Rebirth of Basketball Boy

Chapter 125: Playing With Your Brain

It is true that Yan Lingfeng is acting, and his actions like this may seem shameless in Li Lin's eyes, but Yan Lingfeng has never been a "perfect boy", especially on the court, he is more in order to win. Can he be able to do everything, of course, he still disdains some actions that go against his conscience.

Li Lin swung his elbow to attack, and Yan Lingfeng fell to the ground. No matter whether Li Lin defeated Yan Lingfeng or not, the referee's sentence is understandable.So Li Lin just explained a few words symbolically and then silently retreated to the side. His original plan was to impose a slight punishment. He warned Yan Lingfeng a little, but he did not expect that Yan Lingfeng’s steel and iron bones would immediately change. It became a paper-clay figurine and fell down at the first touch, so Li Lin could only admit that she was unlucky.

The referee had already made a sentence, and Yan Lingfeng did not continue acting. However, in order to prevent the referee from making trouble for him afterwards, he still groaned off the court for a long time, if not for fear that the referee would wait impatiently. Forcing Shuiyun Yizhong to change, Yan Lingfeng might be able to linger.

Standing on the free throw line, Yan Lingfeng did not rush to make a shot. Instead, he took the ball and glanced back at Li Lin. The playful expression in his eyes almost made Li Lin attack on the spot, but Yan Lingfeng was also a man who knew the severity and feared the referee. Seeing what was coming, he immediately turned his head, took two shots and then looked at the basket and tapped his wrist.


Yan Lingfeng's free throws should be relatively stable, 42:35!The lead of Shuiyun No. 1 Middle School continues to expand, and it seems that winning the game seems to be no problem.

Gong Xiaobin in the box also had the same view, and sighed lightly: "This game, there is no suspense!"

"It's not necessarily the guidance of the palace." Compared with Cheng Zhiming, the young Sun Jie undoubtedly respects Gong Xiaobin's attitude a lot. He grew up watching the "Xiaoyao King" playing and grew up in awe of the banner of Shandong basketball. Have added.

"How to say?" Gong Xiaobin asked with a smile. Sun Jie was transferred to the first team last season, but he didn't get many chances to play.This season Gong Xiaobin intends to promote the "Youth Storm" in the team and promote a large number of young players, and Sun Jie is now the best card in his hand, so he has always been greenish with Sun Jie. Will not reprimand easily.

"Yesterday, the situation in Yantai No. 3 Middle School was worse than it is now, and the No. 10 is not there yet. They all gritted their teeth and insisted on winning..."

"Xiao Sun, you only know one thing and don't know the other!" Cheng Zhiming interrupted before Sun Jie said, "Who was their opponent yesterday? Today their opponent is not the vegetable team yesterday. Comparable, they may be able to reverse Long Island No. 6 Middle School, but they will definitely not be able to defeat my hometown soldiers!"

Sun Jie's face darkened, not because he was rebutted by Cheng Zhiming, but because he remembered the tragedy of the soldiers in his hometown who were slaughtered by the Laizhou No. 1 Middle School yesterday. He was born in 1987, his age and the players on the field were all Almost, so seeing his fellow villagers vulnerable to a blow, he was very uncomfortable, wishing to go to battle to kill the enemy himself.

"This number 11 is very good!" Gong Xiaobin ignored the argument between the two of them, but slowly said while looking at Yan Lingfeng's back. When he was young, he was a famous young and frivolous, and he rarely looked at the country. Someone who convinced him, even the "God of War" Liu Yudong or Wang Zhizhi when he was young, would find it difficult to get a favor from him.As he grows older, although he has matured a lot, the madness in his heart is hard to be weathered by the years, so the person who can make him say "good" must be really good, you must know The person who was praised by him last time was Yi Jianlian, who is now in full swing.

"Of course, don't look at whose fellow villager it is!" Cheng Zhiming said triumphantly, and Yan Lingfeng was praised by Gong Xiaobin, and he was also quite proud.

"Then tell me, where is he pretty good?" Gong Xiaobin is very helpless with his own captain. He has been admonishing him to speak more calmly when things happen many years ago, but he just can't listen, otherwise he is now. Achievements certainly don't stop there.

Cheng Zhiming replied without even thinking about it: "Is it necessary to talk about it? How good is his physical fitness, he can dunk at over 1.8 meters, how many people can find such a bounce in China?"

Gong Xiaobin sneered: "Naive! You really hit the dog after playing for so many years! I really want to reconsider whether to change the captain!"

"Don't tell me!" Cheng Zhiming hurriedly said with a smile: "Of course you don't have the palace to guide your eyes, so you don't have to worry about me grabbing your job in the future, right?"

Gong Xiaobin looked at Cheng Zhiming with a hippy smile and shook his head with a headache. This means that the current team is not picking up. Otherwise, Cheng Zhiming's character is really not suitable for the captain.

