Rebirth of Basketball Boy

Chapter 121 Princeton?

Zhao Senming took two steps backwards to see if he could stand firmly. He was a little surprised to see Ma Bo, who looked like he had changed. He knew in his heart that this collision referee would not call a foul, so after a brief astonishment. He immediately flew up and jumped on.However, Ma Bo, who knew his speed was not fast, flew first. After catching the ball, he dribbled the ball along the three-point line without stopping and facing Zhao Senming.

After passing the ball, Li Lin did not rush into the inside line, but stood in place and made a one-block screen for Ma Bo. The two have been playing together for many years. Needless to say, Ma Bo has a wonderful hand to pass the ball. Give it to Li Lin, and then circumventing Li Lin's body, he escaped Fu Zijun and slammed into the inside line empty-handed.

Zhao Senming wanted to chase him, but Li Lin's broad body blocked his way. Fu Zijun wanted to chase him, but he was afraid of Li Lin’s stellar COSCO, so Li Lin became an uncontrolled child for a while and turned around to pick him up. After staying with the basketball that Li Lin was hanging in, it was a lick of the basket.

Yanling Fengren stared Liu Yang from beyond the three-point line and was beyond reach.Han Dengyun moved too slowly and was unable to return to heaven.Therefore, everyone can only watch Mabo easily score two points with ease.There are many changes in the pick-and-roll tactics, but most of the offenses are initiated by the smaller player in control of the ball. The pick-and-roll cooperation between Li Lin and Ma Bo is the opposite. Reverse running to the basket, quite a bit of Princeton's charm.

In the NBA, the Sacramento Kings, the representative team of the "Princeton System", has gradually begun to decline. With the age of Divac and Weber, this once-popular tactic seems to be eliminated by the times. After all, there are fewer and fewer elders, and the seven-footers who can pass the ball are even rarer.After Divac, there may be Brad Miller, but the day when Miller gets old, it may be the day when this tactic is dead in the NBA.

Of course, Princeton's tactics are not as simple as the big one passing the ball from the high post.The motto of "Princeton play" is "Strong can take advantage of the weak, and smart can take advantage of the strong." The essence of this play is "human movement, ball movement, coordinated." Human movement means moving without the ball. , Air cut and reverse run, the ball moves the ball continuously and shares the ball.Anti-running is the hallmark of Princeton's play.

Yan Lingfeng remembers that there was a time when the Houston Rockets, beloved by the majority of Chinese fans, also played the "Princeton" tactic for a period of time. It was after Rick Adelman took over as the coach, but Adelman was sadly reminded. In the end, there was no chance to win the coveted championship with the help of two superstars.The reason is the same as when he coached the Blazers and the Kings before, and that was the abhorrent injury.In the 2008 Western Conference semifinals, the Rockets and the Lakers fought for seven games. In the absence of both Yao Ming and McGrady, Adelman led a group of grassroots to fight the championship Lakers and long-time opponent "Zen Master" Phil. -Jackson is in desperation. If Yao Mai is present, it may be another result.

Of course, it cannot be said that the flash of Li Lin and Ma Bo means that Yantai No. 3 Middle School can play such complex tactics. Chen Xingping’s little bit is not to mention the “Princeton” system. I am afraid he may not be able to play Princeton University wherever he is. know.

Yan Lingfeng and Zhao Senming looked at each other, and they both saw a sense of relief in the eyes of each other. This is just a coincidence. If Yantai No. 3 Middle School can really attack this kind of attack regularly, they will probably not in the first game. Embarrassed like that.

After Shuiyun No. 1’s offense, Yan Lingfeng attracted the opponent’s double-teaming in a low post, and passed the ball to undefended Sun Feiying. Unfortunately, Sun Feiying’s three-point long shot missed the rim and knocked on the rim. After the frontier bounced up high, Han Dengyun suddenly burst into a small universe. He ate spinach with unlimited energy. He squeezed a step forward and stuck Ma Xinghui behind him. Then he jumped high and touched the ball with one hand to Sun Feiying. Unfortunately, Xia Yu has quickly returned to the defense, so Sun Feiying no longer rushed to shoot, but after dribbling back and forth for two steps, he took the ball and drew a circle around the three-point line.

Yan Lingfeng and Fu Zijun kept walking back and forth along the bottom line, and Han Dengyun repeated the hip-lifting action over and over again. The battle for the inside line is not all due to muscles. Sometimes he has to be careful, which is unfortunate. Han Dengyun is one such player. The number of his tricks is simply breathtaking. If the players who oppose him do not have a gentle temper, he will be mad with anger sooner or later.Ma Xinghui is not a particularly good-tempered person, so under the provocation of Han Dengyun's constant small actions, the anger in his chest has already burned. If it weren't for a referee who scrupulously looked at him with big eyes, he would have been a hug. Han Dengyun threw it off the court.

