

Su Qiye didn't want to entangle more, so he immediately bowed his head and softened: "sorry, several big brothers, please open up and don't quarrel with your little brother."

"It's said that you are very powerful and can draw with Lord wanhu. Today, our brothers want to see your skills!" one of them said arrogantly, looking up and down at Su Qiye, with contempt in his eyes.

"Big brother, you're listening to me. I don't have this ability." Su Qiye lowered his head and barely supported his body. The cold sweat was coming down.

"Oh, you look down on me? I heard that you have a little relationship with the young general. If you have a relationship, you dare to pull it?" the man obviously didn't want to talk to Su Qiye. He made it clear that he came to bully people.

Su Qiye really doesn't understand. She's good. Why does someone deliberately come to find fault? Even if she really had a fight with Lu Chenghao, what's the difference? Anyway, she didn't benefit much.

She didn't understand, but the other party didn't want her to understand. As soon as she raised her hand, she pushed Su Qiye. Su Qiye was already very tired. Suddenly, she was pushed, fell back uncontrollably, and fell to the ground. There was a sharp pain coming from her body.

The man who pushed her down didn't seem to realize that she would be so weak. He was a little surprised, but the next moment, he felt his body cold and a sense of killing.

He immediately backed away, sweating, but fortunately nothing happened.

Someone nearby was timid and couldn't help persuading: "third brother, look at this small body, you can't get beaten, or forget it?"

Zhang San is also a ruthless character in the military camp. Since he has deliberately found Su Qiye's fault, there is no reason to give up halfway. He deliberately stubbed his neck and said ruthlessly: "this boy despises us! She will eat two bowls of rice as soon as he comes. Who does she think she is? She can know her identity without giving a lesson?"

When Su Qiye heard this, she couldn't help smiling bitterly in her heart. She couldn't think of it. These people came to find their own fault because they ate more bowls of rice.

Such a ridiculous thing, of course, is not true. Since Zhang San came to beat people, he naturally wouldn't say his real purpose, and directly said, "beat him for me!"

The people around him shrank back. Obviously, they all knew Su Qiye's identity and didn't dare to attack her for fear that they would be killed and get into trouble.

Zhang San was so angry that he scolded the waste in his heart, but he didn't dare to do it himself.

Su Qiye reluctantly got up from the ground and said, "brother, can you tell me the truth? What do you want me to do? I can only eat one bowl after dinner."

"You! Don't think I dare not hit you. Stay away from Su Sheng and Su Jin in the future!" Zhang San said with hatred.

Su Qiye nodded without thinking about it and promised, "OK, I won't get along with them."

Zhang San didn't expect Su Qiye to be so counselled, but he clearly heard that Su Qiye was very backbone. For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go first..." Su Qiye was really tired. He didn't want to argue with these people at all. He turned and wanted to go towards the camp.

"Ah, you..."

"Bang -"

Zhang Sangang wanted to remind her that there was a pit in front of her. Su Qiye stepped on it and fell to the ground.

As soon as Su Qiye's eyes were dark, he lay on the ground and couldn't move any more.

Before Zhang San could react, a fist suddenly appeared in front of him, "bang" hit him in the eye socket.

"Ow --"

A scream rang through the camp.

A dark figure suddenly appeared and punched Zhang San.

Then he rushed to Su Qiye and picked her up. His face was full of worry.

Su Qiye slowly opened her eyes. She originally thought it would be Fengyi or donglingqi, but unexpectedly, it was a long lost face.

"Silly white, you're back..." she smiled slowly on her face, even her eyes were full of smiles, and said very weakly.

Su Bai looked at her, speechless for a long time, and tears flashed in her eyes.

Su Qiye didn't blame him for leaving without saying goodbye. Instead, he was very happy about his return. The smile on his face couldn't go down for a long time. He relied on his face and said, "I'm so dirty and ugly. Send me to the main camp. I want to take a bath."

Su Bai picked her up easily and didn't forget to look back coldly at Zhang San, who suddenly shivered. Whether they bully Su Qiye or not, the idea is unforgivable.

