"Your Majesty, the guests outside are already worried..." Wang De's voice came from the outside, which seemed very worried.

"Quickly order someone to find me two babies. It's about the royal face. Don't make a statement!" Xiling zijue's angry voice spread out.

"Yes!" Wang de replied, and should do as he told.

Xiling zijue shut himself in the room and kept pacing back and forth. The two nannies had been taken down, and he began to feel uneasy and anxious.

He even imagined that after su Qiye came back, he looked at her painful eyes. Since lingshuang dared to appear in this way, he must have a perfect plan. Even if Su Qiye had lightness and martial arts, he had little chance to come back.

But now he doesn't know where Su Qiye was taken by lingshuang. Now there are so many people in the palace that he can't mobilize the public to look for it.

If people know that the prince was stolen in the palace of Xiling state, the whole Xiling state will become a joke! It turned out to be a good thing to organize a full moon wine. The wine was drunk and the child was gone... If this matter spread, the Xiling state would lose face!

Because of this, the emperor tried his best to hide something.

But now it is not appropriate to place hope on Su Qiye. No one knows when she will appear and what will happen.

As time passed, the room where Xiling zijue was located had a terrible depressing breath.

Just when he was a little desperate and almost collapsed.

Suddenly a figure flashed in front of him. Su Qiye appeared in front of him with a child in his hand.

Xiling zijue stared at her. She had never felt so brave for a moment!

Her whole person seemed to be shining. The child slept safely in her arms with a quiet face and was not disturbed by the outside world.

Su Qiye had a little smile on her face. She looked at the child gently, then raised her head and smiled at him.

"I'm back, husband!" Su Qiye's smile at the moment, in Xiling zijue's view, was as beautiful as a picture, deeply engraved in his mind.

"Ye'er!" the unprecedented excitement almost made Xiling zijue cry.

He almost rushed forward with an arrow and hugged the mother and son into his arms.

"Ye Er... I thought you wouldn't come back..." Xiling zijue held the child in one hand and Su Qiye in the other, buried his face in her shoulder and said in a dark voice.

"Fool, I didn't tell you long ago. I won't believe what others say. I only believe in you. You are my husband and the father of my child. How can I leave you..." Su Qiye couldn't comfort him, but could only comfort him softly in his ear.

Su Qiye also felt that she was particularly brave today. At the moment she saw the child, she directly fell over her shoulder and fell to the ground with force for the unexpected spirit frost.

Although there were many people in the room, she dared not really hurt herself by these people. She braved all the way. After a while, she returned victoriously with her children.

Not only Xiling zijue, but also herself felt that she was really handsome at the moment she appeared in the room! awesome! Brave and invincible!

Seeing that Xiling zijue still hugged himself and refused to let go, Su Qiye reluctantly patted him on the shoulder and urged: "well, I'm not back. Let's go to the hall quickly. Now the guests must be in a hurry."

"Don't worry about them... Let me hold them again..." Xiling zijue was very headstrong. He held her and refused to let go. He breathed hot air in her ear and said in a dumb voice, "I've been worried for so long. You say... How do you compensate me..."

Su Qiye and Xiling zijue suddenly appeared in the backyard. The two nursing mothers were already shaking on their knees.

Where are the children in the room?

"Where's the child?" Su Qiye asked with trembling.

"The prince... The prince is gone!" the nurse fell on the ground and trembled all over. She knew that her head must be lost and cried.

"Why didn't you see it? Didn't you hold it in your hand all the time?" Xiling zijue asked sternly. Intuition told him that things were not so simple.

"We've been holding it all the time, holding it every step of the way, but suddenly there's a flower in front of us, and the prince... The prince is gone!" the nurse was stunned, her eyes were dull and trembled with fear.

Su Qiye's whole body trembled. If the child had something in case, she... She would never let that person go!

"Did you see what the man looked like! What color of clothes he was wearing? Did he appear in an instant or did a shadow pass by?" Xiling zijue looked much calmer than Su Qiye, who was already panicked and speechless.

"Yes... It appeared in an instant, and then disappeared! I... we didn't see what the man was like..." the nurse was a little rational and could speak completely.

Xiling zijue stood on Su Qiye's floor and said softly, "don't worry, since it's a blink, it should be lingshuang. Let's find her!"

