Rebirth of Basketball Boy

Chapter 116: Crazy Ideas

Yan Lingfeng and Zhao Senming both stood in front of him with open hands, but Gao Yang passed the ball to Yan Lingfeng without even thinking about it.Zhao Senming's complexion changed and he obviously felt very uncomfortable. He had just been beaten 2+1 by his opponent, and Gao Yang ignored him when he turned around. This made Zhao Senming a feeling of being despised.

Yan Lingfeng can barely be regarded as an exquisite person on weekdays, but at this moment his desire to fight has been aroused by Li Lin, so he had a rare impulse, and naturally he did not notice Zhao Senming's expression.After dribbling the ball all the way through the half-court, facing the defensive No. 9 Liu Yang, Yan Lingfeng did not slow down, but increased his speed by a bit. Seeing that the two of them were about to collide, Yan Ling Feng suddenly changed his back and turned around, pulling the ball with his left hand and making a flick of a shot, but with his right foot as the axis, it turned to Liu Yang's back like a spinning top.

Chen Xingping did a very detailed research on Yan Lingfeng before the game. Based on his observation and judgment, he came to the conclusion that Yan Lingfeng likes to attack when there is not much offensive time, and summed up the hard work in the middle of the night. The defensive experience told Liu Yang, so Liu Yang looked aggressive this time, but in fact he didn't use his full strength, so he was easily passed by Yan Lingfeng, and he was picked off within one round.

After Yan Lingfeng passed Liu Yang, he adjusted his body balance, and then drove the ball towards the basket in large strides.Yan Lingfeng came very quickly, and the reason why he didn't care about Zhao Senming's emotions was also due to this. He wanted to fight Yantai No. 3 Middle School and his footing was unstable.

As he had guessed, he has already rushed into the three-point line, and the opponent's defense is not yet in place, which also gave him the opportunity to calmly start a three-step basket.Seeing Yan Ling's unstoppable wind, Yantai No. 3 Middle School's inside line was in turmoil. Center Lv Peng and power forward Li Lin looked at each other. Li Lin decisively moved his big ass to the side, leaving Lv Peng alone with his arms raised. With a roar, his eyes were rounded, and he looked nervously at Yan Lingfeng who had jumped up with the ball.

It was said that it was a three-step layup, but Yan Lingfeng kicked off with both feet after two steps, held the ball high in his left hand, and ran into Lu Peng with his right arm in front of him.

Lu Peng's original plan was to wait for Yan Lingfeng to fly in front of him, and then jump up the cover with his long arms. You must know that although his height is less than 2 meters, he has a pair of long arms comparable to apes. Straightened his arm span was close to 2.10 meters, so as long as Yan Lingfeng didn't have three heads and six arms, it would be difficult to get out of the net of heaven and earth laid by him.

Lu Peng’s plan was good, but he ignored a problem, a very important problem, a problem that caused him to shame him for a lifetime. He calculated his jumping speed, his arm length, and his arm. Strength, but the only thing that forgot to calculate Yan Lingfeng's speed.

Yan Lingfeng rushed all the way from the backcourt to the basket to take off. The huge inertia brought out swift power and thunder-like power.As soon as Huang Guangjingtian arrived, Yan Lingfeng's hideous face appeared under Lu Peng's eyelids. Only then did he remember that he should take off, but how could he have time?

Yan Lingfeng's right hand was pressed accurately on Lu Peng's shoulder, and with the support of his right hand, he jumped for a long time, and his left arm rounded toward the basket as a snap button.

Don't say that Yan Lingfeng held his shoulders, even without Lu Peng, he would not have time to jump. Yan Lingfeng's thunderous dunk made him feel a tremor from his bones. He now knows how stupid the idea just now is. This kind of powerful dunk, even if he really used the strength of the milk, he couldn't resist it.

"Beep!" This is the voice of the referee's famous whistle.

"Hey!" This is the sound of Yan Lingfeng's left hand hitting the basket.

"Boom!" This is the sound of a basketball that Yan Lingfeng pushes into the basket and hits Lu Peng's head.

Lu Peng only felt that his eyes were dark, and he was dizzy and squatted on the ground with his head indecently. About 50 cm above his head, it was the pair of high imitation "eight-eyed monsters" by Yan Lingfeng. "The soles...

There was no reasonable collision zone on this court, and Lv Peng also stood firm, but the referee still firmly whistled him to block the foul.In other words, Lu Peng not only became the background of the "riding dunks", but also took out a foul with compensation.

Yan Lingfeng hung on the basket with one hand, slapped his chest with his right hand and let out a loud roar. Basketball is a sport that requires passion, but Yan Lingfeng's seemingly stable appearance never lacks passion. .

This attack took less than 10 seconds from when Yan Lingfeng received the ball from the backcourt to Lu Peng squatting on the ground in embarrassment. Yan Lingfeng gave Li Lin a hot slap. .As soon as he hit a 2+1, Yan Lingfeng immediately responded with a 2+1, which was more popular and shocking.

Li Lin was still smiling, but his smile looked extremely bitter. He liked slaps, but he didn't like being hit.When Yan Ling Feng came over unstoppable, he chose to avoid his edge, leaving the pressure to Lu Peng alone to bear, because he wanted to keep more energy on the offensive end, because he was already inside. With vague fear, fear of Yan Lingfeng.

