"Hui'er, stop talking, Feiying has tried his best. Besides, if we didn't have his three-pointer, we would have lost." Can't bear to watch Sun Feiying, the birthday star, continue to push, Lu Yunxue softly persuades.

"Humph!" Tian Huiwu glared at Sun Feiying in a self-confidently, "For the sake of Xue'er's face, I will spare you temporarily, but you remember, the old lady hasn't settled this account with you yet! "

"There is a shrew in the house, like a tiger." Yan Lingfeng sighed quietly, buried his head under the table, but before he could finish his emotions, his *** was pinched, and he looked up and saw Lu Yunxue cold. Yan Lingfeng's eyes trembled, and he said with a smile: "I said she, said her!"

"I can't say no one!" Lu Yunxue gritted his teeth and whispered in a small half circle angrily: "Don't think I don't know what you think in your heart, you can see how I clean up you!"

Yan Lingfeng sighed to the sky, wanting to cry without tears, what kind of era is this?Is it possible to re-enter the matrilineal clan society?

The meal was eaten very quickly. Because the crowds of tigers were waiting, the gay men were not in the mood to drink, so it ended in a hurry in less than an hour. After a few handfuls of cream were symbolically applied to Sun Feiying’s face, this The birthday party is over.

Back to school, the campus was quiet during the lunch break. The girls went to the classroom together, leaving five old men with nowhere to go. After wandering around the campus like ghosts and ghosts, they ended up in Sat down at the back of the teaching building.

"Oh, I can't live this day!" As soon as he sat down, Sun Feiying shook his head and sighed. Tian Hui, a girl who is obsessed with basketball, is not inferior to any boy. This allows Sun Feiying to find a confidant and also has a kind of It feels strange because it is difficult to get an answer to the question whether Tian Hui likes him more or basketball. But now it seems that basketball is a little heavier, which also makes Shou Xing feel very hurt.

"Who said no?" Han Dengyun was unexpectedly melancholy once, sitting next to Sun Feiying and shaking his head and sighed: "A fair lady, a gentleman is so beautiful! I can't ask for it, I can't help it! You said that Han Dengyun is also a talent, why? It's so hard to chase a girl!"

"Dengyun, after thinking about something, I decided to tell you again, but I hope you can be mentally prepared, don't..." Xiang Qingyun said seriously, looking at Han Dengyun's eyes. Very serious.

Han Dengyun was taken aback, sat down tightly, took a deep breath and nodded and said, "Say it, I can hold it!"

Yan Lingfeng and others were also interested, and the four of them stared at Xiang Qingyun's face with all their eyes.

Xiang Qingyun closed her eyes and let out a sigh of relief, and then said: "You go to Yantai to compete in these two days, a man from Class 7 launched a crazy pursuit of my sister..."

"Cut!" Han Dengyun lost interest as soon as he heard it, and waved his hand nonchalantly: "I thought it was something that made you so serious, isn't it normal? It would be strange if your sister didn't chase me. !"

"Listen to me!" Xiang Qingyun said sternly: "This time is different from before. This kid is rich in his family, and his appearance can be thrown out of ten streets. I can feel that this time my sister has a little bit Moved."

Han Dengyun is still smiling, but his smile is obviously bitter, "It's going to rain, my mother wants to marry, if your sister likes me, it is my good fortune. If your sister doesn't feel about me, then why should I interfere with her? Do you like others?"

"Bastard!" Xiang Qingyun stood up furiously and kicked Han Dengyun's chest, his face turned red, and he pointed at Han Dengyun and cursed: "Han Dengyun, are you fucking a man? Below you? Are there any eggs? Don’t even dare to pursue your own love boldly, do you...do you fucking know what Yu Chengwei is like? I think I have a few stinky money, but I don’t know what his surname is. Why? Why does he think he can chase my sister if he has money? If he has money, he will be able to buy the little master? It's a shame, the little master has lived such a big life, he is the one who lacks everything My mother is not short of money! Han Dengyun, you babes, I ask you one last time, do you like my sister or not?"

Han Dengyun looked at Xiang Qingyun muttering dumbly, and nodded blankly.

"Dengyun, Yu Chengwei, I know that Qingyun is right at all. He does please girls very much, and more importantly, his academic performance is very good. Even if it is not as good as Xiangziyan, he is definitely in the city. The level of the top ten. If you don't hurry up, then it is really dangerous." Fu Zijun said to the side, obviously he also hopes that Han Dengyun can walk with Xiang Ziyan.

Sun Feiying also frowned and asked: "Dengyun, have you pursued Fragrant Purple Smoke seriously?"

"No." Han Dengyun shook his head in frustration, "but I know she must have no feeling for me! Because she never seemed to look at me with her straight eyes!"

"You know what a fart, you know!" Sun Feiying was angry and shook her head and said: "You haven't tried it, so how can you know that she doesn't feel anything about you? I feel that Xiangziyan can't like that Yu Chengwei. It can be seen from Qingyun that she is not a vain girl, so why don't you give it a try?"

This is really a teamwork. Yan Lingfeng sat and watched the lively and smiled without talking. According to the memory of previous lives, if there were no accidents, then Han Dengyun and Xiang Ziyan would definitely end up together, and they would walk in together. In the palace of marriage, Yan Lingfeng would put on a posture of watching a play, because he knew it well, so there was no need to worry about these two people.

