"A message has been sent to declare war on the demon realm. We all need to stand as one and meet at the incipient valley with your disciples to bring the reign of the demon lord to an end!"

The Incipient valley was a place of significance to those of the cultivation world, Sect Leader Jin made it their standoff point because he wanted to reclaim the lost treasure for himself. During the finally battle that occured over a hundred years ago, according to ancient writings, the demon kingdom could not be entered easily by any cultivator, because of its poisonous air and the amount of power that would be required to break down the barrier that led into it.

To Jin Ruimin, the valley was the ideal location to fight it out and rebuild everything that was stolen by those of the demon realm.

"Sect Leader Jin, who would be leading the battle?"

Li Guoliang asked, even though he knew that the most powerful sect should be the oneat the back while the lesser sects should be at the forefront, he still wanted to hear it from the mouth of Jin Ruimin if he would be taking the front seat as he led his men into war.

"I and the GuBaiJin disciples that would follow me will remain on standby while the WuYangChen sect would lead the battle with YuanLi sect and ShengJiangShi sect lending a hand."

Li Guoliang looked stunned, he wasn't expecting Jin Ruimin to place Chen Yueming at the front of the battle. Compared to the other sects the WuYangChen sect was supposed to be the least in battle prowess.

Shi Yunxu's eyes narrowed when he heard what Sect Leader Jin said, "Isn't the GuBaiJin sect meant to stay at the forefront? Why is he asking that weakling to take his place?!"

"Young master Shi, is there something you would like to add?"

Jin Ruimin face became one of mild inquiry, such that anyone that saw it would have thought him to be a great leader that respected the opinions of others.

Rather than giving in to the impulse of saying what was on his mind, since one of the sect leader could not stand him, while the other barely tolerated his presence, by hardly giving him a look while chatting with Sect Leader Li. Speaking his mind would not lead anywhere, from the looks of it, if the YuanLi sect leader wasn't protesting the decision, even though in ranks the ShengJiangShi sect was higher, young master Shi could not afford to offend any of them with what he had to say.

"Sect Leader Jin, your strategy is flawless, we at ShenJiangShi sect would go along and lend our support to ending the rule of the demon lord."

"Well said of a true leader!"

The way he spoke caught Li Guoliang off guard, it was as if the young lad had suddenly become a sage in his thinking. The look on the YuanLi sect leader made Chen Yueming to change sides by speaking up for the young leader of the ShenJiangShi sect.

"Young master Shi, you would make a fine sect leader. Your words are thoughtful and sincere, I'm sure your father, Sect Leader Shi would be proud of your growth."

Hearing the WuYangCheng sect leader praise him, made Shi Yunxu choked up inside that he had to nod in response to Chen Yueming, who patted him gently on the back. Li Guoliang looked from one to the other not ready to admit that young master Shi was garnering the respect of both the chief cultivator and the sect leader Chen.

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