One, two, three, three teammates all came over to find Yan Lingfeng to hit his chest to celebrate. Even Gao Yang, who had always been quiet, was no longer calm. Yan Lingfeng’s dunk was really exciting. Up.The loved ones hurt the enemies, and it is the audience that is not painful or itchy. They are just pure excitement, excited for this domineering dunk.

Of course, Chen Xingping belongs to the kind of people who suffer from pain. Looking at Lu Peng who is still squatting on the ground, and Li Lin who is looking cold, his brain has a burst of headaches.Originally, he thought that sitting on a basketball genius like Li Lin would be able to watch the world, but now he suddenly realized that his sky was originally the size of a well.

After hesitating again and again, he still did not request a timeout. The game has just started. Calling a timeout at this time will undoubtedly affect the morale of the players to a large extent, although their morale has now been destroyed by Yan Lingfeng. Fall, but he still chose to believe in Li Lin, believing that he can take his teammates to cheer up again.

"If you are a man, you should stand up immediately! Without the humiliation of the hips, there would be no soldiers lying in ambush, and there would be no three thousand goujians who swallowed Wu Jia and Wu without the humiliation!" Li Lin walked slowly to Lu Peng and stretched Put out a palm in front of him.

Lu Peng slowly raised his head, watching Li Lin bulging.

Li Lin didn't say anything, but his eyes were much firmer than before, and he was determined to win the game.

Lü Peng gritted his teeth, held Li Lin's palm, stood up, fear and cowardice had disappeared from his eyes, replaced by an unforgettable hatred.

Yan Lingfeng noticed the coldness in Lu Peng's eyes, but he just smiled and didn't pay attention to it. He also heard Li Lin's words, which seemed to make sense, but Yan Lingfeng was convinced that if Han Xin every day He must be humiliated by the crotch, then he must not be the commander-in-chief of "the more the better"!So when Lu Peng gritted his teeth and prepared to take revenge, he also did his best to make this hatred so strong that he couldn't get rid of it.

After a brief period of confusion, the referee regained control of the situation on the court. The players in Yantai No. 3 Middle School did not approve of his sentence just now. They thought that Lv Peng stood firm enough to take root, so Yan Lingfeng This is an obvious take to hit people.Because the angle at the time was a little problematic, the referee didn't look so accurate, but in order to maintain his authority, he still insisted on the original verdict, and repeatedly blew the whistle to disperse the members of the Yantai No. 3 Middle School that surrounded him.

Standing on the free throw line, Yan Lingfeng's eyes looked lazily as if he was not awake, but under his lazy eyes there were two scorching lights, and a crazy idea suddenly came into his heart. , An idea that can make himself crazy and his opponent crazy, he is not sure what the consequences will be after implementing this idea, and he is not sure whether he can complete this idea, but he still chose to give it a try.

After the referee sounded the whistle, Yan Lingfeng slapped the ball seriously, then looked at the basket for a while, bent his knees and took a breath before pushing the ball out.

The basketball shot was very fast, there was almost no rotation or arc, just so stunned and hit the backboard, and then even more stunned back to the original path.

Lu Peng roared with fire-breathing eyes, kicked his feet hard on the ground, and rushed towards the basketball with his large long arms. Gao Yang was blocked by him and wanted to take off and grab a rebound. It was too late. Seeing that the rebound was about to fall into Lu Peng's hands, he gave up and continued to fight for the frontcourt rebound and turned and ran to the backcourt.As for Fu Zijun, as soon as the basketball left Yan Lingfeng's fingers, Li Linka had already blocked him tightly.

Gao Yang just ran two steps, and suddenly there was a familiar loud noise behind him. This was the sound of fingers colliding with the basket and the roar of basketball passing through the basket.

When Gao Yang hurriedly turned to look, he saw Yan Lingfeng hung on the basket again. More coincidentally, the tall and thin gibbon-like Lu Peng was still riding under him this time.

It turned out that Yan Lingfeng was suddenly crazy about deliberately not making free throws, and then rushing to grab the offensive rebound and humiliating Lu Peng again.In fact, it is still very difficult to complete this crazy idea, but the revengeful Lu Peng indirectly helped Yan Lingfeng, because he saw him spread his arms to cover the sky and fight for rebounds. Liu Yang, who was confident in his rebounding ability, immediately forgot about his task of blocking others, and turned around to prepare to participate in the attack.

Lu Peng’s big hands looked like he was about to touch the basketball, but at this moment Yan Lingfeng fell from the sky, grabbing food from the mouth of a tiger, and took the basketball from the top of his head. He pushed forward hard and smashed the ball into the basket through Lu Peng.

This time, the referee who saw clearly did not call Lu Peng again to block the foul. Of course, he did not determine that Yan Lingfeng had hit the ball with the ball. He just extended two fingers to the technical table to indicate that the two points were valid.

Lu Peng was nearly 2 meters tall, but weighed less than 180. He was naturally lacking in strength, so when two people collided in the air, he flew upside down like a kite with a broken line.

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