Han Dengyun was inspired by the remarks of several brothers, and slowly raised his head and asked, "Can I really?"

"Trust me, you can do it!" Fu Zijun patted him heavily on the shoulder and encouraged, then turned to ask Xiang Qingyun, "Does your sister have anything special? It's not just Christmas. We will help." Deng Yun has a good plan!"

"Christmas is too late, maybe the day lily will be cold by then!" Xiang Qingyun shook her head slightly: "To be honest, I don't know exactly what she likes so much. All I can tell you is this Thursday. It's my birthday!"

"Your kid is too much! At this time, it's too shameless to plan to rip off, right?" Fu Zijun rolled his eyes with a little dissatisfaction on his face.

"You fool!" Sun Feiying reprimanded unceremoniously: "Don't you know that Qingyun and Ziyan are twin brothers, isn't Qingyun's birthday the same as Ziyan's birthday? Ling Feng, do you have any good suggestions?"

Without hearing Yan Lingfeng's answer, Sun Feiying turned her head in a puzzled way, only to find that Yan Lingfeng's eyes were looking straight ahead, with a little bit of fear in his eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Sun Feiying became more puzzled, and turned his head to follow Yan Lingfeng's gaze, but he couldn't help being stunned when he saw it, and stood about ten meters away from them with a smile. Very insidious person, this person is very familiar to them, not someone else, it is their lovely and respectable head teacher, Zhu Yao.

Zhu Yao slowly approached them like a cunning hunter with a smile on his face. At this time, Fu Zijun and Han Dengyun came back to their senses. They climbed up with hands and feet and lowered their heads. They were like criminals waiting to be pronounced.

"What are you talking about?" Zhu Yao's voice is as gentle as the spring breeze in March, but Yan Lingfeng is convinced that once their answer makes Zhu Yao dissatisfied, the spring breeze in March will immediately become "February spring breeze is like scissors."

"Teacher, we are talking about life, ideals, and learning!" Han Dengyun and Zhu Yao have never been so accustomed to each other, so even though he was arrested, he was not so scared in his heart. He smiled and played haha ​​with a big face. Tao.

"Oh? What did you talk about? What is your ideal?" Zhu Yao asked curiously.

"My ideal is to be a gardener like you in the future, the silkworms will be exhausted when the silkworms die, and the wax torch will turn into ashes and tears will begin to dry! There are no many roads to Pengshan, and the blue bird is diligent to look around!" Han Dengyun opened his mouth to answer , There was no lag in the slightest, and the two of them looked like he couldn't make a fart with three sticks.

"Oh, isn't it? Just stand at attention!" Zhu Yao suddenly put away the smiling expression on his face, and Leng Sheng scolded.

Yan Lingfeng's heart burst, knowing that Zhu Yao was going to play for real, and stood upright and lowered his head to make a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"Say, where did you go at noon today? Yan Lingfeng, you say!" Zhu Yao didn't bother to listen to the slick Han Dengyun, so he directly named Yan Lingfeng.

Yan Lingfeng smiled bitterly. Zhu Yao, who has a bright eye like a torch, must have seen the clues in the classroom, so he played the trick of waiting for the rabbit. He was so stupid that he had concealed the past, but he did not expect it. Mogao one foot high and one zhang high Jiang is always old and spicy, and Zhu Yao calmly killed them all.

"What's the matter? Nothing to say?" Zhu Yao sneered: "I tell you, don't think that after a few days in the school team, you will be different. Even if you win the championship, your identity will remain the same. They are students who are bound to study! Not to mention that you have not won the championship! The past events are over, and I won’t be held accountable for how you mess around, but from today, from now on, you must give me old Work and rest honestly like others, do you understand?"

"Um..." Several people replied weakly and prolonged.

Zhu Yao was obviously very dissatisfied. He grabbed Han Dengyun's big ears and asked, "Remember?"

"Ah! It hurts!" Han Dengyun jumped up and said, "Remember, remember, teacher, be lighter!"

"Xiang Qingyun, don't think I can't see you if you hide behind, you should also pay attention to me, don't mix with them all day, you know?" Zhu Yao taught these five unconscious students one by one. After one time, he waved his hand and said, "Go and run 100 laps around the teaching building! You are not allowed to go back to the classroom! Don’t rape me and slippery. If you miss one lap, I will be fined ten laps. , Do you understand?"

Zhu Yao's Putonghua is very standard, the words are round, and Yan Lingfeng and others can understand it naturally, but when they think of being embarrassed in the public, they will inevitably be unable to pull their legs.

"Teacher, let's go to the playground, can we?" Sun Feiying asked tentatively.

"Yes!" Zhu Yao spoke very well, nodding his head readily and said: "100 laps, go!"

Zhu Yao’s words immediately caused the five people to bow their heads feebly, and ran around the teaching building for about 200 meters, but the playground was a standard 400-meter track, and the difference was big. Go, as long as their heads are not burnt, they will naturally not torture themselves.

[The red ticket has stalled, crying.Everyone rewards a few more red tickets to give Changan a chance to add more, okay?Ask for collection, ask for collection]

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