Rebirth of Basketball Boy

Chapter 113 Scoring Machine

Cheng Zhiming's remarks can be said to be very rude, it almost pointed out that Lu Xiaoming was hiding evil intentions. Therefore, Lu Xiaoming's face also became ugly, changed and changed, but in the end he took a deep breath and calmly said: "Old Cheng , The two of us have been in friendship for many years, don't you know what kind of person I am?"

Cheng Zhiming also realized that what he said was a bit too much, he hesitated and said: "I was rude, don't take it to heart, but you keep stopping me and give me a reason, right?"

Lu Xiaoming looked up at Yan Lingfeng who was celebrating with his teammates in the venue, and slowly said, "Old Cheng, he is a high school student and a student in a key high school. How do you know that he is willing to give up his studies? Yes, can his parents agree? Is it really appropriate for you to call back so recklessly?"

Cheng Zhiming was taken aback, frowned for a moment, scratched his head and said, "I remember when I was invited by the provincial youth basketball team, I jumped three feet high, and my family also fully supported it!"

Lv Xiaoming smiled bitterly: "At this time and then, it was an honor to be selected by the provincial team in our era. It may not be the case now, right? So I think you should first ask the child's opinion before telling Gong Ge. It’s late. And there’s no reason to say it. I think you’d better record a video of his game, and it’s more convincing when you recommend him, isn’t it?"

Cheng Zhiming thought for a moment, then lightly nodded, "Then I'll wait a little longer. When is the next match of this Shuiyun One Middle School? Then, Xiao Sun, you will work hard and use DV to shoot the match. "

After Sun Jie was enlightened by Cheng Zhiming, his mood was no longer so bad, and he nodded happily after hearing this.

Because of the opening ceremony, only one opening match was scheduled this morning. After the match between Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School and Yantai No. 2 Middle School was over, the audience began to withdraw.After Xu Jianye and the school's leaders called, although they had no games in the afternoon, the team stayed in Yantai.They are now in the semi-finals, and they have taken a big step forward along the way to win the championship, knowing themselves and knowing that they are not dead in battle, and want to compete for the ultimate championship, whether it is coach Xu Jianye or the players, they must make a rough idea of ​​their future opponents. To understanding.

Xu Jianye took the team members to find a hotel with a high grade and had a big meal. Of course, this time he did not drink any more. Whether it is from the team or from the perspective of the players, drinking should not be encouraged at their age. , Xu Jianye knew all about this dim sum, but he didn't have a better way to make the last time.

The team members didn't have the slightest dissatisfaction. They weren't children anymore, and they knew the priorities.If they are the champions now, then there is nothing to celebrate, but now they have only taken the first step, and they are far from winning the championship.

Two games were arranged in the afternoon, namely, Yantai No. 3 Middle School from Zhifu District vs. Changdao No. 6 Middle School and Laizhou No. 1 Middle School vs. Laiyang No. 1 Middle School.

The match between Yantai No. 3 Middle School and Long Island No. 6 Middle School can be said to be boring. The performance of the two teams was very average. They were entangled until the end. Yantai No. 3 Middle School won the Long Island No. 6 middle school with a worthy free throw. Rising to the top four in the competition, he also became the next opponent of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School.

In another match, Lv Xiaoming and Sun Jie both beat their chests and sighed, but Cheng Zhiming was full of smiles.If Yan Lingfeng in the morning game gave him a feeling of picking up gold, then after watching this game, he felt that he had picked up another piece of gold.

In this game, there was no suspense after the first quarter.The gap between Lv Xiaoming and Sun Jie’s hometown team and their opponents is so obvious. It’s like a kindergarten kid singles out a high school student. Whether it’s the players' physical, technical, or team tactics, coordination, two The team is not on the same level at all.What makes Cheng Zhiming feel like picking up gold is because the No. 10 player of Laizhou No. 1 Middle School is more like a scoring machine than Yan Lingfeng’s all-around. Laizhou No. 1 Middle School has achieved amazing results in this game. 102 points, and the No. 10 player alone scored almost 40 points.His scoring methods are very rich, including breakthrough layups, mid-range shots, three-point long shots, fast break follow-ups... scoring is really as simple as scoring for him.More coincidentally, he and Yan Lingfeng are both left-handed players, but his height visually is much higher than Yan Lingfeng, conservatively estimated to have reached 1.90 meters.

The game was over. The players from Laiyang No. 1 Middle School left the field sadly, but the players from Laizhou No. 1 Middle School were still celebrating happily on the sidelines.Yan Lingfeng's gaze locked on the "scoring machine" wearing the No. 10 shirt, and his gaze revealed a strong desire, and the desire to fight with him was so strong.

"What? You're not mistaken? This number 10 is really born in 1991? What is his name? Li Jingyu? Okay, I know, thank you!" Cheng Zhiming in the box suddenly yelled. He jumped up excitedly and asked.