The attacking time is running out. Sun Feiying breathed a long sigh and suddenly accelerated the rhythm of the dribble. With the right foot as the axis, the left hand pulled the ball for a half turn and then suddenly stopped, and hit the ball with his crotch. After handing over his right hand, he turned his back to Xia Yu suddenly, and then changed directions twice, suddenly speeding up and passing through Xia Yu's side.Xia Xia Yu had already been dazzled by Sun Feiying's dazzling dribble. After watching Sun Feiying pass by, he suddenly recovered, but when he turned around, Sun Feiying had already jumped with the ball. Up.

This time he didn't pass the ball any more, but looked firmly at the basket and flicked his wrist, sending the ball out extremely softly.The basketball hit the rim again, but this time it didn't play jokes with Sun Feiying anymore, and fell into the net after a bit of a bump.


The two teams are standing on the same starting line again. Every lead of Yantai No. 3 Middle School seems to be unable to hold on for a long time. The players of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School are as if they can’t be dragged down, even if they are too far behind. He also smiled slightly and continued to attack in their own way.

After another missed shot in Yantai No. 3 Middle School, the referee blew the whistle at the end of the first quarter. The two teams finally got a tie temporarily after a fierce battle. This result seemed unexpected, but talented people who have watched the game Knowing that this makes sense. After all, Li Lin’s hand feels a bit too hot. He made 5 of 9 shots in a single quarter and 2 of 3 three-pointers. One person won the Yantai Third Middle School’s 18 points. 14 points, this kind of data also made the commentator's little Cui dumbfounded, and repeatedly exclaimed: "Yesterday we watched the match of Yantai No. 3 Middle School. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a ball of loose sand, but today they seem to have changed one. The team is the same. Can a team make such a big change just because there is one more person? Teacher Deng, would you give us an analysis?"

"That's for sure!" Deng Mingliang nodded confidently: "In the NBA, superstars can get a maximum salary, and average players get a middle class. Why? It's because superstars can earn so much. Many times their role is not only reflected in the data, a team has a superstar in the formation, the temperament of their entire team will change. Yantai No. 3 Middle School is like this, when No. 10 Li Lin is on the court, They seem to have a backbone. This is not a dependency that can be formed in two games in one game. Moreover, this Li Lin is a natural scorer. With him on the field, other people in Yantai Third Middle School can put more energy Investing in defense, so the Yantai No. 3 Middle School we saw today has changed so much from yesterday."

"Hehe, Teacher Deng’s analysis has always been so incisive!" Xiao Cui continued to ask after Deng Mingliang’s comment: "Teacher Deng, you just said that Li Lin is a natural scorer, so it’s different from the current rumors of'scoring machine' How does Li Jingyu compare?"

"This..." Deng Mingliang thought for a moment, and said in deep thought, "Each has its own merits! Li Lin's attack methods are more abundant, both inside and outside, but his speed and jumping are weak points. Li Jingyu's range of activities is more on the outside. Of course, his breakthrough ability is also very good, but his more powerful killer is his three-pointer. The left-handed player himself is difficult to defend when shooting, and his shooting has a little habitual fall back, which is even more No solution!"

"By the way, Teacher Deng, during the timeout, you left a riddle for all of us. Now you can reveal the answer for us? I believe that many viewers are waiting in front of the TV. !"

"This..." Deng Mingliang said hesitantly: "At that time, Li Lin's performance was not so outstanding, so Yantai No. 3 Middle School gave me the feeling like San Antonio Spurs, old-fashioned, calm, tepid but kills the enemy. Invisible, but now I have changed this view, because I found that they are actually more like the current Cleveland Cavaliers, the whole team revolves around LeBron James to play, just like Li Lin's position in Yantai No. 3 Middle School. "

"Teacher Deng, you have a problem for us, a riddle and two answers, what do you let our director do?" Xiao Cui grinned and complained. Although Yantai TV is not a wealthy unit, there are still no souvenirs. Will take it seriously, Xiao Cui said this only to make the live broadcast more interesting.

"Okay, you can take out five more souvenirs. Can you select five from the audience who responded to the Spurs and the Cavaliers?" It is not your own money that you dare to spend. Of course, Deng Mingliang won't hurt. .

"Okay!" Xiao Cui smiled boldly: "In that case, let's do it according to Teacher Deng's intentions! Let's start the lottery draw. I'll call it to start, and Teacher Deng will stop, can it?"

Li Lin sitting on the chair was drinking water. Chen Xingping did not listen to what Chen Xingping said, because he knew very well that Chen Xingping actually had nothing to say. All he could do was to motivate the players. Morale and the desire to win are nothing more than him. He doesn't lack both, so naturally there is no need to listen to the old man's noise.

There are obviously many people who have the same ideas as Li Lin. In fact, Chen Xingping is unreasonably worried. The game was broadcast live in Yantai. Most of the players’ family and classmates watched their performance in front of the TV. The teenagers did not admit defeat. How can you easily fail?

Xu Jianye was also talking eloquently, but compared with Chen Xingping, he had a lot of expectations. He put forward a relative solution to the negligence on both offensive and defensive ends of Shuiyun One Middle School in the first quarter. The players listened more seriously. It's about the team's victory and their own interests, how can they neglect it?

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