"Sect Leader Li, Demon Lord Zhurong has agreed not to go to war and is willing to negotiate should we not willingly give in to his request."

Li Guoliang looked extremely angry at what the GuBaiJin sect leader said, "When does the offender become someone that should be easily forgiven?!"

To show his rage the YuanLi sect leader got up and shouted at Jin Ruimin.

"I will not sit idly by as you allow the demon lord to do as he wants, many people have died and all you can say is for us to peaceful agree to what he says?! You make their death seem like it was in vain!"

He turned to the other sect leaders to see if any of them were in support of what he said,Sect Leader Chen narrowly avoided his eyes, while Shi Yunxu looked him in the eyes and shrugged his shoulders.

This made Li Guoliang livid, seeing that neither of them took his side in standing up to a misguided chief cultivator.

"You can all keep quiet and choose to save yourselves today, but who knows if any of you wouldsoon be next!"

Jin Ruimin sat in silence as the YuanLi sect leader was giving off steam fromhis supposed laxity. He waited for the other to quieten down, before address all of them.

"Sect Leader Li, you've spoken well, but did you consider the lives that could be lost today? What if the heavens was giving us a better chance to become well prepared? I believe it is time I bring up the marriage proposal from the Fox King."

Sect Leader Jin kept his anger under wraps as he spoke, he wasn't in the least bit happy to lose face while the leaders of the other sects where there to witness it, but knowing that if the marriage to the Fox clan was to succeed, they would become a reliable ally in bringing down Demon Lord Zhurong.

"The Fox King proposed marriage to the GuBaiJin sect? Why? Didn't the people from the Fox clan shun those from the cultivation sect?!"

This time it was Chen Yueming who voiced out his opinion regarding the matter.


Li Guoliang had a confused look on his face, as he thought of the strange visitor that came to his sect when he was away at the ShenJiangShi sect.

"Does...the Fox King have a son?"

The YuanLi sect leader did not know why he felt uneasy at the other sect's invitation from the fox clan.

"What do you mean Sect Leader Li, of course not! The Fox King does not have an heir, all of his two children are daughters!"

Li Guoliang suddenly felt as though the world was crashing on him, his hands and feet shook as he blindly searched for his seat.

"Sect Leader Li?!"

Chen Yueming of the WuYangChen sect called out to the dazed Li Guoliang, whose face hadbecome very pale.

"If the Fox King did not have a son, then who was the one that came to see his daughter?!"

As the thought entered his mind, the sect leader jumped out of his seat.

"Please pardon my imprudence, but I have to leave! My daughter's life is at stake!"

Not waiting to be told he had to leave, Li Guoliang dashed out of the hall of purity to make his way back to the YuanLi sect, where he could confirm with his eyes if his daughter was still alive. This time, Jin Ruimin could not hide the surprise from his face at the strangeness of the YuanLi sect leader.

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