After getting the affirmative answer from the phone, Cheng Zhiming was about to fly happily. This means that the 10th is less than 14 years old this year, and a 14-year-old boy has reached 1.90 meters tall. One day he will wait for his body. What kind of surprises will it bring to people when it is fully formed?

After the game, Xu Jianye took the players directly back to the hotel where they were staying. He didn't worry about letting them go out to the wild. There will be a game tomorrow. What happens at this time is not good.

After dinner, Xu Jianye called all the team members into his room. First, he made repeated orders for discipline, and then warned them not to be proud. Although Yantai No. 3 Middle School's performance today is very average, he must not underestimate his opponents and the like. So much.

After finally waiting for Xu Jianye to finish speaking, the team members left his room in groups like they were relieved.The hotel’s accommodation conditions are still very good. The two have a standard room. Yan Lingfeng and Sun Feiying were put together. After washing with water, Sun Feiying leaned on the bed and took out the MP3 in the backpack. Sing gently.

Yan Lingfeng was a little bored lying on the bed thinking about his thoughts. Naturally, he thought of the scoring machine. The body of No. 10 looks very thin, but there seems to be an amazing power hidden in his body. With a force of destruction, Laiyang No. 1 Middle School's defense line seemed to be papery and fragile in his hands. He just kicked off the defensive team with a slight start and accelerated, and then shot or burst, always so easy. The ball can be sent to the basket.

"What are you thinking about?" Sun Feiying took off her earplugs and asked curiously.

"Nothing." Yan Lingfeng turned around and shook his head and asked, "Do you think we can win the championship this time?"

"Enough!" Although Sun Feiying is not as blindly confident as Han Dengyun, he is definitely not a pessimistic person, but now he looks very optimistic about the team's prospects, which makes Yan Lingfeng a little interested. ?"

"What do you say?" Sun Feiying asked conditionedly and then explained: "Laizhou No. 1 Middle School is too strong. Maybe your attention has been attracted by that number 10, but I have been paying attention to them. Shooting guard No. 6. According to my preliminary judgment, the strength of this No. 6 may not be as good as their No. 10, but it must be a lot stronger than me. And I guess you should be able to see that the Laizhou No. 1 Middle School The team's tactics, including the cooperation between the players, appear to be very mature and tacit. Under such circumstances, I really can't think of any chances for us to win!"

Although Yan Lingfeng doesn’t think that Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School will miss the championship, he has to agree with Sun Feiying’s point of view, because as he said, Laizhou No. 1 Middle School does not have any obvious weaknesses. This team is from the whole to the individual. From the coach to the players, from the main force to the bench, from the top position to the fifth position, they all look so powerful.It is precisely because of this that Yan Lingfeng has such a strong desire to fight, because he wants to know whether he is suitable for basketball, and only a strong team like Laizhou No. 1 Middle School can become his touchstone.

"However, we don't necessarily have no chance! The situation on the basketball court is changing, and everything is unknown before it comes out. If we fight hard, we may be able to grab food, but it is too difficult!"

Sun Feiying stretched his waist and continued: "I advise you to not hold too much hope. Just like we have decided on Yantai No. 3 Middle School, Laizhou No. 1 Middle School is now taking us too! Everyone wants the champion. Yes, but not everyone can get what they want. I think it would be a good thing to get a runner-up to go back for business."

Yan Lingfeng shook his head and smiled bitterly, but Yantai No. 3 Middle School felt mediocre. If they weren't as mediocre as their opponents, it would be difficult for them to win even if they met Yantai No. 2 Middle School.

Although Xu Jianye repeatedly emphasized that they should not underestimate Yantai Third Middle School, none of the team members, including Yan Lingfeng, took his words to heart.I have seen the performance of Yantai No. 3 Middle School, which is really an opponent that makes it difficult for them to face up.No cooperation, no tactics, no talent, this is simply a "three-five" team.

In fact, at the Yong'an Basketball Hall, there was a match arranged in the evening. In the last match of the eight-to-four elimination round, Longkou No. 1 Middle School played against Muping Yuying Middle School. However, because of the strong strength of Laizhou No. 1 Middle School, Xu Jianye did not go to watch these two. A match that is destined to compete with a team that they cannot meet.In addition, there will be a game in Shuiyun No. 1 High School tomorrow morning, so it is important to allow the players plenty of rest time.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, the game ended. After an overtime hard fight, Yuying Middle School finally defeated Longkou No. 1 Middle School and advanced to the semi-finals. The semi-final will face Laizhou No.

Early the next morning, when the sky was still dark, Xu Jianye shouted the team members from room to room, and took them out to exercise. He was sailing against the current and would retreat if he didn’t advance. He couldn’t relax for a whole day of exercise, even when the war was approaching. important.

After breakfast, Xu Jianye asked the players to move around in the hotel again to see that the time was almost up, and then he took them to the special car prepared by the competition committee.

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