For Su Bai, Su Qiye has always maintained that it's best for you to come back. If you can't come back, I won't have any complaints. Everyone can be free. Su Bai doesn't owe her. Even if he saved her life before, these debts have been paid off in his later company.

After returning Su Qiye to the camp, Su Bai quietly withdrew and found a place to hide himself.

"Do you know to come back?" suddenly a voice sounded behind his ears, but he didn't expect that he actually met Fengyi again. He found the same place as him again.

"So you're still alive." Su Bai glanced at her and said coldly. It seems that she blames her. Since she was there before, why don't you help Su Qiye.

"Since they are all gone, why do they choose to come back?" Fengyi suddenly asked. Obviously, she doubted Su Bai's purpose.

"What's none of your business?" Su Bai didn't want to pay attention to him and stared at the figure in the camp.

"I'm afraid you'll kill her if you follow my master." Fengyi didn't know what was going on. Seeing Su Bai like this, she was a little angry. She didn't want to say such a thing, but she didn't know what was going on, so she said it.

Su Bai's face changed, and the eyes of Xiang Fengyi were full of killing intention in an instant.

The hair on Feng Yi's body stood up and immediately tightened her body and clenched the sword in her hand.

"I'll never hurt her." Su Bai looked at her for a while and suddenly said, this seems to be like Fengyi's promise, and it seems to be listening to herself.

Fengyi took the sword, gave her a cold look and stopped talking.

Returning to the camp, Su Qiye accidentally found a bucket of hot water in it, and clean pajamas were prepared next to it. A batch of bedding had been changed. Zhao Qing's clothes had been moved away, and the military book on the table had disappeared. There were washed fruits, emitting a faint smell of fruit. Su Qiye knows that this camp is his own from today on. Zhao Qing won't come again.

Su Qiye thought Zhao Qing did these things. He was slightly moved. Unexpectedly, he was such a careful person and knew her habits so well. After all, who doesn't want to take a comfortable bath and sleep after a tired day?

Su Qiye took a bath with a grateful heart, looked at the mud rubbed down from his body, and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Originally, she had made preparations for this day that would be very difficult, but what she didn't expect was that there was no accident during the day. The difficulty was at night. She didn't know what the pain would be like tonight. It was possible that she could only get out of bed tomorrow.

After taking a bath, Su Qiye put on his pajamas and dragged himself to bed.

Today, she was really tired. As soon as she lay in bed, she went straight to sleep. There are both Fengyi and Su Bai outside. What else is she worried about? Even if the sky fell, she didn't care.

Listening to the sound of breathing in the camp, a dark shadow appeared in the camp and looked at her quietly.

Thanks to Su Qiye, she is really asleep now. If she still has a little dream and half wake up, she is likely to be scared to death by this shadow.

The shadow slowly came to her side, gently lifted a corner of the quilt, took out her smooth, white and tender arm like a jade lotus root, held her arm with a warm and cool finger abdomen, and gently massaged it on it without losing strength.

Looking at her tired face, his eyes were full of pity. He wanted to take her away from this place of right and wrong immediately and don't let her suffer half of the hard work!

His fingers seemed to have magical effects, and the massage seemed to be very effective. Su Qiye snorted comfortably, and his body stretched more and more, like a dream. The corners of his mouth rose a shallow arc.

Looking at her comfortable application, the ice and snow in his eyes seemed to melt at this moment. He turned sideways. He lifted the quilt a little more, gently stroked her smooth thighs with his fingers, and pressed and rubbed her tight muscles until it became very soft and elastic.

He added some calming drugs to the bath water to help her sleep, so she won't wake up as long as it's not too exciting.

Su Qiye felt more and more comfortable, as if he was out of a large piece of cotton, and as if he were floating in a warm water. He didn't want to wake up

So comfortable... Really... So comfortable

She turned over with great cooperation, leaned the other half of her body towards him, and begged for his touch like a poor little beast.

His eyes were spoiled with fineness, and he didn't mean to help her massage the other side of the body, from arm to finger, from thigh to toe. He seemed to be carefully making a rare treasure. He was meticulous and gentle, and couldn't tolerate any difference.

At night, the quiet and gentle breath is spreading in the camp, emitting an intoxicating aroma

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