"What's the use of good physical fitness? Is Weidong's physical fitness good? Is Sun Jun's physical fitness good? Is the physical fitness of Shaanxi called Huguang good? But can ten Huguangs add up to one Hu Weidong? So it’s not just good physical fitness to play basketball well or not. The key depends on this!” Gong Xiaobin pointed to his head and sighed earnestly and instructed earnestly. What he said Hu Weidong and Sun Jun are both Chinese men’s basketball teams. A member of the "Golden Generation" and the most outstanding player in the second and third positions in China in the past decade, Hu Weidong is known as "China Jordan", and Sun Jun once scored 70 points in a CBA game, and they The two are representatives of what Gong Xiaobin called "playing with your brain". Although Hu Weidong is known as "Chinese Jordan", it does not mean that he can fly and jump, but that he and Jordan are on the basketball court. Just as smart.

Cheng Zhiming lowered his head as if he was being taught, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

"I don't deny that this No. 11 has good physical fitness, but the more important thing is that he uses his brain to direct his body on the court, not his body to dominate his brain! Look at his fall just now, we know that he is a fake The referee also knows about the fall, but the audience does not know about it. That's why so many people call for grievances for him, and the referee will definitely be affected by the audience unknowingly. This is a very clever use case. On, you two professional basketball players even want to learn from him!"

Cheng Zhiming stuck his tongue out, looking disapproving of Gong Xiaobin's words, but the young Sun Jie nodded thoughtfully, and then turned his gaze to the arena.

The game is still going on, but what makes Li Lin depressed is that in the past minute, not to mention the shooting score, he hasn't even touched the basketball, Yan Lingfeng's tight-fitting pressure on him is too tight. So that the teammates who had suffered several losses dare not pass the ball to him.

The score of Yantai No. 3 Middle School still stayed at 35 points, stagnating. Chen Xingping finally couldn't sit still anymore. After Feiying Sun broke through and scored another layup, he immediately gestured to the referee and asked for a timeout to see the score. The gap between the opponents has been widened to double digits. If you don't hurry to adjust, I am afraid that the entire second half will become garbage time.

Li Lin slowly walked off the field with a cold face, and sat down on a chair with a towel covering his head. Although he couldn't see his expression under the towel, his violent hands had already explained everything. I have lost, but this is the first time that something like this can't even get the ball happened.

Yan Lingfeng's defensive skills are actually not very good. More often, he is using his brain to defend like Gong Xiaobin said. There are several times if Ma Bo is determined to pass the ball to Li Lin, he cannot stop him. , But Ma Bo was scared, and as soon as he saw Yan Lingfeng rushing to grab the ball, he took the ball back, which also led to Yantai No. 3 Middle School's continued passive situation during this period.

Chen Xingping sighed lightly, clapped his hands and said: "Yesterday we were behind by more than ten points in the game, but in the end we gritted our teeth and got back. Since we could do it yesterday, we must be able to do it today too!"

The players were expressionless. They were tired of listening to Chen Xingping's style. He might not be so offended to hear two sentences when he was leading, but now the team has fallen behind so much. He still said these unnutritious words. , It will inevitably make them feel angry.Yesterday’s game fell behind because they underestimated the enemy at the beginning. The game in the district Lien Chan Lien Jie has greatly inflated their self-confidence, so after a basin of cold water was poured, they calmed down, so they can achieve a go-ahead. .But today's opponents completely suppressed them with their strength. If Chen Xingping can't come up with a practical and effective plan at this time, then this game won't have to go on.It's not that their desire to win is not strong, nor is it lack of fighting spirit, but that they have all the strength but can't beat the actual aggrieved.

"Coach, I'm okay, I can play now!" Lu Peng, who had been sitting at the end of the bench watching his teammates being slaughtered, finally couldn't help but stand up and ask for his orders.

Chen Xingping hesitated for a while, and finally chose to compromise. Lu Peng's presence on the field can at least guarantee the thickness of their team's defense. Even if the offense is weak, they will not be as passive as they are now. At that time, the scores of the two sides were stuck and the teeth were staggered. He could rest assured that Lu Peng Come down to rest, but now I dare not do it.Nodded lightly and said: "Well then, but pay attention to your body..."

"Coach, I think we should strengthen our defense too!" Li Lin suddenly lifted the towel on her head and sat up straight and continued: "Obviously now the opponent is focusing most of their energy on defense. , So they did not go all out on the offensive end. In this case, if we still want to kill the opponent by offense, I personally feel that it is really stupid. Because in this way, we can’t attack and defend. If you can't help it, it makes sense to fall into the passive!"

Chen Xingping hesitated and said, "But we are behind now! How can we chase points without attacking?"

"Chasing points?" Li Lin pulled out a sarcasm smile, "Coach, can I ask you a question?"

"You ask!" Chen Xingping knew that this question was not so easy to answer, but he couldn't refuse without listening to the public, so he nodded after thinking a little bit.

"What do you think is our hope of winning this game?" Li Lin stared at Chen Xingping's eyes and asked softly. He thought about it carefully when he covered his face with a towel. From the end of the last timeout to this timeout, Yan Lingfeng's words and deeds flashed through his mind like a movie, and he finally realized that he had fallen into Yan Lingfeng's calculations from beginning to end.This made him very annoyed, but at the same time he felt a faint fear in his heart.It is his luck to have such an opponent, but at the same time, is it not a kind of misfortune?

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