Su Qiye looked bleary and nodded. When she learned that the child was gone, she became a little wrong, and her eyes seemed to lose their look for a moment.

Xiling zijue took her out, but before she went out, a flower and lingshuang suddenly appeared in front of them.

Su Qiye saw her, grabbed the skirt of her chest and said crazily, "where's the child! Where's my child?"

Lingshuang looked at her almost crazy. She knew that Su Qiye cared about the two children most. For fear of her collapse, she immediately said, "the children are all right! The children are with me. They are very safe!"

"You give the child back to me! You madman! Give the child back to me!" Su Qiye shook the spirit cream like crazy.

"Su Qiye, calm down! I tell you, Dongling Qi is not dead! You know! Dongling Qi is not dead!! Qiao LAN is not dead!" lingshuang said excitedly, "I want you to go with me and leave here with me. I want to take you to see him!"

"I don't want anything, I want my child, you give it back to me!" Su Qiye almost couldn't listen to anything. The whole person was crazy pulling the spirit frost, his eyes were crazy, and he had lost his previous look.

"Su Qiye! Calm down and listen to me!" lingshuang yanked down her hand, grabbed her collar with her back hand and said loudly, "I tell you that the child is safe and there is no problem! As long as you follow me, I will let you see the child!"

But where is Su Qiye still calm down at the moment? She couldn't see the children. The whole person was breaking down and couldn't listen to her at all.

Xiling zijue suddenly hugged Su Qiye and comforted her in her ear: "don't worry, ye'er, the child will be fine. I won't let the child be fine."

Su Qiye calmed down a little under her comfort, but looking at lingshuang's eyes, he looked like an enemy he hated very much, and his eyes flashed ferocious eyes.

Lingshuang looked at Xiling zijue and said with a sneer, "Xiling zijue, even if I risked my life today, I will take her away! Don't think that your means can threaten me. At the beginning, you almost killed Dongling Qi. Do you think she would forgive you if she knew everything?"

For lingshuang's words, Xiling zijue was extremely calm. He looked at lingshuang and hugged Su Qiye coldly: "what do you want to do to replace the child with us?"

"The child is not yours at all! Why give it back to you!" lingshuang said coldly.

"You madman! That's my child. Why should you touch my child!" Su Qiye's eyes were red and roared at lingshuang like an enraged Beast.

"Su Qiye, I solemnly tell you that the man around you has killed your husband, forced you to drink worry free water, made you forget everything, and lied to you that your child is his! He has been lying to you!" lingshuang also became a little crazy, regardless of Xiling zijue's presence, said recklessly.

Su Qiye looked at her coldly and couldn't help laughing: "Who are you? You think you call me sister, and I really think you're my sister? Why should I trust an outsider and doubt my husband? What Dongling Qi and Qiaolan you're talking about, I don't know at all! If you dare to hurt my child, I'll kill you everywhere! Female emperor? Do you think I'll be afraid of you?" She was already burning with anger and was extremely fierce.

"You really forgot everything? Do you know how much you hated the man next to you? Do you know... The man who was desperate for you is still alive and dead? Do you know... If you don't believe me today, you will regret... You will regret!" lingshuang said with tears on his face and a sad voice.

"I don't regret it later. What's your business? You'd better hand over the child, otherwise, I can't guarantee what I will do." Su Qiye narrowed his eyes and said dangerously.

Lingshuang suddenly moved forward, pulled Su Qiye behind her, pulled her away from Xiling zijue's arms, and then disappeared with her.

Xiling zijue suddenly changed her face and tightened her eyebrows. She began to regret that she had not caught Su Qiye just now. The feeling of panic always lingered. Although he tried to believe Su Qiye, he believed that she would come back to find herself and ask herself even if there were problems.

But he still couldn't help worrying. This feeling continued to swirl around his heart, which made him very uneasy.

In particular, when lingshuang said that Dongling Qi was not dead just now, he just felt that the whole person seemed to have been beaten in the head. The whole person was stiff and had no way to think.

Why didn't Dongling Qi die? Didn't yujinxi say that the most feared thing for the practitioners of xuanyue Jue was the flame? Dongling Qi jumped into the sea of fire alone. Even if he hadn't been burned, he might have been destroyed! He must not be like before... It must not be!

However, no matter how he denied it, the feeling of panic was always full of his body, and he couldn't calm down.

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